Taken at a Party Pt. 01

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A stud fucks my date at a party.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/16/2015
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I had been pursuing Noele for awhile. After several dates I had only gotten as far as a kiss. I decided to go for it one last time and asked her out to dinner on a Friday night. To my relief she said yes and sounded excited to go. So was I! I felt like it was finally going to be my night. I had already spent close to $1000 courting her but I decided to double down and take her to the nicest seafood place in town. I bought a new outfit from Hugo Boss, picked up some flowers and went to pick her up.

She looked stunning. She had on a short green dress with matching heels, gold earrings and necklace, and bright red lipstick. Her dark brown hair cascaded to the tops of her shoulders. I was blown away. She thanked me for the flowers, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and got in the car. I headed for the restaurant - I knew she was going to like the meal. I reserved the best table in the house and planned on trying a bottle of expensive wine. Her dress was riding up her legs a little bit and I could see a little bit of her white panties on the insides of her thighs - man was she sexy! It was hard to focus on the road as all I could think about was getting in between those luscious legs later that night.

I could feel the stares on us as we arrived at the restaurant. I'm a reasonably attractive guy but Noele was drop-dead gorgeous. I am sure more than a few people wondered how a guy like me landed her. Hey, I wondered too! Although technically I hadn't gotten her yet, I was pretty sure that was going to change.

The waiter came and took our order - we ordered a seafood tower and a $180 bottle of Sancerre - tonight wasn't going to be cheap but I was confident it would be worth it. We were laughing and drinking (well, most of the drinking was Noele, I was taking it easy because I had to drive and also I'm not the most confident guy in the bedroom so I didn't want to risk getting whiskey dick tonight of all nights) when the waitress asked us if we wanted another bottle. I didn't realize the bottle was already gone, I had barely had a glass!

"Sure," Noele blurted out. I wasn't going to look cheap after already spending so much so I grinned and said great.

The next bottle came and again Noele drank most of it. She was definitely getting a little tipsy but I wasn't worried - I knew she could hold her liquor. If anything the buzz might loosen her up enough to finally let me come inside her house. I paid the check and we headed for the door as the patrons started at my sexy date.

After spending over $500 on the meal I suggested we stop for a drink at a party a friend of mine was having.

"Whatever you want baby" Noele said as she touched me on the arm. Tonight was definitely going to be my night! My confidence was at an all time high as we arrived at the party. I was excited to show up with a beautiful girl at my side. I wasn't disappointed - heads turned as we walked in the door. One of my friends whispered to me "nice job man" and patted me on the back. I was glowing and offered to get Noele a drink.

"White wine would be fine" she said. I went to get her wine and a beer for myself and left her to mingle in the crowd.

I had to use the restroom and then there was a line for the drinks so it was about ten minutes until I returned to the main room everyone was hanging out in. I spotted her talking to a guy I didn't recognize so I went over to give her her wine and introduce myself. The guy was tall and definitely athletic - he was in better shape than me and carried himself with an air of supreme confidence. I noticed Noele already had a wine so I stood there awkwardly with both our drinks.

"Double fisting already?" The guy said, and both he and Noele burst into laughter.

I nervously laughed along and said, "I guess you already got a drink."

"Yeah, I took care of your date." he said.

"Oh we're not dating" she instantly replied. If we weren't dating then what the hell was I spending all this money on! I wondered.

"Well, I mean we've gone out a few times" Noele quickly recovered, and looked a little nervous as she bit on her lower lip.

I walked off to find a table to put her wine down and when I came back I noticed he was very gently touching the small of her back and she didn't seem to resist. I bravely stuck my hand out to introduce myself.

"Hey my name's John, it's nice to meet you."

"Aaron." The man responded. He shook my hand with a ridiculously firm handshake and a smirk on his face.

I stood with them making small talk for the next fifteen minutes although I was beginning to feel like a third wheel. They were laughing at each other's jokes and making eye contact while I stood there and nervously laughed along. I decided if I was going to have any hope of getting in bed with Noele tonight I had better get her home now.

"Hey, it's getting late, you want to head home soon?" I asked nervously.

"Why spoil the fun! We just got here. In fact I could use another drink." She said.

"Me too hoss," Aaron said as he patted me on the shoulder. "I'll have an old-fashioned." What the hell was an old-fashioned and how do I make it, I wondered, but I didn't want to come off as ignorant or weak so I smiled and said no problem. I headed for the bathroom to look up the recipe on my phone.

I found a recipe and headed for the bar. There was another long line so I passed the time talking with other guests.

"Where'd your date go?" One of them asked.

"Oh, I'm just fixing her a drink" I said as I forced a smile. Finally I got to the front of the bar only to find out all the ingredients weren't on the bar. I didn't want to return empty handed so I tracked down the host, Mark, and asked him where he kept his bitters. He directed me to the basement so I went down, got the bitters and went back to the bar. There was another long line so I waited again because I didn't want to be perceived as cutting in line. After about thirty minutes total I finally had their drinks ready and I returned to the main room.

