Commander Murphy's Woman


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"I want you flat on your back first." She smiled gently at him and moved to kiss him lightly on the lips. She passed her hands tenderly over his forehead. She looked at his head very carefully. "Oh! What is this above your right eyebrow? A little scar?"

"Yeah, I got hit by a little piece of shrapnel there."

"Does it bother you any?"

"Not at all." She leaned down and kissed it. She checked his neck and then moved to his shoulders and upper chest. She traced her gentle fingers over a long almost invisible scar running from his left shoulder down to the left hip. She examined it and said, this looks old, what is it from?"

"Naval Academy training exercise, I had to throw myself on a roll of barbed wire and let a boatload of other guys run across the wire by stepping on my back. I got scratched trying to get off the damned thing."

"That sounds like fun."

"Yeah!" she caressed his chest. Not missing an inch. She put a little finger on two small round white spots on his lower chest. "Are these bullet wounds?"

"Yeah, Afghanistan. Luckily they went through lots of winter clothing and a flack jacket. They didn't do much damage,"

"What about this white spot on the other side?"

"Kuwait, bullet wound."

"What about this angry looking one on your hip, I haven't noticed it before?"

"That is from Kuwait, the guy in front of me stepped on a land mine when we were coming ashore there. The one on my left thigh is from that too." She ran her little warm hands down his thighs and told him to spread his legs. She checked out the front of his thighs and lower legs. She lifted his left foot and looked at it then picked up the right foot. She put it down then picked it back up. She looked up at him, "I just noticed. How could I have missed it? You only have four toes on your right foot."

"Really? I wonder what happened to it."

"Oh Andy don't tease me! I can't believe I didn't notice it before." She looked at him very seriously, "Do I need to check your back before I examine your sexual equipment?"

"I don't know, I have been told there are a few dings back there too."

"On your tummy big guy, right now. I'll check the plumbing later."

"Aw shucks, the front is a lot more interesting than the back."

"I know Sweetie, I want to devote more time to your little pee-pee and ballies."

"What? I'm not that small, am I?"

"No babe, you are not small at all. You are perfect for me. I wouldn't change a thing if I could. Guys are very sensitive about their size aren't they?"

"I don't know. You are the first girl that ever said I was small."

"I never said that, you are not small at all; you are perfect for me, Andy, just perfect. Now turn over. Oh! What is this circle scar here?"

"That is a scar covering an exit hole. The entrance is the little round hole I got in Kuwait."

"What is this scar on your cute little tush?"

"That is where they got the skin and meat to cover the exit wound." He felt her warm lips press against the two scars. Her hands caressed his ass and then spread his cheeks wide open. He felt the lips touch his rectum. "You have an adorable little asshole, I love it." He felt a wet warm tongue lightly rub across it. He could feel her face buried in his ass. Then it was gone.

"All right big man, over on your back." He rolled over and he felt her hand on his penis. He watched as she closely examined it as it quickly responded to her touch. In no time it was fully engorged. She giggled, "I thought he was asleep, Boy was I wrong. Wow did he ever grow fast." She rubbed the head of his cock over her cheek. "Oh! He is so smooth and silky feeling. I can feel your pulse in him. May I kiss him?"

"He belongs to you, dear. Do what ever you want with him." He felt her hands playing with his 'ballies'. She gently spread the skin of his scrotum and then rolled his testicles around in her hands. He felt her warm lips again; they closed around one of his balls and sucked it into her mouth. He gasped. She ran her tongue around it and then dropped it and moved and slurped the other ball in her warm mouth. She gently sucked on it. She let it drop from her mouth. "Oh! Your ball sack is shrinking up! Goodness, I can't hold them anymore."

He felt her tongue lick along the shaft of his cock and then slip over the head and hold the helmet in her sweet hot mouth. For a long time she didn't move. Then she lifted her head, "I really love the feeling of just holding you in my mouth. Does it feel good to you?"

"Honey, you have my permission to hold him there all you want. I am not sure of how long I can take it with out moving a little but I'll try."

