Sun, Sand & Seduction Ch. 02


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I slid on a delicate gold necklace with an emerald pendant and did a final inspection in the mirror. My new hair, make-up and clothes had vanquished the practical mother and left a sexy young women in her place.

I grabbed my small clutch with just the essentials of lipstick, breath mints, hair brush, cell phone and wallet.

Finally, I unwrapped the new fragrance I bought and put a dab behind my ears, between my breasts, on my wrists and, with a giggle, lifting my skirt, placed a couple drops between my legs.

I twirled one last time and headed down stairs.

Ellen had fed Alex and was reading to him on the leather sofa in the family room. She looked up as I entered and her mouth dropped.

"Mrs. B. You look super. God, I've never seen you dressed before. I mean, you know, all put together like this. Wow! You are really, really hot. Where did you say you were going?"

I realized maybe I had overdone it and now everyone would be thinking I was stepping out on a date.

"Oh, just to have dinner with an old friend—a girl friend."

"I guess you want to show her you've still got it, right?"

I laughed, "Yes, something like that."

Alex put his arms up for a hug and I looked at his spaghetti stained clothes and grubby hands. Ellen saw the look and took charge.

"Hey, Alex, I'll hold you and you give Mommy a little kiss on the cheek, OK?'

Alex smiled and kissed me while Kathy held the rest of him away from me.

I reminded Ellen I'd have my cell and to call if anything came up.

Ellen promised and told me to take my time. "I can even sleep over, if you want, Mrs. B, if you are going to be out late on the town or something. Just let me know."

"I don't think that will be necessary, but thanks. My friend is staying at the Concorde and has a suite, so if I get too high, I might take you up on your offer. I'll check in later."

"Hey, let's just say I will stay over. So, let me know if you're going to be home, but either way, I'll sleep in the guest room. It will give me lots of time to work on my paper."

I was soon on my way to Colleen's when I realized I'd forgotten the wine. And, I meant to pick up some flowers. Cursing at myself for this slip, I stopped at a shopping plaza along the way with a grocery store with both a wine section and a florist concession.

I quickly picked out a white wine that I'd had before and thought from the price that it should be good. At the florist stand, I hand picked an assortment of flowers.

Standing in line, I could swear that men were checking me out. The teenage boy at the cashier, whom I had seen dozens of times before while shopping here, was all smiles. He even tried some small talk as he rang up my purchases.

"My God, he's trying to flirt with me," I thought. "Most times he never even looks at me."

It was a little after six as I turned onto Colleen's street and pulled up in front of the yellow Victorian. I was about to get out of the car, when my cell rang. I recognized Colleen's number.


"Hi, I just pulled up outside. I'll be right in."

"I know, I saw you. Why don't you pull up in the driveway, then you won't have to leave it on the street. I'll see you at the back door."

Colleen clicked off. I wondered at the request, but backed the SUV up and pulled in the driveway. As I neared the back of the house, Colleen came and motioned her to pull into a parking space next to the porch.

I stopped the car and gathered the wine and flowers. I stepped out and Colleen came toward her.

Colleen looked me over and smiled brighter than I had ever seen.

"You are beautiful, Sharon. I love your new hairdo."

"Thanks," I said, "It was sort of a spur of the moment. I wasn't sure what I wanted or how it would turn out."

Colleen put her hand on my arm, "It's perfect. It makes your face even more outstanding. And, I love your dress."

I blushed and murmured thanks.

I regarded Colleen. She wore a light white silk blouse that was open nearly to her waist. Underneath, I could see a silk cami with sheer lace covering her breasts.

The blouse was tucked into black silk drawstring pants, which hung loosely from her hips. On her feet she wore black cloth shoes with Oriental designs in gold.

Instead of her ponytail, Colleen let her blond hair fall softly to her shoulders. She wore a black lacquered head band to hold it in place. Her make-up seemed to be non-existent, except I knew there was a lot of work involved in allowing it to appear so natural. She had light red lip gloss that helped accent the sensuousness of her mouth and elegantly framed her dazzling smile.

She had three cold chains around her neck and gold and copper earrings that dangled from her delicate lobes. Even at a little distance, I could detect an exotic fragrance wafting my way.

Colleen slipped her arm through mine and guided me up the back stairs and into the house. We stepped into the kitchen and Colleen asked for the wine.

