Second Coming of Adam


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Adam was happy to entertain them. They were a very appreciative audience. Tonight he told them the story of Don Quixote. They loved it. The evening grew late. Everyone prepared for bed. The storm continued to rage.

Sara said, "I need to pee."

"Me too," said Eva.

"Me three," added Adam.

"No fair," Eve said. "You can just stick your giant penis out the hut."

"Don't complain to me. I think your fight is with God," Adam said with a laugh. He then pulled out his penis and proceeded to pee into a stream of water that was rushing beside the hut. "Ahhh."

"What about us?" Eva asked.

"If you were really considerate, you'd step outside," Adam said teasing her.

"Bastard," Eva spat out.

"Pee on the dirt by the front entrance. The slope will drain it outside," he suggested.

The ladies weren't thrilled with the plan, but they didn't have a better idea. They squatted where Adam had suggested. Sara finished first and started to rise. She lost her balance and bumped into Eva.

"Oh no," Eva cried out as she started to tip over.

Eva grabbed Sara for support. They both screamed and fell in a puddle of their urine. The women continued to scream and attempted to get up. Of course, trying to execute sudden movements in mud only led to more slipping and sliding. Now the girls were outside in the rain rolling in and being covered with mud.

Adam laughed at the two rain-soaked, foul smelling, muddy women. This enraged them.

"Get him!" Sara cried out.

The two unbelievably dirty women ran inside the hut and grabbed him. They screamed, cursed him and rubbed their filthy bodies against him. He protested to no avail. Then seeing no way out, he allowed them to pull him out into the rain and he plopped down in the mud.

"Happy now?" Adam asked wiping a lock of wet hair out of his eyes.

Eva scooped up a handful of mud and smashed it on his shoulder and then said, "Yes."

Sara added a dollop of mud to his scalp and then said, "Now we're even."

Adam smiled good-naturedly and pulled them into the mud. They all started laughing. The rain continued to pour down on them. They laughed and rolled about. Their bodies and their clothes got dirtier and dirtier.

Finally, Adam stood and helped the girls up. He said, "Let's wash off in the ocean and try again to go to bed."

The trio returned to the hut mud and urine free, but wet and cold. They used two of the smaller hides to dry themselves. Naked, they climbed on the beds. Adam tried unsuccessfully to cover everyone with the remaining large hide.

"I'm cold," Eva said.

Through chattering teeth, Sara said, "Me too."

Adam lay on his back, reached out his arms and pulled them both to him. He said, "We'll need to snuggle up close tonight to stay warm."

The teenagers did not argue. They each placed a head on his shoulder, crushed their breasts against his ribs and swung a leg over his muscular leg. They maximized the skin-to-skin contact. The plan worked. Warmth came and sleep followed.

Several hours later, Eva woke. Her splint was caught in the slats of the bed and it hurt her arm. She freed it and the pain stopped.

During the night, the others had moved. Adam was now on his side facing her. Sara was draped across his back. Eva slid in next to Adam so he was spooning with her. Warm and comfortable, she returned to sleep.

At dawn, Eva awoke again. She felt something hard pressing against her butt. She reached back to identify the object. It was Adam's morning wood.

"Oh my God! His dick gets so big," she shouted in her brain. She was amazed by its size. She ran her fingers along the shaft. She also played with the spongy tip. She got a thrill from touching his member. It was even more intense because she was doing it clandestinely.

She continued to reach back and touch him. It was naughty and fun. Her body tingled and her nipples got hard. Recalling his story about how in the old days, men had intercourse with women, she took his penis and tucked it between her thighs. It was snug up against her thick outer lips. It felt very warm.

Her sex too began to feel warm. It felt good having his penis there. She began to move her hips sawing back and forth on his cock. She gasped when it bumped her clit. Her heart began to race. Her sex was getting moist. Eva liked these new feelings. She continued to slide her pussy along his cock.

She carried on a conversation with herself in her head, "Wow! I've never felt this way before. I never knew I could feel this way. I'm warm all over. My vagina is wet and slippery. He's penis is so big and hard. I love rubbing my body on it. I wonder if . . . No. I should stop . . . but I can't stop!

"Is this how the older women of the village felt when they were with a man? Now I totally understand the spark of excitement I saw in their eyes. They all said it was wonderful to be penetrated by a man. What I'm doing now is amazing. What if they were telling the truth?"

The tip of his dick bumped into her clit. She shuddered and thought, "Oh God! That sent chills down my spine. I want more of that. I'm going to do it!"

