Tina Carson Ch. 08


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As they entered the reception area, Sid was there to meet them.

"Well, well, well, I don't belieeeve ... it," he oozed, "so what brings you back here, I didn't expect you back so soon!" he added, gazing longingly at Tina's breasts. She was wearing a tight fitting tee shirt which did nothing but showcase her large boobs. As she saw where Sid's eyes were lodged she cursed her stupidity for leaving the baggy sweater that would have hidden her ample charms on the back seat of the car.

Jim moved forward to shake Sid's hand. She could feel Sid's gaze still on her and was horrified when she realised she could feel her nipples pushing against the fabric of her bra. Sid extended his hand to her. As she shook it she was even more horrified to feel her flesh begin to tingle from his touch. She swallowed hard and felt a warm feeling radiate out from the pit of her stomach. She quickly pulled her hand away. Her face felt like it was on fire.

"Hello Sid, it's great to see you again." Jim half turned and looked at his wife. "We're back because I've been invited to play in the President's Putter competition at the golf club," he enthused. Tina looked the other way hoping that Sid would stop staring at her.

"Well, that's outstanding Jim," Sid replied. He was actually suitably impressed as he knew it was a tough and demanding course. "I'm sure you'll find it a good, although I'm sure, challenging two days."

"What!" Tina exclaimed, her head snapping back around, "It's two days?"

"Erm ... yes ... I thought I told you," Jim replied with a chastened look on his face.

"Not to worry Mrs Carson, I'm sure we can keep you entertained here for a couple of days while Jim's playing golf," Sid interjected, leering at Tina. She glared back at him.

"There you go," Jim said with a smile, totally oblivious to the visual sparring between his wife and their host. "I told you there was nothing to worry about. I'm sure Sid can look after you and sort something out for you to do."

Sid smiled at Jim before shifting his gaze to Tina. He loved the look she flashed at her husband. If only you knew he thought to himself, if only you knew! His cock was throbbing quite painfully now as he looked forward to the next two days with relish.

"Right if you'll follow me, I'll take you to your room. As previous guests I've upgraded you to the Glendale Suite, at no extra charge."

"That's fantastic, thank you Sid, that's very kind of you," Jim replied as they followed Sid to the room.

"No problem," Sid smiled. His magnanimous gesture was due only because the Glendale Suite had the best camera angles of any of his rooms.

When they entered the suite even Tina was impressed. Apart from the extra large king sized bed, which Sid was quick to point out had separate mattresses to aid a restful nights sleep, it also boasted a very large window seat from which the views stretched out past the car park to the valley and hills beyond. The retreat really was located in an idyllic spot.

Forgetting herself and who was in the room with them, Tina couldn't help herself and climbed up onto the window seat to look out.

"Oh, what a view," she said peering out the window, "Jim you should see the view, it's spectacular."

Sid looked at her tight, short skirt, which as she leaned forward to look out the window barely covered her ass cheeks and revealed a large expanse of her bare, tanned legs and in particular her shapely thighs.

"It certainly is," he said shaking his head. Was it really so recently that he'd seen that view and said those very same words to Debbie Gibson.

His cock pulsed again as he imagined himself stood behind her with his cock lodged deep inside Tina's wet and willing pussy, holding onto her hips, thrusting forcefully, pulling her back onto his turgid erection, feeling the contractions of her pussy muscles as she squeezed him, fucking her hard, revelling in her grunts and gasps of pain and pleasure, making her cum ... ooohhh ...

With a quick shake of his head he snapped himself back from his fantasy and managed to drag his eyes away from Tina's ass. "Right, I'll leave you to get settled in, the restaurant opens at 7pm and the bar is open now if you want a drink."

"Fine," Jim said, "We'll be down for a drink after we've freshened up."

"Okay," Sid replied, "see you soon." Shooting a last lingering glance in Tina's direction he exited the room closing the door behind him. He walked down the corridor his heart pounding wildly. He pulled at his trousers, trying to readjust his swollen cock inside his boxers. He could feel the sticky patch on the front of them. "Yeah ... see you real soon ..." he leered. He quickly made his way back to his private rooms to activate the hidden cameras.

