Tina Carson Ch. 05


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He mulled over these factoids. So to recap; women longed for big cocks, the bigger the better, he was way too small and couldn't get it up anyway. So was she already looking for it elsewhere? Indeed, had she ever been unfaithful to him already? A nervous, sick feeling hit him in the pit of his stomach.

Nonsense! Tina would never cheat on me he chastised himself. He knew she'd had a bit of a reputation for being promiscuous before they'd met but she'd never gone into any great detail about her past. And why should she. It was nothing to do with him. Although...

He took another gulp of his beer. He hadn't thought this way for some time but maybe he did have that masochistic streak that haunts some men. Those men who have a compulsive desire to know about their partner's past life and any sordid details. He shook his head. He was definitely feeling sorry for himself.

He brought his glass to his lips before realising it was empty. He needed another drink. He stood up, swaying slightly before regaining his balance and staggered off towards the bar.

* * *

As Jim was drowning in his melancholy, Tina, with drink in hand had wandered back to the doorway to re-enter the Ballroom where the disco was playing. Just as she did Yvonne appeared in front of her.

Tina smiled knowingly to herself. Unsurprisingly for Yvonne, she had acquired two new admirers who were trailing behind her.

"Hey Tina, this is Eric and his friend," she said waving in their general direction. "I'm sorry but I don't know his friend's name," she giggled.

Tina knew Yvonne was a terrible flirt and had left many a man hanging at the end of a night out, thinking they were going to get to bang her. But Yvonne always went home to her husband. Everyone thought he was a lucky man; well the men did anyway!

"Hi Tina," Eric said, barely glancing at her before looking longingly back at Yvonne.

"Hello," said the friend, "I'm Justin, Justin Goodyear. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Hello Justin Goodyear," Tina replied with a bemused smile. His formal greeting seemed a bit at odds with his youthful age.

As they all made small talk a tune came on that Tina liked and she couldn't resist. The rhythm and beat got to her and she started to move and sway her hips in time to the music. It just seemed natural when Justin took her hand and twirled her around.

They had only been dancing in the doorway for a minute or so when out of nowhere a visibly irate Jim stormed up. He'd spotted Tina as soon as he'd left their table and with his insecurity clearly evident had convinced himself she was canoodling with this man and he now gave free rein to his anger.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing!" he said fiercely in a loud whisper. Tina was shocked. She noticed people at nearby tables look over and begin to pay attention to them, their interest raised by Jim's sudden outburst.

"Everyone's looking at you, you're supposed to be at a party with me, your husband, not off dancing with every Tom, Dick or Harry."

He turned on Justin. "And you.. get the fuck away from my wife...get it!"

Justin stood back, clearly shocked as Jim roughly grabbed at Tina's arm and pulled her away from him. He moved forward. "Now look here, mate..." he began before Jim turned on him.

Justin faltered, seeing the look of rage in Jim's eyes. It wasn't worth it he thought.

Jim gave him the stare. The one that dares you to make something out of it, daring you to say something more; before he turned away and almost dragged Tina back to their table.

"What the hell was that all about," Tina hissed at him, visibly furious at his outburst. She was struggling to free herself from his grip.

"You making a fool of yourself. My bosses were watching you as well," Jim seethed.

"The only person making a fool of themself is YOU!" she retorted angrily.

She sat down but turned her chair away from him. What had started out as a bad night had turned considerably worse. Jim glared at her. He wanted to say something, anything but was still too annoyed. He made the decision to go back to the bar to get his drink. He didn't reappear for some time, which just made matters worse between them.

The evening ruined, they eventually left the party early, not speaking to each other.

* * *

The following day the atmosphere between the two of them was extremely frosty and they still weren't speaking much during the week that followed.

A few days later Tina had just arrived home from work when Yvonne rang.

"Hi Tina, it's me. Just checking to see if you're still okay to come out with me and the girls on Friday?"

"Oh hi Yvonne ... and why wouldn't I be?" Tina replied, somewhat sharply.

"Oh, I just thought after the works 'do' you might be banned from going out with us," Yvonne said brightly.

"Jim has no say in the matter, he never has had and he certainly won't now!" Tina sparked.

