All Comments on 'What Did I Do that was Wrong? 03'

by ohio

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Please don't end it there!

What happens next?!

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
some good some NOT so good...

I am not surprised Mark ran... the only surprise is that he didnt run sooner. We still dont know WHY Mark who has never had problems meeting and banging other women would suddenly around Leanne turn into such a wimp.


Mark finally facing Leanne and telling him what he saw and WHY it bothered was well donw & that scene did hit most of the points. That Leanne was clearly INTO fucking Theo and that she was doing it at THEIR Home which was supposedly Just for mark and Leanne.


But this part is well BULLSHIT...


<i><b>"Neither of you did anything wrong, as far as I'm concerned. Leanne, you were completely honest with Mark about a very difficult subject. </b> When he proposed, you told him you needed to keep having sex with other men. That's how you felt, and it wasn't wrong to tell him that. </i>


HUH? What? who ? when?


Either Ohio cannot recall his own story or he is trying to portray the therapist as fucking idiot. Leanne was NOT upfront her seeing/screwing other guys. She was fucking other guys while all the time she was dating and "falling in love" with Mark.


SECOND for her to even suggest a marriage like the one she has shows a woman who cares NOTHING about Mark. If she thought about Mark at all she never could of ask mark for permission to step out!


THIRD ... the idea that Mark could event accept such a idea as a basis for a marriage is NOT wrong? how could that NOT blow up in his face?


There are other Equally absurd perposterous statements made by this dumb as shit therapist.


<i>"Each of you was honest and brave.


"It's clear that you love one another very much, and that both of you value your marriage.</i>


what is the bases for ANYONE making those statements? What are those assertions based on? Mark had shut down and Leaane had asked and DEMANDED that she be allowed to step out even though she loves Mark more anyone or anything.

goffer1234goffer1234almost 16 years ago
Doomed from the start.

It worked for the as long as he could remain in denial.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanalmost 16 years ago
Can Any One, even a Fictional Character

BE AS STUPID as this person?: I mean, the little wimp is about to cry! Damn it, it's SO TENDER, IT'S LOVE MAKING, YOU WAS LOVING HIM, Leanne! I am so hurt! LOL <p>

++++++++++++++++++++ <p>

"I always imagined ... when I thought about her and other men, I ... I guess I tried hard to think of something sweaty and impersonal. Like a whore with a customer, maybe, or a good massage, or a squash game. Maybe that was naĂŻve... But I think that's how she encouraged me to see it, too. <p>

"But what I saw, it was... Dammit, it was love-making! It was gentle, and loving, and incredibly intimate. <p>

"She kissed him, so affectionately, so lingeringly! And she smiled into his eyes, and rubbed her hands over his back gently, and murmured to him while they were doing it." <p>

Suddenly, to my surprise, he swung around in his chair and looked right at Leanne. <p>

"It wasn't just casual sex--it wasn't just a hot meaningless fuck! It was you being intimate with another man, in a way that you're only supposed to be with me! You were loving him, Goddammit!" <p>

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanalmost 16 years ago
Don't missunderstand

the silly comments were directed at the STORY, not the author. Ohio's one of the better and more serious writers; but sometimes the stories are just incredibly shallow and funny because the characters and the things they believe in, say, and do are just incredibly stupid. <p>

Prediction for this story? <p>

A couple days or weeks later, the husband's going to show up, or is going to come back, and the wife all teary eyed, "Honey, why did you do such a HURTFUL thing to me, to our marriage? After we've made such TENDER, TENDER and delicious love?" <p>

The idiot's going to be all teary eyed, too, and respond: "I don't know... I don't know any thing any more, so I got scared, thinking you COULD NOT HAVE BEEN thinking about me, when I made your orgasmed like that. My thought kept going back to you and Theo, in our backyard. I then said to myself, "there's no way I can compete with her lovers, especially that incredibly muscled and good lover, Theo",,, so I guess I panicked and packed my things and left." <p>

"Oh, no, honey, that's you I orgasmed with, not Theo! Come here." <p>

He goes over to her and cried in her bossom and she whispered, "Don't worry, everything is going to be okay. I am here for you. I never loved those guys, those many many many guys I fucked. And it's all just skin rubbing, fucking. Never love making, as you interpreted, okay?" <p>

"Okay, I am so glad you are telling me the truth, honey. Although I have doubts, and they MUST BE unreasonable and faulty doubts, since YOU KNOW what you're doing with those men, even if I mis-interpreted YOUR ACTIONS, I know now you never loved them or made love to them,,, just raw, wild fucking to satisfy some urges you have that no one man, even a husband, could satisfy... I now know for sure, thank God before it's too late. I love you so much!" <P>

"Yes, honey Mark, you are my only and true love; those are just fuckers. And I haven't even thought of them, much less, fucked them, since that terribly, horrible day. Now you know how much I am WILLING to sacrifice for YOU! What I gave up is NOTHING compared to what I have in you; both my feet are now squarely planted in one place... I gave up those yearnings; no more wild fucking of atractive strangers, UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO, to ensure I continue to be happy?"


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Sex and Love!

You can go out and fuck a fat slut, no problem but after seeing your beloved spouse with someone else a 100mg of Viagra wouldn't help. A guy I knew saw his wife and one of their friends on his boat fucking, they didn't know and he didn't tell her but couldn't get it up for her even with help. A couple of weeks later her, the friend and the boat were gone. Also he apparently had no more problems getting it up. He told everyone that they ran off, the police weren't sure thats what happened but had no evidence that there was foul play. Her friends said she had broken off the affair, and would never leave her husband. He later moved to the Keys and still no one has seen her, the boat or the friend. He can still get it up they say. Mark will always have the sights and sounds in his head, he may never let it go. I am just enjoying a well written and interesting story. When it ends I'll decide how I feel about all of it. This story took guts to put it on this site and I like different ideas, and it is just a story to enjoy. Real life is stranger than this, Thanks!

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 16 years ago
Ch. 03 ended too abruptly . . .

I suspect Mark does not know what he really wants. Leanne's character is all over the map; her emotions are just as disorganized as her private sessions with Tom. Tom is obviously correct about the need for more sessions. Somehow a lot of people think make up sex fixes everything. I think Mark needs a few good fucks with others; not to regain his confidence but rather so he can feel equal. Otherwise this marriage is hopeless.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Thanks for posting chapters daily

It makes a story much more readable when the prior chapters are fresh. Thanks!

thebulletthebulletalmost 16 years ago
Negative guys: why are you still reading this?

<p>You obviously feel that Ohio's characters are unrealistic idiots. Why have you persisted through three chapters of what you hate? </p>

<p>There are other people reading this who don't think the characters are stupid or unrealistic. Maybe they are deeply in love. Maybe Leanne is seriously flawed because of her upbringing.</p>

<p>Perhaps when one finds one's soul mate, it is worth the pain to try to Make a relationship work. Ohio is asking questions that aren't often asked on this site. Many of the readers are knee-jerk reactionaries that can't see the questions for the trees. Too bad.</p>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
what was wrong?

