Vanessa's Outing


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Nessa just looked up at him as she performed for him. She hoped somehow that she was placating him. It's what her own descent into this humility called for. There was that need to give in to the worst that was somewhere near the core of her sexual longing, her sexual submission. She rarely thought much about it, when she got so far into nessa as she had this night.

Finally, in a burst of cruelty, he simply placed his bare foot in between her tits and sent her sprawling on the floor. She stayed there and waited for him.

Over his shoulder he said: "Get me the shreds of those pantyhose."

Then to nessa he said: "Okay, bitch, panties off and give them to Massa Jimmy."

"Yes, suh, Massa Jimmy;" she said loudly, "Dis nessa one good girl; she do what you tell her; she always do what you tell her."

Jimmy laughed: "Then, nessa girl, we're going to give you a night to remember."

"Yes, suh, Massa Jimmy, and dis nigger thanks you for that; she sure do."

Jimmy was grinning as they gave him the shreds of the pantyhose; nessa was smiling but nervous.

It was just then that something, some little voice, some still lingering shred of dignity, something snapped in nessa. She looked around, go up and started to walk toward the door. She didn't take time to grab her clothes just her purse.

"No," she said, "just no."

Jimmy was on her in a second.

"Where the fuck are you going, blackie?" he bellowed.

He slapped nessa's face and actually knocked her down. With her lying on the floor in that back room, he reached down and slapped her face again.

It jolted nessa and sent her tumbling back into the dirty and darkness of this sexual obsession of hers.

"Nowheres, Massa Jimmy," she said, crying now, "I'se goin' nowheres; I's been good; why you use me that way."

"I'll use you any fucking way that I please," he shouted, towering over her.

Huck stuck his head in the door at that moment. He observed the scene with a scowl on his face and said with quiet authority:

"Hey, keep it down or take it outside."

Jimmy spit back at him quickly: "Don't worry, Huck, we're going to take it outside."

Huck watched for another minute or so, and went back to the bar.

Jimmy snarled at nessa, "Get up and put your hands behind your back, bitch,"

Nessa now scrambled to do what she was told. It's what she did in this place: what she was told. Her vain attempt to reassert some logic and sanity briefly in her life was fleeting. She was just back in the pit of her submission and lust now.

Jimmy proceeded to tie her hands together with strips of her torn panty hose. He laughed as he was doing it.

"Try to run away from us, will you; we'll fucking show you. Open your fucking mouth."

When nessa did as she was told, Jimmy shoved her panties, still wet, especially at the crotch, into her mouth and tied another strip of her pantyhose around her head to fasten them in place.

"Now this," he said as he took another strip of the panty hose and tied her ankles together. He knelt behind her to do the ankle tying. When he was finished, he reached out, grinning, and bit her in the ass hard.

The guys cheered, and Jimmy beamed, as nessa squealed into her panty gag.

He went around in front of her and grabbed her by the chin to direct her attention at him, as he spoke:

"I'll tell you what, girl; tell you what, Ms. High and mighty lawyer lady, Ms. High and mighty lawyer whose holes are ours to use as we please tonight; you've earned yourself a beating and that's what we're going to give you. We're going to take your black ass to a clearing near here and we're going to fuck you in every hole and then we're going to beat the shit out of you. And then, just for your evening pleasure, you know how we'll end our party? Do you? Huh, do you?"

He was spitting the words into her face, as he said it.

The frightened naked, black woman just shook her head 'no' to his insistent question.

Jimmy cackled as he spit out the words: "We're going to tar and feather your nigger ass!"

The other men were laughing now and clapping, as they gathered around the shaking naked black woman in their midst.

Then they grabbed her and hauled her bodily out the back door. They deposited her in a pickup truck, in the back, and the group of them, about 8 in all left in a hail of dust. The pickup trucks followed one another down a dirt road near the road house.

The got to the clearing and made a ring of the pickups. Shining lights that they had, and leaving the head lights on, they illuminated the clearing. Then they brought the hapless nessa out from the back of Jimmy's truck. She was shaking now. She was almost totally overwhelmed by a combination of fear of what they were about to do, and absolute lust for the process.