Chapter 5

After showering Tina surveyed her wardrobe, picking out items and discarding them. She cursed herself for allowing Jim to browbeat her into bringing the outfits she had. There wasn't one thing she could wear that wouldn't have Sid drooling all over her.

"What about this one," Jim suggested, holding up a low cut black cocktail dress.

Tina looked at his choice. It would have to do she thought, it's the least revealing one I have. She struggled to get it on, the zip at the back not quite pulling all the way up.

"I don't understand," she said out loud as she squeezed and tugged at the dress trying to get it over her impressive boobs, "it fit the last time I had it on."

"Well maybe you've put on a couple of pounds," Jim said thinking he was being helpful.

Tina shot him a withering look. "I have NOT put on any weight," she said, measuring her words carefully. "In fact I've actually lost a couple of pounds," she added testily.

Ooops. Jim grimaced to himself, cursing his stupidity.

"Okay, okay, look I'll go and get some drinks ordered, while you finish dressing," Jim said, suitably chastened.

Tina gave up the struggle after Jim left. She removed her bra and with a struggle pulled the dress up. It fit but only just, her breasts being pushed up and together to give her an even bigger and deeper cleavage than usual.

"Either this dress has shrunk or my boobs are getting bigger," she said out loud to herself.

As she uttered the words guilty thoughts came to the fore and she briefly wondered whether breasts could get bigger due to being groped and fondled and massaged so often. They had certainly been regularly and roughly manhandled over the past few months. She shook her head in self disgust as she tried her best to push them further down inside the dress.

Giving up the losing battle, she took one last look at herself in the mirror on the wardrobe door. Not too bad she thought, as the reflection of a blue eyed blonde with 38D breasts, full round ass and solid but shapely legs looked back at her.

Slipping on her 4" heel shoes she grabbed her clutch bag and went down to join Jim in the bar.

Apart from Sid's obvious character flaws, he did run a superb hotel and restaurant and their meal was excellent. He even went so far as to give them a complimentary bottle of wine to wash it down with. Adjourning to the lounge after the meal for coffee and spirits, Tina made her excuses and went off to the ladies restroom.

Sid watched her go and after a brief look around to see no-one was watching him, discreetly followed. When she reappeared out the door she was visibly shocked when she saw Sid casually leaning against the wall opposite.

"Hello Tina," he said, it's been too long."

"Not long enough," Tina retorted feistily as she went to move past him.

Sid snorted. He wasn't having any of that. He grabbed her arm. She gasped as he pushed her into a small alcove located to the side of the restroom entrance pinning her up against the wall. They were now hidden from view of anyone venturing along the corridor until they actually reached the restroom.

"You look lovely tonight," he said looking down and addressing her heaving chest.

"Sid, no, please," Tina gasped as he brought a hand up to fondle one of her large breasts. She tried to push his hand away but he already had a tight hold on her boob through her dress. He squeezed it lovingly and was delighted when he realised she was not wearing a bra.

"You know what; you're tits are just great!" he rasped, "I don't think I'd ever get tired of fondling these babies!"

"No ... Sid ... please." She jolted as she felt his other hand land on her stocking covered leg. He moved it slowly up before slipping it under the hem of her dress and sliding to the inside of her thigh. Her legs instinctively parted.

"No Sid ... please ... no ... no ... I ... I ..." She made a feeble attempt to remove his hand. Sid grabbed it and moved it away. She stifled a small sob as his hand moved further up her leg. She shifted her feet, an action that just widened her stance.

She knew where this was heading and tried one last time to pull away. But Sid was not to be denied as he reached his goal. He smiled as he cupped her mound and lightly rubbed his thumb over her panty covered pussy lips. He felt the involuntary twitch of her hips as she responded ever so slightly. Her head went back against the wall and her eyes flickered and closed.

"Get off me Sid ... please," she whispered as bit down on her lower lip.

"Ooooohhhh ... please ... mmmmm ... get off me." She began to softly moan, her body quivering as her legs parted a bit more.

He looked into her face and watched as her tongue come out to wet her full red lips. They looked so kissable. He leaned forward and kissed her hard. Her eyes flew open in alarm.

"Get off me," she grunted, as she broke the kiss, her hands coming up to his chest to push him away.