She told him she married him with one foot out the door and continued the entire marriage with that foot still out the door. She would have continued that way until some event precipitated moving the other foot out the door as well. That level of lack of commitment is not much motivation for him to work to repair their relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
trust and knowledge

I think this is an exceptional story. It touches the mind of many readers in several ways. It's not really just about the characters, but also about the attitudes, the idea behind certain actions, and this is what makes it much more than just an erotic story. No need to pick on the author, no need to pick on the therapist. His job is to make people (or should I say patients) look into themselves and bring out their inner and often suppressed feelings and in order to do that, he has to place their actions in the frame where they feel relaxed enough to express them. ***** I also think that in Mark's case, as his character was pictured here, he believed in values, didn't really want her doing what she said she would continue to do, but accepted it nevertheless out of love for this woman. His only defense was to lock it out of his memory through this denial. Seeing her with this Theo in a tender loving in, above all, what he considered his very own special and private space, shattered all. At that moment he became just one of many in his mind. ***** Even though she said it ment nothing, his mind keeps on working and imagination is sometimes more destructive than reality.

So I think that, unlikely what the therapist said, Leanne should have tried to set Mark's mind to rest by honestly telling him what she has hidden for so long. How many, how often, where she picked them up and where they went, and especially why she figured it was OK to bring some of them to their home. He said he pictured her as a whore with some clients, impersonal and non committing. She admitted in that session having fucked Theo three times before whereas she told the therapist it was four more times after her first time. Even now she continues to be dishonest. Of course Mark doen't know this, but probably imagines worse. **** So I would say, his trust in her was shattered, and not really knowing the full extent of her fucking around is not likely to set his mind at peace. This time, his denial isn't working any more. Only the total truth can restore the so needed confidence to accept that Leanne really could have changed. After all, she was so successful in hiding her trysts so well for all these years. ***** I don't think that Mark really needs to fuck a number of women to even up. In fact that goes against his principles and might make him even more unhappy when he realizes that, now, he's not different from Leanne. G.Belgium

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Puppets On A String

Da Bullet - Da Puppet - Dancing to a wordmeisters words of male humiliation silliness. This writer could write the phone book and after this abortion of subhuman zoombies should.<P>

And thats the point, he is playing you Bullet - can't you feel the cuck hook in the corner of your mouth and you are not alone.<P>

Lets cut up this story into its setting and purpose. A selfish woman falls for a man - enough to consider marriage but only if he will let her cuck him. The wimp runs away but comes back with his lidle weinie between his leggies pleading for her hand saying well OK but don't brag about your other cocks or embarrass me in any way.<P>

What??? He said don't disrespect me so I am aware of it. You can disrespect me and our marriage but I don't want to watch or see your score card of frequency or sizes.<P>

This is a smoke and mirror show Bullet. This isn't a dramatic new insight story-wise - just plane has given OhiO his blueprints of self cucking male humiliation and ohio has put lipstick on the pig for some to kiss.<P>

Wake up and if you listen carefully you can hear his quiet laughter at his rubes. These fools. I tell you its all in the packaging. Pretty it up and I can sell shit to Ammo Head in Pa..<P>

Such A waste of talent doing what he can - because he can - its like a challenge to see how many suckers buy into the reasons for selfish ho's and their mutts into humiliation under a microscope of pretty but silly inane words and contorted circumstance. Kinda like you build absurd weak sick freaks to sell a story of enlightenment.<P>

Writer - trash this waste of talent and words and write to lifes complexities - not crude disrespectful


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Patience People

Ohio is an excellent author the story will only get better, I think right now all the character development can be deceiving but it will be a true work of art in the end. With all the male humiliation stories on this site sometimes it is easy to jump to conclusions but their are a few writers including Ohio that can make stories in this genre incredibly good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I predict a reconciliation in which Mr Cuckold takes 90% of all the blame on to himself.<br><br>

Which would be utter shite. I'll hang around just to see if I'm right about this.

cageyteecageyteealmost 16 years ago

We need new approaches and new ideas here on LW and you, Ohio are doing just that with this story. I admire your imagination and your story telling.

kelchakelchaalmost 16 years ago
Same Old Wife?

Is she the same old wife? Has Mark been checking up on her to see if she has really changed, and discovered something nasty? Did she get comfortable in her marriage again and decide to have a few cocks on the side? Perhaps that extra cock really is something she needs. Sexual addiction is like any other addiction - you can't stop just cause you want to. You first have to recognize the addiction for what it is. ***** So glad the resolution will not be so simple. When I was reading this chapter and saw how short it was, I was afraid the end would be too abrupt. Dealing with infidelity is like dealing with the death of a loved one. It isn't easy and it takes time. ***** Too bad this story isn't a novel. It would make a good extended read. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
With Bated Breath

Excellent so far. I'll admit that part two, Leanne's side, was close to what I expected, but now you've got me less certain. Though the tone suggests eventual reconciliation, it's hard not to think that you've written yourself into a corner, Ohio. If this were any other author, I would despair a believable conclusion. Keep it up!<p>

To the stimulus-response commenters, If you base your entire comment on whether or not the man is willing to reconcile, why do you even bother to read the story? How about a tag at the beginning so you can whip out your pre-fab condemnation? <p>

When I read a story, I look at both the technical skill of the writer and the believability of the characters. So many authors never flesh out their characters. With Ohio, we can actually get to the point of "But Mark wouldn't be able to <i>do</i> that!" which means we've already bought into the idea of the character as existing and self-consistent. It doesn't matter if the characters act stupidly, or rationally, as long as the author makes us believe it. Just because I would never marry Leanne under those insane conditions doesn't mean I can't gawk at the train wreck Mark's avoidance behavior allows to happen.

DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 16 years ago
Good one!

