Second Coming of Adam


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In the morning, Eve woke first. She slowly yawned and stretched. At first she didn't notice, but then, there it was! A nub pressing against her butt cheeks. Excited she turned to examine it. "He's starting to get hard," she said to herself.

Like a bird seeing a worm, she pounced. She sucked and pulled on it, trying to draw it out. Then like a survivalist out in the woods who was desperate to create a fire from a small ember, she blew him carefully, conscientiously. All the while she prayed in her mind, "Please get hard. Please. Please."

Adam woke to a pleasant feeling. In his dream, his wife was sucking his dick. It felts so good. He opened his eyes to find his sister between his legs and his dick in her mouth.

"What are you doing?" He asked with alarm.

Eve released it. Stroked his half hard member. She spoke excitedly and with a big smile on her face. "Your penis was partially hard this morning. I'm nursing it. I know I can get it fully hard."

She swooped back down. Engulfing his cock. She bobbed up and down. Adam stared at the gorgeous naked woman who so cheerfully, enthusiastically was sucking his dick. He thought, "Wow! My sister is sucking my cock." And he got fully erect.

"Whippee!" Eve exclaimed and clapped. "There. You're hard. That means you're getting better."

Adam smiled at his sister. He understood she hadn't blow him for her pleasure or his. She was desperate for a sign, some tangible proof that he was not going to die. He teased her as she continued to stroke his erection.

"Ah. You cheated, didn't you? I appreciate it and all, but I think we're going to have to score that as an erection achieved with a big assist."

She frowned. "You don't have to rain on my parade."

"You might be feeling more than little raindrops if you don't stop stroking Mr. Softy. Those things have been known to go off unexpectedly."

He grinned. A sheepish look crossed her face and she let go of his dick.


Adam continued to heal under the great care of his sister. Two days later, he awoke to find the return of his long absent friend, morning wood. He had a full blown hard-on. "Ah, there you are, my old friend," he thought. "Eve will get a real kick out of this.". He pressed it against her butt. No response.

"I'm going to surprise her," he decided. He backed off her and grabbed his rock-hard prick. Then he tilted it down aiming it between her young thighs. "This'll startle her," he thought and smiled devilishly.

He thrust forward slowly. His dick made a pathway between her legs. It cruised along her soft, split vaginal lips like a hot-dog sliding inside a sliced bun. When the tip of his dick bumped into her clit, she woke with a start.


"Mr. Softy says Good Morning!" Adam snickered and rapidly plowed his big dick back and forth between her legs a few times.

She lifted her upper leg to get a good look and said, "Hey! Now that's a nice, big, hard cock."

Adam said, "You did it. Your great care has healed me."


After their noon meal, Eve said, "You look better. You have good color, a healthy glow. And considering how you put that meal away, we can definitely say your appetite is back."

"I do feel much better, stronger. And as I demonstrated this morning, I passed the healthy male test."

"Yes you did. Listen, this is a crazy world we find ourselves in. You are the only person I trust."

He teased her saying, "There's not much competition for that award. Practically speaking, it appears that I am one of the few people still alive."

"Stop joking. I have something serious to say."

Adam sat up straighter and wiped the silly grin off his face. He recognized that she indeed had something important to discuss. He said, "Sorry. Go on."

Eve continued, "I had so many dreams and plans for my life. They've all were dashed when our world was destroyed. I'm just going to blurt it out. I want to have sex with you."

To say Adam was stunned would be an understatement. She could see she had shocked him. She added, "I'm a virgin."

She succeeded in shocking him again. "But you and Matt . . . you guys didn't . . . ever?"

"No. Mom told me my virginity was a special gift for a special man. The guys I dated in high school were boys, not men and none were special. I especially recognized this when I fell in love with Matthew. He proved how special he was when I told him I was a virgin. He thought it was really cool that I had standards. He said we had to wait until we were married.

"Due to the killing fog, our wedding day never arrived. The catastrophe stopped the ceremony, but I wasn't going to let that prevent Matt and me from living as man and wife. I took him out on the beach one moon lite night and I was going to give myself to him, consummate our love. But he couldn't. He'd been damaged by the mist and he couldn't have intercourse with me."

"Oh God!" Adam exclaimed. She thought he was feeling her pain while really he was thinking, "That must have been the night I saw them naked on the beach and I got hard ogling her body." He felt awful.

