Trophy Wives


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She was researching things like threesomes, oral sex, anal sex, karma sutra, sex toys, fetishes, and lots of other things. I saw her going to websites with erotic stories and some of the stories made me blush. I even went so far as to look at her credit card records online and saw several purchases at the local sex store. They were relatively small amounts, which implied toys of some kind, but there were so many to choose from, there was no way to know what she was buying.

The scale in our bathroom is one that you can set up users for and it will track your weight. I pulled up her information and saw that in the last two weeks she had lost over 15 pounds. She hadn't even been close to overweight before, but she was looking killer now. At least I assumed she was. We still had sex, but it was always in bed in the dark. She always ended up showering at the gym now, so I never really got to see my new wife naked.

Then I had to go on a business trip. Clients needed my help for a few days out of state. I made it very clear to Peggy that she was to do nothing with Stephen until I got back. I didn't want to get home from my trip to find a video of my wife and Stephen. I couldn't control when Howard wanted to do my session with Jessica (or at least that is what I told her), but she can very easily wait until I get home to mess around with Stephen. She agreed and chuckled and my protectiveness.

It was a four day trip, and on the second day, I got a call from Peggy saying that Howard had shown up at our house looking for me. When she asked if she could relay a message, he had just told her that I would know what he wanted. When Peggy asked what that meant, I told her it was work stuff and I'd take care of it. I asked her if they had talked at all about what Jessica and I did, and she said she didn't know how to bring that kind of thing up, so she hadn't tried.

I guessed I could call up Howard and tell him that I had shown the video to Peggy, but he would want proof, and that would mean that he would want to talk to Peggy about it. I hadn't figured out how to do that part yet, so I was content to just leave the video in our DVD collection for now, and show it to Howard any time he came over.

When I got back, Peggy greeted me with a kiss at the door. It was late summer, but she was wearing loose fitting jeans and an oversized T-shirt. I wanted to see how good she looked, but she wasn't giving me any opportunities.

"Were you good while I was a way?" I asked.

"I didn't touch anyone. I did talk with Stephen on the phone though, and he is coming over this Saturday."

It was Thursday now. "And this is it?"

She nodded, not able to keep the smile off her face.

"And how did that conversation go?" I asked, curious on how she would seduce him over the phone.

"I called him up, asked him if he could come over for a cook out on Saturday, and he said yes."

"You didn't talk about sex?"

She shook her head. "I'm planning on seducing him on the spot."

"And what are you going to do with me?"

"You are going to have a surprise doctor's appointment."

"A surprise appointment?" I asked.

"Yes. You had an appointment for Monday, but the doctor is going to call on Saturday when Stephen is here saying that something came up, and he can't see you on Monday anymore, but he can see you right now, if you are able. So you will have to leave us. You will get in your car, drive around the block, park, and then hurry back. If you are fast enough you will beat us upstairs and hide out in the closet. I checked it out and you can fit a chair in there nicely, and with the door cracked, you have a perfect view of the bed."

"Sounds like you've got it all figured out," I said.

"You've been psychoanalyzing our relationship when that is supposed to be my job, so I thought I'd try my hand at doing yours." She kissed me again, and then took me upstairs to give me a blow job. It had the desired affect, and I didn't ask any more questions.

Chapter 8: The Cook Out

Saturday came quickly. In the morning Peggy went to the gym yet again. I could only assume that she had been there while I was gone too. I checked the scale again, and so far this 3-week exercise and diet binge had taken 20 lbs off her. I didn't know there were 20 pounds to take off. I could only guess it was in her thighs and stomach. I hoped her butt wasn't too much smaller, but I really didn't know.

The BJ on Thursday had been like all the others before it. She kept her clothes on and caught my stream in a ready tissue. Her pajamas were loose, as all PJs are, and she still was only showering at the gym. I busied myself by mowing the lawn and cleaning up the patio furniture in the back.

My wife was long in coming back, so I made sure the burgers and brats were ready to go and we had all the right condiments. I made a trip run to the store to get some more beer, and when I got back, Peg still wasn't home. I began to get worried as the clock neared 12:00, when Stephen was supposed to come over.

