Tittsburg P.I. Ep. 01


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She walked around me and traced her fingers across my stomach. Reaching down she slipped off the milking machine and gazed at my slick erection now throbbing from the lack of stimulus.

"Oh yes, and here's your partner in crime now, just in time." She reached for me and tugged at it with a firm and angry grip. "It's been a while since we've been this intimate, hasn't it Jack?"

I glared at her, hoping my look would burst her into flames, but it didn't. It seemed to make her smile.

"Oh yes. I just can't forget it seems, all those years ago. You did it Jack. You were the one. I never told you this, but you were the man who finally took me all the way to my first orgasm. I just couldn't ever seem to get it all the way there," she said while trying to pull my cock right out of its socket, "and then you came along and nonchalantly fucked me into next week, didn't you?"

I shrugged.

"Then we had some real fun for a while, but I guess you lost interest. I was just getting started Jack, and then you were done with me. I tried to find others who could bring me off the way you did, but they failed. Everyone. It was so, fucking, frustrating!" She yanked harder and I croaked in pain.

"I degraded myself Jack. I let myself get spanked, tied up, fucked by a football team, a hockey team, even ten other people who looked just like you, searching for that magic combination... and nothing!" She thankfully let go and unthankfully began pacing around in front of me, peeling her clothes off piece by piece.

"Do you know how many times I've asked you for it... begged? I offered to fucking pay you for sex Jack and you still turned me down! Am I that horrible? Did you not have any fun with me? I thought we had something..."

She trailed off and lost every piece of clothing in the process except for an intimidating leather corset and knee-high boots. Her pussy was shaved bare and looked to be juicing down her legs.

She walked back up to me slowly and stood with her mouth near my ear.

"But then I figured it out Jack," she whispered, "I figured out what made it so good. What made it so special. And it was simple really. You were desperate... I hadn't been your first choice, but you were so frantic for sex that I would do."

She reached down and fisted my cock, which was in some kind of constant edging state. I loved/hated her angelic/demon of a hand as waves of desire melted my muscles.

"So you let me have it, didn't you? You gave me every fucking ounce of that pent-up energy, and it was exactly what I needed to get off."

She pushed her tongue in my ear and I winced in revulsion.

"Didn't like that?" she moaned, "...you will."

She stepped back and released my rod. "See these men? Yes Jack, it's all the missing people in town, right here in my playroom. Not only have I invented the world's best aphrodisiac for men, but I've also found a way to keep my supply of it coming, and coming, and coming. You see, one of the most important ingredients to my recipe is sperm. Not sperm exactly, but the fluid part of a male orgasm."

I scrunched my nose in disgust and she smiled at that.

"Ah, but men secretly love the smell of their own extract it would seem, when mixed with my special concoction of course." Vivian pushed a button and the bed tipped me forward into a full vertical position with my member hanging out the furthest. "Once I found I could make men desperate for sex, I just had to give them what they wanted... what they needed... what they couldn't live another second without."

She stepped in front of me and ran a hand between her legs and another across her bare chest. I gulped.

"Turns out it was the magic combination Jack. By the time I made my discovery, I had already been willing to do whatever it took to get off. I just needed to get over one more hurdle... I had to accept the fact that men needed to be fucking desperate in order to fuck me the way I needed it. It was a small price to pay, don't you think?"

I cursed at her over my gag and she laughed in my face.

"After that it was easy. I wore the perfume; men followed me home, sometimes many. They fucked me good Jack; so good. It was perfect. I would cum so fucking hard I was afraid my pussy would fall off, but it didn't. It just got hungrier for more. And more."

Her look turned from victorious to angry.

"Soon one cum wasn't enough, I needed two, and then three. One man wasn't enough, and I worked my way through town to get my fill. It was then I decided to run for office, and to use my new 'influence' to get votes. So now you know how I did it. I got myself off and collected a vote at the same time. Win win, right? That's right, I won.

"Once elected to office I decided I wanted the sex to come to me; as often as it could. So I found a way mass produce my perfume and fed it into the water system using a hidden line. Genius right? I know, except for one thing... my formula affected women as well as men when ingested. Just my luck once all the men in town were finally desperate to fuck, all the women were too."