Eve said, "The attack the other day has pushed me to this decision. That bastard would have raped me if he'd gotten the chance. I can't stand the thought that my special gift might have been stolen by him.

"I don't feel better or safe knowing that he's dead. There's probably other scumbag just like him out there who would rape me given the chance. l wanted to pick who gets my cherry. I've been saving it for a special person. Since it can't be Mathew, I want it to be you."

Adam sat there for a moment. Her speech from the heart really affected him. He would have been on cloud 9 if any other woman had offered him her V-card. He stated the obvious,

"But you're my sister."

"Yes. So?"

Adam couldn't think of a really good come back. Of course she knew that. He responded, "Well, it's not like we're setting a bad example for anyone."

Eve began to hope that he was agreeing with her. But her pride wouldn't let her beg to be fucked. She wore her best poker face and waited for him to speak again. Adam considered everything she had said. He said,

"In this new world a pretty woman like you is a scarce commodity. You will be a target for ever horny, unscrupulous man still alive. Your virginity is an endangered species. You're right. It is yours to give and if you wait too long some monster will steal it from you."

He paused and then said sincerely, "I would be honored to be your first."

She smiled, happy that he agreed to have sex with her. Adam gave their situation some thought. He was ready to go beyond simply de-flowering her. He said, "I think it's time we admit to ourselves that we are alone in a dangerous world. I don't see a reason to deny ourselves the physical and emotional pleasure of loving one another."

He paused and looked deep in his sister's eyes and said, "Whatever life I have left, I want to spend it loving you."

Eve did her happy dance. She'd have come to the same conclusion. She shouted, "Whippee!"

She clapped her hands together in short, quick taps. Adam stood and enveloped her in his arms. She looked up at him with bright eyes. He kissed her full on the lips. They melted into each other. Lips parted and tongues touched. They kissed for a long time.

Finally, Adam broke their kiss. He stepped back and tugged on the straps of her jumper. Eve raised her arms so Adam could pull the jumper off over her head. Then he lifted her bright yellow nylon top off.

Eve stood naked in front of him. She was so nervous her body was shaking. She wrapped her arms around herself covering her breasts. Adam smiled at her and said,

"You're so beautiful."

He slipped off his shorts. The nude duo went to the bedroom. Eve was so happy. She was too excited to take it slow. She pushed him on his back and pounced on his hard dick taking it deeply into her mouth. Adam wanted a taste of her. He tugged on her hips and wordlessly guided her snatch to his face. He luxuriated in licking her sex and tasting her juice. Eve loved what he was doing to her, but didn't neglect his pleasure stick.

Eve had been hoping, dreaming about this for days. That pent up feeling sent her over the edge quickly. She came on her brother's tongue. She squeezed his head with her powerful, dancer legs. His solace while suffering through the leg-lock, was savoring the earthy, tangy flavor of his sister's virgin twat.

He let her rest and recover and then gently teased her, "That didn't take long."

She was doubly embarrassed. To have come so quickly and the fact that her pussy was still in his face. She crawled off him and sat facing him. She blushed and said shyly, "For me, this day has been a long time coming."

Adam realized he'd hurt her feelings. He grabbed her face and kissed her and said,

"I'm sorry for teasing you. I love you and I'm glad you enjoyed that. I'll probably come in two seconds when I enter you."

Adam paused thinking about what he just said. He asked, "Eve, have you thought about the fact we have no birth control? Am I supposed to pull out?"

"No and yes. I've considered all aspects of my decision: taking control of my virginity, having sex with my brother and the possible of a pregnancy. I have one answer, fuck it!

"The fog could come back tomorrow and kill us. I will live my life and make my choices living for today! There are no guarantees that there will be a tomorrow. I'll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow because this is the kind of world I live in now."

Adam could tell she had thought it out. Her "It only make sense to live for today" philosophy was justified by the world they inhabited. He was impressed that she had thought about the consequences of their actions.

"You are one tough, smart, beautiful woman," he said. He meant it, but he also wanted to give her an out. He said, "I thrilled about the offer to have sex with you. I don't mind pulling out."

She looked him straight in the eye and said, "I know you love me and would do anything for me. I have thought about this and I want to do it without limits, without restrictions. Some might think I'm being foolish and maybe I am.