This is getting better! Nice touch at the end, I'm looking forward to seeing where this one goes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
To answer bullet guy, you read what is posted, you

hope the writer has learned some reality while writing, you discover most are still just pushing the same old worn out agenda. The agenda, well it goes something like this. Women cant be trusted and sooner or later will start fucking men outside the marriage. It is always the husbands fault, after all this week he got home five minutes late one day. You can rationalize anything you want to. It is the husbands duty to stay totally in love with the slut and to remain faithful to her, even as she gets pregnant by some other man. The husband must forgive her, provide for her, and even serve as a maid to the adulterous couple, the wife and her lover(s). Occassionally on loving wives bulleted we find a writer that has another opinion of what a loving wife is or the two act as a team and work together, those stories when written well get very high praise. To put your thoughts in prospective, we know a woman who fucks around, she isnt married when she does it and that I can enjoy reading. When one of her lovers impregnates her she marries him until the child is born then again begins to fuck around which results in divorce. She has done this five times for each of her five children. I will say at least the gave each of the children their own father so that they are legally born and are not bastards. But she virtually guarantees each father is financially liable for their offspring. Makes sense to me, serial polygamy! My wife and I have swung as a couple but we are really in love with each other, we never go anywhere as singles, and we neither do anything to split the marriage or to take away from the other. Early in this story it was said she only fucked around when at work or when the husband was out of town so as not to take away from the marriage. Time spent playing is time spent taken away from somewhere else. Perhaps one might consider her fucking episodes as taking away from her employment or her commissions, I guess lost money to the marriage isnt taking away from it? Time spent fucking around, especially in her own home, when hubby is away I guess isnt time lost in the home or work? The emotions and energy lost developing fuck partners, meeting them, taking care of all of the little items such as phone calls I dont guess detract from the marriage. After all if they were never in the marriage how could their loss be felt? The writer in this chapter made a quantum leap, the guy was suddenly over his impotence and giving the slut a hard fuck. Care to explain how he went from impotence to full hard in the that short period. Really wonder what words from the wife made the husband even touch her? Dont know those items of major interest were glossed over very quickly. All we get is that the husband finally matured enough to realize what he had married and shed the garbage. Trash is trash, this would is as much trash as the barfly that sits in bars waiting on the next guy to come in to get ten bucks and a free drink for a blow job. Ohio may be a technically good writer, but as an organizer and episodal writer he lacks a lot of skills. Not explaining how the main objection of the wife, he cant get a hard on near me, is overcome is really a writers finese. Grow up folks if this woman were a friend of yours wife, would you tell the husband or would you screw the wife? Your answer really tells you who you are!

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 16 years ago
Chapter 3 still leaves two people undeveloped

I see we have a therapist who only tries to lead the wife into any understanding of why she is the personality she lives out. Tom the therapist has not really found out why her outlook on what a real love is and what she feels is what she needs to be happy. Tom has not challenged the husband at all into what made him think this type of marriage was agreeable to him. Mark had no trouble finding woman so why would he go against his stated beliefs to accept this marriage on her terms?<P>They would have to be led to see she needs to dominate a man and control who she has sex with to be fulfilled. She appears to only be happy when she feels she is number one and accepted as the focal point of a mans attention. She found a man who she not only could control but also dominate by having him submit to her wants by just letting him think he was an equal.<P> He needs to be without conflict, as he cannot stand confrontation or making decisions that tax his ability to be happy in his mind. He needs to be comfortable and that means he wants to be controlled with no outward acknowledgement to that fact. Mark’s needs might even fall into the category of needing a mother figure to show him what is required so he goes on in life with no unnecessary decisions to have to make. They both need to feel accepted by the opposite sex inside their own parameters.<P>

She states in the therapist’s office she is ready to give up others and be just his and he is almost instantly overjoyed. Something they have been doing now makes him rebel and run away. She has gone too long and not put her domination back in force and left him trying to make decisions again. She has to make him feel like she will always take care of her little man and he is still strong and an equal. He is now rebelling from the Dominate/mother figure partner and may go back to one-night stands or come back in submission to again be conflict-free in his mind.<P>It is funny how we put people down when they are different then we feel they should be. We don’t understand or acknowledge that others way of finding fulfillment is just that they are built different then ourselves. A couple that has sex 5 times or once a week or once a month, and are both happy, is normal for them. They do not see it as bad just different then what they hear is societal norm. It is part of human nature to putdown or rail against things we don’t understand or are different. We seem to get angry (though the anger sometimes is just fear) when others do things we find different.<P>

This is a different style story showing people with unusual values trying to cope in what they see as not an average outlook on how love is.<P>Thank you for the compelling entertainment.<P>PT

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
pretty good

well written and the tension works for the plot.

Kudos! you got people talking, in a good way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
The unfortunate thing about these two is...

The unfortunate thing about these two is that they do indeed love each so much, but it may not be enough. They are both carrying so much baggage that started as they were growing up. The first thing a therapist would do is start to work on their individual problems which would need to be delt with before they would be in a position to work on the joint ones. Although resolving the sole issues would go a long way to correcting the marriage. That however is some thing that never comes quickly if at all. Assuming she has not started up with other guys, and to this point she has been pretty up front with everything, she has been doing everything she can to save the marriage. He has been the one failing. Is he a victim? Of course but a willing one initially. He helped create this but has been unwilling or unable to take the steps necessary to resolve it. No one is bad is this case, but both are tragic and could end up losers. Ohio, very good. This could go anywhere and is quite realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago


I am really anticipating this rest of this tale. For godsakes! hurry up.

Matt Moreau

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
What I'm hoping for

Hubby gets some balls, starts fucking other women _and_ telling his wife just who she will fuck and when. She gets all the cock she wants-but it is on hubby's terms.

They then live happy ever after.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
really good story writing

but to make it a really good story in my opinion it needs to more steps (which can't be done in a already started story). 1. either complete fiction something that really would not happen in real world or 2. close to earth as possible. this looks like close to earth but isn't, it just appears. why you ask ? first I don't believe in marriage counseling when one party is repetedly cheating. why you ask again? I once told a friend a character is formed by the age of kindergarden besides some tragic events like war or so. He laught but came back after doing some research and told me he found an articel in medical science and I was partly right. the character is formed around the age of 13 and from there on just barely changeable and for sure not from one day to the other. So what impact has that on stories written as close to life like this one ? a liar stays a liar or in this case if this woman found her formula for success in life to get the attention she needs she will keep on going. the same with the guy he always run away to keep his emotions under control so he will do it also in the future. So eventhough its a very good story, writing style. It's mixture of 1. and 2. and thats not working. you just have to read the comments of 00 to 100. some see it as fiction and some as reality and a lot of anger.

Risq_001Risq_001almost 16 years ago

<p>Ok, Ohio. You got me. While I have to still say I'm not a fan of the subject matter, you are doing a pretty good job of drawing on the feelings of the characters and what they are thinking and feeling. And one point that I found interesting was while she was stilling insisting that it was only "casual sex", she was missing the point that not everyone would see what she's doing as "just casual sex", that she was putting more into it than just a quick wham, bam, thank you mam that she had always lead her husband to believe was taking place when she got together with other men. She was putting a lot of affection into each one of her encounters, so that the men would want to come back, and each and every man was a full fledge "lover" to her in the fullest extent possible.</p>

<p>And the point where Mark started to question the number of men. That kinda of doubt would get to any man. While she was honest, her character never really realized she was "rubbing his nose" in her affairs. If you sit and think about the math a second if she had been with different men an average of 2 to 3 times a week, so they didn't believe she wanted more than a casual encounter, she was with a guesstimate of <b><i> 416 to 624 men</i></b> who weren't her husband over the course of 4 years. I'm sorry but thats a lot of men. And if a man had slept around on his wife with that many women, I'd challenge him to find any "adult" friends patting him on the back telling him what a stud he is. Specially if they knew his wife and liked her. Most of them would be disgusted with him. But over 500 men is <b><i>a lot</i></b> of men for a single women to have sex with, specially while married.</p>

<p>And I didn't miss the comment where she said: <i>"Mark, I almost never have sex with anyone else at our house."</i> This to me implied it has happened in the past. Maybe rarely, but it has happened. But one of Mark's complaints was: <i>Here she was having sex with some guy, right where we'd made love so often ourselves. In our private place--<b>our home</b>.</i> The fact that Leanne still was trying to get him to see that regardless of where she had sex, it was just sex, and Mark trying to explain that where and how she did it crosses a line that he was already barely willing to tolerate, was pretty good writing. While I would never side with Leanna's character I did feel like I was watching both sides of an argument.

