Sun, Sand & Seduction Ch. 02


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Colleen turned back and handed me a large bath sheet and a washcloth.

She winked and said, "Linen door, bedroom door," as she made an exaggerated gesture toward each. "Now, get in that shower before you use all the hot water in this part of town. I'll take mine after you're finished."

Colleen reached up and kissed me on the cheek, then spun me and gave me a gentle push toward the glass stall. I heard the bedroom door close behind me.

I walked in a daze to the shower, dropped the robe and stepped into the welcoming hot water and steam. I immediately felt the warmth reaching into my body. After standing under the powerful shower head, I used the shampoo, then the body wash.

Sharon looked at Owen and Alice. "I am going to tell you some intimate details and it is a little embarrassing. But, I have come to trust you both."

We both hugged her in reassurance.

As my hand traveled between my legs, I felt my knees buckle. My mind flashed to Colleen standing naked before me. I let my hand linger and soon knew that there was more wetness than what the water was providing. I gave into the sensation and began rubbing myself. The shower had a built in seat, and I rested one leg on it. I then slowly inserted two fingers inside and began a deliberate stroking motion. My other hand found my hood, pulled it back and began exciting the exposed clit. With the cascading water, the erotic image, and my two hands working in synch, I was rapidly approaching a climax.

I had my eyes closed, but then sensed something. I opened them to see Colleen standing in the middle of the bathroom watching. Colleen was holding a hair dryer, but her gaze was fixed on me.

I wanted to cry out, but had no voice. I willed my hands to cease their activity, but they gave no response. I knew I was beyond the point of no return and just let the waves crash over me.

I let out a long, soft moan and felt my body shake. I closed my eyes while the orgasm shook me. When the last tremor faded, I opened her eyes only to see an empty bathroom.

Could I have imagined Colleen standing there and watching me? Was my forbidden erotic fantasy that strong, that now I was conjecturing spirits to voyeur me in self pleasure. Was I going crazy?

I turned off the water and dried in the luxurious bath sheet. I pulled on the robe and then noticed the hair dryer on the vanity. Was that here before, or did I really see Colleen with it in her hand.

Digging through my purse,

I retrieved my brush and dried my hair. Securing the robe tightly, I opened the correct door that led to the hall and found my way back to the kitchen. Colleen was behind the counter, cutting up small lemon bread. The teapot was on the counter and two cups, sliced lemons and honey stood nearby.


I nodded and Colleen poured the steaming liquid. I opted for honey and sat on a stool. We remained quiet and sipped the herbal warmth.

Colleen looked over the rim of her cup. "Sorry. I thought I'd just drop the dryer off. I should have respected your privacy. I thought I'd be in and out in a second."

"How long were you watching?"

"Oh, not long, really, just a second. And, I really couldn't see anything with the steam and all."

"Don't be coy, Colleen. How long were you watching."

Colleen sipped her tea and looked away out the kitchen window into the dark rainy night.

"Sharon, I couldn't turn away. Sorry. But, it, no you, were so beautiful and so erotic, I had no power to stop looking. I feel so ashamed. I shouldn't have been there, and certainly shouldn't have stayed."

I took in her words.

"I don't know why I did it. I just felt an urge and got carried away, I guess," I said softly.

"So, it had nothing to do with seeing me nude? Or, nothing to do with how you felt at your exam?"

I feigned surprise. "Of course not. It's not like I'm sexually attracted to you, or any woman."

"Ah, that's a shame."

I let that line hang in the air.

Colleen finished her tea and announced she was taking her shower now. She invited me to take my tea and the plate of lemon bread into the living room. Colleen had turned on the gas fire and lit some candles. The room was as cozy as possible and a perfect antidote to the cold and rainy outdoors.

Fifteen minutes later, Colleen appeared dressed in flannel bottoms and a sweatshirt. She held a pile of neatly folded clothes.

She sat in a chair next to the couch where I was.

"You can stay as long as you want," she offered.

"Thanks, but I'm tired and the rain has let up. I think I'll get dressed and go."

"Whatever you want, Sharon. Your clothes were still soaked, so I pulled together a couple things that I had from a friend, who left them here. I'll finish drying your stuff. The only thing I don't have is underwear. I don't think mine will fit you, so I guess you'll have to go commando."