Finally at 11:55, I heard her pull into the garage. She came running in, and I barely saw her as she raced upstairs. "Can you get some things out of the car?" she called down to me as I was left in her wake. "I have to change."

"Okay," I said. Something was up, and I didn't know if I liked it. She was putting way more effort into this date with Stephen than she ever had with me. I was starting to get a bit jealous, but then I began to think of our Open Marriage agreement. From what I had read, jealousy was supposed to be a big part of it. Watching your wife with someone else got you jealous, but then the stranger went home, and your wife was once again all yours.

Peggy was transforming her body, and so far I hadn't gotten a chance to really see it. She was saving everything for her big encounter with Stephen, which I got to watch. I got to experience her sexually from a third person vantage point, which was how I had gotten to experience Jessica before our encounter. The build up increases until I'm dying to have her, and then I have to watch her with someone else. That would make me explode, I knew, but after it was all over, she would be my wife and I would get to do anything I wanted to her. I hoped it would all be worth it.

In the car, Peggy had picked up some chips and a couple salads. I brought them to the kitchen in a few trips when I heard the doorbell ring. I walked past the stairs, looking up toward the bedroom door, wondering how much longer she would be. I turned the corner for the front door and heard her race down the stairs behind me. I turned to look, but all I caught was a flash of tan, white, and blue.

The doorbell rang again, and I turned back to the door. Stephen was there with a six pack. We wouldn't be lacking for alcohol, and I remembered his promise to stay sober around my wife. "Welcome, friend," I said, an uncertain edge to my voice.

Stephen didn't pick up on it. "Hello. Nice lawn." He walked passed me into the house. I let the door close behind him and then turned to follow him toward the kitchen. I saw him standing stock still in the hallway looking into the kitchen, and I hurried to see what was distracting him. I froze too.

My wife was outside on the patio, the sliding glass door next to the kitchen was still open. She was setting out the buns and chips, but those weren't the buns we were looking at. Peggy was wearing the shortest jean shorts I had ever seen on her, or anyone. As she leaned over the patio table, the bottom of her cheeks hung below the frayed denim. Her butt hat gotten a little smaller, or else she would have never been able to squeeze them in to those tiny shorts, but they were still very round. Her thighs were much tighter now too, but still very shapely. She had avoided the toothpick look of Jessica, but had shed considerable weight.

She turned toward the house, her eyes purposefully avoiding ours until she got inside. Her legs no longer rubbed when she walked, and the narrow strip of denim that curved under her was extremely tight against her body. The waist was tight too, but her stomach didn't bulge over in the slightest. She looked more toned than Jessica now, and had mimicked her pierced navel with a sexy diamond stud of her own. Her shirt, if you could call it that, looked like the blouse I had ripped off her several weeks ago. She had found at least one button, for only one was done at nipple height. The bottom of the shirt was tied just under her breasts, helping out the push-up bra underneath that presented incredible cleavage practically bursting out of the top of the shirt.

She had gotten her hair and make-up done this morning too, and looked like she was ready for a covergirl photo shoot. Her glossy red lips looked as succulent as strawberries, and her brown hair was now streaked with blonde highlights. She had also spent significant time tanning lately, and I was willing to be there were no tan lines.

She finally noticed us as she stepped her bare feet onto the tiled floor inside. "You made it," she said to Stephen, running up to give him a hug. She pressed her curvy body into his, and he stood there like a statue with the six-pack out away from her body in one hand, and his other hand up in the air. I could see he felt there were no safe locations on her body to put that hand, and I had to agree with her. My wife had managed to turn every inch of her body into a sex zone, from her teased hair down to her smooth feet and red painted toenails

I don't know exactly what it was like in the top floor penthouse when Jessica had stood before Stephen and had seduced him, but my wife had to be pretty close to equal to that, if not surpassing. And if Stephen was half as nervous now as then, both times knowing that he was getting sex ahead of time, I felt I should go back to my original telling of Stephen's sex-capades and add a lot more nervous sweat to the story.