"Let me cool it. We can have it with dinner."

After placing the bottle in the fridge, she turned and smiled again at me.

"I can't get over the difference your hair cut makes," she said. "You look younger and really vibrant."

I felt my blush rising and tried to distract Colleen by holding out the flowers.

"Here, they made me think of the summer light in the evening and the color of your hair," I said. I had rehearsed the line all the way over and now it sounded trite and contrived.

Colleen beamed and took the flowers. "That's a great thought and compliment. Thank you." She lifted her head and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hmm, you smell wonderful," Colleen said and kissed me on the other cheek.

"You, too," I murmured as I breathed deeply while my nose nuzzled Coleen's neck.

Colleen arranged the flowers in a tall vase and invited me into the living room.

She set the vase on the low table in front of the fireplace, which was unlit on this warm evening. Also on the table were a wine bucket with a bottle of champagne sticking out, a tray of shrimp and fresh raw oysters accompanied by two small dishes of cocktail sauce and horseradish, and a small round marble plate with a coarse pate, cornichons and chopped onions. A basket of thin crackers completed the display.

Colleen eased her self onto the floor, and kneeling, poured two glasses. I sat on pillows at the side of the table. Colleen raised her glass and I mimicked her.

"Well, let's see. How about a toast to new friends, warm spring evenings and adventure?"

My eyebrows lifted, but said nothing, just nodded and clinked the rim of my flute against Colleen's.

"Ooh, that is smooth?" I said.

"Yes, I love champagne. Makes me feel sophisticated and light-headed at the same time. Next to tequila, which makes me absolutely crazy, I think I've done the most outrageous things high on the bubbly."

I took another sip and responded lightly, "Well, maybe we should take it easy. Wouldn't want you to get too outrageous."

"Why not?" rejoined Colleen with more than a twinkle in her eye.

I could just manage a giggle and then took another sip to avoid having to say anything else.

Colleen told me to dig in. I loved raw oysters and these were excellent. I swallowed two and washed them down with the liquid gold. I switched to the shrimp and finished by tasting with the pate.

"God, this is incredible. What kind is it?" I asked.

"It's a country pate. There's a pasta and wine shop in the neighborhood that makes it themselves. I agree, I've never had any as good as this."

We gnoshed and sipped in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the taste and texture while allowing a little tension to build between us.

"So, how was your day," asked Colleen. "Do anything interesting."

I finished my first glass of champagne and Colleen was refilling it as I began to answer. Already, I felt the first slight effect of the wine.

"Yeah, I dragged little Alex around the freaking mall trying to find something to wear that would fit the definition of 'pretty'." The words left my mouth before my mind fully censored them.

"Oh, I don't mean it was a bother. It's just that you said wear something pretty, and I don't think I have anything that would fall into that category. Practical? Plenty of practical. Comfy? Got that covered. Appropriate? Wouldn't want to look inappropriate in church or dinner out with the in-laws. But, pretty? Not much hope in my closet."

I stuffed a shrimp in my mouth to stop babbling.

Colleen smiled. "Well, I didn't mean to put you out. I just thought we could have a special dinner and dress up a little."

"Oh, it's fine. I kinda' enjoyed the shopping. No, that's not right. I hated the shopping, but I enjoyed the results."

Colleen nodded. "Well, you certainly succeeded. Pretty, it is. Very pretty."

"You think so? Ellen, my babysitter, said I looked hot. Been a long time since I even looked luke warm."

"I'd say your babysitter has an acute eye," said Colleen over the rim of her glass. "Only, I'd add smoking hot."

I felt the redness explode over my face and travel down my chest and arms. I broke out into a mild sweat.

"God, I hate that I get like this," I said," fanning myself with one of the linen napkins Colleen had laid out.

"I find it cute and quite disarming" she replied. "I might even find it flattering, if I thought you were blushing because of me."

I now had to mop my brow with the napkin and hoped my make-up was not running down my cheeks. I could only nod and sip some more champagne.

Colleen topped off both glasses and killed the bottle.

"Well, stay here and enjoy the rest of the hors d'ouvres and the last of your drink. I need to see to dinner."

"Can I help?"

"Thanks, no. I have most things under control. Just a few last minute additions and we should be ready in a few minutes. I call you when it's time to open the wine."

"More wine? I hope you're not trying to get me drunk," I blurted out, immediately regretting the implication hanging in those words.