Her mouth slipped down over his cock again. She was still for a while then her tongue slipped up and down the bottom of the shaft. He moaned softly. She lifted and licked all around the head of his cock several times. Then she plunged back down over him. She felt the feather light touch of his hands on her head. She waited to see if he were going to try and guide her actions. He didn't try to influence her movements at all. She smiled to herself and started stroking up and down with her mouth and allowing more and more saliva to coat his cock. She slid her hands in time with her head slipping smoothly along the shaft in her saliva.

She felt him begin moving his hips in time with her head. He was gently thrusting further and further into her mouth. Then he realized what he was doing and stopped his movement. She pulled off of him. A strand of saliva strung between her lips and his cock. "Please don't stop that. I love your gentle fucking of my mouth, it feels good."

"I like it too, but I am about ready to cum. Where do you want me to cum?"

"Where ever you want, I do want to taste your cum. Slurp!" He looked down and saw her watching him. He saw the corners of her mouth turn up as she tried to smile at him. He couldn't hold back any longer, "Here it comes."

He felt the flood of feeling rush through his body as the sperm shot from his cock into her mouth. He saw her eyes widen as the cum spurted down her throat. She swallowed rapidly while holding her lips tightly around his shaft trying to keep her mouth from overflowing with the volume of creamy sperm that pulsed from his cock.

He saw a little trickle of cum leak from the corner of her mouth; he reached down and lifted the gob of cum from her chin with his finger. He smiled as he carried it to his mouth and sucked it in. She wiggled up over his body and pressed her mouth to his. His lips parted and she let the sperm flow from her mouth to his. Her tongue followed it in and spread it around in his mouth. She felt him swallow. She pulled back, "Hey! I wanted half of that back. Your cum is delicious, I love it."

She looked at him and crawled up and sat next to him. She ran her little hand down his cheek, "Sugar, I love you with all my heart. I want to get a few things out of the way before they become a problem, OK."

"Sure, what is the problem?" I don't know if it is a problem, I don't want it to ever be a problem. I was only teasing you when I said you had a little 'pee-pee'. You are far from being small. Like I said, you are perfect for me. Have I had bigger? Yes I have. Was Rem bigger? Yes he is. What you have to understand is that bigger is not necessarily better. In Rem's case he always hurt me. Sometimes so bad I bled from it. I think he enjoyed hurting me. You never bring me anything but extreme pleasure. Have I ever dreamed of his cock at night? NO! Do I ever dream of your Little 'Pee- pee'? Yes, every night since I first saw and felt it. Now one last thing, Your cock is perfect for me, it fills me just right, he hits all my good places, but he doesn't hit my cervix and hurt me. I really love him. He is just a part of the whole man I love more than life it's self. That's how I feel, I'll never tease you about him again."

Andy smiled gently at her. "Thank you girl. I have only one thing to say. You are my dream woman, every thing I have ever wanted in a woman." Her eyes searched his. She smiled and snuggled to his chest and sighed. "Please hold me, Andy, I am so afraid."

"Don't be scared, girl, every thing will be alright. Tell me, tell me what frightens you?"

"I am afraid I'll loose you. I am afraid you don't love me. I am afraid about tomorrow, about you getting hurt, about Molly being hurt, about you not loving Molly, about if you are ready for such a big change in your life, going from a foot loose and fancy free bachelor to a married man with a family."

"You are being a silly girl, I am a very careful guy, and I have no intention of getting hurt. That is not important anyway, everything will be concentrated on Molly's safety. And as for the rest of your worries, they are silly, I will always love you, Molly is part of you, I will love her as if she were my own. I don't know if I can father children, I have never tried. I do want a child to love. I will have that. You are giving me everything I have ever dreamed of." He felt her little body shaking and her hot tears on his chest.

"Baby, please don't cry. Please believe me every thing will be fine, I promise." Angie sniffled, "I, I, I ammm sooo lucky to have youu. I love you." They cuddled and soon fell asleep.

It was 4 hours before daylight when they met out side and a convoy of SUVs, trucks, and busses left the compound for the 100 mile trip. They traveled on narrow country roads until they hit the primary roads at Williston, and after 50 miles they were back on secondary roads again to their destination.

The Community Center in Horsehead Beach was crowded with men and equipment. Different forces were dispersed and the police and a detachment of Florida National Guard engineers left first to blockade the causeway to the island. The command headquarters was in a State Emergency Command Post Vehicle. It moved out next. Angie was with Jeff aboard the big converted motorhome, Andy followed behind in a SUV with several of his men. Another SUV carrying the Fox reporters was behind him.