Eva lifted her top leg and grabbed his now slick penis. She positioned the crown at her opening and pushed back. A rush when through her body as his member spread her lips. She pushed back harder wanting more of him.

"Ouch," she cried out softly.

She didn't know it, but his cock had bumped into her hymen and momentarily stressed it. The tissue broke easily without generating too much pain. With the impediment gone, his dick slid further inside her.

This woke Adam. At first, his mind was muddled from sleep.

"What's . . . what's going on?" he asked.

It took him two seconds to realize what was happening. He said, "Eva! What? How?"

Eva was embarrassed and ashamed of what she'd done. Adam started to pull out of her. He said, "I'm sorry. I don't know how this happened. I'm sorry if I hurt you."

She shoved her ass back reclaiming the length of cock that he was withdrawing. She said, "I did this Adam. You've nothing to be sorry about. I discovered your erection and I wanted to try this. I took advantage of you and shoved myself onto your hard dick."

She rocked her hips against him and forced a bit more of his dick inside her.

"Oh God! It's been so long," he cried out. It felt so good, like warm velvet embracing his cock.

She said, "I wasn't sure it was possible to take your erection inside me, but it felt so good sliding against my vagina, I had to see what it was like inside me. It's fabulous. Wonderful. Like nothing I've ever felt before."

"But we shouldn't," Adam said.

She interrupted him. "Why? I like it. Don't you?"

"Well yes. Of course, it's great but . . ."

The talking and the bed shaking woke Sara. At first, she just lay there wanting to go back to sleep.

Eva took advantage of the fact that they were still lying on their sides, still spooning. She was able to continue to fuck Adam by driving her ass into his dick. She said, "I like it. You like it. I don't see a problem."

"We hardly know one another," he offered weakly. He was paralysis with guilt. She was so young. He didn't drive himself into her, but he didn't pull back either. He stayed still and allow the coitus to continue.

He was struggling not to come. Her pussy was warm and tight and he had not been with a woman for almost twenty years.

"Don't you find me attractive?" She said breathily. She could feel a certain tension building up inside.

"Of course, you and Sara are both beautiful young women, but is that reason enough for such an intimate act?"

Sara was finding it hard to ignore their conversation and go back to sleep. Her ears pricked up when she heard Adam mention her name.

She whined and said, "Guys! What's so important you have to talk about it now? And who's shaking the beds?"

Eva giggled. She'd been embarrassed when Adam caught her bouncing on his dick. She thought it was funny now that Sara had caught them. She said,

"I'm doing it."

"Doing what?" Sara replied confused.

"What we've been whispering about for days! We've been wondering if it was possible to have sex with Adam's giant dick. The question's been answered. He's inside me right now!"

Adam was now the embarrassed party.

Sara was intrigued. She sat up and asked, "How?"

Eva said, "I woke to find his erection pressing against my bottom. I put it between my legs and rubbed my vagina on it. My pussy got really wet and it felt really good. It got me thinking if I liked it on the outside maybe I should try it inside me like women did in olden days. So I did. I love it!"

Sara was incredulous. "You're telling me it's inside you right now?"

Eva laughed because she was doing something she'd never imagined doing and because it felt so good. She smiled and answered her friend, "Sara, he's inside me and it feels great!"

"Let me see," Sara said excitedly.

She hopped out of her bed and walked around until she was in front of Eva. Eva lifted her top leg to give her a better view.

"Cool," Sara said and she reached down between the couple.

"Hey!" Adam objected when he felt her fingers on his cock.

"It does go inside you!" Sara said amazed. She asked, "Did it . . . Does it hurt?"

"Hurt? No. Well, maybe a bit at the beginning. It is stretching me. I felt it pushing on my insides and opening me up. There was one moment when I felt some slight pain when something blocked its path. I felt pressure and then it burst through and everything has been fine. Now it just feels good."

Adam had been idle. He now joined in the action and drove into her bottoming out. Sara knelt and studied the lovers. She reached out and dragged her fingertips along Adam's scrotum and let them travel up his shaft.

"Oh no!" Adam said. His voice was unsteady. His next words were "OH GOD!"

Eva asked, "Is something wrong?"

She felt him thrust into her hard and hold it deep inside her. Then she felt his dick swell and begin to pulsate inside her.

"This is cool," Eva said. "I feel all warm inside. Are you doing that Adam?"