I hesitated, then took the offered pile and headed to the bathroom. I dressed and was back in the living room dressed in jeans about a size too large and a polo shirt. I was conscious of how my breasts moved under the fabric without a bra.

Colleen was holding a yellow rain slicker and matching hat.

"More leftovers from an old acquaintance." I thanked her and pulled on the slicker and then my soaked loafers.

Gathering my purse, I walked to the door. Colleen stood by my side.

"Sharon, sorry if I upset you."

"No, you didn't, believe me. I think it's best I go now."

"Could we get together again, maybe have dinner?"

"Uh, I don't know. Well, maybe, but let me think on it. Okay?"

Colleen lit up the subdued light with her smile. "That sounds like a possibility. I like that. Besides, you have to get your clothes back once they're dry."

I smiled back and reached for the door.

Colleen put a hand on my arm and pulled me around to face her.

"Well, until you decide, let this be a reminder and an appetizer."

She slipped her hand behind my neck and pulled my face toward her own. Rising on her toes, Colleen kissed my lips. I tried to pull back, but Colleen held fast. She kissed me again, and this time I kissed back, ever so slightly.

I then broke free and mumbled I had to go. I rushed out the door and ran to my car. Sitting inside, letting the engine warm up, I thought, "What the hell are you getting yourself into, girl?"

Later that night, alone in my bed, I let my hands slip between my legs and imagined an answer to that question that brought a brighter glow to the heat of my orgasm.

"Holy shit, Sharon," exclaimed Alice. "You can't stop there. Did you fuck her, what happened next?"

"Alice is right. Please don't leave us hanging.

Sharon smiled. "Let's find another bottle of wine and see if Anne Marie was right about watching the stars through the skylight."

The women stood and then held out their hands to me. Helping me up, they both giggled at my erection behind the thin material of my pants.

Alice grabbed hold of my hand and pulled toward the kitchen, while Sharon cupped my buns and pushed. I retrieved another bottle from the fridge, opened it and, together we climbed the stairs to the loft.

We shed our remaining clothes, and pulled down the covers. We snuggled together, with just the top sheet offering a light protection, and a noticeable tent where I lay. Heads resting against the headboard, I filled their glasses.

"And, now, as Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story," I announced in a mock radio voice.

"Well, to quote another famous person," said Sharon, "'Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy ride'"

Sharon continued her saga.

I was frazzled for the entire weekend. When Chuck asked if anything was wrong—and I knew I must be acting out of my head if Chuck noticed—I blamed it on the pressure of getting everything done before the end of the year.

I kept handling the card I found in the pocket of the jeans that Colleen gave me. It was Colleen's business card and on the back were her home and cell phone numbers. I did all I could to not pick up the phone and call.

I wanted to see her again, even if to prove I was not attracted to her. But, then, I admitted that it was a lie. I was attracted to this woman. I thought maybe I should never see her again, and this silly urge would go away. But, I kept remembering the sweet taste of Colleen's lips against mine and the sight of her standing naked in her bedroom. I replayed that image in my mind over and over. The pretty breasts, the tight abs, the slight crop of blond, almost transparent pubic hair, the lips of her sex showing, the firm, little ass. Over and over, I let the images wash over me. I was in a constant state of arousal. Of course, Chuck didn't pick up on it, so I was forced to rely on my trusty fingers while showering—this time with the door locked.

If the weekend seemed long, the work week was interminable. Twenty times a day I picked up my cell to dial Colleen's number, and twenty times I disconnected before it could ring. It was the classic did want to and didn't want to.

On Friday, I turned down another offer to go out with the teachers. Chuck was home and I had to pick up our son from day care, make dinner, blah, blah, blah. The truth is I was frightened I would run into Colleen again.

I busied myself over the weekend with household chores, grocery shopping and eating two pints of Haagen Daz Coffee Mocha. On Sunday evening, Chuck said his father was putting together a foursome for the member-guest tournament at his club. He wanted Chuck and Bruce to play as guests with him and one of his club buddies. They would stay at his parent's house and play a round on Saturday and Sunday.

Maybe because my nerves were on end thinking about Colleen, I snapped at him. "Did you ever think that I might have some plans on a weekend? Did it ever cross your mind that I might like to do something besides stay home all weekend to watch our son and clean?"

Chuck was clearly taken aback. I never talked this way to him. "Honey, is there something you wanted to do next weekend?"

