Our Steven, Our Stephanie Ch. 03

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Steven apologizes to Mother...er, Mumsie.
3.1k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/20/2009
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This is part 3 of my second story on Literotica, Our Steven, Our Stephanie. I want to thank all those readers for their words of support and encouragement to continue this effort. I hope you enjoy this chapter and future installments.


The next night after dinner, Steven hesitantly approached his Mother, trying to collect his thoughts and words to make his apology to her sound as sincere as possible. As he did so, he kept wondering,

Why am I so willingly going through with this? How did I let Diane talk me into agreeing to the idea of accepting her hand-me-downs, when yesterday I had so adamantly told Mother no? I mean, the clothes I own are good enough for me, as far as I'm concerned.

Why this sudden push to build up my wardrobe, and why with Diane's things? I mean, wearing my sister's clothes, well, that's just wrong, isn't it?

However, just as he was about to talk himself out of doing what he was about to do, Diane barged into the kitchen and interrupted his thoughts with a question.

"Steven," She started. "The girls and I are having a bit of trouble with a school project we've been working on for our Psych Class. It's almost done, but we need some outside help that we can't get from out of our books, so we were wondering if you could give us a hand with it later tonight, say, around 8:00?"

Being somewhat caught off-guard, having been concentrating so thoroughly on his thoughts concerning his talk with his Mother, Steven barely registered his sister's words. He did understand she needed his help with something and figured that if she was asking him, then she must have felt that it was in his power to be able to assist her.

Thus it was more out of reflex action that he agreed to her request than actually realizing what he was agreeing to.

"Thanks a lot, dearie," she answered sincerely, kissing him on the cheek, and then leaving him there to finish with his Mother.

Before Diane had so surprisingly interrupted him, Steven had just made the firm decision to refuse to wear her hand-me-downs. Yet he wasn't ready to confront his Mother on this issue just yet.

He needed to get his argument just right before he talked to her because he knew she had some valid points about the money and wear on his clothes and all, but he felt she just had to see how wrong it was.

So, having finally changed his mind about confronting his Mother about the hand-me-downs, Steven found that he had, from somewhere, actually gathered up the nerve to defy his sister's directive.

He was about to turn and extricate himself from the delicate situation into which he had nearly placed himself when, as he was attempting to leave, his Mother turned from the kitchen sink and called to him.

"Steven," Vanessa Williams started. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?"

"Uh, um, Mom, uh, that is, I mean Mumsie..." Steven started, and suddenly he knew all the former defiance he'd felt toward her and her desires had just disappeared, gone he knew not where.

His Mother had been washing the dinner dishes and had noticed her son standing nervously by her for some time, seemingly searching for words to use to speak to her about something.

She had noticed he was about to walk away when he was interrupted by Diane's request for his help later tonight Before he got that chance again, Vanessa felt she had to take the bull by the horns by taking the initiative.

"What, dear?" She asked. "Did you say something?"

"Um, yeah, Mumsie," Steven got out. "Uh, About yesterday, Mumsie..."

"Yesterday, dear?" Vanessa asked.

"Yes, Mumsie," he said, then seemed to collapse. "Oh Mumsie, it's just so hard to say!"

At that the young boy hugged his mother for the comfort and strength he needed so badly to continue, and lay his head upon her breast looking into her eyes for love and understanding.

"There, there, my little dumpling," Vanessa cooed, running her fingers softly through her son's rag mop of blond hair. "Why doesn't my widdle Stevie-weevie come and sit on Mumsie's lap and tell me all about it, all right? It must be really important to have you this upset."

She knew very well what he wanted to talk about, but he had made her angry yelling at her like he did, even though she had really agreed with most of what he said and was a bit proud of him for standing up for himself like that, sort of his last vestige of manhood showing itself before it was shot down.

She just didn't approve of the tone he used when he said it, and felt that now she could get some scrumptious payback.

She was also curious where this "Mumsie" stuff was coming from, although she did have an idea, and at the same time, found it somewhat appealing, in a cutesy, sissyish way. And coming from her son like that, it seemed almost, well, right. Yes, right and natural.