"The catastrophe that has struck our world has forced us to accept a lot of changes. Where I don't have to compromise, I won't. I want to live and love as fully as I can so come inside me and I hope I will come on your cock.

"I've always dreamed of having children. If we are so blessed, we will do our best. Many babies have been born before there were doctors and hospitals. Others have done it, why can't we?"

Adam was re-assured by her statement. He kissed her and slid a hand down to her sex. She was wet and he easily pushed a finger inside her. Even though she had told him that she was a virgin, he was surprised to feel a barrier, her hymen. He'd never felt one before.

He said, "We'll take it nice and slow. You seem ready, you're wet. Do you want to be on top? I hear some women are more comfortable if they are in control."

"I tried it that way with Matt. It didn't work and I was still scared. Sally said you were a kind and considerate lover. I'll trust you to be gentle."

She rolled over on her back and spread her legs. He knelt between her legs. His hard, heavy erection hung down. He rubbed it along her sex picking up lubrication. Then he lined it up with her opening and stretched out on top of her. He rubbed his nose against hers and whispered,

"I love you, my beautiful sister."

He slid his dick in until he touched her barrier. His cock spread her. She sighed feeling herself opening up for him.


"Take a deep breath," he instructed. When she exhaled he punched through and penetrated her two inches.

"Fuck!" She cried out. Then she laughed.

"Are you okay?" he asked with genuine concern.

She giggled and said, "I felt you break through. It surprised me more than hurt. I'm laughing because it was nothing like I feared. It hurt a little bit and only for a second."

She took another deep breath and slowly released it. "I'm okay. No pain. I feel pressure. I had bought into the whole scary story that your big dick would rip me up, that it would be so painfully and that you would destroy my poor little vagina. Thank God that's not the case."

"I'm glad it doesn't hurt." He pulled back and drove forward slowly. "You're so tight. It feels great to me."

Adam continued to take it slowly. He worked himself into her cautiously. His movements were deliberate. He penetrated her just a little bit at a time, going in deeper and deeper. He didn't make any hard or fast movements. Her body was able to adjust.

Still, her heart was racing. Both of them were breathing hard. She was perspiring. He was sweating.

She asked curious and concerned, "Are you all the way in yet?"

He shoved one time and announced, "There. I'm all in. Do you need to rest?"

"No. I'm okay," she said surprising even herself. She giggled. Gave him a quick kiss and said, "Do me."

Her brother smiled and set an easy, slow rhythm. He kept the slow pace and lengthened his stroke. Eve started enjoying it. She cooed, "Emmm. Oh."

Adam heard her and got more excited. He picked up the pace. Eve began moving her hips, tentatively at first, then really getting into it. Her movement amplified the intensity and pleasure for both of them.

"Oh! Oh. Ohhh!" Eve cried out enjoying her brother's dick.

Her extremely tight pussy coupled with her enthusiastic vocalization triggered her brother's climax.

"Oh Fuck! So good," he cried out.

His rutting became frantic. He forcefully lunged into her and deposited a huge load. This was all new to Eve. She felt his dick pulsating inside her and she felt his over-heated body collapse on top of her. She was glad when he rolled off her. His sweat mixed with her sweat. She was soaking wet.

Eve didn't know the post-coitus protocol so she didn't move or speak. Adam propped himself up on an elbow and gave her a kiss.

"So how was it?" he asked.

"I was overwhelmed with sensations and feelings that I've never felt before. Some I liked more than others. It reminds me of when we took that family trip to France. I have that feeling of being in an unfamiliar, strange, exotic, and exciting place. I realize that I don't understand the language or rules well enough to fully enjoy the situation."

"You're right. It's a new game and no one can prepare you for it by talking to you. You have to get in the game," Adam said. He added, "That said, I enjoyed the hell of it. You're young, firm, tight, beautiful and seem to like sex. That's an outstanding combination in a lover."

Adam glanced down and scratched his dick. He saw a little blood. He asked his sister, "So you said it wasn't as painful as you had feared. Am I right, you enjoy it?"

"Yes. It was fun. It was way better than the scary stories the girls in our high school tell."

"Okay if I have a look?"

She nodded. The former ballerina shot her legs out doing a split on the bed. Adam leaned over and looked at her pussy. He touched her sex and slipped a finger inside her to the second knuckle.

"I saw some blood on my penis. You have a little on your thigh."