I thought I should tell him, "Yes, dear, there is. You see I want to go over to this woman's house and see if we can fuck each other." But, I let restraint be my guide, and answered, "Well, not exactly, but I don't like being taken for granted. Maybe I just want to go out by myself, or with Alice, go shopping, have lunch, go to a movie. Do something, for Christ's sake, besides stay home. You just decide you're going to play golf and that's it. I like to have a little life of my own, you know."

"Life of your own?" echoed Chuck. "We have a life together. I don't have a life of my own. I work to support this family, I go out with you to parties, like to Bruce and Alice's. This is our life."

I felt defensive, and didn't want to sound that way. "I didn't mean a life of my own (but I really did mean exactly that), I meant some time for myself. That's all."

"Hey, sure, I can understand that. I have an idea, how about I ask my Mom to take Alex this weekend. I'll be there anyway, so it won't be a big deal."

I considered the offer, but then thought about the subtle and not so subtle digs my mother-in-law would get in the next time she saw me. She always made a comment about "how much she loved having to care for the kids, and Sharon or Alice should not give a thought that it was any inconvenience to her. She was always happy to reschedule her appointments." No, I didn't want any more of that.

"No," I told Chuck, "you go. Stay over there because you'll be out late and have to be back on Sunday for the second round. I'll be fine. We can work out another time when maybe I'll go and pamper myself at a spa, or something. You can watch Alex." Even as I said it, I knew that Chuck would never spend a day caring for his son.

Chuck lit up because he knew his weekend was safe and he, too, knew he'd never end up spending a day alone with his son.

"Sure, great idea, Honey. Let's be sure you do that real soon."

All that week I gave Chuck the cold shoulder, but I was reasonably sure he never noticed. His plan was to pick up Bruce at his house and they would drive together the forty-five minutes to his parents' house on Friday. They'd be back late Sunday.

As Friday approached, I became more agitated. I decided to act. Calling our top babysitter, I was more than pleasantly surprised to find out she was available on Saturday. It seemed she had a big final paper due and was planning to work on it over the weekend. I pushed my luck and asked Ellen if she could come mid afternoon and stay into the evening. Ellen agreed and said she'd see me at 3 in the afternoon.

Now I had to find the courage to call Colleen. It was Thursday, and I sat in my empty classroom as the clock approached four o'clock. Finally, steeling myself, I dialed the number I had long ago memorized. The phone rang and then was answered voice mail prompting to leave a message. I hung up without saying a word. As soon as I did, I kicked myself, knowing that my number would appear in the Caller ID. I decided to try Colleen on her cell. Again, it went to voice mail, but this time I left a message.

"Hi, it's me, Sharon. Hi, I guess I said that. Well, I thought I should come by and pick up my clothes, and was wondering if maybe Saturday night was good. I won't have to stay long, or anything, but I thought I should get them—the clothes, that is. So, give me a call on this number and then we can see if Saturday is a good day. Well, good for picking up the clothes, you know. OK, bye."

I disconnected and hit my forehead with the phone. "I sound like an idiot. Did I even make any sense? Well, that's that. I won't have to worry about her calling me back for a date. Wow, was I really thinking this would be a date?"

I packed my stuff and drove home, picking up Alex along the way. Getting home I and Alex played on the floor for a while, then I fixed his supper, gave him his bath, and read a story. He soon was asleep for the night.

I knew Chuck was going to be late, he told me about a client meeting that included dinner. I knew that meant a huge steak, beers and a brownie sundae for dessert at Applebee's.

I had done a load of laundry and was folding towels when my cell rang. I jumped and then tried to calm my heartbeat. It had to be Colleen. I looked at the ID and recognized Colleen's cell number.


Even over the phone, I could feel the warmth and brightness of Colleen's smile. "Hey, it is you. I was afraid I'd get voice mail. It was wonderful to hear from you."

"Yeah, well I thought I should call and, you know, like I said, come over and get the clothes."

"Of course," said Colleen with more than a trace of laughter in her voice. "No problem, but I do have a little conflict with Saturday. Is Sunday doable?"

My heart sunk. "God, she has a date," I thought. "Stupid me thinking she's sitting around waiting for my call. Saturday night, like she wouldn't be busy then."

I said, "Well, I'm sorta' working around a babysitter and I know she can't do Sunday. So, maybe some other time. No big deal."

After a pause, Colleen came back. "Let me try to work something out. I'll call you back."