"Okay, okay calm down. Sorry. I take it things haven't improved then?" Yvonne said trying to keep neutral. She worked with Jim and liked him.

"No they haven't," Tina replied. "I'm waiting for him to apologise. He was totally out of order and that outburst was embarrassing to say the least but he's so stubborn sometimes..."

"Oh dear," Yvonne sympathised, "Well never mind. It sounds like you're well in need of a good night out with the girls then. So...we've decided to meet at the Hardwicke Arms at eight o'clock. Is that okay with you?"

"Yep, that's fine by me," Tina said firmly, "Should be a good night. So I'll see you at eight then."

* * *

It was Friday night and Tina arrived at the Hardwicke Arms a little after eight. She looked stunning. Tonight she had paid special attention to her makeup...well it was nearly Christmas after all...and had her blonde hair styled slightly differently. She was also wearing her brand new Christmas Party Dress especially bought for the occasion that very day.

Made from a material that had a satin feel and look about it the dress was strapless, had a plunging neckline and flared out from the waist due to layers of chiffon underneath. It came about four inches above her knee, which was enough to hide the fact she was wearing thigh high stockings. A black lacy thong was her only underwear and black 4" stiletto heels completed the outfit.

She certainly drew attention to herself as she strutted into the bar to find Yvonne, Molly and the rest of the girls waiting for her. Her 38D breasts were hardly contained as they swelled and bounced over the top of her dress, looking as if they would escape at any time. It was certainly a fact she had a very impressive cleavage on display.

"Wow," Yvonne said with a broad smile, "you look great...if I was a man, I'd fuck you right here, right now. In fact I might do it anyway," she laughed.

"Did Jim see you before you came out?" Molly asked seriously.

"No he didn't," Tina replied haughtily, "he wasn't home when I came out. Not that it would matter as we're still not talking much. Anyway, sod him, let's party!"

The plan as always was to have a few drinks in the Hardwicke Arms before moving on to a nightclub. For the time of the year it was a remarkably mild night, which was just as well as they had to queue to get into the club and were waiting outside for a good twenty minutes or more.

Once inside though they headed straight to the bar to get more drinks.

Locating and laying claim to a table where they deposited their drinks, the girls hit the dance floor and Tina in particular let herself go to the music. After the debacle of Jim's work's Christmas party she was determined to enjoy herself.

It was some time later and as it was Tina's turn to get the drinks in she dutifully trotted off to the bar. Waiting to be served, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Here we go again she sighed to herself. She turned reluctantly, fully expecting to be confronted by the usual drunken, leering face of some low life who thought he was god's gift to women. She was startled when she found herself looking into the face of a good looking man. A good looking man with a broad smile on his face.

"Hello," she said, slightly taken aback. She felt a flicker of recognition but couldn't quite place him.

"It is you, I thought it was when you came in," replied the man. "I'm Justin, I'm not sure if you remember me?"

"Justin?...oh yes...Justin Goodyear...how could I forget," Tina said with a smile, quickly covering up her surprise. "How are you? Look, I'm really sorry about the other night and what happened; my husband was extremely rude."

"It's not a problem," Justin replied. "I'd probably feel the same way if I was married to you and saw you hand in hand with another man." He looked pointedly at her, dropping his eyes from her face down to her exposed chest and back again. The inference was blindingly obvious. Tina felt herself blush.

"He's not here is he?" he added as he looked nervously round the room.

"No, no, relax, he's not with me tonight, I'm here with the girls," she laughed, as she pointed over to them.

"Well maybe we could have that dance later that we didn't get to finish?" he said cheekily.

"Maybe," Tina replied over her shoulder as she carried the drinks back to the girls.

Justin watched as she walked away. He couldn't quite believe it. He usually preferred women with darker hair and Tina was blonde. But he would definitely make an exception tonight if need be. It all depended on whether he got lucky.

What had swayed him was her impressive rack. He'd sort of got an idea at the Christmas party night that she was fairly welled endowed and he was most definitely a big tit man. But he had no idea she had such an impressive cleavage. Wow! In a way, he was already hoping that he didn't meet his ideal woman tonight so he could concentrate on Tina.

