Vanessa's Outing


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Her process was not a simple process of hating what she had done, and allowed to be done to herself. Not a simple process of the way she had talked or had allowed herself to feel while she was talking that way. That was one of the most shocking things of all for her: that she had allowed herself to use the black patois to begin with, and that she lapsed into it so quickly and completely in the presence of a middle aged man with such a streak of cruelty in him.

It drove her to anger because whenever her mind wandered in that direction, and the pictures were live and brightly colored for her, she could feel the wetness in her pussy claiming her again. She could feel the heat between her thighs, and the stiffening of her nipples, and she wanted to take the wig off to just be the bald 'nigger' bitch again.

The temptation was so profound that it kept her in a state of near arousal the whole time, during the beginning of the week. It was also this constant or near constant arousal that she raged at with periodic precision. She was torn and part of her loved being torn.

At work the anger normally took over but at home, at night, she sank into those simple dreams and fantasies again; she became that same no good, cock loving, servile sex slave again, slavering over the possibility of having her pussy and her ass filled with the white cocks of men who hated her instinctively or at least loved her debasement. It always led her to chat rooms and web sites that catered to both the users and those, who like her, were the used. The thoughts wouldn't go away, and she was always fearful of the fact that falling into the role was easier the second time than it was the first time.

It made her doubt herself, and think that maybe sliding into the role of the slut was something that she couldn't avoid at all. And the horrible thing for her was that at such times she welcomed the thought. At such times, she liked the slut. At such times she even longed, physically longed to be back at the road house. It took all her energy not to go there, and do those things again.

The nights were the times that she especially craved the cocks again, the times when she was actually sorry that she hadn't indeed been tarred and feathered by those men who had used her sexually in about every way possible. She always ended up with either her vibrator or her hands intwined in her pussy getting herself off, and wishing that he'd be there, that demanding, dirty, fucking Jimmy.

She slid into these kind of reveries toward the end of her work days. They were certainly long work days. She drove herself with a fury to try to keep her mind clear of the dirty longings. She almost always closed up at the office before going out to dinner or home for something simple.

As she rehearsed, for the hundredth time, or so it seemed, that day the road house experiences, she let her hand creep down to the hem of her skirt. She leaned her head back and smiled. Then someone knocked on the door.

It startled her, and she was at first confused, so deeply was her mind immersed in the reliving of those erotic adventures. But she recovered her composure, and said, with curiosity 'come in.'

It was one of the assistants, Dacy Raines, who'd been with them essentially for training and experience, while she finished her law boards.

Dacy was a big woman, certainly not fat, just big. She favored skirts that were tight over an ample ass and hips but that flared around the knees. She also had an impressive pair of tits, that were frequently the talk of the office. To the best of her knowledge, however, Dacy was not playing with anyone.

"Hey, Dacy," Vanessa said, welcoming her. "You still here?"

"Yeah," Dacy said, entering the office, "Just finishing up some case notes."

"Grab a seat," Vanessa continued in a friendly fashion, "It's only us mice here at this time of day."

"Yes," Dacy said, companionably, seating herself in front of Vanessa's desk. "I certainly have noticed that you put in long, late hours. How do you keep doing it?"

Vanessa laughed a little barking laugh; "It keeps me on the right track, I guess. All the work is simply good for me."

"I think I know what you mean," Dacy said, smiling at Vanessa.

"But I wanted to tell you before you heard it via the grape vine that I've passed my law boards."

"Hey, good for you!" Vanessa enthused, "I know how hard you've worked to get this far. You're more than ready for a full law case load around here."

"I hope so; you've all treated me so well here, especially you, Vanessa."

"Well," Vanessa continued, " then let's celebrate; this is a special occasion. I happen to have a bottle in the suite room. Let me get it."

Vanessa went and got a bottle of brandy and two glasses. She didn't notice the fact that Dacy looked with absolute relish at her wiggling ass in her tight grey skirt, as she crossed the floor toward the suite.

She filled the glasses and they settled down for a congratulatory drink.

Dacy said, while they were drinking: "I want to thank you for the help you've given me; it's been a great experience."

"Thank you for saying so," Vanessa said.

Then Dacy smiled at Vanessa, and continued: "It's because you've been so nice to me, Vanessa, that I want to do one favor for you now."

Vanessa gave Dacy a curious look, as Dacy got up and approached her desk.