Peggy broke off the hug and took the beer that he was holding out. "You didn't have to bring anything." She turned her eyes to me and fought hard to keep a smile from her face as she watched me practically drooling on the floor. "Be a dear, and go get the cooler from downstairs."

I picked up my jaw from the floor and did as I was told. It seemed to me that the women in our lives seemed to like to take control of us. I had to admit that they were very good at it. When I came up from downstairs with the cooler and ice, the Stephen statue had come to life and was helping my wife move the food outside.

My job was then to get the grill going and cook up the meat. My wife and Stephen were sitting way too close together on our patio swing laughing and talking. I don't know if it was on purpose, but as I stood in front of the grill, my back was to the two of them. As jealousy began to creep up in me, I also had a faint twinge of guilt. My wife was under the assumption that Stephen had no idea why he was really here. She was doing her best to play the seductress, and to get a guy to sleep with his best friend's wife on the spur of a moment, was going to take a lot of work. I was kind of stealing that fun from her, since Stephen already knew what was going on.

However, I knew my friend, and while he wasn't a back stabber, I was hopping that at some point in Peg's seduction that she would ensure Stephen that whatever they did was okay with me. If that was the case, he would fold under her considerable sexual pressure. And, the more I thought about it, if he didn't know anything was up, he might fold easier. Now that he did know and had to play at not knowing, he might decide to play hard to get.

I checked on them a few times, and besides laughing and checking each other out, they weren't doing anything too sexual yet. I turned around and announced the food was done and watched my wife get up from the swing. She put her hand on Stephen's thigh to push up, and as the swing went back, her hand slid into his crotch. It was a quick motion, and her fingers only grazed him, but he definitely noticed. Peg didn't say anything and just walked up to get the food.

She was having a sausage, which was odd, because she usually didn't like spicy meat. I found out why pretty quick. She went first at the condiments table, as Stephen and I watched her like a couple vultures competing for food. She held her bunned sausage at a bad angle as she reached over to get some potato salad. The meat slid out of her bun and plopped in the open BBQ sauce dish.

She cried out as she leaped back to avoid getting splashed, but she had been careful when she had "accidently" dropped it to make sure it wasn't high enough to splash. Now she reached for the thick sausage and examined the sauce all over one end. She brought it up to her mouth and Stephen and I didn't blink for the next 90 seconds.

Her tongue snaked out from between her glossy lips, the tip barely caressing the red sauce, as if tasting it. She pulled her tongue back in and hummed in appreciation. Her tongue went out again and took more sauce, her wet muscle pushing flatly against the sausage. She took her time as she slowly licked the meat, occasionally taking the sausage into her mouth to suck the tip clean.

She took so long, that some of sauce found its way down the far side to her fingers. She looked startled as she felt the wet sensation on her hand and rotated the sausage around to see the single trail of sauce running the whole length of the 6-inch piece of meat. She extended her tongue out to the sausage and licked the drip back up incredibly slowly, her eyes finding ours as she reached the top and slid the meat into her mouth over her tongue to suck it clean loudly, smacking her ruby lips.

"That is good sauce," she said. Then, as if nothing had happened, she put the meat back in her bun, and continued to fill her plate. Stephen and I couldn't move at first. We just stood there with the burgers on our plates and our dicks pitching tents in our shorts. Peggy finished gathering her food and the looked at us. "Come on, sillies, the food will get cold."

She laughed at us, and I saw her eyes dip down below our plates. At least she looked at me first, though her gaze lingered on Stephen. I wasn't about to compare sizes with him, but from the few times we had showered together after racquetball, I was pretty sure we were in the same league. Either way, I got my food and then sat down at the table next to my wife. Stephen sat across from her, and I immediately knew he got the better spot.

His head went up and down as he ate his food, and I saw his eyes looking through the glass surface of the table at my wife's crotch. Her tanned thighs spread only slightly on the deck chair and the tight denim of her shorts clung to her like a second skin. He occasionally raised his eyes past her tight stomach and up to her great rack, but he felt slyer looking through the table at her pussy.

