Tina Carson Ch. 08


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Her large breasts swung free and Sid grasped both of them in his hands and fondled them, brushing against her nipples. He could feel them swell instantly in his fingers. God she was so fucking hot!

"Just a minute Jim, there's something annoying me in here," she said tautly. She turned back to Sid as he continued to grope at her boobs.

"What the fuck are you doing?" she hissed, "get off me or I'll scream."

"Go ahead," Sid replied grinning broadly, "but before you do, you'd better have a good explanation for your husband about what we're doing."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Tina heard from outside as she felt Sid begin to rub between her legs, which she opened for him immediately without thinking.

"Yeah, yeah I'm a ... erm ... I'm ...oooo ... I'm fine," she exhaled huskily as she turned once more to look out the window and down to where Jim was retrieving a bag from the boot of the car. There was a quick rush of air as she felt the bottom of the bathrobe being flipped over her back. She knew Sid now had full access to her pussy. Her stomach turned over as she felt her body begin to react.

Sid gazed at her naked heart shaped ass as it stuck up invitingly in the air at him. He could see her swollen pussy lips through the crack between her legs and could see she was very wet. The erotic thought of taking her right now as her husband was stood outside below the window talking to her was almost too much to absorb. He pushed forward, his cock nudging against her slickness.

Outside Jim turned to speak to the driver of the car not knowing at that very moment, upstairs in his bedroom, his wife was receiving Sid's 11" cock up to her wet pussy lips and groaning as he pushed the head inside her.

"Oh fuuucckkk ... you bastard ..." Tina groaned as she felt his length slide in, her pussy lips catching at first against his foreskin. She'd have been grateful for a little more foreplay first!

Sid knew he didn't have much time as he began to slide his cock deeper into her. He soon picked up a rhythm.

Tina was physically shaking from the force of his thrusts, her head dropping as his hands groped and pawed at her impressive breasts.

"Ooonngggrrr ..." Tina groaned, as Sid pulled on her enlarged nipples.

"What's that, did you say something Tina?" Jim asked from the car park looking up to the window. He couldn't see all of her, just the top of her head which seemed to be shaking.

"Erm ... nooo... mmmm ... noooo ..." Tina moaned as her orgasm started to build. "I'm fine ..." she winced in apparent pain, a reaction Jim noticed.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Jim asked with increasing concern, not realising that his wife was on the verge of her second orgasm of the day.

"Yeah ... yeah ..." I'm ffffine ... just got a touch ... just got a touch of cramp ... kneeling ... that's all ... oohhmmm ..." Tina's mouth twisted as she fought against releasing her passion.

"I'll be right up," Jim shouted to her as he turned, picked up his bag and hurried into the hotel.

"Unngggrr ..." Tina groaned as Sid squeezed hard on her breasts as he plunged as deep as he could with his cock.

"You'd ... oooo ... better hurry ..." Tina gasped, "he's ... mmmm ... he's coming ... up ... oooooohhh ... fuckkk ... oh fuuuuucckk ..." she cried out as with one final thrust from Sid, she came.

So am I," Sid grunted, as his cock stiffened and he unloaded another stream of his potent cum into her pussy.

As they heard the key in the lock and the latch on the door being lifted, Sid pulled out of Tina's pussy and barely made it into the bathroom unseen as Jim entered.

Tina hurriedly sat down and pulled the towelling robe back round her. As she crossed her legs she could feel Sid's cum sticking to her thighs. Her legs were shaking and she just prayed that Jim wouldn't want her to stand up any time soon.

"Hi, sweetheart, you okay?" he asked without looking at her as he leaned down to plonk his bag on the floor. He stood up straight and turned to face her. She'd just managed to finish tying the belt on the bathrobe. "You seemed a bit strange when you were talking to me. Did someone come in the room?"

"No, no, I'm fine, croaked a flushed looking Tina, as a stupid response of ...yeah just the two of us ... briefly entered her head.

The toilet flushed in the bathroom and the door opened to reveal Sid. Jim looked round at Tina sat in her towelling robe, obviously naked beneath. His stomach lurched for a split second as he felt a sudden flash of jealousy and fear.

"That seems to be working just fine now Mrs Carson," Sid said as he looked over at her. He turned, seemingly seeing Jim for the first time. "Oh, hello Jim, you're back, I trust you've had a good game today?"

"Erm ... yes thanks, I did," Jim looked quizzically at Sid. "So ... why are you ...