I was about to tell her not to go to any trouble, but Colleen had already clicked off.

"This is not meant to be," I said aloud. "And, I don't even know what 'it' is"

Ten minutes later, the phone chirped again.

"Hey, I got things moved around, so Saturday works great. How about I cook a little dinner?"

"Gosh, I didn't mean for you to change all your plans, and you don't have to go through the trouble of making me dinner..."

Colleen interrupted her. "You didn't make me change plans, I decided to do that because I wanted to do it. And, dinner is no problem. I love cooking for people, especially people I like."

That last comment hung in the air, until Colleen prompted, "Are you still there, Sharon?"

"Yeah. Well, sure, dinner sounds great, as long as it's no trouble. But, you just said it wouldn't be trouble, so I guess it won't be. Right? Anyway, can I bring something? And what time?"

I again amazed myself by sounding like one of my adolescent students.

Colleen laughed gently. "Well, let's say around 6. You can bring your favorite white wine, and wear something pretty. See you on Saturday."

The phone went dead before I could respond. "Did she say wear something pretty? Does she think this is a date? Shit, this is a date. And, I've got nothing to wear."

The next day as Chuck and Bruce drove off to their golf weekend, I dragged baby Alex along to the mall so I could pick out an outfit perfect for...perfect for...perfect for what? "Perfect for a woman to wear who knows she wants to be seduced," I concluded. I called Ellen, my babysitter, from the mall, and asked if she could come earlier. I wanted to get a mani-pedi. Ellen agreed and even offered to come to the mall and pick up Alex. That way, I could stay there and get my nails done.

Ellen arrived and took notice of the bags I had already assembled. She asked if there was something special going on, commenting on the shopping, the mani-pedi, and my obvious nervous state.

"Oh, no, nothing really. Just having dinner with a friend tonight. And, I haven't treated myself to a little TLC in a while," I lied.

Ellen seemed to buy it and then pushed Alex's stroller away. She was the perfect babysitter and kept a child seat in her car so she could drive kids around.

I went to the nails store and enjoyed the hour's worth of attention. As I made my way down one corridor, I passed a hair salon, and on impulse went in. The trendy young man asked what I wanted.

I laughed and said I had no idea. But, I wanted something a little more daring, but not radical. I wanted it to be attractive, but not too much. I wanted it to be noticed, but subtle.

The man smiled and said, "Oh, you want sexy."

I choked, but then realized that was exactly what I wanted.

After the shampoo, cutting and slight tinting and rinsing, I was not sure I was looking at myself in the mirror. My shoulder length brown hair now barely reached my neck and had slight henna highlights. It framed my face and made my eyes stand out, while seeming to give more prominence to my cheekbones. I stared and let the realization creep up on me. I looked sexy.

The young stylist also suggested a couple make-up changes and I left with a new array of eye shadow, rouge and lipstick.

I arrived home with more than a couple bags full of options.

Ellen took one look at me and said, "Wow. Mrs. B. you are looking hot. I love the hair and your make-up."

I blushed and said I wanted a little change.

"Well, you got that. Looking good."

I excused myself and went upstairs. I had a little over two hour to get prepped for dinner.

Drawing a hot bath, I soaked some of the tension out. I left the tub and stood in the shower to rinse off the soap. After drying off, I used my best body lotion to smooth my skin, and bemoaned the little stretch marks on my breasts. Regarding my naked body in front of the full length mirror, I finally admitted, it wasn't too bad. I immediately followed the thought by adding "Not that anyone is going to see this body tonight."

I slipped on my new silk underwear and immediately noticed that I required a serious trim job if I were to wear these panties. Stripping them off, I used scissors and a razor to tame the unruly mess. Now the panties showed no stragglers.

On top I wore a sheer silk bra that matched the practically nude color of my panties. Turning to look at my back, I thought my ass looked good in the new panties.

I had laid out five different outfits on the bed.

"What the hell was "pretty?" I wondered.

After trying and tossing them over a dozen times, I settled on a lightweight dress, belted at the waist that fell just to my knees. The top had a scoop neck that showed just a hint of cleavage. The print was a subdued floral in pinks and lilacs. The pinched waist accented my chest and my long legs helped balance the bottom. The fabric moved seductively over my rear. I opted for no stockings, and wore low heels with open toes to show off my red toenails.