Debbie Gibson Ch. 04


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She sighed inwardly as the dispiriting thought that he was probably right hit her.

"We must do that again Mrs Gibson; before you leave," Sid smirked as he pulled up his trousers. He was already planning how he was going to fuck Debbie before they left Monday morning. All he had to do was get rid of Derek again. But how?

Debbie slipped into her dress and her stomach flipped over at this revelation. She didn't know what he was planning but somehow she needed to make sure she stuck close to Derek for the next day or so. If she didn't she knew it was a nailed on certainty that Sid would get to fuck her again as it seemed she was incapable of resisting him and if he managed to get rid of Derek then she would once more be his for the taking.

When they re-entered the lounge Derek was engrossed in his football and barely acknowledged Debbie when she told him she was going to bed.

When he eventually returned to their room after the football programme had finished, he climbed into bed and reached over to her.

"How about it then," he said, "do you fancy it?"

"I certainly do not," Debbie replied, "I'm still mad with you about today."

Although that was true she was extremely sore from Sid's efforts on her body and more sex now was the last thing she wanted. Plus she didn't want her husband to have sloppy seconds. She did have some small semblance of pride left although admittedly not too much.

"Go to sleep," she added as she turned over onto her side and closed her eyes. She was asleep in a matter of minutes.

* * *

When Debbie awoke the next morning the other side of the king size bed was empty. She got up, had a long and extremely hot shower, hoping to wash away her guilt before dressing and going downstairs for breakfast.

As she walked into the dining room she saw Derek deep in conversation with Sid.

"Ah there you are sleepy head," Derek said in a soft voice, trying to ingratiate himself back into Debbie's good books. "I was just talking to Sid about the walks around here and he's offered for him and Billy to be our guides on what he says, is the best one. So what do you think? Are you up for a walk today?"

"I suppose so," she answered dispassionately as she sat down at the table, feeling Sid's eyes on her breasts again. Why couldn't he leave her alone.

"A walk sounds fine," she added. There's not much Sid can get up to on a walk, she thought as she helped herself to coffee.

"That's settled then," Sid said, "I'll meet you out front in say... forty minutes?"

"That okay, Debbie?" Derek asked. Debbie just nodded her head, as she bit into her slice of toast and marmalade.

After breakfast, Derek and Debbie returned to their room to change into their walking gear and pack their rucksacks.

Debbie put on a pink, low neck tee shirt and a baggy blue sweater that fluffed out and had a big roll neck collar. It didn't look much but it kept her warm when they were out. She hunted around for her walking trousers, which she eventually found at the bottom of the wardrobe. She'd forgotten all about them and they were still damp and muddy from yesterday's deluge. There was no way she could wear them again.

Diving into her bag she found the pair of trousers she'd thrown in for emergencies. They would have to do she thought. She pulled them on with a struggle. For some reason they seemed much tighter than she remembered and clung to her ass cheeks. But it had been a while since she'd worn them.

She fastened her walking boots and then loosely braided her hair into two pigtails. Putting on a woolly hat she caught a glimpse of the end result in the mirror. She thought she looked really cute, just like a little schoolgirl, a fact that was apparently not lost on Sid as they met up outside the lodge.

He looked her over. Even though the sweater was fairly baggy he could still make out the shape of her breasts. He looked at her ass. He was pleased with the tightness of her trousers and nodded his approval, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Debbie. She sighed inwardly as she put on her rain jacket and zipped it up. Even wearing that Sid could still tell she had massive boobs.

"Right," he said clearing his perverted thoughts, "are we all ready? Billy will you lead us off please."

The four of them struck out across the car park and joined a track that led off into the surrounding hills and woodland.

After walking about an hour, pausing every now and again for drinks or for photo opportunities, they came to where the track began to climb up a fairly steep incline. They stopped for a brief respite. This was going to be the most arduous part of their walk so far today.

"Billy, can you lead us off please." Sid decided that they had lingered here long enough and he was eager to get to where he wanted to be. His cock was already pulsing in anticipation.

Billy and Derek had been talking almost non stop about football. It seemed they had a lot in common and were now dissecting the merits of team formations. Debbie had switched off long ago. They kept pulling figures out the air like 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 or 5-3-1-1. She had absolutely no idea what they were on about. God knows why they found it so interesting. So it seemed only natural when Derek followed Billy along the track.