"Ah yes, your good lady here was having some problems with her plumbing," Sid interrupted quickly flashing a quick wink at Tina, who grimaced.

"I'm pretty sure it'll be alright now, I've given it a good clear out," he said, "but I may have to come back at some point to do it again, give it some more lubrication, just to make sure," he added, leering pointedly at Tina, which luckily went unnoticed by Jim.

"Oh erm right ... I see," Jim replied relieved that there was an obvious reason why Sid was in his room with his nearly naked wife.

"Erm ... thank you Mr Jenkins, I'm so glad you could come so quickly to sort out the problem," Tina said swallowing her guilt, disgusted with her role in the hoodwinking and deceit of her husband but also relieved that Jim was none the wiser, although it had been a close call.

"No problem, anytime, it's all part of the service. From time to time I like to make sure my tool works and the pipes are properly cleaned out," Sid said with a smirk, deliberately mixing up his words. Tina cringed as he left the room, closing the door behind him. Luckily Jim seemed oblivious to what Sid had said.

Chapter 8

After Sid left, Jim showered and dressed for dinner. Tina would have loved to climb into the shower again but couldn't think up a plausible reason why she would need two showers within twenty minutes of each other. So she dressed with Sid's cum still oozing from her pussy. It was going to be a sticky and uncomfortable night.

When Jim came back into the bedroom he noticed his wife was dressed very conservatively in a blouse and skirt, which although they were reasonably tight fitting were not at all to his liking.

"Is that what you're wearing tonight," he asked.

"What do you mean, don't I look alright in these?" she asked.

"Ordinarily, yes," he replied, "but come on Tina, it's Saturday night, we're in a lovely hotel in a romantic spot and I'm about to take my beautiful wife into the restaurant for a sumptuous meal. I just thought you'd make a bit more of an effort, that's all."

"I am not beautiful," Tina replied, "I feel fat and uncomfortable at the moment. Anyway what would you want me to wear?"

Knowing full well what he had made her pack, Jim walked to the wardrobe and selected a body contour dress which lengthwise came to just above her knee and which had a low cut neckline that would show off her impressive cleavage. He also picked out matching 5" stiletto heeled sandals.

"There you go," he said handing her the outfit with a broad grin on his face, "what about these?"

"Okay, anything for a quite life," she replied as she took the dress and struggled into it.

Finalising her makeup, Tina slipped on her high heels and they left their room and made their way to the bar for a pre meal drink. Gosh, these sure are high she thought, as she tottered down the carpeted corridor in her 5" heels, her tight fitting dress also making walking difficult.

Sid was behind the bar when they entered.

"Good evening, Mr and Mrs Carson," he enthused, "my, my you're looking lovely tonight," he said looking directly at Tina before adding, "both of you, of course."

"Thank you," Jim replied with a laugh as Tina looked away.

After ordering their drinks they moved from the bar to a seated area near the fireplace. Sid watched them, savouring every step Tina made in her shoes. The heels she was wearing were certainly very high he observed, which seemed to make her ass stick further out, accentuating and enhancing it's delightful curvature. Her hip sway was even more exaggerated than usual and her clearly defined ass cheeks seemed to have developed a life of their own as they moved sensuously beneath the fabric of her tight fitting dress with each step she took. He couldn't help it, her body both excited and aroused him.

"Bloody hell," he murmured both at the sight of her tight ass and the fact that his cock had pulsed yet again. His stomach churned as his desire to thrust his cock inside her wet and willing pussy grew ever stronger.

After another marvellous meal, Jim and Tina adjourned to the lounge area for coffee and spirits. As they sat down Jim was noticed by a group of people who had just entered the hotel bar.

"Hello there Jim," called out one of the party, walking over to where Jim and Tina were seated.

"Hello Jeremy," Jim replied with a hint of surprise as he jumped up to shake his hand, "good to see you again, have you come here for a meal?"

"No, no," Jeremy replied, we've already eaten at the golf club but we often pop in here for a drink or two on the way home."

"Oh I see," Jim replied, He turned towards Tina. "Jeremy, this is my wife Tina," he added.

"Hello, Tina," Jeremy replied as he looked down at her impressive cleavage, his eyes lingering there for a moment too long.

"Erm ... this is my wife Amanda and our friends Timothy and Cecilia," Jeremy stammered, eventually managing to avert his eyes away from Tina's ample bosom.

He turned back to Jim. "I have to say, you played really well today Jim. I was just telling Timothy here about your round, most impressive for someone not familiar with our course."