<p>And Bullet your wrong. You know why most marriages end in divorce with-in the first two years? Because people make the mistake of believing that love will cover all the problems they have with the other person. If something someone does irritates you, all the sex and best wishes in the world isn't going to make it not irritate you once you stop having sex. Its the "We have nothing in common" thing you hear about. You can go on about soul mates, but if Mark was her soul mate her character would have stopped sleeping around the second she met him, instead of making him number one stud in a farm of over 500 men. I've always seen that as greed. Where the only reason she's stopping is because Mark wants to her stop or he'll leave. Her character didn't do it because it would make Mark happy, it was because <b>she</b> wouldn't be happy if he left. She stopped for the wrong reasons. If she stopped for Mark, before she got caught, Mark would never have been hurt (more than he was) and they could have gone on. But she stopped when it affected her, and only then.</p>

<p>Ok, it's more interesting so far, but I have to say, him leaving doesn't restore his manhood to me as a reader. (^_^)</p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Real life

I'm leaving this comment as anon rather than the username which Ohio knows.

I like that he's taken the idea of not wanting to know - something JPB works with often in his inimitable way. I have two problems with the story characters and one with the way it's told. I know people in this situation. To explain, I know men married to escorts and former escorts (and I know the women). The men aren't passive about what their wife does or did but some don't want to know the details. Problem one: this guy is totally normal except for this one quirk, which arises only because he's in love. That isn't real because the guys have issues - notably a lot of hidden aggression that manifests as passive-aggression.

Problem two: the women are not as simply described as this woman with her distant father issues. They just aren't. Many have been abused and the more abuse the more they continue to act out, often pursuing unhealthy sex after they've retired from escorting, often outside the boundaries of whatever their relationship expressly permits. They do sometimes operate on a don't ask, don't tell policy, but they have big issues, not the kind easily put in a middle chapter.

The problem with the story line is that Ohio is experimenting (and mostly well) with telling the story using a 3rd person POV. He doesn't yet know how to keep that flowing and exciting. There is a difference between the drama generated by what a character is actually experiencing at this moment and what is seen by a 3rd person. We need as readers to feel the 3rd person's sense of disappointment or worry or the story feels flat.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 16 years ago
This is fun!

Even the nay-sayers, or perhaps especially the nay-sayers, are reading every word and going over this story with a fine tooth comb. That means the story is a success, even if they give it a low mark. It has their interest. They want to see where it all goes. That means that Ohio is doing a superb job! The best way to demean a writer is to ignore his writing. That certainly is not happening here, is it? Ohio has written a story far above the usual fare on Lit and even those readers that cry "wimp" are reading every line... maybe twice!

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Fine plotting and writing

Anon in Belgium does a fine analysis of many parts of the story but then gets hung up on a incorrect detail. She told

Mark that she did Theo three or four times before that day and this does conflict significantly with what she told the therapist and does not make her a conscious liar. It seems clear to me that if she was in the spirit of her deal with Mark she would never repeat a man, nor could she bring anyone home. I would like to know about the other guy she brought home.


The big problem was why after a great love session did Mark pull the plug... If he was back on his conflicted images he should not have been able to perform so well. Did he decide to chuck it all because of new information as Kelcha suggests? Again I can't see him performing so well. Perhaps he decided to go pussy hunting and was saying goodbye to a really nice one!

Perhaps he opened the computer and got a PI report after the super climax! Anyway we are all excited by your story, Ohio!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Ha yes finally

Ya know Ohio, one of the things about the stories here that sort of bugs me but obviously delights many readers is the standard. "She cheats, he finds out, he kicks her to the curb." Many readers cheer and all is well. The other theme is "She cheats, he finds out, and he forgives her after a very short but intense apology session." One group cheers and another group yells "wimp".

Real life is a bit more complex and I think you have and are capturing this complexity. Two people that love each other will not be able to turn off that love no matter how clear the violation of the marriage. In this case you have started with a less clear case where he has given permission with the understanding that he know little to nothing about it. and yet when the stuff hits the fan, he is torn up, and she really wants to find a way to show him she loves him.

Live is not easy, it never is and this story is a well written examination of just what a mess it can be. I am enjoying this story and the way you have positioned it within the eyes of a neutral observer. This one is a good one.

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 16 years ago
Risq has hit on her Achilles heel

I have reread the chapters today and I have to say that Risq pulls in the salient point to all this, when he wrote:<P><P>

<B>-Risq excerpt:

I've always seen that as greed. Where the only reason she's stopping is because Mark wants to her stop or he'll leave. Her character didn't do it because it would make Mark happy, it was because <b>she</b> wouldn't be happy if he left. She stopped for the wrong reasons. If she stopped for Mark, before she got caught, Mark would never have been hurt (more than he was) and they could have gone on. But she stopped when it affected her, and only then</B><P><P>

I see this not as greed but need. She has no idea what she truly needs to be fulfilled, she is so in denial she just wants comfort of what was and not anything really new. Mark is just not aware of who he really is and no one is trying to help him discover it.<P>Sorry about the second post but Risq hit the prominent point in this chapter.<P>Just enormous effort given by Ohio, Thank you<P>PT

kelchakelchaalmost 16 years ago

Just read the comments and had to say, 'goodness sakes', what a tempest. Don't know if I should vote again, but fuck it, I will. I would love to read a story by Harry and a couple of those unknowns. Some of the comments were really funny and some were a pure joy. How about giving us a story with your point of view open for our judgement. ***** Geez ohio isn't it amazing the story is generating so much comment - and some of it so thought out and complex! Just think of the thousands of others who read the stories and don't comment in public. My goodness you are in the thoughts of one hell of a lot of people today. Thanks again.