She stepped up to me and ran her drooling cunt across the top side of my cock, pressing her pointy tits into me. Silently she stroked herself on my rod and groaned, her eyes searing into mine. Reaching around she pushed the button on the bed again and we slowly tipped back into a horizontal position.

"And now, lover, we're back to square one, aren't we?" she hissed like a putrid snake. "Except now I know better than to think you to have something special for me... unless of course you're desperate." She chuckled. "The perfume you smelled on Stella was just a sample, and the really potent stuff is covering this gag in your mouth, so don't bite down too hard or..."

Too late.

A jolt ran through me and my brain seemed to turn off completely. All I could see was a mostly naked woman hovering over me and I wanted nothing more than to screw her senseless. She saw it in my eyes and her face took on a hungry look.

"Yes," she purred, "that's it Jack. I'm here for you. I'm all yours if you need it. Give it to me Jack. Give me everything."

She pressed her hips back and I felt my shaft bump her slit, and she was sopping-wet-ready-to-fuck. One quick jab and I'd be as deep inside Vivian as I'd ever been. I felt like an animal, carnal lust boiling in my veins as my body began to surge with a mind of its own.

"Yes, feel it... feel the desperation Jack. You need it, don't you? You need to fuck and I'm right here, a bare pussy just out of reach." She toyed with me and kept her body just far enough away that I felt her wetness dab me and then pull away. "You have to want it Jack. You have to reeeeally want it. Do you want it? Do you want to fuck me?"

I nodded automatically. My body was burning up, I was having a hard time seeing straight and my red hot poker wanted to slide somewhere wet and juicy to cool the heat. Desperate. She had me and I knew it. I tried to relax but it was beyond my control.

Then, to my dismay, Vivian crawled off the platform and stuck her hand between her legs, bringing her fingers up to my nose.

"Ohhh fuck that's a wet pussy Jack," she said, pulling them away, "and it could have all been all yours... but no! And now you will suffer!"

She reached down and grabbed the milking attachment and slid it back over my frantic shaft. As soon as the soft inner capsule enveloped me, I groaned over my gag and felt my hips lunging into it. I knew why the men were all moaning around me, as the feeling waas heavenly and almost crave quenching.

"Have a good time Jack," Vivian said, my eyes watched her skinny bare backside wander to the bed next to mine. She pulled the man's machine off of his wet cock and straddled his cock, pushing the button to lean them back. "I'll just be here fucking the hell out of Peter, your missing mailman. Feel free to watch Jack. Ohhhh Fuuuckkk yesssss!" she moaned as her body sank down over the poor man's stiff penis until she was stuffed full.

My mind was barely my own, but in my haze of desperation and horniness, I could remember how grateful Vivian was that first time we had sex. She was right, I'd been desperate and anyone would have done that night. She was all over me like chicken pox after that. It's funny how something so insignificant in your life can have such a rippling affect.

My eyes went wide as Vivian fucked the poor mailman like a she-beast. She screamed and licked his face, she brought her hands up and seemed to choke him, and all the while her rhythm was like something from a world-record fuckathon. Skin slapped as Vivian's ass rippled with every bump. She sat down as hard as he thrust upwards, and I'd never seen anything like it. Then she came.

I remembered that scream. Like a horrific banshee it screeched through the air, curdling my blood and keeping my eyes glued to the trainwreck. She pulled on fistfuls of Peter's hair as she wailed right in his face, forehead to forehead. Poor son of a bitch. I remembered the real reason I avoided that crazy cunt. She was actually insane.

Once her event was over she softly clawed at Peter's cheeks with sharp nails and chuckled like a witch. It started low, and then grew until it chilled my veins so cold I was sure I'd never fuck anything again.

"Ahh hahahahaha," she chortled, turning to face me with Peter's poor cock still buried in her evil twat, "see that Jack? Now that was desperate. Oh my FUCK, that was good."

She tipped them back, sliding herself on and off his slick dick until she finally schlupped the two of them apart. She put the device back in place and Peter groaned in pleasure. I was relieved for him, as being inside that machine had to be better than where he'd just been.