As Debbie was about to go past Sid to join up with her husband, Sid stepped out in front of her.

"It'll be better if I go before you," he said, "the track is a little difficult to manage in places and it would be wiser for you to follow in my footsteps in case we run into any problems."

This seemed perfectly reasonable to Debbie, he was the expert after all, so she didn't think anything of it as they set off after Billy and Derek.

The track was quite rugged with lots of boulders and loose scree and having to watch where she was putting her feet, meant Debbie was not aware that Sid had deliberately slowed down. After about ten minutes of walking, Billy and Derek were some distance in front. A gap that only got bigger when Sid stopped to adjust his boot laces.

Up ahead Derek and Billy had no idea that they were now a considerable distance in front. Coming round a bend, which put them out of sight of Sid and Debbie, they came to a signposted junction where the track split two ways. The right fork led slightly up and across the hill skirting the woods, whilst the left fork led down into them.

Without pausing Billy struck out along the right fork with Derek following close behind.

A few minutes later and Sid and Debbie arrived at the same spot. Debbie looked round. There was no sign of her husband and Billy.

"Which way?"

"Down there," Sid replied, pointing to the track into the woods.

The path inside the wood was like a green carpet. To Debbie it felt so lovely and peaceful. The wind, which had seemed quite strong out on the exposed hillside was barely a whisper in here. There was just the gentle rustling of the leaves to indicate a slight breeze. They had been walking for five minutes or so when Sid stopped and turned to face Debbie.

Debbie caught up to him and stopped and looked around her before turning to face Sid. "What's up, is there a problem?" she asked.

"Not now," Sid said with a smirk on his face. "Alone at last!" He moved up close to her.

"You've got to be kidding me," Debbie exclaimed. She knew immediately what he meant and was amazed at the gall of the man. "All I've got to do is scream and then you'll be in trouble."

"Scream away, Derek's not going to find you any time soon," Sid countered as he reached for the zip on her rain jacket.

"What do you mean?" she asked nervously.

"They took the wrong fork." He leered at her as he grabbed hold of her zip and started to tug it down.

She brought her hand up to stop him.

"No!" she said firmly. "Stop it!"

He brushed her hand away and pulled the zip lower, only for her to again put her hand over his.

"I said NO!"

It made no difference to him. He dismissively pushed it away a second time and lowered the zip all the way down.

Sid pulled her jacket open and slipped both hands inside. She slapped them away. He just smiled and moved in closer, finally taking her breasts into his firm grasp. As he groped and fondled them yet again, Debbie looked resignedly into his eyes.

"I do hope you're enjoying yourself," she said sarcastically, determined not to to allow herself to become aroused.

"Oh yeah!" Sid said as he carried on with his assault of her massive 38DD breasts.

Removing her rain jacket he moved on to give her ass cheeks his full attention. He groped and squeezed them as he pulled her into his bulging cock.

Debbie was still not reacting, she stood there as Sid unfastened her tight trousers and pulled them down to her ankles taking her thong with them. His hand went straight to the top of her legs. She kept them firmly clamped together but he still managed to slip a finger in between them to rub into her pussy.

Sid carried on, he didn't mind if she reacted or not, he was still going to fuck her whatever she did or didn't do.

He slid his other hand up under her sweater and tee shirt and pulled them up together exposing her bra to his view. Her breasts were barely contained by the skimpy thing she was wearing and Sid quickly lifted it up freeing her impressive tits, which swung invitingly for him once they were released.

Sid brought his hand up to cup one, rubbing over the great expanse of flesh before bending down and catching a nipple between his lips. He suckled greedily on her precious nub, feeling it grow harder as he pulled at it with his teeth.

"God, I could play with your tits for ever," he groaned, as he revelled once more in their shape and size. "They're magnificent."

Debbie began to move. Slightly at first as her arousal finally got started. She shifted her feet slightly, opening her legs, allowing Sid easier access to her pussy. He didn't need any encouragement as he brought his full hand up to her mound and rubbed. Her hips started to move and she began to rock from side to side as her arousal grew.