* * *

As the evening progressed the group of girls became somewhat fragmented. Yvonne had wandered off somewhere and no doubt was being her usual flirtatious self and Tina and most of the rest of the girls were on the dance floor. Excusing herself, Tina left to visit the ladies restroom. As she came back out the door; her attention diverted as she checked her mobile phone; she bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry," she apologetically blurted out, "I didn't see...Oh...it's you Justin."

"Hello, fancy meeting you here," he said smiling. He'd been waiting for her to make an appearance. He'd just crashed and burned with the dark haired beauty he'd first targeted and so was now eager to implement Plan B.

"I take it that you're ready for that dance now seeing as you were obviously just about to call or text me." He glanced down at the mobile phone in her hand and back up again.

Tina saw the mischievous look in his eyes, as he took her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor.

Tina laughed at his cheek and willingly went with him. The music was pulsating and Tina began to really enjoy herself as she threw herself wholeheartedly into her dancing. After a few tunes, she was breathing quite heavily when the music changed to a slower number. As she turned to leave the floor, Justin grabbed her arm.

"Don't go," he said. Tina hesitated briefly before allowing him to pull her close to his chest.

His arms slipped round her waist and as her breathing came back to normal she realised that Justin had slipped his hands down and was now squeezing her ass cheeks through the chiffon material of her dress. She could also feel a definite lump pressing into her thigh.

Mmmm...okay...time to put a stop to this she thought.

She tilted her head back to look at him. "Come on Justin, come and buy me a drink." She took his hand and led him off the dance floor into the quieter bar area of the nightclub.

They took two of the stools at the bar and perched themselves up on them. Justin ordered them both drinks and they began to chat. He seemed genuinely interested in her job at Bromptons and Tina found out that he had only been at the hotel Christmas party as the guest of a friend. He was actually at University and was only home for the holidays.

"Oh, I see," Tina asked, her interest piqued as he looked too old to be at University. "So how old are you?"

"I'm twenty six," he replied. Tina looked at him quizzically.

He laughed. "Yeah I know...but I went to university late as I was doing other things first. This is my final year, I graduate next July."

As they continued to talk, Tina realised that Justin had placed his hand on her knee and was now slowly sliding it up and down her stocking clad thigh. She didn't re-act as he seemed to be doing it subconsciously rather than with any particular ulterior motive and she actually found it fairly pleasurable as it sent little shivers running through her body.

Judging by the smile on his face she thought Justin was probably thinking the same, although he seemed to smile most of the time anyway. She knew though that she could stop him at any time she wanted if he got too amorous.

Tina cocked her head. She heard the driving beat start of a song she liked and that was a joy to let yourself go to. "Come on let's go back and dance," she said enthusiastically. She drained her glass and jumped down off her stool, pulling Justin after her.

Back on the dance floor Tina once more began to enjoy letting herself go to the beat of the music and Justin was proving to be a pretty good dance partner. Twenty minutes flew by before Tina saw Yvonne making her way over to them through the throng of people.

"Right I'm going," she shouted into Tina's ear when she arrived, "I've got a lift, do you want to come?"

"No I'm fine yet. Besides it's far to early to go yet. I'll get one of the other girls to give me a lift home," Tina shouted back. She was in no hurry to return home to the strained atmosphere with Jim.

"Okay, sweety have fun." And with that Yvonne left. Tina continued to dance.

During the course of the next hour Tina stayed with Justin. Without realising she became more and more detached from her group of friends. Enjoying his company, they alternated between drinking and dancing. He was great to dance with and very witty and charming. When they weren't dancing they were drinking and Justin, for his part, was making sure Tina was getting drink inside her at every available opportunity.

The final slow song of the evening came on and again Justin pulled Tina close to him. She didn't resist this time as he held her tight, relishing the feel of her large breasts pushing against his chest. As they swayed slowly together it seemed natural for him to pull away before looking down into her eyes.

Slightly surprised at his movement she tilted her head up and he took that opportunity to kiss her. He pushed at her lips and as they parted his tongue entered her mouth and swirled with hers. Holding the kiss he managed to get a hand up between their bodies and cupped one of her breasts before giving it a loving squeeze. He couldn't be sure but he thought he felt Tina respond to his touch. The thought that she had, excited him and he felt the first stirrings of his arousal.