There wasn't much conversation as we ate, and I thought this would have been the most boring cookout ever if I didn't know what was going to happen. Peggy had only eaten a couple bites of her sausage when we heard a ringing from inside the house. "That's the phone," she said, wiping her mouth and getting up.

To me it sounded like her cell phone alarm, but I wasn't going to point that out. Stephen and I stared at her ass as she rushed into the house, and then appreciated her front side as she returned with the kitchen's portable phone.

"Honey, it's for you."

I got up from the table, preparing myself to listen to a dial tone and fake a conversation with my doctor. I took the phone from her near the sliding door and watched as Peg went back to the table.

"Yes, this is Kevin Taylor. . . That's too bad, I really need . . . Yes, I understand . . . Right now? . . . It's not a good time. . . Three weeks. . . . I guess I don't have a choice then. . . Okay, I'll be there in 20 minutes. . . Yes, thanks. . . Okay, bye."

I thumbed off the phone and looked at the two by the table. "That was my doctor," I said, playing my part. "My appointment for Monday got canceled and the only time he can see me in the next three weeks is right now. I'm afraid I have to go."

"Is something wro-" Stephen started.

"We understand," Peggy cut him off. She got back up and walked toward me. She gave me a kiss. "I love you," she whispered

"Have fun," I replied quietly. I wanted to add, I'll be watching, but I didn't want to put that kind of pressure on her. I had engaged in my trist without the thought of being watched, so I would grant her the same privilege. I disappeared into the house, and went to the garage to drive my car around the block. My car lights were on auto and turned on automatically when I started it in the dim garage. The lights would be seen in the back of the house through the garage window, and Stephen should believe that I was actually leaving. I doubted he believed I had a doctor's appointment, but I hadn't told him anything more than just that Peggy was going to seduce him. He didn't know I would be watching.

I quickly drove around the block and then jogged back to the house, careful to avoid being seen from the back yard. I came through the front door and went straight up to the bedroom, not daring a look out through the kitchen. They better not have already been upstairs. If the moment I left, Peg had turned to Stephen and said, "Let's fuck," and he hadn't argued in the slightest, I was going to be upset.

The bedroom was empty, and when I went to my closet, I found a chair set up already with a box of tissue next to it. I smiled at my wife's preparedness, and then sat down to wait.

I obviously was not there to see how my wife got my best friend upstairs for sex, but I did quiz both of them afterwards. I got two slightly different accounts. One from Stephen painting him as the perfect gentleman who only very reluctantly followed my wife upstairs, and another from my wife, who played herself up as slut for theatrical reasons. The account that I actually believe took place was something in between.

* * *

"What's wrong with Kevin?" Stephen asked when Peg sat back down.

"Something not good," she said, a sly grin on her face. "He has a urinary tract infection."

"Ouch," Stephen said, not believing a word but understanding the game.

"I know," she replied. "It's driving me up the wall."

"He complains about it a lot?"

"Not really," Peg replied, "but we haven't had sex in weeks. He won't even go down on me because it just gets him hard and it hurts."

"Oh," Stephen replied, not sure what else to add. He had had a few conversations with Peg before, but not too many, and for her to be this open with him was kind of shocking, even given what he knew she was after. He would have thought she would go about it more subtly.

"I'm getting ready to explode. And then his doctor says that he can start treatments after his visit, which is now today, but it might be another week before it clears up, so I've got to hold out." She got up from the table, put her dirty plate in a trash, picked up a beer, and sat on the swing again.

Stephen did likewise and sat down next to her. "I hear from Kevin that you don't keep being single cramp your sexual lifestyle. You still seeing women each weekend?"

Stephen thought it made him sound like a male whore, but he knew he had to follow her line of conversation if he was going to get to see under her clothes. "Not every weekend. Kevin probably makes me sound like a gigolo. But I meet women at parties, and we hit it off."

"Married women," Peg clarified.

"Not all of them," he corrected.

"But some of them."

"I'm not a home wrecker," Stephen said, trying not to sound agitated. "But I know a lot of other men that enjoy sleeping their wives around. I just try to be in the right place at the right time. What about you and Kevin? Do you ever talk about sleeping with other people?"