"Ooohhhmmm... fuck..." Debbie moaned.

Sid pushed two fingers inside her.

"Uuunngghhh...god..." she reacted, her body moving upwards as she momentarily stood on her tiptoes.

"Oh fuuucckk..." she groaned.

Sid was amazed at how quickly Debbie's juices started to flow and not wanting to wait a moment longer he turned her around and pushed her up against a tree. Debbie bent over for him, spreading her legs as wide as her trousers would allow as she prepared to let him enter her married pussy yet again. She groaned loudly when he brought his cock head to her pussy and rubbed it over her juiced up slit.

"Nnngggrrr... fuuucckk..." she shrieked as he thrust himself in, her pussy clamping down onto the large invasion. Her arms reached out and encircled the tree as she hung on for dear life, her face etched in pain as he pumped away rhythmically, easing his cock inside her inch by inch, his balls slapping against her body.

As he fucked her his hands once more felt for her pendulous 38DD breasts. They swayed back and forth and she grunted as he penetrated her deeper and deeper with each forceful thrust.

* * *

Having taken the right fork at the signposted junction, Derek and Billy were now halfway up and across the hillside. They had paused to take a look back and were surprised to see no sign of Sid or Debbie following them.

"I don't see them," Derek said to Billy, as he scanned the surrounding countryside. "You don't think they took the other fork back there do you?"

"Could have done, I suppose," Billy replied, "but I'm sure Mr Jenkins told me to take the right fork."

"Well it doesn't look like they're coming this way so I reckon we should go back. What do you think?" Derek said.

Billy nodded his head. "I suppose so," he replied. "Even if we are going the right way, all we'll do is meet up with them and have to walk this bit twice!"

Derek grimaced at the thought. It had been a while since he had last been out walking in the hills, especially this distance and he was pretty sure he had the beginnings of a couple of nasty blisters.

He took a deep breath as he moved off to join up with Billy who had already set off back down the hill.

* * *

As Billy and Derek set off to find them, Debbie was just coming to her orgasm as Sid rubbed her clit with his finger. She bucked wildly as the sensation flooded her body.

"Ohhhh... my... god..." she shuddered violently as she came.

Sid pulled out of her. "Ssshhh," he said, "be quiet. I think I just heard something." He stood still, his head cocked to one side, listening.

"Come with me," he whispered as he took hold of her hand and led her off the path where they had been fucking. He pushed deeper into the dense undergrowth. She shuffled slowly along behind him, her trousers and thong still wrapped round her ankles.

Finding a likely spot hidden from view from the path, Sid put their coats on the ground and laid her down on top of them. She was grateful. She could barely stand after that last orgasm and was still trembling from the aftershocks.

Removing her trousers from one leg first, Sid then took up his position between her thighs. Her legs were splayed wide open as he guided his 11" cock back towards her pussy and finding her juiced up, wet and willing slit, pushed in. She made no effort to stop him as he slid up and down her body, running his hands over her breasts as she grunted with every one of his deep thrusts.

She suddenly became aware that she could hear voices. Not only that, they were drawing nearer. It had to be Derek and Billy. It sure sounded like them.

Sid slowed right down. He'd heard the voices too. He was barely moving his hips, just easing slowly in and out. What he didn't realise was that this movement was now driving Debbie wild as he had inadvertently found her G-spot and she was heading for another massive orgasm.

As the voices came nearer still, Debbie moaned. Sid quickly brought his mouth to hers and kissed her for the first time, attempting to muffle her cries of ecstasy.

Debbie's eyes flew open and she tried to break the kiss but Sid was insistent and as he was still slowly pumping into her, her passion overcame the objection and she kissed him back, moaning into his mouth.

"Did you hear something," Derek said to Billy looking around him. "Sounded like something moaning."

Sid and Debbie froze. Sid started to panic. They were just yards away from them. Surely they were going to be discovered. What Derek would say or do when he found his wife on the end of Sid's cock didn't bear thinking about. He flinched as Debbie's pussy squeezed down on his cock.

He moaned inwardly. Oh fuck, he wished they would just go so he could finish off what he had started. His balls were beginning to churn. Her pussy squeezed him again. Fuuuuucckk! He gritted his teeth.

