All Comments on 'The Twelve Vitali Ch. 23'

by xelliebabex

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Akasha70Akasha70about 6 years ago

Did those boys learn nothing from Cats reaction to Hella's "pet" incident?

You go Cat

Rud1GirlRud1Girlabout 6 years ago
Make my day

Dear Ellie,

A rundown of my days

Hit refresh on your submissions page

Drink coffee

Check messages & Pinterest

Hit refresh on your submissions page

Clean up, coffee

Hit refresh on your submissions page - yes, itis on my menus bar

Work out, coffee

Hit refresh on your submissions page - phone, iPad & desktop

Run errands, interact with the world big and small, work, coffee

Hit refresh on your submissions page - you see where I’m going with this....

Ah - joy, delight and dance like no one is watching - a NEW CHAPTER, check whole submissions page just in case there is more then one submission, you’re sneakily like that.

Unless it’s physically impossible, thank God for page view and read give 5 stars. Re-read, absorb properly. Try and figure out why anyone would give you less the 5, get upset with snarky comments and anons. Berate myself for picking up stupid spelling or grammar mistakes in a comment I made in my haste, knowing that I’m now marked as semi-literate.

Hit refresh on your submissions page - repeat, repeat, repeat

Yes it’s true - I’m an Ellie tragic, I may love you more then coffee.


Ellienora35Ellienora35about 6 years ago

Matteo already told her that no one, not even him, had the right to treat her like that in public. And if she trusts them, then when they threaten something, she trusts their word. He always does what he says he will. Why would she not believe the threat? I am so glad she safe worded and I wish Ricco could have a punishment. It seems like the communication only has to go one way. Ricco can plan to have 25 people over but not work out any of the details, and when Cat responds to that by calling Teresa (really, what was she supposed to do?) she gets in trouble, and Ricco threatens to make her a sub in public. I think Ricco and Matteo both have some groveling to do and to try to minimize her feeling babysat.

GypsytrampGypsytrampabout 6 years ago

Holy shit the emotional rollercoaster I was on reading this chapter has left me drained! First I was having tons of fun with the treasure hunt, then I was having tense flashbacks to Peri with the household help, then I was frustrated with the guys but super stoked that Cat felt empowered to call it off and tell them off, then I was heartbroken for her that she's still struggling with such immense issues with self worth because of that asshole Ned, I felt sad for Matteo, I thought Ricco was once again a fucking idiot, and then I let out a shaky sigh of cautious relief. Fucking Ricco.

GypsytrampGypsytrampabout 6 years ago

I feel like I didn't quite get it all out of my system with that previous comment.

God damn it, Ricco. Some oracle you are, not to have seen Cat's reaction coming. Stop being an idiot and always fucking everything up.

Okay, I feel better after having yelled at a fictional character. That's totally normal. >.>

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 6 years agoAuthor

I love you guys. You motivate me to keep writing week after week. Thank you for making me smile. I really needed it this week :)

dwoelfledwoelfleabout 6 years ago
You write with such wonderful passion

Your passion for your characters and the depth you bring is fantastic. You are consistently one of the best on the site.

toridankmtoridankmabout 6 years ago
Edge of my seat!

I am always waiting for another update, another installment, another tiny little drip of story so I can keep going!!!

subnotslavesubnotslaveabout 6 years ago
It really is that easy

for the past to re-surface, bringing with it all previous feelings of pain, and such black negativity which just underlines what you have always known; You were not good enough then, and you are not good enough now, know matter how far you think you have travelled or how much reassurance those who love you give.

In that instance I do not believe Cat would have remembered Matt's promises about her never being made to feel a sub in public - despite her love for him and the trust he has earned from her... Not until she was in a position to reflect with any clarity... if she reaches that point and the negativity doesn't just recede below the surface once again - buried beneath the "face" she shows the world.

Another brilliant chapter Ellie, thank you. You continue to portray Cat in a very realistic (for me) way.

Haven't ever read a chapter or story you have written that hasn't warranted 5* from me. Wish I could give this chapter more.


Rud1GirlRud1Girlabout 6 years ago

There is a reason there are safe words are used in safe, sane consensual play. This emulates real life, not a series of carefully scripted scenes. The three of them are like kids with a new play set, all possibilities are there to explore and to occasionally fuck up.

Rope CAN be worn under clothing and no one else can have any idea - rather like going without panties or wearing truely wicked lingerie.

She said Red and it STOPPED - rope was quickly released, as it was designed to do. Immediate aftercare was given, assurances were given - she was then not allowed to stew in her misconceptions after the event. Even though she put on her game face and said it was fine on three occasions. She was challenged on her misconception and overthinking - a truer understanding of her limits, their intent and their love was established. It took time, it wasn’t perfect - but as millions of chick flicks and great drama shows our perfect understanding of our lovers motivations is occasionally flawed.