They brought her quivering, naked form to the center of the circle of lights. They tied her in place there. Her hands were tied to trees to the left and right in front of her. Then her ankles were tied to trees to the left and right behind her. They positioned nessa so that she was tied bent over at the waist with her upper body at a kind of 45 degree angle.

She tried to look around to see what was happening but the were behind her, and she couldn't. She drooled from the mouth enough that the drool went down her chin, past the panties that gagged her mouth.

She lurched, and shrieked into the panties in her mouth as Jimmy landed the first blow from his belt on her unprotected, jutting ass. He was snarling as he hit her. The belt fell time after time. Each time a welt was raised; each time nessa jumped and shrieked into her gag. Each time the guys laughed.

Then Jimmy was joined by the other guys. They' gotten their own belts off or broke off rods from the trees and simply wailed at the helpless black lawyer in their clutches.

Nessa now was past screaming. She was simply sunk into the heat of the beating, and as it continued, she found it creeping up into her consciousness and taking hold of her. She was now deeply into one of the worst of her fantasies, and to make it worse, while the hail of blows from the belts and sticks were raining down on her naked body, gleaming from sweat, she came thunderously!

She jerked, she writhed, she shook and her orgasm was an explosion.

One of the guys, in absolute astonishment, said: "Look, fuckin' gal is getting off on this."

It was too much for the men. The belts and sticks were forgotten. Jimmy was the first one to pony up and had his stiff cock shoved into nessa's pussy with no preliminary touching at all. Nessa grunted as she received his cock.

Someone scuttled around to her head, with his stiff cock flapping outside of his fly; he ripped the sodden panties from her mouth, grabbed her by the ears, and planted his prick in her gasping mouth.

Nessa took it and began to suck as if her life depended on it. She had his cum in her mouth and on her face in no time. The line began then and they kept taking turns with her. She had, at all times, for the next half hour or so, a cock in her mouth and one in her pussy.

She came two more times, as she serviced the drunken lot of them. They were in fact drunk enough that they weren't up to much more than one toss apiece at her mouth and pussy.

Then Jimmy was back. She shoved his soft cock toward her open, and willing mouth, and he spoke to her, directly into her face:

"Feel the heat on your ass, cunt? Feel it? Huh, feel it?"

She had a cock in her mouth so that all that she could do is shake her head 'yes.'

"That's the tar heating up for our finale; you'll love it! We'll pour the hot tar over your shaved black head, and let it run down over your nigger titties and coat that pussy of yours."

Nessa looked at Jimmy with despair, as he came once again in her mouth.

Then he leered at her and said: "It's time, nessa; it's time for the grand finale."

Then, right then there was an explosion. It startled everyone into silence.

An enraged voice broke the silence: "Jimmy Tate, you stupid, stupid fucker, what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

It was Huck, and he was angry and he was armed. He walked into the clearing carrying a pump shotgun that he'd just used to get their attention.

They were all afraid of Huck. He never had trouble at the bar. He was quiet, and mild mannered unless, like now, he was riled. He had a war record to be proud of, and was just a big, big man. He was always specially gentle with nessa.

"Now, Huck, you just stay out of this," Jimmy said nervously, and placatingly. "We're just having a little fun."

"Fun, you brain dead animal, is that poor woman tied up over there having fun too?" Huck shot back at him.

Nessa just sagged against the ropes, done in by all of the fucking and cock sucking that had just gone on.

Huck strode up to Jimmy now; no one else moved a muscle. Huck pushed the barrel of the shotgun directly against Jimmy's crotch. Jimmy went white as a ghost.

"Untie her!" Huck yelled. "She's cooperated with you, far beyond what was fucking necessary, and you've been mean as a snake to her all the while. But this last little bit of shit is one crazy fucking idea too much even for you."

Then Huck prodded Jimmy's privates with the barrel of the shotgun, making Jimmy jump.


Jimmy didn't move. Huck pumped a shell into the shotgun's chamber, and Jimmy got whiter.

"Untie her now, damn it!" Huck yelled over his shoulder, and a couple of the guys moved quickly to do just that. They untied nessa, and let her slump to her knees on the ground.

"Now get the fuck out of here before I get really, really mad."

The guys started to file out of the clearing. Trucks motors were turned on, and began to leave.