roadbirdroadbirdalmost 16 years ago
simply put

a great story .... Like others I think they do love each other and this story needs more ... zI think they can get back together but I also still think that she needs to bring him another woman and leanne sit and watch them....Then Mark can know that hes still a good lover. She should not fuck any other men if she ever wants him back....Him she should overlook that he needs t ofuck other women ...her fucking around is what has gotten him all fucked up.... Maybe when he sees that shes not fucking around and when he finds out hey i can still please them ...he will then regain his confidence....Oh and they need to sell that house and move into another house with no memories...Him everytime he sees that pool or really even that area it will remind him ....Id say maybe even tha the next house not even have a pool. Maybe a jacuzzi but a new house should be ok they sell the house...he gets to fuck around and regain his confidence ...she remains faithful to him and shows it and shows that she understands that it was her actions that fucked him up....after a few weeks he even starts fucking her again also at his new appt,,,,and in a few short months they move back together and eventually live happily ever after monogamously

great story so far

Orion623Orion623almost 16 years ago

I am especially thankful that we have authors of the quality of ohio producing emotion stirring, thought provoking stories such as What Did I Do that was Wrong? I find the comments as fascinating as the story. Everyone has their own way of looking at the story and how they interpret plot elements as well as character traits. In the Loving Wives section this is as good as it gets in my opinion. Thanks, ohio,

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
Two Points ; Peggy and Risq touched on

QUESTION is a story that is as Intricate as this one with LOTS of feedback also Necessarily a GOOD story? Think about it.


The two posts made today by Risq and Peggtwitty are Both very good. But I want to tie them into to something I said Back in Chapter1 and 2.


Yes Leanne seems to have stopped for the wrong reasons but at least it APPEARS she did sup. maybe. For a while.

But as I said the Therapist's reaction here is really KILLING the story.


as I stated in chapter 1 & 2 in order for any future reconciliation to work TOM needs to


1)find out WHY a guy like Mark who has history of attracting Lots of woman to date and fuck would agree to something so strange and AGAINST his stated beliefs about Marriage


2)why Leaane really thought that have extra martial sex a few hundred times over the course of their dating and marriage would NOT bother Mark...


Instead we have this AWFUL Therapist saying... No one

has done anything wrong... you were both Honest...all opinions have equal value... blah blah blah


Interestingly PT made this same point today as well day as well.


<b>WHY DID MARK RUN? </b> he ran b/c that is what he does. When Mark 1st agreed to this terrible idea for a marriage with Leanne he RAN from reality... by deluding himslf into thinking this could somehow work out.


When Mark saw leanne doing the nasty with Theo... he RAN emotionally away!


This tme around Mark must of found something out above Lanne... maybe he figured ot Risq's math... or he THINKS he knows something about Leanne.

Celtic_SeekerCeltic_Seekeralmost 16 years ago
I'm interested

I'm interested in where you are going with this story. I am certainly not qualified to judge what is good writing or not, I can only say your writing has captured me, and I want the next installment. For me, this is an enjoyable read.

I like the Loving Wives category because I like to read about different takes on how people deal with relationships. Many in this category like to emphasize "slut", a very judgmental term that really has no meaning for me. It is about choice. Others are about power plays, where one player must subjugate the other to their will, be it standards of behavior or who got the last hit in.

Some, though, deal with the issues of honesty and broken promises. Much more interesting to me. In this one, however, the question of whether she (or he for that matter) was dishonest or has broken a promise is much more subtle. Then again, it may turn out that they, like many others who love each other, simply don't belong together because they don't fit.

I can't wait to see where you, Ohio, take me with this.

Thank You

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Where do I begin?

Ohio, with every chapter I ask myself, "What Did I Do that was Wrong?" The only conclusion I've come to is this: I was wrong to continue reading your story. After all, the question you've used as a title is in itself rediculous in light of what the wife is doing, and even more rediculous in light of how the husband is reacting now that he's seen her in action. I cannot even imagine how he justified what his wife is doing. You're writing about two people who have no common sense and no intellectual acumen whatsoever. But then, maybe characters are a reflection of the author who is writing about their absolutely inane lives.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanalmost 16 years ago
red herring here

per "thebullet" guy: I read it so I could objectively critique? that's good reason enough, no? or do you rather that I and others like me don't read THE STORY but just rate it "100" and say, "Magnificent"! is that what you want from ALL readers? LOL <p>

it helps if a little amount of the brain is activated, y'know? <p>

how the hell what I know --- would I continue to know --- if the characters and the dialogues they engage in are "idiotic" if I don't continue following the story? <p>

can you answer that SIMPLE question? <p>

you can't say "If you don't like it, don't read it!" ------ because how would a serious/critical reader know whether or not the story is good, beleivable, what-not if he/she does not read it and read it attentively?, paying attention to the grammar, the focuses, the tenses, the nuances, the logic employ by the authors (via his/her characters), etc., etc? <p>

or is that too complex a question (set of questions)? but the most important question is: what would Ohio, or ANY WRITER, gain, if all he/she sees is glowing "review" like yours?, where it is "You are the greatest, man!"??? What would Ohio gain from such mindless praises?

JennyBearJennyBearalmost 16 years ago
I love it!

Wow, this story has certainly generated a lot of comments. It reminds me Of “Back to Bristol.” I almost didn’t read that one because I thought it was about a threesome. I almost didn’t read this story because I thought it was about cuckolding. I couldn’t have been more wrong in both instances. B2B is one of my all time favorite stories and I think “What Did I do wrong?” Is going to mount a serious challenge for that honor.

It is an interesting premise that has generated quite a bit of controversy, but without it there would be no story. Leanne did not cheat, Mark agreed to her conditions. We have two very unsympathetic characters. Mark is pathetic and Leanne is a slut. I don’t know where Ohio is going to take us but I for one am certainly going to enjoy the ride.

toesmantoesmanalmost 16 years ago
Very interesting, complicated story

As usual, I like your work. This one is complex, both characters, & the denouement at least to me, was somewhat unexpected. It was clear that Leanne was/is rather selfish, but she seemed to experience a "sea-change" in her attitude especially when it appeared that Mark was going to leave her. While Mark clearly loves her, what was that love going to be enough to overcome what he witnessed when her encounter w/ a former lover showed him that her casual sex was apparently not that casual. If this is the ending, then I'm ok w/ this outcome, but this is one where I see the possibility where there could a legitimate reconciliation that worked

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I am still enjoying your story. I find the comments very good reading. It is fun to see the comments that this story has stired up. thanks for a great read. jrj

zed0zed0almost 16 years ago
Great Ending

Glad to see Mark grow some balls.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
What an ending.

What an ending to the story and to their marriage. I loved every minute, character, period and the i dotted. He got the hell out of there because he could not trust his wife because he caught her loving and fucking around. You are the best at endings, so keep it up.