It’s absolutely brilliant

DaddysbitewhitchDaddysbitewhitchabout 6 years ago
Love love love

I can’t get enough! Keep on keepin on! Can’t wair for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

The best parts of a story are when things go ass end up and are dealt with. When you let it happen is when I love you the most.

First, the hunt didn't pull me in. It dragged on too long. In fact my brain glazed over and I skimmed the last half of that.

Then you pushed it into high gear. Guys being guys, and especially being Table guys, means piss poor communication. (Really, how have these Tables survived all this time? Oh yeah...the Mothers) Ricco arranged caterers but doesn't think to mention it to anyone? WTH. Cat does what she should do in seeking help. If she is to be the Mother, then addressing problems is expected. Going to the current Mother re running a Table household is expected. Having the Mother/their mommy step in that way is not surprising. The guys respond like little boys because now their mommy knows they're idiots. News flash-she already knew.

Damn but I hate bullshit 'punishment.' There wasn't a damn thing for her to be punished about, even in supossed play. It blewing up on them and Cat safewording made me happier than anything has in a long time. Literal tears of joy. I freaking loved her venting and putting Matteo straight on this. Ricco needed to hear that. He needs to hear it, and not a watered down version. Maybe he was listening at the door. I can hope.

I love Cat. I love her so damn hard. So much more than all the sparkly perfect subs. She's my most favorite-est Elliebelle Princess ever.

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 6 years agoAuthor
Tears of laughter!

I don't think I would ever describe any of my little heroines as Elliebelle Princesses. I laughed so hard my eyes watered. Thank you for that! I seriously have some of the nicest anons read my stories.

Wyatt4123Wyatt4123about 6 years ago
Yelling at Characters

After reading GypsyTramp's comment about yelling at characters I had to comment. I yell at them all the time. Yes, it's perfectly normal, as long as you have an author like Ellie that makes the characters so real you forget they are characters. In my humble opinion Ellie is one of the few authors that makes everything seem so real. I can't wait for chapter 24 - 50.

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 6 years agoAuthor

My gosh, I could be insane by chapter 50! lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
What happened to Ashton Hill Fools?

After reading this wonderful chapter, then coming back later to reread it, I noticed another new submission, the Ashton Hill Fools. I was thrilled, and read it -- a gift of 15 pages. I had been expecting a huge-unexpected to happen in this story, but ironically, it happened there. I went back to read it again, to savor the foreshadowing and character development, and it was gone. Please reassure me that it will be back.

curvygirl00curvygirl00about 6 years ago
A new chapter and a story all in one day....

So yesterday morning I wake up way too early and I was stoked to see that not only was there a new chapter but a whole extra story too. Yay. Perhaps it was because the day before was my bday and everything.

I loved loved loved ch23 I love Cat. I love Mat and Ricco. Even more than Peri and Josh and that was not possible. Actually I think I relate to Cat better but still.. I see so much of myself in Cat and was in tears when she reverted back to that scared wounded girl after she safe worded. It was perfect and so real. I really hope the story lasts 50 chapters (no pressure. lol) because its the highlight of my sad, single and currently sexless life. I have a chronic illness and your stories have helped me survive some shitty times. Thank you.

BUT THEN.... I started Ashton Hill Fools and was loving it. But then I get to page 9 and its GONE. I could cry. please pleeeease put my mind to rest. when can I finish the story??? I love it so far. That first kiss scene was Amazing and as good as any scene between Cat and her boys and half way through them finally doing the deed it vanished. Im sure there is a good reason its been taken down. I just want it back so bad. <3 <3 Wow you have way too much power over my life. lol.

mommylovestoreadmommylovestoreadabout 6 years ago

The last scene with Cat and Matt was so moving. Life is not all smooth sailing sometimes we have to weather the storms.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Unoriginal, not erotic and it sure was entertaining.

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 6 years agoAuthor

So I made a new friend :)

GypsytrampGypsytrampabout 6 years ago

Sometimes on this site I go from link to link to link and end up reading all kinds of stories. Today I read one in the romance category called The Naked Gardener about a woman who is in pain when her skin is touched. I left a long comment on it and I'm sharing it with you because for a long time I've thought you could write an excellent BDSM story where the sub has a chronic illness and the Dom has to accommodate for that in their kink and personal life. I know you've had cancer and I'm sure you have experience being sick and tired of being sick and tired, how it fucks with your head, your emotions, how you just want to be your old self again (but with chronic illness you will never ever get there, even just physically), how you push too hard to keep doing what you did before, how treatment and testing will literally never end, etc. It'd be such an interesting dynamic to explore and I think you'd do it justice. Just an idea to add to what I'm sure is a long list of future story ideas.