Huck just stood there, and Jimmy, holding up a placating hand, said quietly to the big man:

"Sorry, Huck, we was just having some fun and it got out of hand, kind of."

Huck shot back at him: "Yes, it did that. Good night, Jimmy."

Jimmy left without another word, or a glance back at Huck.

When they'd all gone, Huck went to his suburban and pulled out a blanket. He walked over to where nessa was still slumped on the ground on her knees. She was still naked.

"Here, little lady," Huck said, "Let's get you out of here. I got your purse, and clothes from the bar; at least those of them that were still good."

Huck wrapped a blanket around nessa and carried her to the suburban. It seemed no effort for him at all. As they went, nessa just leaned her head against Huck's chest. Huck opened the back door of the suburban and put nessa in on the seat, where he had her simply lie down.

She sighed a deep sigh and just rested as he started the suburban and took her to his place.

They were about a mile from the clearing, when nessa started to clamor for Huck:

"Huck, Huck," she cried out, "Gonna be sick, Huck."

Huck pulled over and stopped. He got her out of the back seat, still wrapped in the blanket and held onto her while she got sick several times.

Between bouts of the sickness, she stammered out:

"Hate that; hate doing that; hate being that way; hate it, Huck."

"You just go ahead now and do what you need to; you're fine now," he said to her soothingly.

Finally, she said to him: "Finished now."

He picked her up again and took her to the car. He reached for a bottle of water and gave it to her to rinse her mouth and drink.

"Thank you, sweetie," she managed then.

Huck took nessa to his house. She made no protest. He carried her into the house, and then fetched her purse and skirt, blouse and panties. The pantyhose and bra were ruined totally.

He took her to a bathroom on the first floor of his house, and left. She settled herself to use the bathroom and then wash her face.

Soon enough Huck knocked on the door, she called him in. He came in and asked if she was done there. She indicated that she was. He then took her, again in his arms, up the stairs and too her to the master bathroom. He had the tub already full, and the surface of it covered with bubbly soap.

"Oh, Huck!" nessa said, a little overwhelmed.

"Here give me this," he said taking the blanket. He looked at her nakedness but still acted in a very gentle way with her.

She settled with a sigh into the tub, and he went to the door.

Huck turned to her and said: "Would you like a drink? Glass of wine? Anything?"

"No, thank you, Huck," she answered, "You are so kind to take care of me."

At the door then, he turned once more to her. She smiled at him as he stood there. He said quietly:

"I'm really sorry for taking advantage of you last week, after I hosed the mud off. That was wrong, and making you use that damn kind of language was wrong. It was surely a poor thing for me to do."

She said to him: "Please, Huck, don't worry about that."

But he'd already turned and, looking chagrined, walked out leaving her alone in the bathroom.

Nessa had finally soaked all the dirt off of her body but still struggled with the dirt in her mind. Huck left her alone, and she simply cried, just like she'd done last week. She cried her eyes raw and red, she cried her throat hoarse, she cried for the way she let these things happen, and she cried for the fact that, while they were happening, she found them so exciting. She cried a long time but was too tired now ever for making promises to herself about what she would or would not do in the future.

She ran down finally, and ran out of tears, and things to cry about, and things to recriminate herself about. There was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in, Huck," she said.

He brought with him a huge shirt of his for her, and her skirt.

"Your blouse isn't in good shape just now," he said, "These will do alright for now. I have a place for you to lie down until you feel better."

"Huck, you are so kind," she said.

He smiled and left the room, telling her that he'd let her dress. He also had brought her panties, which he'd washed by hand and had in fact dried for her. It caused her to smile genuinely for the first time that evening.

She opened the door, when she was finally finished and dressed. He was waiting for her.

"That feels so much better," she said. Then she looked at him and continued: "Huck, I owe you an apology for acting out my demon in your place; for coming there and acting the slut. It served me right to be used that way; it really does."

"No," he said vehemently, "They ought to know how to treat a lady better than that is all. Sure you can go and play games with them;have some sexual fun with them but there's no need for that nasty stuff, no need at all."

Then he indicated to her that she could lie down on the bed in the master room, and that he'd lie down on a bed in the spare room. Nessa was simply too tired to argue with him. She lay dow on the bed dressed in her skirt and his shirt. He put a blanket over her, and went across the hall to the other room.

