Maddy Moo Cow


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She returned the hug that Maddy gave her and waved to the others as she turned and walked away. Evangelina grunted and nosed the all terrain stroller and they slotted into the light but steady stream of entrants to the station. They waited a turn for the elevator and Maddy squeezed next to Evangelina at the rear of the car.

"I think she'll be lotsa fun," Maddy said sotto voce, "but I'm worried."


"Yeah, I think she'll accept me inviting her over, but I'm worried me and Drew'll kill her. She's fit, but well, kinda old and maybe out of practice. He's almost killed me!"

"Uh, Moo Cow, you plan to—-."

"A threesome? Yeah," Maddy said and grinned at the shorter woman. The elevator stopped, dinged and the door opened and the car slowly emptied.

"No. Not her."

"Hey, uh... what?" Maddy froze after a single step and turned to face back Drew had made it to the doorway and stopped, he put an arm out and stopped the doors.

"Hey, c'mon," his voice reflected his confusion as Maddy and Peaches glared at each other, "what's goin' on? Gotta let the car go."

"Each get a veto," Peaches said softly.

"Veto?" Drew asked. Maddy continued to glare before she stepped forward and nudged Drew. He moved outside but held the door until Peaches had cleared the car.

"What's up?" Drew asked again. Maddy grunted but didn't answer. He looked at Peaches as they followed people to the platform. He temporarily slowed his stride to drop alongside the stroller. Maddy glanced over her shoulder and kept her position in the lead.

"We've an agreement," Peaches said in a near whisper, her English clear again, "each get to veto new potential lovers. I'm happy if you two fuck until your genitals catch fire. But that woman? No. Something's up with her."

They stopped on the platform as Maddy stood in front of them with her arms crossed.

"I have terrible intuition about women, least, that's Maddy's opinion of me and I don't disagree. She's already carved the neighborhood women into potential fucks or not. I'm..."

"Flattered," Evangelina had returned, "'least you should be, accept it. She wants to show you off and wants you to have fun while she has her fun too. Go for it. The waitress and the bartender, I'm almost sure'll be fine. Fuck their brains out, both of you. But not that old one."

He opened his mouth but simply shrugged and nodded. He walked over and slid his arm around Maddy's waist.

"Hey, babe, you okay?"

"We'll talk later," she said and slid closer to him and pulled her hat off and leaned under his and kissed him softly. He held her as the crowd squeezed together and a gust of air from the tunnel to their right marked their approaching transportation.

"Edgar's Explorers," Evangelina held out her phone and it beeped as she scanned a QR code.

"Ah, yes," a middle aged black woman at a table under one of a dozen tents looked at her laptop, "four of you. And are you—-."

"This is Edgar," Evangelina said brightly as she nudged the stroller forward. She'd put his plastic framed sunglasses on, but he still had his smile and waved his hands.

"Ah, clearly the brains of the outfit," the woman said.

"Si," Evangelina said. Both of them laughed and Edgar joined in as Maddy and Drew added huffs.

"If I can have all of you scan this code with your phone and tap the app. At each mile, just scan the marker and it'll record your distance."

Drew pulled a phone from the small fanny pack he'd turned to the front and handed it to Maddy and retrieved his own from his rear pocket. They quickly scanned and tapped.

"All set, the walk loops back here, you can collect your 'thank you' rewards based on your distances. Plenty of water stations along the way. Who'll be with Edgar?"

"That'll be Evangelina," Maddy said in a tone that Drew read as her still being upset with Peaches. But she gave the seated woman a smile and put her arm around the 'nanny.'

"For the two of you, all the under tens, use the two mile turnaround and when you come back, it'll count for full. But you two," the seated woman said in her most official tone, "only get one for one. But I see you both have your good shoes on and you're nice and fit. You'll be fine the whole walk."

"Gracias, Senora. Already set," Evangelina held up her phone and grinned.

"Say what?" Maddy asked. Drew chuckled.

"You knew this?" Maddy's question was directed at their nanny.

"Si, patrona. I will walk with my comadres, then we'll take the little ones to the Natural History Museum, see the dinosaurs. It's close by." Evangelina pointed to her left, a woman with olive skin and seemingly a few years younger stood alongside a slightly less accessorized stroller.

"You're all ready to go," the seated woman said, "and, thank you so much. You have such a list of sponsors."

Evangelina pulled the stroller back and pushed it toward the woman she'd indicated. A second woman, of about forty, arrived at the target ahead of them and both looked and waved and Evangelina waved back.