Noele and Aaron were nowhere to be found. My heart sank as I had a sneaking suspicion where they might be.

"Hey, where's your date?" My friend asked as I was holding two drinks.

"Oh, I don't know, she's probably in the bathroom." I said. My heart was racing and my mind was imagining the worst.

"Since when do you drink hard liquor? Or is the white wine for you?" He chuckled as he playfully elbowed me.

I forced a laugh and said "I'm trying something new." I didn't want to admit that neither drink was mine and that the people I made them for had disappeared. I excused myself from the conversation and headed upstairs.

I heard voices as I reached the top of the stairs. A man and woman were giggling at the end of the hall. I slowly crept down the hall.

"That dress looked so amazing on you I can't believe it looks even better on the floor." A man said.

"Oh, Aaron, you look so hot with your shirt off, I've never seen muscles like that." My heart sank and my stomach was in knots as soon as I heard her voice. It was Noele. I made it to the end of the hall and saw the bedroom door was slightly ajar. I saw Noele and Aaron cuddling on the bed. She was in her bra and panties and Aaron just in boxer briefs. I wondered if Mr. Confidence had left the door ajar on purpose just to let me know that he was marking his territory and taking my date as his.

I stood in the hallway holding their drinks, uncertain of how to proceed. Aaron put his hand behind Noele's head and went in for a kiss. Her sexual excitement was palpable. I knew I should put a stop to it but I didn't know how. What could I say, "Hey stop touching the girl that isn't my girlfriend and has only let me kiss her?" Instead, I stood there frozen, unable to stop it but unable to turn away. I had to see it. I needed to watch a real man fuck the girl of my dreams right in front of my face. As humiliated and ashamed as I was, I admitted i was turned on by Aaron's bravado. He knew that Noele and I arrived at the party together and he he didn't hesitate to steal her from me right in front of my face. And I didn't even resist! I spent the night trying to please him while he was busy stealing my girl. As they were making out, Aaron snaked his has hand behind her back and undid her bra with one motion. This guy was smooth.

"Nice tits," he said as he squeezed them roughly. Noele's breathing was coming more and more ragged. I had never in my life come close to making a girl as turned on as Aaron was making her.

"Take off my boxers" he commanded. As if in a trance, Noele bent down and gently snaked his briefs off. Aaron's enormous cock snapped upright as Noele started at it hypnotically. He was at least twice my size and I felt ashamed at my manhood at the sight. As if in a trance Noele reached her hand out to touch his cock.

"Don't touch it!" Aaron snapped. "Tell me how bad you want me inside you."

Noele began moaning and begging. "I want you so bad. Please fuck me Aaron. Please, I'll do anything." Aaron began pressing his rock hard cock against her panties as she panted and begged for him to fuck her. She was almost sobbing she wanted it so bad. I had never seen anything like it in my life. Aaron pulled out a magnum condom and threw it at Noele.

"Put it on."

"Yes, of course. Oh my God. Fuck me Aaron I need you so bad." He was teasing her so bad I didn't even notice that my breath was becoming ragged too. I was so turned on that my cock had extended to its full 5" without me even noticing it.

As soon as Noele put the condom on his dick, Aaron threw her on the bed and said, "Get ready for the fucking of your life."

"Oh my god, yes, fuck me, please, I can't take it anymore." She said as she spread her legs wide open for Aaron. He leaned over top of her and gently penetrated her. She let out a gasp as his cock filled her insides. "Oh my god, you're so big. OH God!" She exclaimed. I stood there riveted, still holding their drinks, as Aaron began sawing his monstrous cock into my date.

I was impressed at his stamina - especially since I was never known for mine - after a full 15 minutes of fucking Noele in several different positions, Aaron showed no signs of cumming. Noele was a different story - I lost track of how many times she came, her moans, cries, and breathing all ran together into one long orgasm.

"Don't stop. You're the best I've ever had. I need your cock, I'll do anything for your cock." Noele continuously showered compliments on Aaron as he kept fucking her brains out.

Aaron pulled out, spooned her and said, "don't worry - you're not done yet, it's just a quick break." I finally woke from my trance and decided I needed to get back to the party before people wondered where I was. I hoped that they would be quick so nobody would know that my date had been fucking another man.

As soon as I walked downstairs I saw my friend in the hall. "Hey buddy, nice work," he said as he smiled and patted me on the back. "I heard you guys upstairs." My heart sank. It was embarrassing enough to have the girl of my dreams fuck another guy in front of my face after I took her to an expensive dinner but to have the whole party know would be the most humiliating experience of my life. I decided to play it off and hope that they would finish quietly.

"Thanks buddy," I said as I forced a grin, "you know how it is." I said goodbye and headed back to the main room, still holding both their drinks.