"Not sure," Billy replied. "Probably just the wind. It sounds like that sometimes when it blows through the trees."

"Oh right," Derek shrugged. He wasn't convinced but what did he know!

Billy moved off down the track and Derek followed not realising that just twenty feet away from him his lovely wife was lying on the ground with another man's cock buried deep in her pussy.

Sid and Debbie could hear the sound of their footsteps grow fainter, their voices fading as they moved off down the track.

Giving them five minutes to get out of earshot, during which time he continued to kiss her deeply and play with her breasts and swollen nipples, Sid then pummelled Debbie into another orgasm before he shot his load into her devastated pussy.

"Fucking incredible," he groaned as he rolled off her body and onto his back.

"I felt sure they were going to find us," Debbie gushed excitedly before realising what she had just said.

They both stood and dressed themselves before hurrying off down through the woods, Sid taking them down another track, which was a short cut on the trail. This eventually brought them to a bench seat at a designated viewpoint where they sat down to wait.

They'd been there for about five minutes, when Derek and Billy arrived.

"Oh, there you are," Derek said, "we thought we'd lost you."

"Well we've been here a while so we thought you'd got lost. Did you take the right fork at the woods Billy?" Sid asked.

"Err yeah I did," Billy replied sheepishly.

"Mmm, I'm pretty sure I told you to take the left one," Sid said.

"Did you?" Billy looked slightly puzzled, "can't remember, I thought you said go..."

Sid cut him off. "Not to worry, come on it's time we got back." He stood up quickly catching them all by surprise before he led them back towards the lodge.

As they walked down the hill, Derek glanced over at Debbie. When he and Billy had met up with her and Sid she seemed to go out of her way to avoid him. He thought she was looking a bit flustered and distracted and was still avoiding any eye contact with him. He came up alongside her.

"You feeling okay Debbie?" he asked as he looked at her sideways.

"Yeah, I'm... err... fine," she replied. She could feel her face colouring up, "Why?"

"Nothing really, you just seem a little distracted and quiet, that's all," he said.

"No, no I'm fine, really, I must be tired, that's all," she added smiling weakly. "Two walks in two days is probably too much for me these days."

* * *

On their arrival back at the lodge, Sid and Billy went off to prepare for the evening meals. Derek and Debbie returned to their room, where Debbie climbed into bed and went to sleep. She was thoroughly exhausted and it wasn't surprising. Not only had they walked about seven miles but she'd been fucked senseless as well.

Derek sat reading for a while before leaving the room and going down to the bar.

Several beers later he returned to shower and change. Debbie was up and looked a lot brighter having also showered and changed into a nice dress.

The evening passed uneventfully. As the restaurant was very busy they didn't see much of Sid, much to Debbie's relief.

They retired to the lounge area, where Derek again attacked Sid's bottle of whisky. So much so that by the time they went back to their room, Derek was drunk.

With some difficulty Debbie finally managed to get him into his side of the bed where he fell asleep instantly. She undressed and put on her skimpy baby doll nightie. Due to the size of her tits it hung off her at the front. She caught sight of herself in the mirror. I really should get rid of this she mused, it doesn't do a lot for me. She'd only brought it along hoping to entice her husband.

Switching off the lights she climbed into bed and settled herself down. She was feeling exhausted again.

* * *

Sid switched off the lights behind the bar before walking into to the lounge. He noticed the bottle of whisky he'd given Derek was sitting on the table alongside an empty glass. He picked up the bottle and shook it. It was nearly empty. He smiled to himself as his thoughts drifted back to Debbie.

He'd been busy all night and hadn't had the opportunity to see much of her. The fleeting glances he did get though were enough to get his juices flowing. She was wearing another figure hugging dress which showed that she curved in all the right places. He felt the first signs of arousal down below. He adjusted his trousers to give it a bit more room.

It is said that there is a certain category of man who let their dicks rule their brains. Sid was definitely in that group, a fact he was now going to demonstrate.

He knew he wanted to fuck Debbie again and he wanted to do it now. He knew this for certain because his cock was pulsing violently inside his trousers.

With no thought given to how stupid an idea this was, Sid quickly left the lounge and climbed the stairs to his private quarters. He needed to check out the Lakeland Suite.