"Oh come on, you know you want it," he leered. He took a pace back to give her some room.

"You're such a bastard," she retaliated as she made to move away from him.

He grabbed hold of her arm and smiled. "You can go for now but I am going to fuck you this weekend and when I do you'll be begging me not to stop."

"I don't think so!" Tina replied haughtily as she set off back to the safety of the lounge and her husband Jim.

When they got back to their room after a couple more drinks; which for Tina were doubles; Jim was surprised when she jumped on him and pulled him into bed. Normally he had to almost beg for sex from his wife but for some reason tonight she was rampant. But he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth and gratefully did his duty. Maybe she wanted to get pregnant on this trip!

Tina, for her part, couldn't understand why she felt so aroused, which was probably just as well.

Chapter 6

The next day saw Jim leave early for his drive to the golf club. Tina had already made the decision to go shopping in the nearest large town. Anything to keep away from Sid and his wandering hands.

Enquiring with one of the hotel staff she was informed that whilst there was a bus service into town on a Saturday she needed to be aware the service was sporadic at best and the last bus back towards the retreat left fairly early, so it was best to keep an eye on the time so as not to miss it.

After struggling with her cocktail dress the night before Tina had decided she needed to update her wardrobe. Catching the bus into town was a breeze and on her arrival she began her search, trailing around endless shops until she found a dress that she liked. Treating herself on a whim to a half hour session at a tanning studio completed her trip into town.

Exhausted by her long day, she stopped off to have a well deserved drink at the local bar of a well known pub chain. It went down well, so well in fact that she had a second. As she sat back in her seat, nursing her drink she was oblivious to the fact that at that very moment the last bus back towards the retreat was just pulling out of the bus station.

It wasn't until she looked at her watch that she realised she had missed her ride back. Annoyed with her stupidity she sat for a while to consider her options. Dismissing the idea of a taxi as being too expensive she began to wonder if someone from the hotel would come and pick her up. She knew she was being cheeky to ask but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The hotel phone was answered on the first ring and she spoke to Lucas, the young man who she remembered worked mainly behind the reception desk. Of course they would be delighted to come and pick her up he told her but she might have to wait a while as he personally couldn't leave his post on the reception desk until relieved. She wasn't happy to hear that piece of information but quickly scolded herself for her reaction. After all it was her own fault she had been left stranded. She was relieved when he said he would see if anyone else was available that could come and get her sooner.

She thanked him profusely, hoping that he hadn't picked up on her initial irritation at the delay, before settling back in her seat and ordering her third drink.

Nearly an hour had passed by and Tina was still waiting patiently. Being a woman on her own in a bar she'd already had to brush off the attentions of a couple of men who'd tried hard to pick her up. Her third drink had been followed by a fourth. She was now feeling a distinct buzz from the alcohol and was regretting not having eaten properly at lunchtime. A cup of tea and a sausage roll was clearly not enough food to sustain anyone for long.

She glanced at her watch for the umpteenth time and scanned the bar. It appeared to be having a temporary lull in trade as she was the only person in there now apart from one member of staff behind the bar.

The door creaked open and she watched as an old man struggled through the doorway. He shuffled up to the bar.

"Hello Frank, the usual?" the lad behind the bar asked. Obviously a regular Tina mused.

With his pint of beer grasped firmly in his fist the man turned slowly around, scanning the room as he did. Eventually his eyes came to rest on Tina. And there they stopped. He stared at her until she began to feel uncomfortable. And then he started to walk towards her.

She shuffled nervously on her bench seat as he approached. He was quite fat and as he drew closer she could see that his clothes looked like they could do with a good wash. Either that or they should be thrown in a bin she thought.

"Hello love," he croaked, "mind if I sit here?" He smiled showing his yellow teeth as he motioned to the bench seat where she was sat.

Tina gulped as her heart began to race. Why did he want to sit next to her. The bar was empty. There were loads of places to sit. Loads of places not next to her!

Not waiting for her answer he slumped down next to her. He took a long drink from his pint glass before turning his head to look at her face.

"Now you're a pretty young thing aren't you," he rasped. "You're not from around here, are you?" He greedily took another long pull at his pint. Tina watched as some of the beer trickled from the sides of his mouth to run down into the thick stubble on his chin.