I hope this is the ending. If not, make the ending be with her crying her poor little eyes out as he gets fucked by a pretty young thing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Good writing, poor composition

Ohio, you can write. Hat's off to you. This story just doesn't fly, too inconsistent, you made the councilor an idiot that would have lost his lisc years ago. The wife started the entire relationship with lies and hurtful behavour, and she knew all the time that it was NOT mutual consent... there was never any doubt in anyone's mind at any time that the husband did not want his wife to whore around. What surprises me, is that no one, husband, wife or especially the Doc talks about the serious emotional issues the wife has... she needs serious help... yet the author seems to think that her bahavoir is just what guys do? What? so, all guys cheat and whore around? Is this an Ohio thing?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
More ??

Would you believe it. When I woke up this morning, one of the first thoughts were about the next chapter that I expected to be there. Now I'm disappointed. Then reading some of the latest comments, some readers think the story ended here. I can't believe that. I feel it needs closure, either way : divorce, reconciliation or even just co-existence as fuck buddies for old time's sake. When I read the 1st part, I thought this story to be one with a great potential with different possiblities. I still think so.

*** To repeat myself, I think Mark needs to know more about the when/where and how many. I do not endorse the calculations of Risq. Yet, even 20, 40 or some more are still a lot too many. But not knowing at all can make it much worse in the mind. *** Thanks Bruce for your compliment. When I referred to the number of times she fucked Theo, accuracy wasn't all that important. Mark doesn't know what she told the therapist. I just wanted to place this in a context of still not being honest with herself. *** As for the therapist. Many seem to think that he is worthless by telling them nobody is to blame. A therapist cannot suggest, just make them feel "relaxed" enough to open up about their issues. This extraordinay situation would have needed much more sessions to take a specific direction because neither of them had indeed adressed the underlying issues or origins of their behavior. *** How about this. Just suppose Mark is not involved with any other woman? Just suppose Mark has come to realise that she still hasn't grasped the essence of their problem and fears that she may fall back into her lifestyle once she feels more comfortable. How could he know if she wouldn't be doing it again (she was good at hiding it for years and how could he believe her if she says it's all in the past). So now he goes for shock therapy. *** Or would it be like he said in his note and just had enough ? See Ohio, this story needs a "proper" ending. G.Belgium.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
I hope it's not the end

A very interesting story. I love the non-judgemental approach. I've enjoyed reading the comments too. You really stirred the pot with this story. I tend to think that Mark will be the loser for walking away. Were I in his shoes, I think I'd just claim the same privilege and enjoy the marriage. Maybe he did wrong by not doing that when she made her confession. Denial is ignorance, and ignorance is the real evil. Wise choices based on acceptance and objectivity might be a better way to build a life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Stupid slut wife - deserves to be left behind!

Not likely the end, but this is a "great stopping point". We certainly have enjoyed a fresh perspective in this category. Sure beats some of the other pathetic wimpy man-hater LW efforts that have been submitted lately! Thank you, author.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryalmost 16 years ago
Denial is not just a river in Egypt!

Ohio, this vote and the comment are on the entire series so far. I was going to wait to comment on the last part, but since nothing came out today, I figured I would post the comment.<p>

This story has been very interesting to read. You have left a whole lot of ambiguity in the facts that have made it hard to call. It doesn't matter whether I agree with the decisions of your characters, the fascinating part has been to watch the problems resulting from the so called agreement. <p>

What I find most interesting is something that I don't think has been commented on. In my mind, there never was any agreement or meeting of the minds between Mark and Leanne. But, this fact was hidden by the lack of communication and Mark's well honed sense of denial.<p>

This is where the ambiguity comes in. In part one, you have Leanne minimizing her sleeping around. "'Only from time to time, baby!' she told me. 'Never anything ongoing, no love affairs, nothing serious. Just pure sex, pure physical sex.'"<p>

Problem is, although you left it ambiguous as to how often Leanne stepped out on Mark, I get the impression that it was a whole lot more often than Mark realized. I also wonder if the frequency had increased over time. In any event, her definition of time to time is a whole lot more often than Mark thinks it was.<p>

Similarly, the whole issue of the nature of the sex was left unsettled. You discuss this in the racket ball analogy. Mark imagined it as purely physical with no emotional attachment while Leanne considered the comfort and closeness as just a part of the sex. I think that this whole story and Mark's leaving is the result of his realization that she has been doing things that he never agreed to. <p>

Either that or its a realization that Leanne has no intentions of changing. He could have gone into this with a hope that she would eventually get over her need for something strange, but feel betrayed by a realization that, instead, she has been increasing her intensity of her stepping out over time and feel like this shows her growing disrespect for him.<p>

The other issue that I see as a reason for his leaving is that there never was a real basis for reconciliation. Rather the whole reconciliation was based on a different type of denial. My impression was that they never sat down and had a frank discussion on the the issues of "how often and in what ways" that continue to plague Mark. Nor do they seem to disucuss her "ah hah" moment from the second installment when she realizes how (and why) she would feel threatened if Mark had slept with any other woman. Rather, the whole reconciliation is based on Mark denying his continuing doubts and accepting her promise to change at face value. <p>

I can easily see Mark coming the realization some day that nothing has changed. All he really knows is that Leanne has a well trained ability to hide her flings from him. What grounds does he really have to believe that she ever stopped? Wouldn't it be just as likely that she is just hiding them better? Hell, for that matter, maybe he went into her pocket book and found that she never took out the condoms or the extra panties. <p>

In short, the biggest thing missing from this story so far is any reason why Mark would have to regain trust in Leanne again. And, without that trust, there is no basis for the marriage.<p>

Well, you've dug your way out of holes like this before. I look forward to seeing how you do it this time.

jrj777jrj777almost 16 years ago

It my hope that there is much more to come. It is your call but I do hope we have not seen the ending yet. Hope everything is ok on your end. Good health and great writing. JRJ

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 16 years ago
Are we ever going to hear what happens?

This is as much suspense and frustration as reading a mystery novel and discovering near the end that the last 20 pages were missing from the book! We really need to know what Mark was thinking, why he seemed loving and the next morning he just took off! This just seems out of character. Did he find out something regarding Leanne's promises? Maybe some evidence she was fucking around again? If so, when? He surely would not have felt like making love to her if he knew "something was up." Maybe after lovemaking, sometime early in the morning? How could he pack without Leanne hearing something? Surely his character, as developed so far, precludes overt dishonesty with Leanne -- that is, I can't believe he would make love to her knowing he was going to quit the marriage the next morning. Please finish this soon, a lot of us are really anxious . . .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Not the end?

I love your writing & this story. For a change I empathize & agree with most of the comments made, but most of all Ohio, we need to know what triggered Marks departure.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Did or Didn't!

Was she or wasn't she faithful, thats the question, really looking foward to the answer. This has been a very interesting story and while I wouldn't have handeled it the same as Mark, I guess he never will learn confrontation or communication. Thanks and waiting!

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969almost 16 years ago
still not sure,,,,,

But I will go with it. Great writing as ever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
It is the end.