She sauntered over to me like a lioness who'd just finished off a nice, juicy, raping of a man. I wanted to hate her and stare curses in her direction, but my body just wanted me to be next. The constant sluice machine sucking my cock and the feverish lust in my veins was too much to take.

"So, I'm sorry to say Jack," she said as she came to my side again, looking me in the eye as if she really was sorry about something, "You're never going to get that sweet release I'm able to grant these men many times a day."

With that she slid the machine from my sloppy cock again and stepped to the wall, throwing what sounded to be a switch. As if on cue, low moans filled the air, some close, some far. Each unique tone rose together as one, building into a full chorus singing a universal song... orgasm.

My brows must have formed into a pleading shape, as Vivian smiled wide. Her eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Oh my god," she dripped, next to me again, "can you hear that Jack? They're cumming. Listen to them. Cocks are cumming all over my playroom, and it sounds like... no... it is. It's the best god damn feeling they've ever had."

She ran a finger up and down my chest.

"Their hard cocks are squirting in release Jack... they're finally getting off," she tormented me, "can you hear it? Spurting loads are shooting out right now, one after the other, giving them so much relief. Wouldn't that be nice? To cum? Do you remember what it feels like to cum Jack?"

When the moaning subsided, she once again settled the moist machine down the length of my shaft, curling my toes and raising my libido again.

"Well you'll just have to hang that fond memory on a hook like I did for so long." She stepped away and came around in front of me. "How long do you think you can go without a good cum, Jack my man? Days? Weeks? The rest of your pathetic life?" The pure evil in her eyes let me know this was exactly what she planned to do with me.

I wished I could speak. I wished I could scream. I wished I could punch that fucking manipulative bitch in the face and bend her over that railing to really give her a rugged fuck in her creamy wet hole while grabbing her tits and bouncing my... shit, I was fucked.

"I see that look on your face Jack, and while I never really intended this whole thing to be about you, the fact you brought this back on yourself is the tastiest bit of irony I never knew I needed. Now I don't think I'll ever let it go. Well, time to fuck. Have fun Jack."

She ended it just like that and turned to walk the row of captured men to find another poor soul to torment. Lucky bastard...


I wasn't sure how many days had passed. My new prison seemed to be underground enough to keep any kind of day/night indications hidden. Apparently I was the only prisoner whose hands were locked in front of them on the other side of prison bars, most likely to keep me from taking care of any self-manipulative business. I could eat, I could use the bathroom, but all I wanted to do was fuck something. I tried fucking the floor, the open air, even a piece of fuzz wafting by; but nothing. I was spiraling into a drug-induced madness.

Each day women in masks wielding taser rods led us one by one through underground corridors to our torture racks. We weren't allowed to talk and were constantly under watch, either by Vivian herself or the guards. The guards must have been solid lesbians, or well trained because a cellar full of naked men did nothing for them. In fact, they seemed to enjoy witnessing our torment.

I was always first to be secured and dosed and last to be released, having to watch spent and satisfied cocks dangle past while my erection raged eternally.

I was able to locate Barry Lane without even asking, he was hard to miss. Not only was he the most built of us all, but his cock was ridden the most by Vivian in her sexual rages. Everyone but me was given three automated orgasms throughout a session, our blessed Mayor thoroughly fucking a couple of us before they activated. Lately though she'd been running to Barry first thing, and making sure to end each day-long session with his big cock in her.

One day, after everyone else had been lead back for the day, Vivian walked past me and then stopped; something she rarely did. I had become numb to everything, weary with the prolonged denial and I must have looked broken. She approached me and we locked eyes. Her freshly fucked look was one of utter contentment... and something else.

"How are we holding up, Jack?" she said with faux pity, looking down at my permerection. "It must be... hard, holding on to all that need for so long. I have to admit, it's comforting knowing I'm not the only one having to go through something so... aggravating. I almost feel better about us now, like we've endured something together."

She absently batted at my appendage as the gag in my mouth stifled a groan. It was the most action I'd felt in weeks besides the constant slurping sensation at my crotch.