When she did not get an answer, she turned to him. His face was frozen with an odd expression on it.

"Can I have a turn?" Sara begged.

"Oh Dear Lord!" Adam growled as he poured forth his seed inside Eva.

The girls looked at the screaming man wondering what was wrong with him. When he was done, he fell on his back and pull his dick out of Eva.

"Are you all right?" Sara asked. "You're all out of breath and so sweaty."

Sara sat down beside her friend and both women turned to face him. Adam gasped for air and took a moment to gather himself.

"I'm fine. That was intense." He took another deep breath and added wistfully, "I haven't done that in years." Then he added, "Eva, are you okay?"

"Yes. Fine. Shouldn't I be?"

"Err . . . Well, yes. It's just that sometimes a girl's first time can . . . can hurt or you know, be emotional." He spoke concerned.

"Emotional?" Eva replied confused.

"Back in the day, it was a big deal the first time you had sex, especially for women."

He put his hands to his face and imitated a frantic girl then he shouted, "I love him! Does he love me? Was this a mistake? Will he tell all his friends? Will people think I'm a slut? What if I get pregnant?"

Sara and Eva gave him a blank, confused look. Adam lifted himself up on one elbow and looked at the two naked females. They were bright-eyed innocents, unashamedly baring their beautiful breasts to him as they struggled to understand what he was saying. He tried again.

"We come from two different times. The rules I learned about men and women no longer apply so I'm lost," he said.

His eyes showed his confusion and concern. He addressed them both, "I don't want to hurt you or take advantage of you. Help me to understand. What do you want?"

Eva said, "I wanted to have intercourse with you. It was brief, but fun and I'd like to do it again."

Sara chipped in. "I'd like to have sex with you too. I've had these feeling I'd like to explore."

"Neither of you would mind if I had sex with the other."

The girls gave him their "Are you crazy look?"

"No," Eva said. "Sara's my best friend."

Sara added, "You said something about a woman being upset to find out she's pregnant. A pregnant woman is very rare in our time. She is honored."

Adam said, "So if I've got this right, you both want to have sex with me. No strings attached. No drama. No jealousy and if you get pregnant, great?"

"Yeah," said Sara. Eva nodded.

"Where were you two with I was eighteen?" Adam asked with a big smile. Then he added, "Sara, can I rest a bit before we get together? Maybe after breakfast?"

She nodded. They all toileted. Adam came back to the bed and slept. The girls made breakfast, ate and chatted about what had just happened.

After a refreshing nap, Adam ate. He thought, "I know they've grown up in a different world, but could it be that different? Let's see if they mean what they say".

He returned to his bed, stretched out, spread his legs and said, "Sara, be a darling and suck on my cock. That'll get me hard and you and I can have sex."

His limp dick was still messy. He had neglected to clean himself. It was covered with remnants of Eva's juice and his cum.

Sara came to him. She reached for his dick. Then she stopped and pulled back. "Here we go," he thought.

She surprised him by batting her long eyelashes at him and saying, "Tell me if I do it wrong."

Then she quickly scooped up his member and put it into her mouth. She massaged it with her tongue and then holding the base of his cock in one hand, she sucked and pulled her lips along his shaft stretching it out. Her work earned a groan from Adam.

"Emmm. Nice," he moaned.

Sara stopped and looked up at Adam like a schoolgirl who believed she has aced her exam. She said, "So I'm doing okay?"

"Yes. Excellent," Adam said. Greedy bastard that he was, Adam grabbed his cock and directed it back to her mouth. The petite brunette eagerly returned to her task.

Eva joined them. She lay beside them on her side and watched. Adam found her full breasts appealing and reached out and thumbed a nipple. She smiled in return. He said,

"Eva, I'm guessing you've never made out on the sofa or in the backseat of a car," Adam chuckled for his use of references that he knew meant nothing to her. "You can help speed up the process by giving me a kiss."

Eva was glad to help out. She slid over so the two could lock lips. "Oh man!" Adam thought. "A cutie sucking my dick and a beauty kissing me. I've never had it so good!"

Sara continued her efforts. His member was soft and spongy. The taste when she first started was strong and earthy. She did not find that repellent or objectionable. She had grown up in a world without refrigeration. She was used to eating gamy meat.

Eva kissed Adam. His lips were warm and soft. She was surprised at the enjoyment she got from their extending kissing. She said,

"Kissing you is nice. I've kissed people before, but it was just a quick "Hello or Goodbye" smooch with my mother or a friend. I've never lingered in a kiss like this and certainly never with a man. I liked it. It makes me warm all over."