"Here," Dacy said, smiling again, "Let me show you."

Dacy took out her phone then. She had a cord and attached the phone with its cord to Vanessa's computer, which was available on her desk top.

Dacy did some fiddling with the computer for a moment or two and then stood back. She looked down on Vanessa and smiled.

Suddenly the screen was filled with photos from Dacy's phone. Vanessa only gapped. Her eyes went wide, her mouth was open. The photos on the screen, more than 12 images, were photos of her entering the road house bar from the back room. She wore no wig, showing her bald head; as a matter of fact, she almost wore not clothes either. She was wearing shoes,and panties. The panties were transparent and showed Vanessa's bald pussy clearly. Some of the pictures showed her turned to Huck, the bartender, and her ass cheeks gleamed out from beneath the panties.

Dacy had caught Vanessa at exactly the wrong or exactly the right time. It was hard to decide which was the case. But it was at a time that Vanessa had been sliding into nessa and allowing herself to relive those heady events at the road house. She'd pushed them to the back of her mind, when Dacy entered but they were not banished by a long shot.

"My gooooddddddd!" Vanessa said, as she looked up at Dacy with panic on her face.

"Ohhhhhhhh godddddddddddddd," Vanessa said again, "You were there."

Dacy smiled down at Vanessa: "Yes, I was. It was the sexiest, most erotic thing that I've ever, ever seen."

"What do you want?" Vanessa said in a guarded voice.

"You don't understand at all," Dacy said, "This is not my shitty attempt to blackmail you. I've told you that I appreciate how good you've been to me and I've come to acknowledge that."

"Acknowledge?" Vanessa said, still trying to get her mind around what was happening.

"Yes," Dacy said, "My gift, kind of. To make absolutely sure, to let you be absolutely sure, I'm going to give you the phone. I've done nothing with the pictures at all. No down loads, nothing."

Vanessa eyed her with a kind of look of relief on her face. "Why? But why?" she asked.

"You've been so nice to me, helpful; I took the pictures because they were so erotic. I just thought that I should give them to you, show them to you; not use them any way."

Vanessa said in a quiet voice:

"Erotic? Yes, they are that; it's my mania, just my mania, I wish I could explain it or tell how alive all those dirty things made me feel."

Dacy was silent.

"I . . .I'm overwhelmed here," Vanessa barely croaked. "I feel that I should give you something, do something in return. You know for not using these. I just don't know."

Dacy stepped back, there was now a look of decision on her face.

"Maybe you should," she said.

"What?" Vanessa asked.

She walked around to the other side of the desk and confronted Vanessa. Dacy stared at Vanessa as she said:

"There was a time, when what I would have wanted from you, with you saying that you need to 'give me' something,would be to make out with you. I know, an old fashioned phrase but precisely what I had in mind."

Vanessa blushed but continued to stare at Dacy.

"But not any more; not any more you see because I've seen you; Oh, not you, I've seen nessa, was the name I heard the bartender use; I've seen nessa and what I want from you is to have her in this room with me right now."

"Nessa? Now?" Vanessa said but even as she said it she felt herself sliding into that mode; she felt herself sliding into the 'road house' mode.

This was certainly the part that she hated but it was the dark and dirty part that made her feel so alive. She was sliding into the 'nessa' mode for the best possible reason: this forceful, big woman was telling her to.

"Right now!" Dacy said almost explosively. "Go into that suite room, Vanessa; go there and when you come back, make sure that you're wearing only your panties. I mean, no shoes, no skirt, no blouse, no hose, and no fucking wig!"

In a kind of a last little surprise for each of them, for different reasons, Vanessa got up from her desk, and left the room. Dacy simply groaned as she watched Vanessa sway from the room. Vanessa didn't bother to think much more about it; she just did what she was told.

This was such a comfort for her periodically, to be told what to do, and simply comply. And now she felt safe with Dacy. She never fancied women but she wasn't opposed to the idea, and right now it seemed the correct thing to do.

She stripped in the suite room. She washed her face, and hands. She removed the wig and ran the wash cloth over her head, where the stubble was beginning to show itself. Then she went to the door and stood in the doorway, waiting to be told what to do.

"There she is," Dacy said enthusiastically! "There she is! My god, woman, you are beautiful beyond beautiful."

