Start of the Best Vacation Ever

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A couple describe the beginning of their summer vacation.
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"Our summer trip?"

There was a pause while a low-ball glass was brought to the lips for a long sip. After a swallow, a moment of thought, then nod of the head, he continued. "Yeah, you could say it was it was a good one."

"Different, perhaps," added his wife, in a sultry manner. She was on the other side of the group, causing every head in the group to swivel her way. Her breath-taking ankle-length dress was slit on one side, and that slit ended about a kilometer above her knee, showing a thigh so divine that one was tempted to check the floor around her for worshipers. Two men in the crowd were fantasizing about doing just that, or at least kneeling before her in one act or another. One other person was actively locking her knees to avoid acting on the same impulse.

Fewer than half of the heads returned to him as he added "Yes. 'Different' would be a good way to put it."

He continued, "So you all know that we were slated to go to Greece for August, right?" There were various nods around the circle.

"And," she broke in, "you all know, as we should have, that the country was going to shit with austerity measures."

"Yes, yes, we should have paid a bit more attention to the warnings." He took another sip. "So it turns out that the tour company we had scheduled with..."

"Which promised not only the moon and stars but also some Greek gods and goddesses to take care of our every needs while we basked in the sun," she inserted.

"And which had taken payment in full back in May - well, they don't seem to exist any more. We were at the airport in Amsterdam, waiting for the flight to Athens, when we got word that the cruise was no more."

"And my Greek gods and goddesses vanished along with it."

"So we said 'Antio' to the cruise. But looking back, we're grateful it happened, and so - a toast to the now-defunct Hellenic Couples Cruises. 'Ya Mas!'" he said, raising his glass before bringing it to his lips. He tilted his head for a sip, and kept tilting until his head was aimed at the gilded ceiling. Noticing that his tongue was still dry, he looked down at the low-ball cut crystal glass in his large hand with resignation. He looked briefly towards the bar for the status of the next round.

"And anyway," he continued, "Athens erupted in protest right as we would have been docking at the end, so it's good that we were ready to bounce in another direction. So there we are, looking at an electronic board of departures, wondering where to spend the month."

"I pleaded with David to go to Paris," added Elsie "but he was just there with Pauline last month. Plus the place shuts down in August. He wanted Austria, but the last time I was there I was bored in about 20 minutes."

"The Mediterranean is pretty crowded that time of year, so we knew it would be tough to find something available on such short notice, but I still wanted to go there. I had spent too much time picturing Elsie on a narrow beach at the bottom of a cliff, clad in only her white bikini bottom, driving some goat herder above to rush home and take his wife, harder than he has in three decades, with his eyes closed yet seeing my wife below him, gasping at his frantic thrusts." Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, and he turned to take his new drink from the waitress without acknowledging the blush that was rushing through her cheeks.

David picked it up from there. "So we decided that we needed a place in the airport to sit and have some wine as we tried to decide. We found a 'Wines of the World' cafe, and ordered a nice glass of Chablis for me, rosé for her."

She took over for her husband, realizing at the same time how sexy he looked in his tuxedo. "The waiter was so Dutch it was hilarious. We tried to engage him in our search for a destination, but he seemed to think that Amsterdam was the only place worth considering. We told him that we had 'done' Amsterdam...."

"And Elsie made sure he got what she meant. In the typically frank way they have of looking at things, he understood and yet was totally unphased."

"But I still contend he had a little wood growing under that apron of his," Elsie concluded.

"What man has ever met you who did not, my dear?"

She responded with a chuckle and a raised glass. "Good point, darling."

The waitress finished handing out the drinks. While David continued, Elsie held up her third flute of champagne to appreciate the color. She then placed the rim of the glass below her nose, closed her eyes, and slowly inhaled. The bubbles tickled her nose, reminding her, as always, of her first glass at age fourteen. Uncle Carter's wedding, and the champagne had been delivered by a devastatingly handsome groomsman. The full story never failed to send Peter's libido into turbo-drive, and to be honest, it still had the same effect on her.

She shifted her weight, which in turn shifted the ben-wa balls that were so teasing her endurance and will power. She smiled at her lover, and slightly raised her glass as a tiny gesture of endearment. He would remain unaware of those delicious balls until they got into the limo, but he would certainly be pleased. She then turned her attention away from him and back to her husband.