Now she only had to see just how far she could take this unexpected, juicy aberration.

"Thank you, Mumsie," Steven said, after releasing her and then sitting gently on her lap.

"That's my good widdle Stevie-weevie," Vanessa started. "Now, let's get you nice and comfy to start with."

With that she raised Steven's hand to his face and pushed his thumb toward his mouth. As if in a trance, he willingly accepted it and began sucking on it, immediately feeling a sense of inner-peace overcoming him.

"Is my widdle Stevie-weevie feeling better now?" Vanessa asked. "Not so embarrassed or worried about things now?"

"No, Mumsie," Steven replied. "I feel much better now. Thanks, Mumsie. I, I love you."

"And Mumsie wuvs her widdle Stevie-weevie too," Vanessa cooed back to her precious son. "Now, what was it you wanted to talk to me about? And Stevie-weevie, when you speak, leave your thumb in your mouth. You can go ahead and talk around it, OK? Do you understand, dear?"

"Uh, yeth, Mumthie," He replied, really blushing now, not understanding why his Mother would ask him to talk like this, thinking he sounded a lot like a baby this way, and wondering how she could understand him.

Still, not wanting to anger her, he was unable to refuse her request. "It'th about latht night, when you brought up the nothun of me weawing thum of Diane'th hand-me-downth, when I got tho angwy at the idea."

"Oh, that," Vanessa said in such a way so as to sound as if she had forgotten the incident until just now. "What about it? What part about that incident could possibly have gotten you so upset, my little dumpling?"

"Well, Mumthie," he started, unable to understand why it was so much easier now to talk about it. "I jutht wanted to thay that I wath thorry about yethterday."

"WHAT!?" Vanessa shouted at the hapless boy on her lap. "You got all tongue-tied and squirmy and embarrassed over trying to come up with an apology for yelling at your Mumsie last night. You are a very naughty widdle boy, Steven!"

"Oh, Mumthie," Steven winced back, not expecting this sudden verbal lashing. "I know I wath bad, I know that I'm a very naughty boy. I jutht wanted to say I was thorry, and ...and...oh, Mumthie."

"So," Vanessa started. "You're apologizing to your Mumsie because you feel bad for yelling at her like the bad little boy you are, but I get the feeling there's something more my little Stevie-weevie wants to tell me, isn't there?"

"No, I mean, yeth, Mumthie," a completely cowed Steven began, feeling the ground opening up beneath him, while at the same time wishing it would swallow him up. "I mean, I gueth I wath apologithing for being thuch a bad, little boy, yelling like I did, but I did altho want to thay that you were right and I wath wrong.

I thould wear thum of Diane'th thingth, in fact I want to wear thum of her thingth, tho you won't be mad at me anymore, tho you'll be proud of me again."

"Well then, my widdle Stevie-weevie," she said. "I apologize for flying off the handle like that, it was wrong of me to do so. In fact, you're right, I am proud of you for reconsidering and changing your mind like that, to do such a noble thing for the family's good.

I'm sure Diane will have plenty of stuff to share with you and you must remember to thank her kindly for everything she gives you.

However, though I'm not angry with you anymore about yesterday's outburst, you must still be disciplined for it, and disciplined you shall be, dearie. And to start, the first thing I want you to is stand up for a minute, dearie, will you do that please?"

"Good. Now, pumpkin," Vanessa said. "I want you to remove your pants and underwear and lay down over my lap for the spanking you realize you so richly deserve."

As she spoke, she was practically wetting her panties as she relished the power she was lording over her hapless child. He's just so easy to manipulate, she thought. It took me a long time to realize what a wimp my boy really is, and by God, that really makes it even more of a turn on to babify and sissify the silly effeminate panty-waist.

As far as I'm concerned, he deserves this for being the sissy-boy that he's turned into, and this is simply further proof why he needs our help and guidance in order to mold him into the best little panty-waisted sissy-boy, and eventually girl, in the neighborhood.

Yessirreee, he says he wants to make me proud of him again and I'm going to show him just what he's going to have to do to earn that pride. At that luscious thought, Vanessa lay her hand upon his trembling butt cheeks.