"Thank you," Vanessa blushed. But still she waited.

Dacy realized what she was standing there for and finally instructed her to come and stand in front of the desk. Vanessa did as she was told, her pussy was getting wet now, wet from the treatment, wet for Dacy, just wet.

"I want you to stand there; put your hands behind your head, and tell me in detail everything that happened for those two weeks at the road house."

"Yes, ma'am," Vanessa said. Dacy smiled at the form of address.

Then Vanessa began to relate the incidents. She mentioned the car trouble, seeking help in the road house, drinking the bourbon shots, dancing, sucking them off, being hosed down several times, having her head and pussy shaved, letting them fuck her pussy and her ass, and ending in the mud hole to be fetched out by Huck. She launched then into the narration of the second time at the road house, with Jimmy treating her worse than the first week; she told about licking his boots and then sucking his toes, sucking them all off and the scene in the clearing where they whipped her, fucked her and were going to tar and feather her until Huck intervened. She also told Dacy about the rest of the night with Huck.

"My god," Dacy exploded, "That is the hottest story that I think I've ever heard."

She got up from the desk and walked around the room so that she could see the nearly naked Vanessa from various angles. Her constant movement and critical appraisal were turning Vanessa on even more.

Dacy came to a stop against the wall on the opposite side of the room. Vanessa turned to her and began to crawl to where she was. Dacy just stood there smiling. Finally, Vanessa reached her.

Vanessa looked up at Dacy, her glance taking in Dacy's thighs beneath her skirt. She reached out her hands, only now it was nessa reaching. The firm and driven lawyer was replaced here again by her sensual, submissive alter ego. She spoke to Dacy in a soft voice:

"Miz Dacy, yo let dis nigga girl do you nice? Yo let her?"

"Ohhhhh," Dacy groaned as she only shook her head.

Nessa's hands snaked up beneath Dacy's skirt, rubbing their way up Dacy's thighs. Finally, nessa reached Dacy's nylon panties. She just ran her hands across the surface of Dacy's panties and rubbed in circles, including Dacy's pussy hair in the rubbing.

Nessa cooed to Dacy as she continued the rubbing, now letting one of those rubbing hands reach around to Dacy's fine big ass:

"Feels so nice, Miz Dacy's pussy, Miz Dacy's ass feel right nice to this black girl; feels so nice. Can I undo this, Miz Dacy?"

Dacy said a soft: "Yes, girl, you can go ahead."

Nessa proceeded to find the zipper on Dacy's skirt and lower the skirt down and off of her.

Nessa bent her head to the floor to take the skirt. She reached over and put the skirt on a chair, and returned her head to the floor. Now she began to run her tongue along the side of Dacy's shoe, first one and then the other. She took Dacy's foot in her hand and licked the bottom of Dacy's shoes too.

"Gots ta do my lady," Nessa cooed, "Gots to do her jes' fine."

"Oh, nessa," Dacy cooed as nessa's tongue now worked its way up Dacy's legs to Dacy's panties. The tongue reached the crotch of Dacy's panties and began to flick against the pussy hairs that were just barely hidden by the white nylon material. Dacy spread her legs a bit to give nessa more room for her licking.

Nessa reached up and with her hand moved one of the leg bands of Dacy's panties, so that she could insert her tongue into Dacy's pussy, licking pussy lips and pussy hair as she went.

Dacy was moaning and bucking her hips now against nessa's face, and holding her by the back of the head.

She didn't know later if it was a conscious thought that occurred to her or just an impulse, but as Dacy now knelt to get nessa in the position that she needed her in, she said to her, as nessa was about to speak again:

"Now you hush, you just hush with that kind of talk; there's no need here, no need now, no need between you and me."

Dacy had whispered this into nessa's ear, and nessa just laid her head against Dacy's thigh, as Dacy removed her suit jacket, blouse and bra. Then Dacy was ready for nessa. She took hold of her and stretched out on the floor with her.

There were tears in nessa's eyes then but Dacy swooped down to kiss them away. She kissed each wet cheek and then moved nessa into position so that nessa's face was looking up between Dacy's thighs and Dacy had her head nestled in the crotch of nessa's pretty panties. Dacy held her hips in place but yielded to the pressure of nessa's hands on her panty covered ass to bring her pussy, panty covered still, into contact with her mouth. Nessa let out a sigh as she felt the wetness of Dacy's lips through the front and crotch of her own panties. They lay there and made wet sounds for many minutes before they struggled, with difficulty, out of their panties and resumed the position.