Colleen just smiled and said, "No, actually I hope you keep all your senses on high power. You can enjoy life's experiences better that way."

She turned and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving me swopping sweat from my face and in between my breasts.

I eased up off the floor and onto the oversized white couch. It was soft, and I sunk back into the cushions.

I again felt the panic rise in my throat. What am I doing here? This was not just some innocent dinner with a friend. I hardly knew Colleen, and I was dressed with the intent to make myself sexually appealing. I was fairly sure Colleen had flirted with me and intimated that she wanted intimate things. But, am I totally sure? Could I have misread the signs? Was this just a dinner? Did Colleen just want to start a new galpal friendship?

I heard the familiar sounds of a kitchen at work. An oven door opening and closing, pot lids being handled, the fridge being used. It could be just another night at home, only I would be the one in the kitchen, not some beautiful blond, with the silky blouse and creamy breasts peeking out of the lacy cami.

More panic threatened to overturn the delicacies I only recently sent down my throat. Did I really think I was going to have sex with Colleen? Was I seriously considering becoming physical with anyone, but especially a woman? God, I must be crazy and better get out of here now.

"Penny for your thoughts," came the voice from beside me. I startled and saw Colleen standing next to the couch.

"Oh, oh, Colleen, I have to go. This is, well, this is so lovely, but I really have to go. I mean, I don't know, well, I don't really know what's going on. Hey, maybe nothing is going on. Sorry. I have to go."

I stood up, a little unsteady.

Colleen didn't move, just looked at her with her dazzling smile.

"Sharon, relax. It's just dinner. Dinner! You are having a mild panic attack and letting your mind get way in front of you. I put a lot of time into this dinner, and I know you'll love it. Stay, we'll be fine. Really."

I looked at the smaller woman. "You mean you don't want to make love to me?'

Colleen laughed out loud. "Of course, I do, silly. But, I'm not sure you do. So, let's be two gals having a bite to eat. Just relax. I'm not going to get you drunk, or drug you to jump your bones. I'm a hellava' cook and you will be swept away by my skills. So, let's eat."

"So, no sex?"

Colleen slipped her arm through mine and we walked to the dinning room.

"Dear, I never said that."

We sat across from each other. Colleen indicated the white wine that I brought and an opener. As I began to uncork it, Colleen went back into the kitchen. She returned in a moment carrying two square white plates.

She placed one in front of me and the other at her place. She took the opened bottle and poured two glasses of the Chardonnay.

I looked on the plate and saw two small servings of stuffed sole, accompanied by a salsa of mango and peppers. There was a salmon colored sauce dribbled over the fish.

Colleen offered a silent toast and then we tasted the fish.

My mouth exploded in a wild mix of flavors. The bland sole came alive with the salsa and the piquant taste of the sauce. The best I could express were several loud, "Mmmm's".

I broke off a small piece of the French bread and put on a generous pat of butter. The bread was crunchy on the outside, and warm and yeasty on the inside. As the butter melted in, it soaked the mounds and valleys and transformed the simple food into a comforting taste that helped sooth my nerves. I sipped some wine, and had another helping of the bread.

"God, that was delicious."

"Take it easy on the bread, or you won't have room for the rest of the meal."

"The rest? I thought this was dinner?'

"Just the fish course. Here, have some more wine. Great choice! Goes perfectly with the sole."

As I savored the wine, Colleen cleared the white plates.

Colleen's next course topped the fish, and so did the salad, cheese, all accompanied by appropriate wines.

I finally moaned, "No more! Please!"

Colleen smiled as she cleared the remnants of the cheese course and the half bottle of a dry burgundy.

"Let's take a break before dessert," offered Colleen. "We can relax on the couch and let everything digest for a while."

"I don't think I could even consider dessert, but I bet it's as delectable as the rest of the meal. So, I agree, let's rest and then see about dessert."

Colleen reached for my hand and helped me up. "Dearie, my chocolate is not delectable, it's decadent."

Still holding my hand Colleen led me back to the living room. I sunk into the white couch and slipping off my shoes, pulled my legs up underneath.

Colleen disappeared back into the kitchen and came out with a tray holding a bottle of Pellegrino and two glasses of ice.

She poured the sparkling water and handed me one glass, then sat at the opposite end of the couch, dropping her shoes on the floor.