He carefully placed his glass down on the table and stiffly turned his neck to gaze into her face. "Did you know you're sitting in my seat?" he said.

"Sorry!" she responded somewhat taken aback. "What?"

"I said, did you know you're sitting in my seat!"

"No, I didn't," she replied. She gulped as she saw his piggy eyes gleaming as his gaze dropped lower.

"Nice tits love!" he exclaimed, "look nice and firm too," he leered. "Do you mind if I have a feel?"

She jumped up quickly and grabbed hold of her bags. Her head swam for a second due to her sudden movement and she was now bitterly regretting having had so much to drink. She looked to the door for her escape and saw it was now pouring with rain outside. She moved away from the old man as she heard him chortling with glee.

"Don't go love," he shouted to her retreating back, "I've got something to show you."

I'm sure you have thought Tina as she sat down at another table across the room from the old man. She looked out of the window. She really should leave but it was pouring down outside now, a veritable deluge of biblical proportions.

She smelt him first. And then he was there. The bench seat sank as he plumped himself down next to her, sitting to her right, trapping her where she sat. She looked anxiously across to the bar but was dismayed to see no-one there. Even the lad behind the bar had disappeared.

She sighed deeply, hoping Frank got the message. "Go away," she hissed at him. She took a drink from her glass. Anything to calm her nerves. She knew she really should leave. The rain lashed even harder against the window, streaming in torrents down the glass. She could see it bouncing off the pavement.

"Oh don't be like that love," the old man said softly, "I just wanted a bit of company that's all."

"I lost my wife a few weeks ago," the old man began to talk. "You know many years ago, when I first met her, she looked just like you." He nodded to himself as if remembering. "You remind me so much of her," he added wistfully.

Tina felt a sudden feeling of sorrow for the old man. He sounded so sad. She took another sip of her drink. Maybe he wasn't so bad she thought, her compassionate side coming to the fore. Maybe he was just lonely.

"Oh," she said, "I'm sorry for your loss."

"That's alright love, I guess I was just a bit careless. I'm sure she'll turn up again sometime soon but I thank you for your concern."

He turned to look at her, his eyes dropping to stare into Tina's abundant cleavage. He began to chuckle. "She had nice tits too, just like yours."

Tina let out an exasperated sigh, her feeling of compassion gone in an instant and shifted in her seat. Crossing her right leg over her left she turned away from him, her skirt sliding high up her leg as she did. She was blissfully unaware of how much bare thigh she was now exposing to the old man.

The old man noticed though. "You've got lovely legs too love," he said as he placed his hand on her knee.

Tina flinched at his touch. She should have batted it away but she saw a tear in his eye that made her stop for a moment.

"Your thighs are very firm but very soft and your skin feels so smooth," he said quietly as his hand started to stroke up and down her newly tanned leg.

Her whole body tensed. Tina knew she should be putting a stop to this but his touch was so tender and she was beginning to feel kind of funny. Her stomach was clenching and unclenching as butterflies fluttered inside her. She felt her breathing getting shallower and her face getting hotter.

"I ... I ... think you ... you should ... you should ..." Tina flustered as her body began to like what was happening to it.

"It's alright love ... just relax," the old man breathed huskily. He couldn't believe how much of a slut this young woman was. He began to wonder how far he could take it. Would she perhaps let him fuck her? His cock pulsed at the thought. But he was getting way ahead of himself.

She watched mesmerised as his hand slid further along her thigh before disappearing under her skirt. She gulped hard as she felt his hand pull at her right leg, encouraging her to uncross them.

Her head was swimming as she dutifully complied and as her legs parted, seemingly of their own free will, she slumped down lower into her seat.

Out of the corner of her eyes she saw it. A car sporting the logo of the rural retreat had just pulled up outside. Thank god. She jolted upright coming quickly to her senses. She batted away Frank's hand and jumped up out of her seat. Grabbing her bags she rushed out without a word. The guilt was instant. She was so ashamed of herself. What had she been thinking!

Once outside the rain hit hard, instantly soaking her and she staggered slightly as the combination of fresh air and the effects of the alcohol threatened to overwhelm her.