They danced together holding each other closely and as they continued to kiss deeply, Justin continued to work on Tina's breasts. They didn't draw undue attention to themselves as all the couples left on the dance floor for the final smoochy song were making out too.

As the lights came on they separated and Tina, initially embarrassed, looked round the sparsely populated dance floor. Most people had already drifted away and she'd not noticed. As she sought out the familiar faces of her friends Tina realised that everyone had left her. She was alone.

"Unbelievable, everyone's gone and left me. I suppose I'll have to ring for a taxi," she said as she rummaged through her bag trying to find her mobile phone.

"Not to worry," Justin said, "I've come in my car. I can give you a lift, if you want."

"Are you sure?" Tina replied, "I don't want to put you out."

"I can assure you, it will be my pleasure," he said with a smile. Who wouldn't want to spend more time with you he thought as he gazed again at her large breasts, which bulged invitingly over the top of her dress.

Tina turned to leave, dancing as she did to the music from the last but one dance track, which for some reason had lodged itself in her head the way annoying tunes do sometimes. Justin watched her hips swaying and looked down at her legs. They looked sensational. He gulped as he felt the bulge in his pants get bigger.

"Where we going?" Tina slurred as the fresh air hit her outside and had an immediate effect on her body. She staggered slightly as she turned to look at Justin who quickly caught hold of her arm to steady her.

"Ooops," she giggled. Justin put an arm round her waist and guided her round the corner and into an alley.

"This way Tina," he said, "my car's parked on a bit of waste ground down at the end of here."

As they walked down the alley, Tina in her drunken state began to sing. Completely out of key and not knowing the words she was laughing more than singing but continued with her impromptu dancing although now it was more like three steps forward and two steps back as she lurched along. But with each step back she provocatively thrust her ass towards Justin.

For Justin the sight of this was more than a hot blooded male could stand. After the fourth time she did it he closed in quickly and wrapped his arms around her waist. They gyrated together as they stumbled up the alley, his growing bulge firmly implanted between her ass cheeks.

It was all becoming too much for him. His erection was throbbing painfully as his desire grew and grew. Throwing caution to the wind he took his chance. He stopped suddenly, spun Tina round and taking her in his arms, kissed her.

"Mmmmm..." She moaned into his mouth responding immediately to his kiss. Her lips parted and their tongues met. His hand slipped up to cup her breast. He squeezed.

"Mmmmm..." she moaned again. All reason had left her as she responded to the base passion of her body. She didn't care who she was with right now she just knew she wanted some kind of satisfaction.

Their kissing intensified as Justin continued to squeeze Tina's breasts. She leaned into him as her arms closed round his neck and she tilted her head to the side. Their tongues were fully engaged, swirling madly inside each others mouths, deepening their desire.

Justin broke the kiss first. He had no more time to waste. He wanted just one thing. Leaving her briefly, he opened a gate to the backyard of a derelict building and peered inside. He looked across the yard to what had once been an outhouse. Good, no-one about. He knew this location well, he'd used it before.

Tina's eyes were half closed. She was having difficulty standing on her own and all she wanted right now was for Justin to come back and kiss her again. She thought he was really good at it. She hiccuped. But he'd pulled away from her and left her dangling, waiting. She hiccuped again.

"Come on." Justin returned, took her hand and pulled her after him.

Tina blinked, trying to open her eyes wider. She couldn't seem to focus but she sensed Justin was taking her through a gate or something. She stumbled as her 4" stiletto heels caught on the uneven paving as Justin dragged her further inside towards the outhouse.

She wasn't sure where Justin was taking her but she had a fleeting thought that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. She had realised she was drunk as soon as the fresh air had hit her and drink always made her horny especially when her breasts were groped and she could already feel the growing damp patch between her legs as well.

Entering the near derelict outbuilding, Justin sat down on what was left of a window sill bringing Tina to stand just in front of him. His eyes took in the sight of her magnificent 38D breasts as they bulged out the top of her dress, threatening to completely spill over at any moment. He looked up and smiled as he saw that she was swaying slightly and her eyes were once more half closed. He figured she was ripe for the taking.