"God, I really am stuffed and my stomach feels like I'm carrying a ten pound baby. I feel tight and I'm not even wearing pantyhose," I said, and then immediately realized how that comment might sound.

"I mean I'm wearing panties, of course, just no pantyhose." Again, I astounded myself with the level of my blithering.

"Well, I'm going to forgo fashion for comfort," confessed Colleen. She pulled the drawstring on her silk pants and tugged at the waistband until it gave her an inch of relief. "Why not loosen your belt?"

I thought this might be a come on, but thought even more about relieving the pressure. I undid the buckle and pulled the belt free, dropping it on the coffee table.

We looked at each other and sighed in unison. We both immediately started giggling.

I asked about Colleen's day.

"Actually, I spent the day shopping and working on dinner."

"Oh, I didn't mean for you to go to all this trouble," I said with a tinge of guilt.

"It was a pleasure not a bother," she responded.

"I enjoy planning a special meal, working out the menu, making a list of all the ingredients and other things I'll need. Then, I plan out my shopping and the order I'll go to each store. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to immerse myself in the details. I also love the preparation and cooking. So many nights, I just throw something in the micro or heat up some take-out. Having to cook for someone special is a treat. Actually, this was one of the best days I've had in a while. So, I should be thanking you for giving me the opportunity."

I raised my sparkling water in a toast, "Then, here's to good days and better dinners."

"Cheers to that," said Colleen and we touched rims.

The conversation flowed easily between us. I talked about work and the joys and frustrations of being a mother. Colleen offered some funny observations and contrasted my life with hers.

"From over-commitment to let-it-all hang out," said Colleen with a warm smile.

She then asked if I could try a little dessert. "I spent a lot of time on this—it's called Chocolate Ecstasy. And, given our overstuffed state, I think that may be an apt description. How about just a sliver and some coffee?"

"God, I shouldn't, but I also can't ever refuse chocolate. But, just a sliver and let me help you."

Colleen smiled and said "No way. Just sit and relax. I'll be right back."

She jumped up off the couch. In her haste she forgot to retie the drawstring, and her black silk pants dropped immediately to her ankles.

Colleen shrieked and I stared at the sheer black thong that clearly showed her neatly trimmed blond bush. Colleen bent over and grabbed her pants and turned her back as she pulled them up. I took in the nearly naked and perfectly shaped rear end, and felt my heart rate kick up.

Over her shoulder, Colleen offered an apology. "Sharon, that was completely unintentional. Please know I would never do something like that on purpose."

I, surprising myself beyond all measure, reached out and lightly touched the now covered cheek and said, "It's fine. And, a fine ass. Don't give it a thought." As I said this, I marveled as the firmness of the buttock as it shown under the delicate softness of the silk.

Colleen reached back and took my hand that was softly placed on her butt and put her hand on top of mine. She first pushed it slightly into her butt, then pulled it off and, as she turned to face me, gave it a squeeze. She bent at the waist and lightly kissed my fingertips.

I pulled Colleen's hand toward me and returned the kiss on her fingertips.

"Again sorry. Now, I'll get dessert and try to keep my drawers up."

As Colleen rounded the corner to the kitchen, I called out. "Hey, no big deal, I saw more than that the last time I was here."

I immediately felt she should bite my tongue. What the hell am I doing and saying.

"Yeah, I guess so. And, I have had the great pleasure of enjoying the beauty of you."

Colleen returned with the tray filled this time with two mugs of steaming coffee and two plates with a slice of dark cake, drizzled with a caramel sauce. On the tray was a delicate China bowl filled with what was obviously fresh whipped cream.

Colleen set the tray down and passed me a plate. This time, Colleen sat on the middle cushion, closer to me. She lifted the bowl of whipped cream and offered it to me.

I hesitated, and then gave in to full surrender. I took a large spoonful and plopped it on top of the cake. I then considered the enormity of the challenge before me.

"I cannot eat this entire thing," I sighed. "I will burst. Really."

Colleen smiled and nodded in agreement. "Share a piece?"


Colleen picked up the plate and cut a piece of cake with her fork. She then dipped it into the cream and offered it to me. I leaned forward and allowed Colleen to slip it into my mouth.

Moans of delight escaped my lips as I sampled the first bite. "God, this is unbelievable. And, you made it yourself?"