Second Coming of Adam


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Sara stepped towards Eva. Her face was unreadable, then an impish grin appeared. She quickly goosed the unsuspecting girl by shoving a hand into Eva's hairy twat.

"Owlll!!" Eva cried out and bent over in pain. Then she screamed with mock outrage, "You bitch!"

Eva jumped on Sara. The girls wrestled and tried to dunk one another. The battle degenerated into a game of grab-ass. Nipples were pulled. Flesh was tickled. Searching for handholds and leverage points, hands and fingers ended up in butt cracks and vaginas. Each female screamed when their opponents grabbed a sensitive area.

Eva was not a big woman. She was five and a half feet tall and a curvy 130 pounds. But she was much bigger and stronger than Sara. Sara was tiny, barely five feet tall and 100 pounds. So it was not surprising that she eventually she got the upper hand.

Eva struck a yoga pose, the warrior's position, with her right leg thrust forward. It went in-between Sara's legs. She then enveloped her friend in a forceful bear hug and pulled Sara to her. Sara experienced a new, enjoyable feeling as her clit slid along Eva's thigh.

Eva grinned at Sara as their boobs came into contact. Eva felt she had bested her good friend. Sara's face registered confusion as she felt a warm, tingling feeling in her sex for the first time in her life.

Sex was not a big part of the lives of any of the women in this village. Eva and Sara, like all the young women in the bath that morning, were virgins. However, none of them recognized that fact. It was a status that meant nothing in their culture.

They lived in a society where no woman had sex with a man. It wasn't done because it couldn't be done. The men of the village were damaged goods. They were unable to perform and uninterested in women.

The old earth had been a highly sexualized place. It was inhabited by horny men. They leered at and chatted up females constantly looking for sex. Those guys were gone. Also gone were all the images and references to sex that use to constantly bombard humans. Sex had been everywhere: television, billboards, in magazines and the internet. It had been used to sell everything.

That super sexual world was gone. This post-alien attack world had a G rating. Imagine an Earth that was run by your prim and proper mother. Everyone was nice, tidy, polite, and chaste.

People being people, some of the women did have sex with one another, but they did so discreetly. Most of the surviving females were not sexually attracted to other women. They were women who suddenly found themselves in a world without functioning men. They yearned for love and companionship so they cuddled, they shared their hopes, their fears and their dreams with an attentive female and occasionally they got physical.

Of the women who had taken a female lover and lived as a couple, many of these women now found themselves experiencing the "Lesbian Death Bed". They were in a satisfying and loving relationship, but over time the sexual intimacy they once enjoyed had faded away.

Without boisterous, lustful men around, the new world was a quieter, less criminal, and definitely a less sexual place.


Eve called out to her friend, "Sadie, are the soldiers ready to go?"

"Yes Governor, the troops will be assembled soon. Then they will be off to scavenge the area for men to participate in a successful Dipping Ceremony."

"Hah!" Eve exclaimed. The sound left her mouth before her mind could censure herself.

"Sorry. I know I'm supposed to put up a brave front, but our colony is in bad shape. Sure we have sufficient food and shelter, but we are in decline. Every year, our deaths outnumber our births. We have a whole generation of young women who have never been with a man and probably never will."

Sadie did not respond to the Governor's rant. She knew it was rhetorical and besides she didn't have an answer.

Eve complained. "God! What I would give for one big, stiff dick!"

She laughed catching the unintentional double meaning in her words. She and all the other women could certainly use a nice, hard cock. It had been over 18 years since Eve had come on a man's cock. She smiled recalling the magical orgasmic nights she had spent with her brother, Adam.

Aside from the obvious pleasure, another reason their short time together was magical was because she had gotten pregnant. She gave birth to a strawberry blonde haired daughter, who she named Eva. She combined the first two letters of her name, "Eve", with the first letter of her lover's name, "Adam", to make Eva.

Eve sighed and said, "I get sad thinking about all the young women in my charge who will never know the joy of penetration, that wonderful feeling of fullness and the pulsating orgasmic bliss that a real man pounding your pussy hard and fast can give a woman."

Sadie said with a laugh, "It's been a long time for both of us. We shared a man in the past. I sure hope you share again if you come across one who can get it up."

Sadie was referring to Adam. They each had had sex with him and had gotten pregnant with daughters. Eve gave birth to Eva and Sadie had Sara.