Both had wet thighs from their mutual licking and slurping. Dacy moved first from the position; she took hold of nessa's hips and moved her so that she was lying with her front to the floor. Dacy crawled inside of nessa's legs and began to lick the crack of her ass. Nessa moaned, as Dacy continued to lick her ass crack. Dacy reached over just a little and bit nessa on the ass. Nessa 'eeked' and then Dacy bit the other ass cheek getting another 'eek' from nessa.

The two of the rolled again,and once again they were face to crotch with each other. This time they settled in seriously to eat each other. Both buried their lips and tongues in the pussy of the other. Both sought out the other's clit and began to suck on it.

As they neared their climax, Dacy moved her fingers and deftly slid a finger up into nessa's asshole. Nessa was loving it. The younger woman was dominating her and leading her to a marvelous climax. In the process, and with Dacy's encouragement, nessa had simply slipped away from the degrading personification that she'd displayed so completely at the road house and had slipped into earlier with Dacy.

Nessa came first from the combination of the pressure on her wet clit from Dacy's tongue, and the fiddling of Dacy's fingers in her asshole. Nessa bucked, and wheezed and came in a huff of breathing and panting.

She didn't move though but redoubled her own efforts to bring Dacy to an orgasm. She continuously licked first one side of the inside of Dacy's pussy lips, and then the other. After she'd made each journey up and down both sides of the pussy lips, she would concentrate her lips and her tongue on Dacy's clit and then slide her tongue into Dacy's pussy depths as far as the tongue would go. She continued this process, while holding onto Dacy marvelous ass cheeks to keep her in place.

Finally, Dacy spun out of control and began to spend her wetness down her pussy and into nessa's working mouth.

"God, woman, you do that well," Dacy said. "You must have practiced."

Nessa smiled: "Not much, babe, but a woman knows what she likes and likes to give that kind of lovin' in return. And besides, we do it better than men."

Dacy laughed, as she scooted over to where nessa was lying and took nessa into her arms. Nessa rested her head on Dacy's large tits, simply contented.

Nessa looked up into Dacy's face and said with an almost innocent voice: "I hope this doesn't mean that we have to give up fucking men?"

Dacy laughed and laughed. "Gee, I hope not also. As a matter of fact to truly celebrate my laws and this new 'friendship' of ours, I think we aught to plan to go get laid."

"I think we should shower first," nessa said, causing them both to laugh.

They went hand in hand to the shower, soaping each other, kissing intermittently, soaping again and then kissing again. They toweled each other off, when they were through.

Nessa said to Dacy: "Come on, I'm taking you to dinner to celebrate."

Dacy grinned: "Celebrate what?"

"Well, all of it, I'd say," nessa answered.

Then she turned serious for a moment and said to Dacy:

"I really want to thank you for bringing me 'down' you know, like 'bringing me back' in the middle of our rolling around. I get so lost in that shit, and afterward it makes me so sick."

"Well then we'll keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get out of hand; or at least doesn't get out of hand often."

They both smiled at that. Then they dressed and then went out to dinner.

By the time nessa got home she was really tired. She knew that the next day was a slow day for her. She was up and out in the morning early, since she had some stops to make on the way to work.

She hadn't been in her office long before there was a knock on the door. She called out that it was open, and Dacy came into the room.

"Hey there," nessa said.

"Hey yourself," Dacy said, and she went toward the desk where nessa was.

Nessa didn't need much more encouragement. She got up from her desk and went to where Dacy was waiting. She went directly into Dacy arms and kissed her. They lingered into the kiss for a number of minutes.

"Dacy then whispered to nessa: "Remember today's the day that we're going to get laid."

Nessa giggled at that.

Dacy continued: "Maybe we should go out to the mall and let some young guys pick us up."

Nessa's eyes glowed, and she said: "Sounds like a not half bad idea."

"Oh, by the way," nessa continued, "I have a gift for you."

"Ohhhhh," Dacy enthused, "I love gifts."

Nessa presented Dacy with a new phone. "Congratulations," nessa said then.

They embraced and Dacy simply held on to her.

"Oh, one more thing," nessa said, "Here this is also a gift."