"Now my widdle Stevie-weevie," she said. "I am going to give you 10 hard spanks here. And as I do, I need you to remember that this hurts poor Mumsie more than it does her bad little boy. Will you do that for me, honey?"

With tears of shame running down his face, as he realized the necessity of this punishment, Steven answered, "Yeth, Mumthie, I'll remember, and I'm tho thorry about that. Please beat me ath hard ath you feel nethethary."

"Don't worry, honey," Vanessa answered evilly. "I will."

At that she lifted her hand high into the air and brought it down hard with a vicious sounding CRACK! Again, SMACK!, as Vanessa brought her hand down a second time.

Then SMACK! CRACK! CRACK! Came three spanks in rapid succession and by then Steven was writhing about in his Mother's lap, moaning in pain. SMACK! SMACK! CRACK! SMACK! CRACK! The last of his 10 spanks were delivered in a rapid tattoo on the poor boy's upturned bottom.

"That's a good widdle Stevie-weevie," Vanessa said. "You took you're punishment well, and I am proud of my little boy. You may get up now."

"Thankth, Mumthie," Steven sobbingly answered as he started to pull up his pants. "Thankth ever tho much."

"Don't, little Stevie-weevie, dear," Vanessa said. "I have something else for you to wear now. And before you go, I'll be needing your help here."

Drying his eyes, Steven said, "I don't underthand, Mumthie?"

She was in the pantry cupboard searching for something when she finally pulled out a large piece of folded cloth. She shook it open and then let it float onto the kitchen table. Then she lifted Steven up onto the table and sat him down on the cloth.

"Lay back, my little one," Vanessa instructed as she walked over to the pantry again and returned with a jar of Vaseline hand cream with aloe, and proceeded to massage it thoroughly over Steven's reddened ass cheeks and then up onto his hairless groin.

Steven was growing more and more embarrassed at this intimate groping his Mother was performing on him and he tried to squirm out of her reach to protect his decency. Vanessa would have none of it however, and gave his upturned butt a few good slaps to calm him down.

"Stop that, Little Stevie," She chastised. "Stop wriggling around so I can finish up here!"

"But Mumthie," Stevie complained.

"Hush, child," Vanessa rebuked, as she whacked him again on his bottom. "Little children should be seen, not heard. Now, stay there until I return."

At that, Vanessa went to her bedroom closet to retrieve a small package and returned to the kitchen to find Steven holding up an edge of the cloth he was lying on and cooing softly as he stared at it incomprehensibly, as though studying the veins of a leaf.

She stepped back between Steven's legs and continued rubbing the Vaseline into his soft flesh. Suddenly she probed his anus with a greased middle finger which, once embedded, she began to slide in and out, in and out, in an amazingly erotic and stimulating manner which thoroughly aroused and at the same time confused the young boy not just because it was happening to him, but also because of who was doing this to him.

Still, even with all the mixed signals going through him, he could not stop the unchecked lust traveling through his teenage body nor stop his cock from hardening embarrassingly right before his Mother's eyes even as she continued her penetrating probe.

Finally, as hard as he tried to keep it from happening, Steven was unable to prevent the inevitable, impending onrush of a massive, rousing orgasm, his come shooting high up onto his chest and stomach, shooting out 4 times before finally coming to a slow trickle and then a gradual drool.

While Steven was moaning in his final throes of pleasure, Vanessa used her free hand to massage his cum into his chest and belly as though it was a moisturizing cream, explaining to him how good the protein was for his skin tone. When finished, she washed up and returned to her boy who was still lying in a daze on the table, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

If our poor boy had only an inkling of the similar number of strange and forbidden acts that were about to be played out on his person in the next few days, he might have found the strength to get up from that table and run with all alacrity from that place.

Alas, being ignorant of such things, he left his care and well-being, that is, his fate, in the loving, capable hands of dear, trusting Mumsie and sister.

And with this misplaced trust firmly entrenched, Vanessa then removed the item from the package she brought from her bedroom. As she pushed the butt plug into Steven's anus, he jumped a bit at first, but otherwise was so exhausted he made no other reaction.