Why can't this be the end? The last evening with Leanne, from his viewpoint, was frightingly similar to what he saw on that fatefull day.I can envision him saying "I can't do this for the rest of my life". Mark is non-confrontational, so he would just leave. His problem is that he never addressed the issue before marriage. He just ignored it and she took silence as assent. What he did wrong was to not address the issue and what did wrong was take his silence as acceptance. There was never closure. In this circumstance it's the correct ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Lots to consider here

Ohio, A great story as usual.

Why would he marry her in the first place under these conditions? I know love is blind but---

Why would she have her lover visit in the marital home. This is a sure way to be viewed and cause terouble in the marriage. She is not so dumb -- so it must have been on purpose so she could rub his nose in it. What kind of whimp did she think he was?

I am pleased he is not a total whimp.

The marriage counselor has been remiss in not bringing these things out especially in her case. He should be sued for malpractice and reported to his professional board to have his lisence revoked.

While the story could end here I wish for more chapters.

Thank you for your efforts.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Bogus therapy bogus therapist

What bogus therapy. This is supposed to be a thrapist not a lawyer. He praises them for being brave and honest in the way they chose to get into the marriage? Honesty is the minimum, but this was a foolish way to set themselves up for failure, based on denial of reality, on not finding out why she was not ready for true intimacy and he was not ready due to emotional insecurity. And the "therapist" praises them for job well done just because they made an agreement and were honest? What if two people agree that one will beat the other? that is also an 'agreement' and it's 'honest' -but it's an absurd to base any relations on it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Ohio is a good writer, and usually writes a damn fine story. This ain't one of them. Overlong, drawn and stretched, infinite detail by shrinks who love to talk in circles, a cock hungry whore of a wife and a wimp of a husband. I've had wisdom teeth removed that weren't as time consuming or difficult....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
where will it go now ??

The most interesting part on this story are the comments and the debates this story evokes,Ohio has done his job so far in making the reader think instead of having a jo session ...i like the thoughts of Risq,Peggy and Harry on the story and the flaws of the caracters.It always amases me that some readers always have to attack the writers ... geeez its just a story guys y the animosity ??? Well now to the rest of the story ... B.N.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

just wimp cuckold

its ok if she fuck anyone but he had problem when she made love

plsss send him to study about married because fucking other then ur partner is adultery

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago
Of Course

I knew he wasn't going to last. A cuckold though he may have been, it wasn't real to him unlil he faced it. When he finally saw what he was up against, he realized she was giving her extra dicks the same love she was giving him, her beloved husband, and he realized he could not share the love. I don't blame him. Now ch. 4, the finale. We'll see...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

buggered by a fat cock, a meaty cock is smoked, betrayed!

Danger09Danger09almost 12 years ago
Well good for him

He finally realized that a marriage is between two people not 20! I'm a little confused as to why she gave up all of the different cocks during their session but didn't think to do that when he proposed? Why didn't she just stop fucking around once they were married? I really don't think she can give up the dicks, for the simple fact that dick is ALL she knows. I don't see her giving them up that easy especially since all of that could've been avoided if she just did what she's now willing to do -- be a wife... A real wife.... I'm glad that mark finally woke up to the fact that she's only suppose to have sex with him that's what a marriage is about... Good for him! Maybe her next husband wouldn't mind her fucking around on him

rvwsrvwsalmost 12 years ago
You want to know the truth?

"Until that day, I could convince myself--just barely--that Leanne's need to fuck other people had nothing to do with me. That it was entirely separate, like she always insisted it was."

The honest truth is...

When a wife fucks other men ouside of the marriage, it has everything to do with the husband. It means she has no respect for him or the sanctity of the marriage. If the husband allows it, it means he has no honour, no courage and no integrity and therefore deserves all the disrespect he gets.

rvwsrvwsalmost 12 years ago
Figure this out, then live it..

veritas et virtus vincunt Facta non verba spectemur agendo.

I'll give you a hint, its latin.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
figure this one out, then you live it

uckfay ouyah.

I'll give you a hint. It's pig latin.

rvwsrvwsalmost 12 years ago
Actions not words

By your actions let you be judged.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
Bout time

The doc missed again when he said neither of them had done anything wrong. I had lots of casual sex before marriage. There was no talking softly in each other's ear. There was no caressing. There was just sex. What she did with Theo was love making, not just having sex. Doc must not be married.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I'm going to assume Ohio is not a shrink!?!?

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

wow that makes the husband feel better - she ALMOST NEVER HAS SEX WITH SOMEONE AT THEIR HOUSE! what the fuck? if the cheating whore was so sorry he saw it why the fuck does she bang strangers at their home? this story sucks and probably got a high scorew when only cucks were voting. wow aftr 4 years and hundreds of stray fucks she wnats only him and his money and his working and his giving ehr time to continue to cheat. she is a real find. what kind of fucking character is this cunt? why all the strange cock - well it is all about her father not loving her enough - or some such crap. and she is just so upset that he left her - they were having such great sex, something she has already admitted actually is nothing important to her so she fucks strange men.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loving it

This is brilliant. Very authentic and genuine. Just as I predicted, she was screwing all of these other guys as a means of keeping men at arms length. I buy that. Unfortunately, I don't yet see how that behavior never transferred to her relationship with hubby. Yes, she was ultimately treating him like shit, but she never really kept him at arms length. Just the opposite. At least the author has not intended the reader to get that impression. Generally, when someone conquers a deeply rooted psychosis (as she had in her need to screw others), they conquer it in all areas of their life. She has no trouble in how close she was with her husband, so why the need to keep fucking around? Not sure if it is as simple as she likes it. I just think there is more to her revelation to her hubby that is not being dealt with:

"I guess I've realized that when you asked me to marry you I was scared. I loved you so much, and getting to spend the rest of my life with you was more than I ever could have hoped for. I think I didn't really believe it would come true. Continuing what I'd been doing—seeing other guys for casual sex—was a way of protecting myself, of keeping one foot out the door or something."

This seemed like a breakthrough and her realizing it means she can stop fucking other guys. But as quickly as it was spoken, it was pushed aside.

Five stars.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
One more comment . . .

I'm going to hold off on reading the last chapter. This has been so brilliantly written that I am afraid you are going to ruin it by simply turning this guy into a full blown cuck. I will savor the moment before moving on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

And you are a fucking retard as well.


javmor79javmor79almost 11 years ago
I hope they make it.

I hate it when anonymous commenters get sudden bravery and want to make stupid comments. This story is brilliant. This is the first series that I've read with a credible Therapist character. It is extremely well done. I know that this isn't going to win any points with the BTB crowd, but I am hoping that these two make it in the next story. Although Leanne is a bit, shall I say, "conveniently blind", she is very likable. No matter what the haters say, Mark went into this relationship with both eyes open. She didn't trick him, she didn't try to deceive him, she just took what he gave her. She may have been a little stupid to think that this was a permanent fix, but she isn't the heartless bitch a lot of commenters are making her out to be

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 10 years ago
Without question a brilliantly told story...