"I like kissing you too," Adam said smiling at the beautiful teenager.

Sara continued her pleasing efforts. Adam decided to take things further with Eva.

"Emmm," Eva groaned when Adam's hands found her breasts. His expert caressing further warmed and excited her.

"Wow! This is great," Adam thought. "Having two willing sex partners sure can be fun".

He pulled away from Eva and said, "I loved to kiss you all day long, but I better prepare Sara."

Eve scrunched her face into an impish grin pleased at what he'd said. Adam returned her smile and then turned his attention to Sara. He said,

"Sara, Wow! You are good at that. You can see the results of your lavish attention. I'm ready. Let me prepare you. Come lie beside me."

She stretched out next to him and Sara said boldly, "I want a kiss like the ones you gave Eva."

"Ah. There's nothing sexier than a woman who knows what she wants," Adam said. He rolled to face her and kissed her passionately.

At first, Sara was overwhelmed by the feel of his lips, the pounding of her heart and the warm tingly feeling deep inside her core, but she persevered and discover the joy of deep, soulful kissing. She reached out and hugged him tight.

She was a quick learner and open to trying new things. Adam moved on to an open kiss and then added his tongue. She greeted each new development with a squeal of excitement and quickly mimicked his actions. Adam reached over and played with her rubbery right nipple as they kissed. He felt her sigh and her kisses became hungrier and more forceful.

They continued in this manner for quite a while as each enjoyed the other. Adam pinched and plucked her nipples. This caused Sara to squirm and moan into his mouth. Then he slid his hand south.

Her pussy was hot and weeping. She was as wet as the ocean. When he rubbed her clit, the teenager's hips lifted off the bed and she cried out.

"Oh my God!"

Adam laughed gently and said, "You liked that. You ain't felt nothing yet."

He brought his head to her crotch and went down as if to kiss it. Embarrassed, Sara covered her pussy with both hands and said, "Ah . . . Stop. You don't want to do that. It smells."

Adam gently pried her hands off her snatch. He took in a big breath, smiled at her and said, "Sara, yes it smells, but what you don't understand is I love everything about a woman's pussy. I love the way they look. I love the way they smell and most of all, I love the way they taste."

She found it hard to believe him, but she stopped fighting him. He kissed her neat, little pussy and immediately lapped her sex. To her surprise, he seemed to like it and she screamed in pleasure. She loved it.

"OH!" she cried out.

She had a strong salty, tangy flavor. Adam instantly craved it.

"Oh, baby! You taste fantastic!"

He dove in sucking, licked, digging into her gash with his tongue. He couldn't get enough of her. He was addicted to her pussy juice and ate her like a hungry wolf, ferociously.

"Oh! Wow! Emmm. Ohh," she responded to his actions.

Many sounds expressing her delight pour forth from Sara. All she could do was gush: gush about how good Adam was making her feel and gush syrupy fluid from her excited pussy that he greedily lapped up.

He kept at it, never giving her a break. Soon she thrust her hips up crashing into his face and cried out as she orgasmed.

"Ohh. Ohhhh. OH! OH!"

This was her first climax ever. Her body spasmed violently. After her hips crashed into his face, they returned to the bed and her torso jerked forward. She curled up until her head was above Adam's head. Momentarily, she stopped breathing.

Eva cried out in alarm. "Sara, what happened? Are you okay?"

Her friend gave no response.

An anxious Eva said, "Sara, are you okay? Talk to me!"

Sara's body remained frozen for a while and then slowly unfurled until she was sitting up on the bed. When Eva finally could see Sara's face. She saw big, excited eyes and a big, joyous smile.

"Oh my God! Eva, I've never felt anything like it. I've never known such pure pleasure."

"Really? What happened? You scared me. Your body contorted it. You wouldn't answer me. I was worried."

"I'm not sure what happened. I was loving everything Adam was doing. It all felt so good. Then suddenly it was as if a dam burst inside me. Pulsating waves of pleasure traveled throughout my body. My head was spinning. I couldn't speak. I couldn't even breathe. It was like a volcanic eruption down there."

Adam sat up and said, "That was an orgasm. The best gift one person can give another."

Sara spoke excitedly. "Now I know why all the older women talk so longingly about how they miss their men. It was so wonderful. I felt warm and tingly all over. It was like my insides were melting and exploding at the same time."