All units reported in place at dawn. The Power Company crew shut the power to the Island off on a signal from Jeff. About five minutes later the lights came back on out on the island. Andy pulled through the roadblock and picked up a phone. He pressed a button.

Back in the Command Vehicle Angie and Jeff and others heard the sound of the phone ringing. It was amswered. Andy's voice came in loud and clear, "May I please speak with Mister Remington Petrelli." A voice answered, "One moment please."

"This is Remington Petrelli, who is this?"

"Mr. Petrelli, this is Andrew Murphy, commander of a mixed command of Sheriff's Department Officers, Florida National Guard, FBI and other Federal Agents here to arrest you on numerous charges, namely, kidnapping, attempted kidnapping, attempted murder, child abuse, violation of a Court Order, and other minor charges. We have overwhelming forces arrayed against you, please surrender the child first. Then surrender your self. In case you don't believe me please look toward the land end of the causeway. You see here about 100 armed men. Look around you, you see twenty airboats. There are four sightseeing type airboats carrying twenty armed men each, the rest of the boats carry four men with two automatic weapons each. On the north you can see ten helicopters. Four are attack helicopters. The remainder are troop carriers. High above us is a flight of F-15 attack jets. Can you see what is lined up against you?"

"Yes I see what you are talking about. I warn you it will be costly to attack here."

"If you are counting on your mine field I need to let you know that all the mines outside your wire were disabled or removed early this morning as were the explosives along the causeway and under the bridge. We are prepared to starve you out if we have to."

"What kind of deal can I get if I release the little girl."

"I am authorized to negotiate a release of the girl. Or a total surrender, or a head start for you under certain conditions."

"What do I have to do to get a head start?"

"First you must release the girl before I can negotiate anything else. To help you decide I'll tell you what, some of my forces will come out on the causeway and get the girl, then you can pick one of your men to come out and have a no holds bared hand to hand with one of my people. I will send four men forward to get the child; you pick the one you want to have your man fight, when the child is safe. I have to add that if the child is injured or killed my orders are to just destroy the island with 500 pound bombs. OK? "

"Hey! I will release the child unharmed."

"Ok, we are coming out to get her now. Have someone walk down the causeway with the girl fifty feet and we will meet him there. Then we can discuss the other options. Nothing will be negotiated until the girl is free."

Dave, BBB, and a giant of a man named Rudy climbed in too. They stopped about 50 feet from the gate in the fence. The SUV turned around. A cameraman and a reporter got out of the other SUV and started filming. The four men got out. Andy walked forward and met the woman leading the little girl by the hand. Andy dropped to one knee. He held his hands out to the adorable little blond girl. "Molly, my name is Andy, I am a friend of your mommy's. I am here to take you to her. She cries all the time because she misses you so much. Won't it be fun to see and hug and kiss your mommy?" The girl nodded rapidly and said, "I want my mommy." Andy picked her up in his arms and carried her to the SUV. He opened the rear door and handed her to a man and shut the door. The SUV sped off. Andy pulled a walkie- talkie from his pocket, "Angie, she is on her way, she looks like she is all right?"

"Andy, thank you, thank you with all my heart. Now I need you. Please come to me now."

"Honey I would love to, but your ex has to be taken care of so this never happens again. See you soon." He turned and walked back to the other men. He raised the phone, "Mr. Petrelli, can you hear me?"

"Yes. Now let's get down to business. We have plenty of food and water. We can hold out for a long time."

"Come on Petrelli, get serious, you have a 500 gallon tank of fuel for your generator, it is not full. You have somewhat less than 25 hours of fuel. That's about two days. Then your large supply of frozen food starts melting. If you surrender the prosecutors will be less inclined to press for the death penalty. You could be out in twenty years with good behavior."

"What about the fight you mentioned, tell me about that."