...but it bothers me that the end came too sudden, too uprupt. Nothing had lead to this ending; I&Acirc;&acute;d have liked to read a bit about the &quot;why&quot;: What had happened with him during that last night`? I actually miss the proper ending you usually offer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
finally something real, a true reaction to a unloving disrespectful slut

finally he faced reality and got his man pants on

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
finally something real, a true reaction by a closet cuck in the 3rd chap

Only the truest of the true closet cucks would have read 3 chaps then leave a nasty comment

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Laurel, do we have to put up with turds

like semofuncouple? Please ban the woman hater now. His every comment is nonce. His comment reported.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Oh my!

Some anonymous person (8/6/14) complaining about what someone posted about the story. My I thought this was for comments about What Did I Do that was Wrong? 03. I guess I was mistaken. Look out folks. Now I guess I can start complaining and reporting to Laurel, whoever that is, that some low life has posted a comment that I disagree with. Of course I will have to do it as an anonymous instead of using my user name so I can been seen as someone without gonads too.

crock45crock45over 9 years ago
What a slut!

She proposes to stop fucking other men. Question: why didn't she propose to do that when he first asked her to marry him? Instead, she bull-shitted him about NEEDING to fuck other guys but swearing her undying love for him. Why not just tell the truth...... "Honey, I am a whore and a slut, I don't particularly respect you or adore you or honor you but I love the way you fuck so I want you around like the rest of my fuck-buddies. Even tho I would love for you to watch me fuck them, you're such a good fuck that I'm willing to agree that you don't have to watch. And yes, Honey, I really WAS making love to that guy in the back yard. Can't you see that when a slut fucks a man, she needs to feel a closeness? Yes, it's painful for you but I'm such a slut that knowing that you're hurt turns me on. I can't explain it, Honey, but that's just the way I am. Just as I told Tom, I love cocks, fucking, sucking, and whoring and if you can see your way clear to stay married to me, I would be eternally grateful. I so much love cuckolding you; it gets me wet. Now that I've told you the truth, don't you think that we can have a wonderful marriage, just the two of us and a million fuck-buddies?"

Now, if the above is the truth (which I believe it is), wouldn't you, as a man, be more willing to consider her proposal because she is, at least, truthful rather than lying like the rest of the bitches? I'm serious; I have more respect for a person who tells the truth than one who lies.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
two idiots

I hope they stay together, they deserve each other.

ohyessssssohyessssssover 8 years ago

He came to his senses and grew a set. The moral is , you can't put humpty back together again. She can't unfuck the hundreds she's bent over for since they got together. You make it seem that the problem was his , Ohio. Truth is she's the one who is FUBAR.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love Is Like A Pie

A loving relationship is like a pie. Once you invite others into your relationship, you are taking part of that love and giving it to someone other than your husband. The more you invite that lover or lovers into your relationship, the less of the pie you have to give to your husband. At some point he has to feel cheated. At this point you must face a cold, hard fact. You are no longer his are a whore. Run, Mark, run. Find Liz and fuck her brains out.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
Ohio is one of the best writers on here./

Great LW stories. Don't you think so dear annony? O h wait you hate his story. And guess what ?? We hate you !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


Fuck you, he had an opinion, if you don't agree tough shit... How will he ever go on knowing you hate him??? Get a life loser... The story is well written, but therapy rarely works with couples although it may help this whore find her triggers... 3

Pappy7Pappy7over 8 years ago
Hard to be married to a porcupine.

If you know what that means, good. If not, also good.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through...

Just love the twists and turns.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Mark was a pussy

for accepting her bullshit and marrying her anyway.

A match made in heck.

A stupid hypocrite slut and a conflict avoidant, reluctant cuckold.

Good writing however.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
With women like this

My feelings swing between pity and disgust. She is not a whole person. There is just something missing inside and that evokes pity. The WAY she deals with that is what triggers the disgust.

Tootight1Tootight1over 7 years ago
good story

I've read it before. I don't know who's life is so predictable that they can cast stones and angry words at fictional characters, or situations, but that's life for most of the people I know. Full of unpredictable situations and relationships that have to be dealt with.

I cant say that this story is normal, because I don't know anyone who has gone through anything like this, but it is a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good for Him!

He should have left her when she first refused to marry him!!! The only way she could possibly stay with one man is the horrendous pain of losing the man she loves and realizing her slutty ways is the reason for it!!! Then she could start again with someone new in the future.

cabbage01132cabbage01132over 7 years ago
"I knew I should just turn and walk away--but I couldn't.

and why the fuck should he? it was his home!

nice to read he's gone, hope he stays gone. a cock hungry cuckoldress is no good for anyones mental wellbeing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Yay For Mark

When a wife takes on a lover, she relegates her husband to number 3 in her marriage behind her own sexual needs and those of her lover. What Mark saw that afternoon in his backyard was not casual sex. What he saw was his wife and another man making tender love to one another. That's when he realized that Leanne had been lying to him from the beginning. And she will certainly continue to cheat on him. Mark has finally wizened up It is past due.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
It's about time Mark found his balls.

For awhile it looked like her was going to RAAC with the bitch. Nothing she said ever convinced me that she was going to change her ways. She might stop for awhile to bring Mark back into the fold, but then she'd be right back out there screwing other men behind his back. She'd just learn to hide her actions better. Good for Mark.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Always Had His Head Up His Ass!

WTF?! How could he find something his slut of a wife took from him when he said,"I Do,and fuck anyone you want!"

Cuck-A-Mania has driven the wimp so nuts that he's probably holed up in a flea-bag motel with his head deep up his ass!

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 7 years ago

Being a selfish whore should have costs.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago

"That's not what I saw." - That's a very key point. She may very well be telling the truth, hell, I believe she IS telling the truth, but perception is reality. HE saw her making love, and it's going to be a tough nut to crack to change that.

"Continuing what I'd been doing—seeing other guys for casual sex—was a way of protecting myself, of keeping one foot out the door or something." - I'm not totally buying that. I think what she told him at the time was the truth, that she couldn't believe she could be monogamous. If she felt this way, why didn't she tell Tom that?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
silentshitstain is right

even a closet cuckie stumbles onto something like truth once in a while

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

fag cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

On reread I’m really liking Mark less and less. The only thing I can think of is if you touch something burning hot why are you surprised to get burned? I get he can’t handle it etc but however distressing he is acting like a child. I don’t excuse her and her reasons sound like BS. She was afraid to be monogamous and clearly didn’t care to try but at the end of th day Mark agreed to her conditions. That he’s backing out now is a reflection on him, not her however irritating she might be.

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 6 years ago

"Sorry, I just can't handle this anymore".

He's free from the whore at last! Run free my friend! Put those handsome looks to good use and find yourself a faithful young woman to have a family with!

/bracing for inevitable reconciliation...

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