I listened like a hawk for noise from upstairs as I mingled with other guests. Luckily the bedroom was far away but Noele had been so loud that some observant guests, like my friend, had made out her screams. Until now they thought I was the stud making her orgasm over and over but my worst fears were confirmed in about 2 minutes when I heard Noele's moans and cries start up again. I heard a steady slamming sound and figured the headboard was moving as John was about to come. I was standing near the stairs and trying my hardest to listen so I still hoped that nobody else heard what was going on.

I was definitely getting some stares and knowing looks and giggles. One couple in particular kept looking at me and giggling. I guess they figured out that I wasn't a stud after all, just a wimp who let another guy fuck my date while I held onto a drink I fixed for him.

Finally, the noise stopped. I felt relief and I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I wasn't sure how I was going to behave when I saw them. Should I make a scene? Or play it cool? I wasn't sure as I headed back to the party. I also wasn't sure which guests knew what had happened but it sure felt like everyone was in on a joke but me.

Aaron walked down the stairs first. His chest pumped out like a conquering hero and that unmistakable smirk. I stood still with my head bowed, not sure what to do. Did he know that I watched him fuck my date? He walked toward me and as if hypnotized I handed him his drink.

"I made you an old-fashioned. I hope it's to your liking." What the hell had come over me! This guy had just fucked my date and here I was basically cowering before him offering him whatever he wanted. He smirked and said "thanks," and walked away as I stammered out, "you're welcome."

Noele came down the stairs next, her dress was rumpled and her hair was a mess and I'm pretty sure there were cum stains on her clothes but her face was glowing. I handed her her wine, she took it absentmindedly and began scanning the room. Looking for Aaron, I assumed. Aaron walked back into the room with his coat on and began saying goodbyes.

"Hold this," Noele said as she thrust her wine into my hand and made a beeline for Aaron. I wasn't sure what was said but he took his phone out and typed in it. "You better call me!" she called over her shoulder as she walked back to me, beaming. Did she have to make it so obvious, I wondered.

I handed her her wine and nervously asked, "What was that about?"

"Oh, he does repairs on the side and my A/C unit has been giving me fits. He said he'd fix it free of charge - isn't that nice of him?"

Yeah, real nice, I thought. The party was dying down and I was already tired of the knowing smirks in my direction so I suggested we head home. I said my last humiliating goodbyes and we headed out the door.

It seemed like she gushed about Aaron the entire ride home. "You really should've got to know him more, he's a really cool guy," she said.

Yeah, Noele, maybe I would've if he wasn't so busy fucking your brains out all night, I thought. Her dress was riding up and I noticed her panties were gone. I wondered if she left them at the party or Aaron kept them as a trophy. Guess I'll never know, I thought to myself. The drive to her place felt like an eternity but we finally made it. I told her I had a great time and went in for a kiss.

She turned to give me her cheek and said "not tonight." She got out of the car, turned around and said "Oh by the way, thanks for dinner." I watched her sexy figure sashay up her driveway and I knew she was going to be dreaming about Aaron, not me, tonight.

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CluelessCuckCluelessCuck3 months ago

I have no specific problem with stories like this, but I agree with others that they should be filed under 'Fetish.' LW should be more geared to the truly 'clueless cuckold' stories.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What a dumbass.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I was at a party with my fiancee. There was a guy there that was full of himself, muscle shirt, big gym muscles, perfect hair, cute little ear ring, etc. He was hitting on my fiancee. She didn't want any part of him but was too polite to tell him to get lost. I was having a good conversation with a couple of other men so, since my fiancee can take care of herself, I ignored the whole thing. He put his arm around and she removed it. He didn't like that and got more aggressive. That's when he made his big mistake. Pretty boy grabbed her arm and tried to lead her out of the room. I was forced to give him an attitude adjustment. The hostess was mad at me but who cared.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

At a party with the girl that I thought would be the one that I would ask to be my wife. I was going to ask her the next night at her families gathering. At the party we were having a lot of fun. We were both drinking but not over doing it at least I wasn't. While talking to some buddies I looked around and didn't see Angie so I started looking for her and she was being felt up by a SOB that I didn't like Ted Johnson. I was taught not to hate was the only reason that I didn't hate him. I quietly walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder and kicked him in the nuts. Down and moaning. Angie had eyes big as saucers. I turned and walked away. I was going straight to my truck not wanting to face anyone. As I was getting in Angie jumped into the passenger side and scooted towards me. I said stay away. She started crying saying she was sorry and blaming it on the alcohol and you know I despite the guy I don't like him at all. I said Bull--t it looked like you hated his guts. Put your seat belt on and I'll take you home unless you want to go back to the stud. Please take me home. I did and we didn't speak. When I stopped at her house I walked her to the door and said good night and walking to my truck she said please come tomorrow. I said that I figured that she wanted Ted to be there. She cried saying she was sorry please forgive me and come. I did but I was later than she expected me. We worked things out and are still together. This is our 36 anniversary.

syn4321syn4321over 1 year ago

No fun to read about a guy being this much of a sucker, really. Blech. 1 star. Poorly written, too.

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