"That's very kind of you," Jim replied with a smile, his pleasure at Jeremy's statement plain to see. "Would you care to join us for a drink?"

"Well if you don't mind ..." Jeremy said as he quickly seated himself next to Tina.

The rest of his party pulled up seats to join Jim and Tina and after some general idle chitchat the conversation turned to concentrate solely on golf. It was obvious that Timothy played golf and it appeared that their wives too were not the proverbial golf widows as they all enthusiastically entered into the discussion regarding the merits of hybrid clubs over the use of traditional irons and fairway woods with more than just a little bit of knowledge.

After ten minutes of this, Tina was bored beyond belief. She had no idea what they were talking about. Jim was not immune to his wife's feelings and as he rose from his seat to get another round of drinks, he sensed that his wife was far from happy.

"I see you've got to know Jeremy and Timothy then," Sid stated as he stood behind the bar pouring the drinks for Jim.

"Yes I have, they seem to be nice chaps and really good company," he replied as he glanced over his shoulder to see Tina looking into space. "Don't think Tina's too impressed though, golf's not her game I'm afraid," he added.

"Look Jim, I may have a solution if you're interested. I could come over and suggest to Tina that I take her on a tour of the hotel. Many years ago they tried to make wine here and some of the old vats and equipment are still down in the cellar. I've tried to make a bit of a feature of it recently," Sid said.

"Well, I'm not sure ... I'm not sure if she would be that interested," Jim replied hesitantly.

"Well it's up to you Jim, the offer's there. The last thing you need is if Tina decides she's had enough and wants to go to bed early. I'm only trying to save you from any potential embarrassment; if you know what I mean."

"Well I suppose so," Jim replied, "perhaps she might find it intriguing?"

"Perhaps ..." Sid said, a smile playing on his lips as he grabbed the tray of drinks and accompanied Jim back to their seats.

"Here you go, folks, waiter service with a smile, here are your drinks," Sid said with a flourish as he handed them their glasses.

Jim turned to his wife and held out her drink. "Here you go dear." He paused for a moment before continuing.

"Sid thought you might like a tour of the hotel rather then sitting listening to us going on and on about golf. Apparently they used to make wine here many years ago ... he thought it might interest you ..." Jim said, hopefully.

"I don't think so," Tina replied with a slight edge to her voice. That's the last thing I need; to be alone with Sid she thought.

"Oh, it really is worth having a look around Tina, especially the cellar where the old wine vats are," Jeremy said helpfully. "It's quite something you know and Sid really has made an effort to restore things to their former glory."

Tina looked on helplessly as the rest of the group chorused their opinions that she should indeed go and have the tour.

Reluctantly and not wishing to cause a scene and embarrass Jim, Tina eventually agreed and stood up out of her chair. Her stomach dropped when she glanced over to Sid and saw him leering at her, unseen by anyone else. She already knew what was intriguing him.

As soon as they were clear of the lounge he put his hand on her ass. The only movement to his hand was caused by the seductive up and down wiggle her deliciously round, full ass cheeks made as she walked. He revelled in the exquisite feeling before his desire to grope and squeeze them overwhelmed him. As he directed her towards the cellar door and they entered, Sid gave her ass a final squeeze and pat before he locked the door behind them and they descended into the cellar.

"There they are," Sid said pointing proudly at his pride and joy, the old wine vats. "There's still a bit more of the old wine making equipment lying around and one day I'll get it restored and displayed properly so guests can see how the wine making process was carried out all those years ago."

As Sid talked he stared longingly at Tina who was stood in front of him looking at the vats.

He took it all in. Her legs, sheathed in sheer stockings were solid looking but shapely and her 5" high heels helped stretch them to accentuate their curve. His cock pulsed. His eyes moved higher. The body contour dress did exactly what it was supposed to do and clung to her body showing off her full round ass in all it's glory. His cock pulsed again and he fidgeted around with his trousers trying to make himself feel a bit more comfortable.

Shifting slightly to one side Sid could make out the glorious swell of her large, perfectly shaped 38D breasts. He couldn't wait to feel them in his hands again.

He moved up close behind her still talking about the wine making history of the retreat. Tina could feel his breath on her neck and shivered slightly, causing the fine hair on her arms to stand up. His hands groped and ran unfettered across her curvy ass for a while before he slid his arms around her waist.

"You have a fabulous body," Sid whispered into Tina's ear, "your legs are divine and I love your ass, it's so plump and juicy, I could almost eat it."