"Maybe I should take this off for a while," she added, "let him breathe. Would you like that Jack?"

I nodded, but she didn't notice as her eyes were looking down. Slowly she unclipped the device and it dropped to the floor. She held my furious swollen dick in a divine grip like I'd never felt before. Man was I messed up, just a simple human touch and I was drowning in desire. She looked up at me.

"I really do miss this cock of yours Jack," she said, her tantalizing fingers squeezing and releasing my throbbing thickness. "It's the source of my very first orgasm after all, and always will be. There's got to be some respect there, right?"

I was almost ready to pass out from the pure conduit of lust coursing through my veins. Each caress, each finger movement juiced me up like I'd never known was possible.

"Oh god Jack, you feel it don't you," she said excitedly, stepping close and capturing my rod between her thighs, "that ultimate high. It can only come from total denial you know. It's the only way."

She pressed her body right to mine, her nose touching my chin and her nipples stabbing playfully into my chest. She reached back and unclipped her corset, the only outfit she ever seemed to wear lately. Her completely bare body settled into mine as she reached down for my shaft again.

"You really fucked with my head, Hammer," she breathed, looking up at me, "for years my dreams were filled with this cock. If I'm being honest, they still are." She pressed my stiff rod against her damp lips and rubbed us together, sending another wave of frantic lust through me. My body began to hump, like someone had dropped a quarter into a grocery store rocket ride.

I tried to talk but ended up biting my gag, sending a fresh dose of compellent into my body. All at once I felt my muscles tense and a primal energy took me for a ride. My muscles flexed and I felt my cock tighten further between her legs.

"Oh yeah Jack," Vivian breathed, "that's it. Feel that juice throbbing through your cock. Would you fuck me now?"

I nodded a menacing affirmative. She seemed to enjoy that.

"You know, all these men are mine for the taking. Even Barry Lane himself is all mine to fuck as I please. But for some reason I still want you Jack. I want to feel your extra-long dick punching so far into me I can taste it. Forcing it's way down to my deepest..."

She cut herself off. Even through my haze of need I could sense her struggle. I was something she couldn't have, shouldn't have; the forbidden fruit of her own making she'd pass over day after day. She wanted it bad.

I was surprised when she eased down my stomach, my cock slipping up her chest, her neck and the side of her face. Her evil eyes glared at me with hatred and hunger.

"I should have been teasing you like this the whole time, just to speed your insanity; but it's been too tempting," she admitted. "I want this fucking cock again Jack." She turned to look at it. My stiff prick stretched from her chin to the top of her head. "Look at this thing! It's the most incredible piece of fuck meat ever conceived, and it's attached to you. What a waste."

She spit at it in disgust, and then brought her mouth up to the head.

"I bet you'd love it if I put you in my mouth, wouldn't you Jack?" she brutally teased me, "Do you want some head? A little cock sucking? Do you want me to slide my lips down the skin of your fat dick until I can't fit any more cock down my throat?"

With that she opened her mouth and my world collapsed. A simple blow had never felt anything like it, immense in its simplicity. Rushing chemicals swirled beneath my skin and a euphoric sensation soared me to another dimension.

Her swollen lips nursed my cock as I softly fucked in and out of her mouth. She moaned and seemed to be getting as much pleasure from the act as I was, although physically that had to be impossible. She held my balls and licked up the side of my cock again with a crazed look in her eye. Then she seemed to snap out of it.

"Damn it," she said, standing. She wiped her mouth and came back to face me, pressing my long shiny shaft between us. I kept thrusting it, secretly hoping to cum before she took that creamy flesh away. "Mmmm, you really want to cum, don't you Jack. Uh-uh-uh," she shook her head. "We can't be having too much fun now. Once you unload, the ultimate pleasure factor resets to zero. You'd have to start all over, and it's taken us too long to get you to this point."

She grabbed my frantic cock with an unmoving rock-iron grip until my eyes watered and my hips settled down.

"Good boy," she said, easing up on my shaft. She began running her fingertips up and down the length, watching me the entire time. "a cock this good has to last."

She reached around to press the button which reclined the rack, and we tipped back to a laying position. She got on all fours above me.