All Comments on 'The Accident Ch. 07'

by curious2c

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PArebelPArebelalmost 19 years ago
Like it

This could be a conclusion, or you could do one more chapter to take away any doubt about Sue's response. Either way, very nice.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
dont like where this is going

I like happy endings where the husband and wife get back together and all but this is one of the stories where i think he should have just found someone else, the story turned into him trying to forgive himself and he DIDNT DO ANYTHING and that just pissed me off.

Average-JoeAverage-Joealmost 19 years ago
Depending on the next chapter

I think this chapter was too abrupt.

I liked how you wrote the husband's revelations about his feelings (or lack thereof) for the new woman. I also liked how made him realize that he still had strong feelings for the ex no matter how much she hurt him. I dont think his snap decision that he cant live without her is realistic though. He may have decided that the sex wasnt important compared to his deep feelings (believable) but he seems to be disregarding her lying and lack of concern over hurting him. He may have realized he still loves her but he still has got to be wondering if she ever loved him.

To have him go rushing to her door to profess his undying love seems rushed to me.

p.s. I hope he doesnt find her with another guy or something (or find out she has been seeing others this whole time). That would just be kicking a guy when he's down and not necessary to the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
it felt - forced

not bad chapter, but to me the whole turn around felt forced.

maybe because i don't like the ex-wife Sue character.

couldn't say i am surprised though, you seem to like reconcilliation stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Sue needs to repent

Sue needs to do some serious repentance before this relationship is over. She needs to say out loud exactly why she feels bad - was it because she cheated, or just because she was caught? She also needs to do something to atone for her cheating.

If they just get back together now, she will get off almost scot free (losing her husband for a few months is not enough).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
This one could turn to poo

I was liking where this was going. Until you turned him into someone that is so weak he cannot face the truth. Now it looks like you are going to have him apologizing for her cheating on him. Remember, he's the "good guy" she's the one that broke their vows and CHEATED on him, not the other way around. Sue needs to do some real pennance and prove he can trust her. Rather than have him just rush back blindly because he's weak minded.

fumunda cheezefumunda cheezealmost 19 years ago
Writing Ability

is what the vote of 100 is about. It could be a Harlequin romance paperback at this point in time. no erotica whatsoever.

Personally I like the old Curious2C story types better but maybe he is changing the genre of his stories.

The wife sharing, cheating wife stories of days gone by with just a good touch of BDSM/ cuckolding thrown in for good measure.

This tale has to much meladrama in it for me.

Anyway, not every tale is going to hit the mark for every reader.

Thanks for all the effort and the hard work that goes into your stories.


HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 19 years ago
You have taken us inside the character's head.

This story seems to be making a full 180 from the first chapter. If you can pull it off and make it believable, you will have accomplished much! Love is a strange thing, composed of faith, desire, trust, need, hope and many other ingredients. Is there enough left? Can she love her husband and be another man's lover? Can he forgive all she has done? Does he really want to? How would that bode for the future? It is a well crafted story and I am eager to read the conclusion of this drama!

thebulletthebulletalmost 19 years ago
curious2c's best

IMHO this is your best story. As for the poster who said that 'Sue needs to repent', I think it is obvious that she has repented. She has chosen to remain celibate for the remainder of her life if she isn't reunited with John.

To me, that qualifies as repentance.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
John is thinking with

the wrong head. He should be thinking with the head on his shoulders. Now he is running and flying back to his cheating ex-wife. This does not make a lot of sense. Since she threw her marriage vows out the window and sucks whomever pleases her, she is nothing but a sucking slut. I would have said whore, but she did not get paid for her oral satisfaction. DUMB SLUT. If you are going to cheat on your spouse, at least get wealthy from it in case he ever finds out the tricks to your trade.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryalmost 19 years ago
Very good series

This series has been very enjoyable from the first chapter. The accident itself was one of the most innovative disclosures of an affair that I have seen and you did an excellent job of portraying the husband's anguish.

I was also glad to see that you didn't have him immediately forgive her for the affair. i think you have done a very realistic job of portraying the indecision and anguish that would be felt by a husband who still loves his wife but can't forget the idea of her affair.

The idea that she was drugged, at least at first is interesting, as it gives him an out to let her back in.

What can I say, I do like the idea of a happy ending at times so I'm interested in seeing if that is where you are taking this.