He wiped it away with his hand and continued. "You don't seem to be actively bleeding."

Eve leaned over to look. She grabbed her pussy with both hands and pulled it wide open. They both peered in. A big cream-pie oozed out, but no blood.

"I believe that's yours," she said giggling. Then she added, "Minimal pain. Minimal blood. Not a bad start. When can we do it again?"

Adam laughed. "Mr. Softy needs some time to re-charge. Thirty minutes. Maybe sooner if he gets mouth-to-prick resuscitation."

Eve reached for his dick. Adam said, "Remember men are the weaker sex. I can only have one orgasm at a time. You can have multiple orgasms. You are slower to get up to speed, but you can go and go. Let me rest for half an hour and then blow me.

"While we wait, you should piss. Sally always did. She said it helped prevent urinary tract infections. She would drink lots of water and wash herself before and after sex and pee as well to keep the dreaded UTI's away."

"Yes, doctor. Seriously, I don't want to get one of those. Not with no doctors or antibiotics around."

Eve playfully gave him a salute as she went to the head.

"Oh nurse," Adam called out. "I'll be taking your temperature with my meat thermometer when you come back."


The second time around was better for Eve. She was much more relaxed. Adam got in more kissing and breast play this time. He also fingered her pussy. He didn't eat her pussy because he didn't like going down on a soiled vagina.

Eve sucked and fucked and had fun. She didn't orgasm, but she learned more about what she liked.

They did missionary and doggy-style. When they did girl-on-top. Eve experimented. She changed speeds and angles. She moved her hips in a variety of ways. She tried grinding her clit against his pubic bone. She moved in circles and bounced up and down. She liked the feeling of Adam coming inside her. It warmed her insides.

After they bathed in the ocean and had dinner, the pair cuddled up naked in the fore cabin bed. They locked eyes and then they locked lips. Their hands explored the other's body. Eve appreciated Adam's muscular body and his hard cock. Adam loved her overall softness, her full breasts, and round ass.

He broke a warm, wonderful kiss to latch onto a pink nipple. He nursed on it much to her delight. His hands were gentle with her breasts as he cupped and hefted them. She felt good all over.

"Ah" Eve sighed. "That feels so good. It makes me warm inside and . . ." She paused to laugh and then said, "And wet down below. God! I can't believe I said that. You have turned me into a dirty-talking, sex-loving maniac all ready."

"Yes, but it's okay. You're my sexy nymphomaniac. And a very tasty one at that."

Adam slid down her body leaving a trail of kisses from her nipple to her sex. Then his tongue swirled about her gash and plunged inside her, digging out her tart girl sauce.

"Oh God! I thought your mouth on my breasts felt good! Your tongue on my pussy is fabulous!"

Adam pulled himself away from her sex and said, "Tonight, you're going to come on my dick. Here's the plan. I'm going to eat you like you've never been eaten before. You're not allowed to come. Fight it. Let the tension build up inside you. When you're about to burst, tell me, and I'm going to fuck you to an orgasm. Got it?"

"Aye, aye, Captain."

"Good. Eve, do you know where your G-spot is?"


"You're about to find out. Remember, you do not have permission to climax."

Adam slipped between her legs. He started out slowly kissing and licking here and there moderately pleasuring her. He pushed his index finger inside and did a "Come here" curl.

"Oh" she gasped.

"That, little sister, is your G-spot; a spongy section of sensitive tissue on the front wall of your vagina. Let me know if you are one of those women who enjoys having attention paid to her G-spot."

Adam kept his finger in place and brought his mouth to her clit. She loved the warming sensation, the thrill that shot through her body when his mouth found her button. Then he intermittently tapped her G-spot and had his tongue circle her clit.

Then he licked her sex all over but avoiding her nub. He'd say he was just taking it slow, warming her up. She'd say, he was being a bastard and purposely teasing and denying her full satisfaction.

"Ohh!" Eve groaned whenever he hit her G-spot or flicked her clit. She was getting hotter, getting wetter and rocking her hips in hopes of inducing or prolonging the contact she craved.

Adam was thorough and conscientious. He had her motor revving as he gave her more and more of what she desired. Fifteen minutes in, she was sweating and panting, moaning and groaning. Adam was afraid she'd boil over and he really wanted her to learn to come on his cock. He pulled his mouth off her sex and circled her clit gently with his thumb.