His hand moved lower once more and he softly caressed her ass cheeks as he spoke. Tina's breathing became shallower as Sid's words caused her heart to beat just a little faster.

"And your boobs ..." He nibbled on Tina's ear lobe. Her back arched, pushing her breasts out, which Sid took in his hands and squeezed.

"Ooohhh ... mmmmm ..." Tina moaned leaning back into Sid who ran his hands over her large boobs groping and pulling at them.

She didn't like Sid at all but overcome in the passion and eroticism of the moment she was so aroused she couldn't help but yield herself to his desires. He turned her to face him and with one hand firmly on her ass he brought the other around her head drawing her in towards him. Their lips met, Sid pushing his tongue inside her mouth where it found and engaged with hers. And as they kissed, Sid moved his hand from her ass and rubbed it in between her legs.

"No, no, we mustn't, it's not right," Tina made a token effort to dissuade Sid before shifting her stance and opening her legs to allow Sid's hand easier access to her mound.

He knew he didn't have much time as he struggled to lift the bottom of her tight fitting dress up and over her hips but he managed it and quickly pulled down her thong, sliding his fingers into her already wet pussy.

Shuffling her over to the bench, he spun her round and bent her over. Already resigned to her fate, she offered no resistance.

"Oooohhhnnnggg ..." Tina groaned as he shoved the head of his 11" cock into her pussy. He pulled back and then thrust forward forcefully.

"Oh my god ..." Tina screamed at the sudden impact of receiving all of Sid's length in one movement. She felt it slam into her cervix.

Sid didn't care as he drew back and rammed it all home again.

"Ohhhnnnggrr ..." Tina yelled as Sid pounded into her with a fury she had never felt before.

Sid was panting hard as he fucked Tina and she grunted with every thrust and as she felt her orgasm building she began to push her hips back to meet him.

"Aagggghhhmmm ..." she screamed as she came followed swiftly by Sid who pumped more of his seed inside her thoroughly fucked pussy.

Sid groaned loudly as he collapsed on her back, spent and sweaty. He staggered backwards slightly as he pulled out. It was quick and it was nasty and he loved it!

"Fuck me, that was intense," he said, "you really are one good fuck ... truly fucking amazing!"

"Is that finally it Sid, is that enough for you now, are you going to leave me alone," Tina desperately asked, "we can't keep on doing this, I don't want to be cheating on my husband."

"You should have thought of that when you were being fucked by that Rob chap then," Sid replied harshly, "it obviously didn't bother you to cheat on Jim then; did it."

"I've told you, I was taken advantage of when I was drunk," she replied weakly.

"Yeah right," Sid replied, "but you didn't take much persuading to drop your panties for me when I threatened to reveal your sordid little secret, did you."

"I told you then I couldn't hurt Jim; I love him and don't want to lose him," a tearful Tina sobbed.

"Very touching Mrs Carson, I'm sure. If only I believed you," Sid said sarcastically as he turned to leave the cellar. "You certainly have a strange way of showing your love for your husband, fucking around on him as you do!"

Tina adjusted her clothing, pulling on her thong which did nothing to stop Sid's sticky cum trickling down the inside of her thighs. As they exited the cellar, Tina was sure she could hear a squelching sound as she walked.

Sid breezed into the lounge before her. "Here we are," he exclaimed, "It was quick but I'm sure Tina found it most exhilarating, didn't you?"

"Yes, very nice thank you," Tina mumbled as she took her seat. Sid made his excuses and left and Tina spent an uncomfortable thirty minutes making small talk with Amanda and Cecilia before they and their boring husbands left. She wasn't happy either when Jeremy brushed his hand over her boobs when he leaned down to give her a peck on the cheek, a grope that went unseen by everyone.

Jim was in a frisky mood when they got back to their room but Tina pushed him away.

"I'm sorry Jim, I can't, I've got a mega headache," she said as she rushed into the bathroom, firmly shutting the door behind her.

Chapter 9

The next day, she and Jim had breakfast together before he departed to play golf. Tina had already decided to make the best of the situation and take advantage of one of the local hill walks and was seeking advice from Lucas at the reception desk.

"Yes, if you take this path here ..." Lucas said showing her the route on a photocopy of a hand drawn map, "... it will eventually lead you to a small hut. It was built as a refuge many years ago, but it's still in pretty good condition. It's in a good position and a lot of people have their lunch there. From there you can either follow this path, which will take down into the valley and back to here by following the river, or you can just retrace your route back along here using the return path, which is certainly the shorter option."