I really meant to start him on this when he was further into his feminine training, Vanessa was thinking. But he seems so much more ready for it than I'd realized, and so much earlier than I'd expected. Maybe the hormones worked faster than I'd figured, making his psyche that much more malleable and agreeable to suggestions from adult figureheads. Hmm.

Next Vanessa took one corner of the cloth Steven was lying on and attached it to the opposite corner up across his body with a safety pin, then did the same with the other 2 corners, making sure the fit of the makeshift diaper was secure. Then she took another item down from the pantry and shook it out and the let it float over Steven's head.

It was a white pinafore apron with red flowers embroidered all around it and with lots of lace panels and ruffles around the edges. After wrapping it around his body, Vanessa tied it together in a big, flouncy bow at the small of his back.

Then she pulled a bright colored scarf from one of the kitchen drawers and pulled it over his head, tying it into a nice bow under his chin, pushing an exposed tendril up into the scarf.

Realizing the look was incomplete, she went back to the same drawer and found the baby's pacifier and placed it into Steven's mouth and patted his cheek lovingly. There, she thought. Much more sanitary than his thumb.

"Now, listen to me, Stevie, child," Vanessa started to explain. "From now on, my widdle Stevie-weevie is going to help me around the house with the household chores. When you do, I am going to dress you like this because I love you like this, and I know that you love dressing like this for me.

"I know the little butt plug is uncomfortable right now," she added. "But you will get used to it in time. Wearing it will give you gentlemanly poise and posture, so you will wear it all the time from now on, not just when you help me with the cleaning.

"And I will be checking on you to be sure you still have it up there," Vanessa continued. "So don't you think you can get away with trying to take it out sometimes. You'll never know when I'm going to check on you. The only time you can remove it is when you have to go poo-poo, but you have to put it back in when you finish.

"Ah, don't pout so, little Stevie-weevie," she consoled. "Now, come on, let me see a smile there. That's it, that's my little munchkin. Sure, all of this will just be a game for us, just between you and me, nobody else, OK, pumpkin?

"The rest of the time, munchkin," she added. "You will just be wearing Diane's hand-me-downs along with your sexy little butt plug, and then only once she has collected them and handed them out to you. And won't that be such fun, little one?"

"Yeth, Mumthie," Steven lisped over his pacifier.

"Good," Vanessa said. "Now, let's get to work then. How about let's start with these dishes I was working on. Here, take these rubber gloves. You wash, I'll dry.

"Oh, Steven, from now on," Vanessa instructed. "When you are sucking on the pacifier, you are only to make baby noises like goo-goo or ga-ga, or such things. Even if I ask you a question, you will answer in baby-like words, understand?"

"Goo, goo," Steven replied blushingly.

"But, without the pacifier," she added. "Dressed like this, you may talk normally but always with a lisp. Do you understand, munckin?"

"Yeth, Mumthie." Steven answered.

"What was that, Stevie-weevie?" Vanessa asked sharply.

"Uh, goo-goo, ga-ga," he replied softly.

"That's a good boy," she cooed.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Nobody should be humiliated that way and treat it like a piece of garbage his sister and made him embarrassed in front of all her friends which is wrong and the mother and sister should be dispended very harshly I know this is a story but it someone may make it a reality

Veronica_E_DayVeronica_E_Dayalmost 2 years ago

Interesting chapter, but a little conflicted and odd. I am not sure how the baby thing ties in with feminization unless it is just to break him down. 💋


JessicaAlexanderJessicaAlexanderover 2 years ago

Totally went sideways in this chapter. The thumb sucking lisp thing was the final straw.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Out of control junk

The infantile crap is ruining a decent story. But NO PENIS NUMBING SHRINKING OR MODIFICATIONS???? BOOOOO

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Moving too fast ...

... it is here that I had to stop reading. Many fantasies are over the top and I like it that way but I cannot suspend my disbelief if a young man reverts so quickly to a babyish state. This story that started out so nice has just become preposterous.

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