For a long time, I thought that you had abandoned this. I'm glad to see you finish it. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Sold Out

You turned John into another spineless wimp who will put up with whatever shit is heaped on him, just so he can bask in the company of his cheating wife, because... well, because she's so beautiful.

Oh, but I forgot: now that he's had this revelation, she'll miraculously convert from someone who has betrayed him and lied to his face while doing it, to the very paragon of spousal fidelity, won't she? After all, he understands his love for her, now, and that pure love will cure all her personality flaws. Yeah, right.

And sorry, capecodmercury, but the "accident" device has been done before. If you haven't read it yet, see "Tales of the Golden Mule" by Artie (it's on another site and a good read).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Romantic Yes / Credible NO

Well written style and flow but hardly credible in the way its leaning - my hope is he shows up early to see a van of half nakid guys pulling away as a jolt of reality.

Cmon, you have invested a lot of time in this effort only to let a credible finish slip away seems a shame. Softness is cute to some but not always applicable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

Poor John… condemned by the author to be reunited with Sue, as John’s character suddenly understands that he loves Sue (didn’t he know it all along?) and that this is the answer to all his soul searching. And I thought that he will be given some break…

The only thing that is greater than my disappointment from this flop of the plot is my disappointment with the author. Did you put too many materials, in the first chapters, and towards the end you just could not hold them all together? It certainly seems so. Thus, the inconsistencies, redundancies and dead ends in the plot.

Following are some examples.

1. What is the real extent of the long awaited soul searching of John? – You built a nice new development in the relations with the Cheryl than the whole build up crushes based on the realization that the facial resemblance points to his love to Sue? Didn’t he know it all along? Is that the extent of his soul searching? His whole conflict was based on the fact that some times love is not enough, there were a lot of other issues that he needed to come to terms with, remember?

2. After all this time, is there any thing new that he learned about Sue? What did he learn about their relations? Nothing. When Sue came with the very reasonable suggestion that they go to marriage counseling he dropped the ball. Instead he goes to Therapy alone or with any body else BUT his wife HUH?

3. Has John come to terms and does he understand now how could Sue lie to him for such a long time, and would have continued to do so for who knows how much longer with no signs of emotional distress?

4. John knows that Sue has the ability to be a very good liar (many people can not do that even when

they try). He could definitely conclude that when under pressure – she could resort to doing it again,

even if not in a sexual context. The tendency to lie, in and of itself, is just a big a threat to intimacy as sleeping around. No problem for John?

5. He knows that she tends to compartmentalize when under stress: Examples: sex from emotions actions from consequences. Is he concerned about that at all? Probably not.

6. If reminded, he could probably still remember that Sue could be easily manipulated by people of authority. I guess that is ok too now.

Did Mr. Soul searching find out if Sue had sufficient time to work through all of her issues? Did he find what changed in her that makes her now a good ‘marriage material’? Or maybe John is so busy lessoning to his own internal visions to actually realize that he is returning to a real person and not to a phantom of his own creation.

While the character of john will still have plenty of time to be reminded of the original reasons for his trip to Alaska (plus probably some new ones), we as readers are being fed a sappy sugary formulaic “happy ending”. I love happy ending, but only if they are well prepared. This one left a bad taste.

SalamisSalamisalmost 19 years ago
I'm in awe

You put the Literature in Literotica. This is one of your very best!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Poor John

I liked most of the story. I am desappointed with this last chapter when you let our friend John down, and made him have feelings to his ex-cheating wife... Didn't he deserve a better treatment? Tks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

Another piss-poor waste of time. You really suck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

It is good that Cheryl is not trying to earn her living as a counselor. Seriously, the whole amateur counseling thing was a major digression. John should have been advised to take his full three weeks or longer thinking about what he really wants, instead of obeying the next woman's voice of wisdom.

gizzmo301gizzmo301almost 19 years ago

One of your better stories. I enjoid it very much, and hope there is at lest one more chapter

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
hook line and sinker

I think john would have been happier with Cheryl than with susan i agree with some of the other readers that having john go back to sausan is like wrapping an anchor and throwing it into a open lake and have him drown himself with a hook line and sinker .



bruce22bruce22about 15 years ago

It hurts! Yes the poor guy loves Sue, but can he trust her??