"So we're in the bar, and Elsie has to go to the bathroom - which naturally is three-quarters of a mile away down the terminal. I'm bored and there's a stunning woman sitting a few tables away by a rack of local magazines. I took my glass over and attempted to start a conversation, asking her in my best, or apparently worst, Dutch if she could hand me one of the magazines. She took off her glasses and swallowed me up in a pair of the darkest brown eyes imaginable. I apparently said 'glahd' instead of 'blahd', because she looked at me and said in English, with a smirk and the cutest hint of a Slovakian accent, 'and just what kind of 'slippery' would you like me to hand you?'"

Elsie cut in. "I missed this, but came back from the bathroom and here he has found a friend. They're going through magazines, and had some running joke about lubrications. 'This one's better than K-Y', that type of thing. The sexual tension cooled slightly when I arrived, but quickly revived once I asked the waiter to bring another bottle of whatever wine she was having.

"An hour later, we're all sitting closer together than we needed to on the couch, and she couldn't keep her hands from rubbing our legs. As her flight time approached, you could tell that she was considering rescheduling and spending the night with us. We, however, didn't know where we'd be that night, so it was a bit of a gamble and we got a rain check. We exchanged info and now have a friend in Bratislava that we simply must visit for a few nights.

"When she left, reluctantly and with full frontal hugs, she suggested Montenegro. 'It's beautiful, lots of beaches, and not too crowded in August. You might find some very, um, accommodating people there.' With that, she left. Both of us stared at her as she walked away, leaving us with the vision of her perfect ass, tightly covered in dark jeans, seared into our memories. She was so attractive when sitting down that we assumed she had a nice ass, but our jaws dropped in lust as we watched her leave. 'Perhaps we should have talked her into staying after all,' said David once he was able to use his mouth again."

David sipped again, priming his mouth to talk again now. "So then we're sitting there, buzzed and horny, without a destination for the next two weeks. We got on our phones and checked out Montenegro, which neither of us had been to. The first image I found was of a beautiful couple walking on a beach before an azure sea. We made a quick decision, decided to go there. One call to Zubby back home and three hours later..."

"and another bottle of wine..."

"We're sitting in First Class of Montenegro Airlines, headed for Podgorica."

The both took another drink, and their eyes met during the pause. With a wink, David nodded to Elsie and she continued.

"David was instantly attracted to our flight attendant. They were all in black skirt suits, with light blue piping and matching scarves. Each one had raven-black hair and a smile to die for. Ours in first class began coming to check on us, and pamper us, far more frequently than the others. At first I thought she recognized David, but that turned out not to be the case -- thank god, we're tired of being fawned over by utter strangers."

A small sip of champagne, and she continued. "Viktorija seemed mostly interested in David, however, not the two of us, and we had places to go. When were taxiing to the gate, we checked email to find that Zubby had booked us into a hotel. There were directions included in the email, but David made a point of asking our favorite flight attendant if she could tell us how to get to the Hotel Ziya. Her eyes flashed at the mention of the hotel, and for some reason she seemed to melt. She wrote out directions for us, seeming to want to say so much more.

"As we departed, we thanked her. I said that we hoped we'd run into her again. Then, more quietly and on impulse, I added, 'My husband would especially like that.' Her eyes got wide and bright, then she composed herself and gave what I assumed was the Croat version of 'B'bye now'."

David took over from there. Their friends were all captivated. Heads had been swiveling from David to Elsie as if at a tennis match. "So we get to the hotel and take a nap, then got dressed for dinner. We were a bit overdressed, Elsie in a thin black tube dress that clung everywhere a good dress should, and me in a basic summer-weight jacket. The locals were more euro-club casual, expensively faded jeans and sequins for the women, nice shirts for the men. We didn't think we stood out, but both of received more inviting looks than we were used to. We chalked it up to being foreigners."

Another sip. "Dinner was good, with more game meats than Elsie likes but just as I wanted it."

He paused, looking down at his drink as a smile grew on his face. "We'd finished dinner and were talking about heading back to the room. Elsie had taken off one heel and had been caressing me ever since the salad course -- killing me, teasing me without touching my crotch. I had tried shifting to make contact with her toes, she'd shift to the other thigh. She had me ready to burst and she knew it -- with that smile that -- well, a few of you here know that deadly smile." He scanned their friends, some of whom met his eye, others who checked their drinks. David smiled at all of them, generously sharing in their pleasure. He eventually continued.

"Then a hotel bellhop came by and whispered that our visitor was waiting at the servant's entrance when we were ready."