When the scavenging airships came to the marina, Sadie and the boys were separated from Matt, Eve and Adam. Luckily, Sadie and the boys got off the pier before it crashed into the sea.

Their good luck continued. They met up with other survivors who took them in. These people were in the area searching for friends who had been kidnapped. It took weeks, but they finally located their missing women. As it turned out, the men who took Eve had earlier taken some women away from the group sheltering Sadie and the boys.

Sadie's new friends surprised the other group. Their righteous anger carried the day. They rescued Eve and four other women.

Eve confronted the two men who had kidnapped her. She asked the fat one, "What did you do to the man who was with me?"

"Nothing bad," the frightened little man lied. "We knock him unconscious with a single blow and then went for you."

His partner in crime though severely wounded laughed. He said, "You lying sack of shit! Lying until the very end, are you?"

He turned towards Eve and said, "Of course, we killed him. It was the only way we could get to you."

Eve grabbed a knife from her rescuers and stabbed them. She killed both men. They joined the rest of their crew in the darkest pits of Hell.

Eve and Sadie gratefully accepted the offer to stay with their rescuers.

Nearly two decades later, Eve and Sadie were now running the village. They were pleased that their cherished daughters, Eva and Sara, were best friends.


The platoon of eighteen young women stood at attention in the central yard. They were dressed in black leather -- black leather boots, a short black leather skirt and a black leather, cropped bustier that laced up in the front. They all looked hot. Too bad none of the men of the colony had the balls to appreciate them.

It was impossible for people in this vanquished world to make steel so the knives, hatchets, swords and hammers strapped to their hips were all found objects. In addition to the metal weapons, the women carried a long, fire hardened, wooden spear.

These weapons were sufficient for the task at hand. The women would be able to round up stray men without much trouble because the men of this era did not fight. This mission was not combat. It was more akin to shepherds gathering up lost sheep. The low T men would allow themselves to be herded back to the village. The weapons were for hunting and protection against animals.

Eve addressed the group, "What a fine sight you are. You make us proud, ladies. You know your assignment. Fan out and gather additional men for our upcoming Dipping Ceremony. Be safe. Godspeed."

The soldiers broke up into groups of three. Each squad was responsible for searching a different sector. Eva, Sara, and Gail were a unit. Gail, who was three years older than the teenagers and who had participated in the annual mission before, was in charge.

She said to Sara and Eve, "All right girls, get your asses moving. We've got a lot of ground to cover."

"Yes Ma'am," the two rookies said in unison as they saluted their commanding officer.

"Knock it off, you two. We're not going to war. We're going on a long hike in the countryside. Do as I say and don't do anything stupid and everything will be fine. Save the "Yes Ma'am", "No Ma'am" crap for the parade ground. Got it?"

Eva and Sara automatically responded, "Yes Ma'am."

"Good grief," Gail said derisively. "Gather your shit and meet me at the main gate. We leave in five minutes." She turned quickly and walked away.

Sara giggled when Gail was out of earshot and said, "Well, your military demeanor has impressed the Sergeant."

"I guess we should count ourselves lucky that she isn't all spit and polish," Eva said.

The eighteen-year-olds gathered their equipment and supplies and then they went to the home they shared with their mothers to say their good-byes. The mothers and daughters exchanged hugs and kisses.

Eve said, "You girls be careful. Listen to Gail. She's more experienced."

"Yes, Mom," Eva answered dutifully.


A week into their trek, the trio had captured no one. They were walking through a swamp. It was hot, humid and the bugs were a bitch. Everyone was in a bad mood.

Sara said disappointingly, "Damn, I thought by now we'd have caught a few."

Gail responded gruffly, "Newbie, we do this every year. The nearby men have all been rounded up. Every year we have to go farther and farther."

"Oh, I didn't think about that," Sara said chagrined.

The squad marched on for another two hours through the smelly, sandy bog. Then Eva asked, "What's that sound?"

Eva and Sara had never been to the ocean before. Gail recognized the sound of breaking waves. She said, "That, newbies, is the ocean. It is beckoning us."

They all picked up the pace. Suddenly they broke through the scrub brush to find a beautiful beach. Eva said, "Wow!'

"Ditto," said Sara. "The water . . . it goes on forever."

All three of them ran down to the water's edge and stared out over the expanse of bluish-green water. Even the gruff Sergeant had to smile at the beautiful sight.