If she comes upon three beautiful nude guys in her bedroom, will she kick them out. I really suspect that she would just join into the fun.... I really wish that he had moved on.

But you are a great writer and it is your story. Thanks for your hard work....

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

one becomes open and unprotected from emotions, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Oh no you didn't!?!? Come on man! Going back to Sue!? Really!?!?!?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
You don't do good with constitancy.

You says she wasn't drugged all the 17 times, so she was cheating all by herself. Then John decides to go back because he projecting her imagine on other woman.... If you are going to add stuff or mention stuff like the drugs and 17 times. Use it. Don't just throw it away when it's inconvenient to you. You need to get a editor to point this out to you.

OverthefallsOverthefallsalmost 11 years ago
Should have stayed in Alaska

At least he could have caught some fish and maybe a new family, away from the painful memories of his marriage to Sue.

TornadoTysTornadoTysalmost 11 years ago
Vacation !

I think John should have stayed for at least 2 weeks at the lodge.

Sue hasn't seen anyone since Bill so I do not think John needed to rush back.

As for 17 times being drugged or not I think the story needs to be mote clear on this. Was Sue always drugged each time with Bill or was it only in the beginning of Bill's affair with Sue.

If the latter is true then she truly did cheat.

if the former then she was subconsciously blackmailed in to the affair.

Sue should give everything to John she gave to Bill including a 3sum but a FFM to prove he is her true man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
drugs ????

She had GHB in her blood after the accident, which was the 17th time ??

So was she drugged every time or not ?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago

The dialogue was rambling. Not my favorite chapter.

rightbankrightbankover 10 years ago
this story is sliding into a pit

and getting worse by the chapter.

Enough with the psychobabble already

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

John is gonna take back the company whore that's been bored out by a 10" cock.


I wonder if he sucks cock too?

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
I Don't Frigging Believe It!

This guy had not one, but TWO hot, special women that he could have had, and he's going back to the cheating slut?

I've invested this much, so I guess I'll read the last chapter, but I don't think I'm gonna like it!

Tim413413Tim413413about 9 years ago
Confused about Cheryl's training.

Generally, shrink means psychiatrist = MD plus. But it would seem she was more likely a psychologist = PhD (or MS). Not generally called Doctor. Anyway, seems unlikely he would fall for Cheryl as quickly as he did Nancy. Maybe he should keep dating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
I still want to know

Why she kept her affair going without guilt or remorse until caught.

Drugs do not explain her continued desire to whore around on her husband with glee.

TonyKiwiTonyKiwiabout 7 years ago
author still

doesn't get it. The relationship is broken, gone, kaput, finished. Once a precious item is broken you can't glue it back together, it is never the same, it is diminished, less than, a shadow of it's former self. If a person is OK with that then stay together, short change yourself and struggle with a tarnished relationship for the rest of your life. He will never look on her again as he did before. Yuk. TK

payenbrantpayenbrantabout 7 years ago
I really don't understand...

...except that he is a broken man. His wife carried on a long time affair with multiple partners. Yes, she had been drugged, maybe once or twice but that doesn't hold water since she remembered it all and it had been the "best sex of her life"

Now her husband has divorced her and is trying to move on from a woman that lies to him openly about loving him or she is deluding herself to beleive she loves him...

If there ever was a candidate for going MGTOW and taking the red pill this guy needs it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Oh, no...

Please, no, not that. Please, no raac. Not for this level of betrayal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Not quite sure where this chapter came from doesn't seem to fit in the storyline??? Certainly doesn't follow on from the previous chapter.

bigurnbigurnover 2 years ago

This is like waiting for an old video game to load... over dial up internet... Just keeps circling around and around .

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Oh hell no! I thought he was going to stay with Cheryl, but he’s going home for the RAAC.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Over thinking main character?

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawk11 months ago

For no reason I can logically point to, I now have the definite feeling that John is driving straight towards a massive brick wall. That I can feel that so strongly and not be able to point out passages of your story to support my views would seem to indicate either you’re a pretty good writer or I’m just talking out my ass. Jury’s still out. Thanks for sharing your story with us, I look forward to the conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Don’t think two psychiatrist are enough for this guy. Wife needs to stay a ex if she wants to live. Hope he will be happy with only killing her and himself. Know he is far to selfish to do the right thing and commit suicide first.

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