She woke some hours later; it was fully dark, and early in the morning now. Nessa was by now actually feeling a little human. She ran a hand over her face, when she thought of it all. She went over all of it in her mind, and was determined not to be sick again. She'd give it some time this week to be sorted out. But there was one thing that she needed to do.

The big man was lying on the bed, where he'd tumbled still dressed. He was suddenly aroused by a movement. He woke up quickly and began to raise up but a hand on his chest restrained him. She was standing next to the bed,the lovely black lawyer. And she was naked now. Cleaned up, shining clean but also naked. He started to say something but she put a finger on his lips to silence him.

She undressed him; she did it slowly and carefully. She was now completely turned on for a totally different reason than earlier in the evening. Her nipples were hard, as her breasts swayed in front of him. She struggled to get his shirt off. Then she moved down his body and removed his socks. Next she got his belt open and pulled his pants down, taking his underwear also.

She leaned on him then, brushing those stiff nipples against his own nipples.

"Now we're even here, Huck," she said.

"My god you're something," was all that Huck could manage.

And then she crept in beside him, rubbing her nakedness against his skin. He was erect in no time.

She looked up into his face, intense now with the pleasure of it. She grinned from ear to ear as she whispered to him: "Massa Huck, here I come!"

She giggled after that, and he said: "No, don't' . . .you don't need to . . ."

But she was already kissing him, and he realized that she was playing with him, using that language, only playing with him.

Then she spoke again: "Huck, you are my knight in shining armor; you come my rescue. I really need to go home but first this; first for us."

She began with his lips and his mouth but then she travelled down the length of his body, making important stops along the way. He was left to lie there and be loved.

She wreathed his nipples with her tongue and her mouth, sucking on them. Then she slid off to the side and lapped her tongue up and down the length of his armpits. She crooned to him as she did it.

He writhed on the bed, when she put her tongue into his belly button, and writhed even more, when she kissed, then bit his hip bones.

Finally, she found his erect cock and took it in her hand. She pushed it up, looking at it, and licked the underside of it, the entire length of it, with her tongue. She ended up with his balls and took them into her mouth to lick them and suck on them.

Then she had his cock in her mouth. She pushed her head down until she gagged a little but breathed in and went down a bit farther. She drooled on his belly, and when her head came up off of his cock, she just grinned at him.

Huck was transported. He felt her slide down to the foot of the bed, and begin to suck on his toes, one by one. She sucked on his big toes and looked up at him with a grin on her face.

"Here I come, Huck!" she said clearly this time. "Here I come!"

She went up to him and nestled herself down on his prick, still crooning to him as she did it. It was then that he moved, so that she was under him and he loomed above her, moving his hips in time with hers.

For nessa, he was the bright spot. She went, after they'd made love and did all the sexual things that they'd wanted to do. She didn't say 'no' to anything but he wasn't demanding, so that she needed to take some initiative too.

He followed her in his suburban to make sure that she got out of the area okay.

As she drove home, she reflected.

"He was the bright spot," she thought, "but now I need to go and wrestle with the demon. I do, I just do."

As was her usual pattern, Vanessa poured her disappointment, and her almost savage disgust with herself, into her job, especially in the early part of the following week. She had 'conversations'' with herself about what had happened for a second weekend at the road house, and she was never very easy on herself.

Those outings, which she recalled in detail whenever she thought of them, were the continual topic of her musings with herself, and her equally continual self lectures about 'straightening up' and not repeating such disgusting behavior.

It gave her a pretty grim outlook but made her extra efficient on the job. She got tons of work done; she was reliable, although not very approachable.

It was noticed around her that her attitude was more dour that usual, and her attention to work and details more stringent than usual but that was pretty much written off to who she was, and the way she normally was.

She spent the early part of the week that way, continuously furious with herself. It wasn't an inner dialogue that went along in an easy fashion. She kept, in her mind, going back to the events of those two nights at the road house. She kept going back to being stripped, and made to dance, and hosed down, and spit on, and spanked, and made to suck their cocks and being pissed on, and being fucked in the pussy and in the ass. She paraded those mental pictures through her senses constantly.