Gail called out to them, "I've been putting up with your dirty, stinking bodies for a long enough. Get out of those smelly clothes and bathe in the ocean."

The women all stripped. They dumped their weapons and clothes in a heap on the sand. Eva and Sara squealed like little school girls as they ran into the surf. They splashed about in the warm water.

Gail strode into the water until she was waist deep. She chuckled watching the younger women play. Then she scooped up a handful of sand and washed the accumulation of dirt, sweat, and grime off her skin.

When she saw her underlings tiring, Gail said, "That's enough playing for now. Wash up. Don't go in deeper than your waist. I've seen soldiers pulled out to sea and drown."

Her warning put a damper on the teenagers. Neither could swim. They followed her instructions and safely washed their bodies in the shallower water. Then they all lay nude on the beach drying in the sun.

"Emmm," Eva moaned. "Funny how the sun feels great now. I've been cursing it for days for being too hot."

"Yes and it feels so good to be clean," Sara added. She ran her fingers through her thin black bush. She giggled and added, "I was afraid my lady garden was going to start sprouting mushrooms."

Her companions laughed. They knew exactly what she was talking about. This bath was well appreciated. The three women luxuriated in the sun. They closed their eyes, enjoyed the warm sun and rested after many days of marching. Sleep embraced them.

It would be hard to say who was the prettiest. They all were attractive young women with fit, toned bodies. Eva was the fairest. She also had the biggest breasts and the longest hair. Her strawberry blonde tresses trailed down to the middle of her back. Her hair, top and bottom, was thick and rich with hints of red.

Gail was taller than the others two. She was long and lean. Her boobs were bigger than you'd expect on such an athletic woman. She had brown, shoulder-length hair.

Sara was the smallest, short and petite. She had fine, jet black hair. She kept it cut short because otherwise, it looked lifeless and stringy. Her pubic hair was so fine the cleft and lips of her vagina were always visible. Like the rest of her, her breasts were petite, just enough to fill a champagne glass. They were topped by small dark nipples.

Eva had large, blue doe eyes. They gave her a wide-eyed, innocent look. Sara's eyes were jet black like her hair. Her dark, smoky eyes made her appear mysterious. Gail had thin, almond-shaped eyes. They were hazel in color.

The three naked women, after napping in the sun, moved into the shade to share a meal. They all had water. Sara knelt and fished through her backpack for some food. She said, "I have dried fruit and jerky."

She sat back on her heels. Her knees splayed open as she handed the snacks to the other women. Her vaginal lips spread open showing small, pink, inner lips. Eva plopped down heavily beside her. Her breasts jiggled as if they were made of Jell-O.

Gail glanced at Sara's pretty, gaping pussy and then watched Eva's bouncing breasts. She said,

"Honestly Eva, do those mounds ever stop quaking and quivering?"

"Unfortunately no," Eva responded. She looked at Gail's smaller, firmer breasts and added, "Every time I have to run, I curse these over-stuffed beanbags and envy girls like you."


Adam was drunk, a not uncommon occurrence. He had fallen asleep and was having a vivid dream. He felt the warm, soft body of his wife spooned against his. They were both nude. It was early, just after dawn. He leaned into her soft, blonde hair and smelled her apples and spice shampoo. His lips found the nape of her elegant neck. As he kissed her, he ran a hand across her ample bare breasts.

"Emmm," she cooed. "Morning." Her nipples hardened in response to his touch.

Adam squeezed a breast and then slid his hand to her sex. She spread her legs giving him better access. He caressed her gash. He ran his fingers through her furry, blonde bush and then, rubbed her labia.

"Me like," Sally responded. She arched her hips seeking greater contact with his hand.

Adam wet the tips of his fingers and continued rubbing her sex. They slid about easier especially when her moisture was added to the mix. He smelled her scent and salivated. His appetite awakened, Adam crawled in between his wife's legs. He put his nose to her pussy and breathed in her appealing aroma.

"Me like," Adam said right before he dove into his wife's juicy snatch. He lapped up her tart vaginal fluid like it was ambrosia.

"Oh," Sally gasped at the suddenness of his assault. She followed it up with encouragement. "That-a-boy. Make me happy."