Elsie cut in. "Since we knew no one else in the area, we knew exactly who that would be. The use of a servant's entrance seemed a rather odd choice however, somehow mysterious. Excited and curious, we followed. We expected to be lead into the service area of the hotel, but instead we were taken into the spa wing of the hotel. On the way, we passed a man standing on the plush carpet outside a door, waiting for someone inside, I assume. This would have been unexceptional, except for one thing - He was buck naked."

"And he stood there, not moving as we walked past. He would have made a great guard at Buckingham Place, though the uniform would not cover an erection of that magnitude."

"We looked at each other and smirked, realizing that Zubby had found us a hotel that catered to special needs. Her year-end bonus just had another zero added to the end of it. We were pretty excited about what was yet to come."

The overhead lights in the room darkened a few times, but were ignored by the group. Elsie said, "So we come around the corner, and there's our raven-haired angel kneeling before us. Even with the blindfold and without the airline uniform, we recognized her. The blindfold was crimson, as was the bikini top and yoga pants that clung like second skin. She was kneeling on a padded mat, her hands clasped behind her, her shoulders pulled back. She was at full point, muscles tensed and posture proud."

Elise continued, "Her body was fantastic, by the way. Really, she was perfect to behold. Apparently the hotel is renowned for their spa, which leans towards light S/M, and she had been there before. She came looking for us, and her presentation was the choreographed by the staff. We found out later that their team had washed her and prepared her, without a detail overlooked -- there was not a hair on her heard out of place, and every hair elsewhere had been carefully removed. We didn't know it then, but they even gave her an enema, not knowing if George was an ass man or not, but leaving nothing to chance."

Every single person in the crowd moved unconsciously during the long pause, shifting their weight or clenching their legs together in anticipation of the rest of the story. David stared directly into the eyes of his wife, radiating his love for her, then raised his glass towards her in order to redirect their attention to her. Then he continued.

"At that point, Elsie took charge. Hand in hand, we approached her, then Elsie knelt. At first she mirrored our friend, mere inches away, then she leaned forward until their breasts touched. Viktorija remained still as Elsie started to move her body, so that her breasts circled Viktorija's, coaxing the nipples under the crimson top to full attention. When that was accomplished, she extended her neck and slowly inhaled Viktorija's scent from millimeters away from her face. She leaned down and, with her tongue just under Viktorija's chin, prompted the Croatian beauty to raise her head. Elsie then, still without touching anywhere besides her lips and breasts, kissed her as deeply as I've ever seen her ever kiss anyone, man or woman."

Elsie cut in. "Having been just groomed and pampered, she smelt -- and tasted -- like flowers. It was amazing, and I could barely tear myself away." She paused, swirled the last of her champagne, then poured the last drops into her mouth. Everyone waited for her to continue, but she seemed lost in the memory.

The lights flickered again, more insistently this time, and the people in the lobby began to flow back into the theater. Although one or two of them glanced at the crowd around them, no one in their group moved.

David resumed the story, with tunnel vision that saw nothing but his beautiful wife. "You finally broke off the kiss. It took you a moment until you were able to stand, but when you did, and what you did then, reminded me how entirely I love you." He finished his own drink, then looked at the circle of friends around him. Other than the staff, they were practically the last people left in the lobby. Still no one moved.

"She turned and kissed me much the same way, touching with lips and breasts but rubbing my crotch, which was begging to join in, with her stomach. Then she looked me with her electric blue eyes, and her mischievous smile, and said 'Enjoy the first night of our summer vacation.' "With that, she walked past me and headed down the carpeted corridor. I turned to watch her walk away, her dress accentuating everything perfect about her.

"Without turning around, she said 'I'll arrange for a late checkout. We can decide in the morning if we want to stay another day or two.'

"Now, we'd better get in there before they resume the show. My Dear?" With that, David held up one hand, and she crossed to him and took it. Arm-in-arm, their bodies leaning into each other as if to get as close as possible, they led the group in to see the rest of the show.

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LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 9 years ago
self-conciously campy ?

I enjoyed it, but was at no point aroused by it. This was trying too hard to be naturally sensual (much like present day J-Lo ). Kudos, if the author designed the narrative that way on purpose. So Montenegro is actually nice in August ?

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
read it twice

and still have no idea what is going on.

cap5356cap5356almost 10 years ago
great story

great story so far love to see the rest of the vacation soon. sounds exciting

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I liked it. It was different. I wasn't at all confused and the kilometer thing, well, sorry the poor fellow took it literally.


LarryInSeattleLarryInSeattlealmost 10 years ago
I like it!

The suspense is killing me.

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