"It will be a no holds bared unarmed combat. The last man standing wins. You can pick one of your men to fight one of the four men standing here. You pick which man you want your man to fight. IF my man wins you surrender yourself and the people on the island at once. If your man wins you may take any one vehicle on the island and there will be no pursuit for six hours. No airports, ship ports train stations, or other exits from this country will be closed for six hours. If you are caught there will be no plea bargains. I must warn you all of my men are trained military men. I need to say that my air assets have orders to wipe out the island at the first sign of treachery. What is your choice?"

"Why are you giving me the chance to escape? It doesn't add up."

"Well it was not my idea. The powers that be are afraid of a large loss of life among the people on the island. It would not look good in the press at this time."

"Yeah! Another 'Branch Devidian', or what ever it was, wouldn't be too good for that idiot in the White House. How do I choose which man to fight?"

"The man on your far left is number one, the man next to him is number two, and so on."

"I'll take number four."

"Wait there are only three men here."

"You said I could choose from the four men. Right?" Andy turned and pretended to have an argument with the three men. He turned back, "I have been told you are correct. I will fight your man."

"Good! I will fight you myself."

"I am not surprised, your wife told me you were sort of a wimp and would only fight someone much smaller than yourself. She said you like to fight small women and babies. Right? She said you would never stand up to a real man. She said you claim to have a belt in karate. It must be a pink belt with lace trim."

"You are going to be fun. Where and when?"

"Here and now. Strip to the waist. Then come and take your spanking." After removing his shirt Andy walked forward half way to the gate. The gate opened and a large blond man swaggered toward Andy. He stopped ten feet from him. He turned and started to circle Andy. Andy circled with him maintaining the same distance between them. Petrelli sped up and turned quickly toward Andy. Andy jumped back and pretended to stumble a little. The bigger man leaped at him and threw a vicious karate chop at Andy's neck. Andy pulled back and as the blow went past him his hand flashed out and slapped the yellow haired man across the face. The larger man stepped back and grinned, "Is that as hard as you can hit little man?"

Andy faked a spin kick and when Petrelli moved to counter the kick he received a sharp blow to the solar plexus, knocking part of the wind out of him with a loud woof. Andy grinned at him. "When are you going to hit me, sissy panty boy?"

Rem threw a series of chops with both hands. None connected but his legs were chopped out from under him with an unexpected kick from a retreating motion. The huge man never saw the kicks coming. He landed on his back. He struggled to his feet and was hit by a straight left jab to the nose. Blood poured down over his chest. Andy stood in front of him in a boxing stance only with his hands flat and not in a fist. Petrelli growled and charged. A hard right hand caught him in the face followed by a left hook to the ear. Andy stepped back and smiled. "When are we going to start fag boy, are you ready yet?" A hard fist connected with the taller mans right eye. He never saw it coming. He stepped back and wiped the blood from his split eyebrow above his right eye. He dodged a right hand only to be hit in the ribs by a hard kick. He shook the blood from his face and was rocked by right cross to the body followed quickly by a kick that caught him high on the chest. He retreated and wiped his eyes with his hands. Andy stood in front of him smiling. Petrelli shuffled forward jabbing at Andy's face. Not one blow connected. Then the big man's legs were swept from under him and he landed on his chest and face. A steel grip closed on the side of his neck and he slumped to the ground.

Andy stood and said to his men, "Cuff him. Call and tell everyone it's over. Tell them to send the troops out to round up the people inside. You might tell them to send an ambulance for Petrelli I know he has broken ribs." BBB walked to Andy grinning and draped a huge arm around him, "Boss, why didn't you hurt him some for little Angie?"

"Hell, I was hurting my hands on that hard head of his. He will be hurting for a while. I didn't want to be accused of torturing my prisoner."

The cameraman and the reporter walked forward filming as they came. A SUV came speeding down the causeway and skidded to a stop in front of them. The driver's door flew open and Angela ran to them and stopped and looked at Andy, she turned and looked at Rem lying on the road on his face in handcuffs. She looked back at Andy. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, girl I'm OK I guess."

She stepped closer to him and looked carefully at him then threw her arms around his neck and kissed him for a long time. She grinned at him, "You did it, and you got my baby back. She even asked me who the nice man was that saved her. I am so glad you didn't fight Rem. He is too big." BBB and Dave laughed. "Angie, Sweetie you should have seen it, you are right it wasn't no fight it was a whipping, a serious thrashing. He never even touched the boss."