The two enjoyed the oral sex. Then, Adam slid up her body. He French kissed her, forcing her to taste her own musky nectar. She didn't flinch. As they locked lips, Adam buried his cock inside her. Their kiss dissolved as each party had to groan. They had to express the pure pleasure they felt as their bodies melded together.

Adam thrust into her slowly, deeply. After many good strokes, he pulled out and sat on his heels and said, "Honey, let's do it doggie-style."

His wife rolled over, got on her hands and knees and presented her plump ass to him. She shook it and said, "So you want a piece of my ass?"

Adam stared appreciatively at his wife's soft, ripe butt. Then as quick as your remote can change the channel on your television, Adam's dream changed. He was now seeing a smaller, tighter bottom.

It belonged to his eighteen-year-old sister. She suddenly appeared before him. Eve was nude and straddling her naked boyfriend, Matthew. She leaned forward so she could kiss her boyfriend. It had the unexpected effect of perfectly presenting her butt for Adam's viewing pleasure.

Adam stared, mesmerized by her naked ass, the crinkled asshole, and her shaved sex. He could see that she was aroused. Her sex glistened, the light reflected off her wet, swollen pussy.

He heard her say, "I love you. I thought we'd have more time, but we don't. I don't want to die a virgin. I don't want to die without having made loved to you."

"I love you too," Matt replied.

The young woman grabbed her boyfriend's penis. She slotted it at her opening, took a deep breath and slowing lowered herself on his cock. She bit her lip and prepared for the pain that would follow when her hymen was destroyed.

In real life, Adam had walked away at this point. Had he stayed he'd have seen that Matthew's semi-rigid dick was not hard enough to pop his sister's cherry. He learned this fact later when his sister told him that Matthew was not able to screw her.

However, in his dream today, Adam saw his sister lose her virginity and stuff all of Mathew's fat cock in her pussy. And that made Adam's cock exploded. His orgasm woke him. His dick jerked and he felt his warm, thick cum splatter across his stomach.

Consciousness was fleeting for him today. The alcohol reclaimed him and Adam fell back asleep leaving the sticky mess on his furry belly.


Eva, Sara, and Gail finished lunch, dressed and continued their mission. They walked along the beach. After a while, they heard a rhythmic sound coming from the edge of vegetation. Sara said, "That sounds like someone snoring."

They walked towards the noise and spied Adam passed out in a homemade chair underneath a palm tree. They quietly approached him. They were able to walk right up to him, not because of their stealth, but rather because he was so drunk. Gail poked him with the butt end of her spear. Adam grunted but didn't open his eyes.

No longer worried that the man might try to escape, Eva spoke out loud.

"I didn't think it would be this easy to capture a wild male."

Sara said, "Maybe he's ill. Look how swollen his penis is. Is that pus on his stomach?" She added, "Are all the free-range males so big and so hairy?"

Adam was a good size man, taller than average and muscular. He had long, unkempt hair, a full, bushy beard, and a hairy chest.

Gail did not answer their questions. She kicked Adam and shouted, "Hey! Wake up!"

"Huh?" Adam responded groggily. He opened his eyes and saw the women.

"Shit," he said quietly. He realized that he was in trouble. Strangers were always trouble. He was about to lose his stuff and possibly his life. He sat up straight. Gail bought her spear down on his shoulder hard enough to show him who the boss was.

She said, "No sudden moves. Stay down. Do you understand?"

Adam nodded. Gail proceeded to interrogate him.

"How many people are with you?"

"None. I live alone."

She didn't believe him. She said, "Take us to your camp."

Adam hesitated. He wondered, "Should I fight? It's only three women. They're practically kids". He had fought tougher opponents, but not when he was drunk. He decided to bide his time and wait until a better opportunity to escape presented itself.

"Okay. Okay," Adam said compliantly. He slipped on his moccasins and grabbed his deerskin bottle which was previously filled with moonshine.

Sara gushed, "Wow! Nice shoes. Is that alligator?"

"Yes. They inhabit the coastal marshes."

He led them along a trail. Gail stayed close to him and on alert. They came to a fork in the road, Adam turned right. Gail, still suspicious of him, said, "Wait. Let's go the other way."

"My camp is over here," Adam explained. "That way leads to the marshes. It's not safe to go there this time of year. The alligators have laid their eggs. The females are very protective of their young. They will attack."

"Sure," Gail said sarcastically. She didn't believe a word he said. His story only convinced her more that they should go the other way. She said, "Let's check it out anyway."