And here's my comment on that story:

I loved this! I, too, suffer from severe neuropathy due to an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. Thankfully, it's mostly under control right now thanks to Pregabalin. Before that I was on Gabapentin for years until I was eventually on the max dose and it no longer had the desired effect. I dread the day Pregabalin no longer helps me. While reading, I kept wondering why she didn't take any meds. Life was pretty unbearable before them, for me. I chose to assume that she tried them and they didn't work for her or she eventually became immune to them. I remember what it was like to not be able to be touched because the pain was too intense. That pins and needles, itchy, tingly feeling of being on fire is miserable. I was nodding my head when you mentioned tight constant pressure not being as bad as loose touching. It reminded me of how I'd lay in bed and it'd hurt to lay down but eventually I'd get used to it. The real torture came from someone trying to put a bed sheet over me. Fuck no. The pain of a thin little bed sheet was unbearable. When I read that I kept thinking, "but being underwater helps." I'd spend entire days in the bathtub, sometimes even sleeping in it, just so the pain would be lessened, to have just an hour or two where I didn't want to scream. I preferred warm or hot water over cooler water though. I always felt like I was on fire so the temperature change with cool water was uncomfortable. Anyway, while I was thinking about how much being submerged helps, you introduced a pool not a page later. Really great work on accurately describing life with neuropathy and how painful and isolating it can be.

I often think about how I'd love to read a story on here in the BDSM category where the sub was chronically ill and how that'd change the play. I'd love to read the steps the Dom would take to make BDSM accessible for the sub while still being mindful of her symptoms and limitations, which can be a broad, varied, long, and constantly changing list. It'd be fascinating to read the tricks and work arounds the Dom would use to still accommodate the sub's desires while constantly having to keep an eye on her health and limits considering that the chronically ill often push themselves harder than they should in every day life and pay for it later with pain, exhaustion, and/or an increase in symptoms of their illness. I've considered pitching this idea to one of my favorite authors here but she's in the middle of a long series right now. Anyway, this story is the closest I've come to finding something like that here and it was lovely. Usually what I come across that includes disability, especially in Romance, are stories where a person is either blind or deaf, or a spouse or parent finding love again after cancer has taken their spouse/child. While those are great, they don't necessarily encompass the often shifting landscape of living with many neurological or rare diseases or even of living with cancer (rather than being the widow/widower). Representation matters and it was great to come across a story where I share a symptom with one of the characters. Thank you.

Ellienora35Ellienora35about 6 years ago

She trusted them to do what they told her they would. Empty threats erode trust. Even if they had some plan not to put her to the world, the submissive headspace at all in the environment they were putting her in eroded her power. Cat was right about that.

What I don’t understand is why the communication doesn’t have to go both ways. If Matteo and Ricco already had plans and people worked out, why didn’t they tell her that already? And if Ricco was already bringing in caterers, why didn’t he say something? Now that all of this went down, why didn’t Ricco want to be part of the conversation in some way. It seems like he is only there for the fun and games, but when things get serious, he bows out. Also, Ricco knew this was his problem, but he let Cat take the fall for it. She did what she saw to do, and it wasn’t right or enough. No wonder she is feeling like she isn’t worthy. They have a lot to do to help her feel like the Goddess she is, and I hope she trusts them a little less when they tell her they will do things in the future. I love this story so much that I have reread many of the chapters

curvygirl00curvygirl00about 6 years ago

@Gypsytramp After reading your comment and your list of symptoms, I believe that you also have CRPS or at least a similar condition to me. I agree with what you are saying about Stories dealing with disabilities and BDSM. I get so frustrated when I do read a story where the illness isn't consistently there and amazingly disappears when convenient. I wish mine did! Its not easy navigating the world of BDSM when you have any limitations and its so hard to find a Dom who understands or even wants to try. your comment felt like you put into words all that I feel at times and I just wanted to say thanks and that I get it. :)

Also Ellie, I second Gypsy's suggestion that you might take on a story with a disabled character in it. Preferably a female one. I would never feel comfortable suggesting it to another writer but I think you would be able to do it justice. If you and wanted some insight to chronic illness I would be happy to help.

I'm also going to look up the naked gardener as well. Thanks for the tip. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I got very excited when she safeworded - I always prefer when she stands up for herself - and felt very happy that she insists on keeping the kinks private. However, I again got disappointed while reading her reasoning - she shouldn't have to feel like she's not good enough to insist on boundaries to her submission, and I am worried that Ricco's earlier musings about how he'd like to expand her submission boundaries really are a foreshadowing of how they are going to make her bend again eventually :(. And I agree with comments that there really wasn't anything to punish her for when it's Ricco's fault in the first place! They need to have fundamental equality in their relationship, either everyone is eligible for punishment, or no one is, but certainly they cannot demean Cat like that... And there really is something fundamentally wrong with using physical punishment on grown ups... children too... really, there is just no excuse...

Jake7518Jake7518about 4 years ago
Fine Writing

You do such a great job effectively their disscribing emotional shifts and growth amazing writing!

LeifsonLeifsonabout 2 years ago

For the first and second series, the need to safeword provided memorable moments, and important changes in the character development. One of my favorite scenes in the Vitali part of the story.

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