"We don't have to walk with their families, do we?" Drew asked.

"Of course not, jefe. But Edgar will have some playmates to meet up with in that little park, mi comadres are all on our side of the river."

"What if Edgar gets hungry?" Maddy asked.

"Remember the fridge?" Evangelina said and tapped the stroller's handle. "I have plenty. Have a day in the big city."

"C'mon, Drew, let her get on with it. We'll just meet you back at home?"

"Si, patrona. You have keys?"

Maddy snorted and pulled Drew by the arm.

"Bye," he said, "oof."

After half a mile and silence, he noticed Maddy's walk loosen into a smooth long-distance stride. He lagged slightly behind her for a few moments until she noticed and turned her head.

"Enjoying the view?"

"Your ass is amazing. So's your legs. And that dress..."

"Barely covers my fat ass."

"We've discussed this. It's not fat. But, actually," he said, "not entirely covering, you walking like that."

He caught up to her and walked alongside. "I think there's a few in the crowd enjoying it too."

"Good. Too bad I wore undies, then."

"It's a g-string, not like anything in the rear is covered."

She gave a quick hip shimmy then resumed her smooth pace.

They scanned the first mile marker and grabbed drinks from one of the dispensers.

"So," Drew said, "veto?"

Maddy took a deep breath and let it out slowly and looked at him. "I hope you feel the same after this conversation, but I guess now's as good a time as any. We're pretty alone."

He chuckled softly. "There's no better place to be alone than the middle of a crowd."

She reached and took his hand and let the combined arms swing.

"We've always had an open relationship, fuck others so long as we know who it is. Peaches has zero interest in guys, but I've had a few of both. She's had a few outside chicks, few times all three of us together. But her with guys, that's never gonna happen. But anytime we had a tiff I'd always 'threatened' her I was going to find you and we were gonna..."

She squeezed his hand and he squeezed it back.

"Ah, so that's how I fell through the looking glass, found myself in paradise."

She snorted. "I guess if your idea of paradise is a vain, selfish, exhibitionist slut who likes to fuck in public and does ATM and has a baby and a wife but has stupendous tits..."

"Which are perfectly displayed by the dress. And who has an absolutely not fat ass. I've always been more Bruegel than Dante."

She let out a loud and happy laugh. "I thought you slept through your lib arts classes?"

"Nah, that's where the hot chicks were, not in engineering. Especially spring quarter, hot weather and fewer bras and air conditioned rooms. Perfect combo."


"I think that goes without saying. So, uh, you threatened Peaches with me... and your van has plates from, uh, three states away. I'm shit at social media, but I keep up with a few of the folks from out team and the men's teams I played on, but you two... like you don't exist."

This time Maddy did glance quickly around before she spoke softly. "I think Peaches has always been running from the law. Or something."

"Shi... really?"

"I've never met her family, if she even has one, shuts down any discussion. And her Spanish is so smooth... and she's great at accents."

"I noticed. Did Spanish in high school, but she's so far beyond me it's crazy."

"She's never admitted she's on the run... but, I'm not allowed to post pics of her or even MENTION her. So it's easier to just not post. I took Edgar to meet my mom couple months ago, but Peaches has never visited her with me."

"I know your dad died the year before you graduated and moved. Your mom doesn't know about her?"

"She knows I like girls... and boys. My mom gets it, loved dad, but I think if she ever met the right chick...," Maddy chuckled softly and shrugged, "I just told her my 'closest' chick needs to keep it on the down low. But it all kinda changed when I got knocked up."

"Uh, Peaches is nuts about Edgar. She might not like 'guys,' but she loves him."

"You aren't clueless," Maddy laughed and let go of Drew's hand and removed her hat and leaned and kissed him, then restored her hat and added a strut, "goddamn, I shudder to think of the paste she'd turn anyone who got in Edgar's face into! Like I said, I'm vain, selfish... I love him, but... she treasures him."

She followed that with a sigh. Drew rubbed her lower back through the thin cloth of her dress, felt the sweat he knew they both had.

"I've never really thought about kids," he said, "I haven't fully processed whatever Doris meant earlier, but he does kinda look like me. But I think I get it."

"Yeah, got my stomach back... finally. I want MY tits back. I truly am vain."

"Hey, think of the money making potent—." His grunt turned into a laugh when she elbowed him.

"But Doris was right. I dunno how, but both you and Edgar do that little head tilt thing... but I hadn't thought about it before. Fate. Or..."

He nodded. "Let's check in, then..."

They worked their way through the crowd to scan the codes and get drinks.

"Be right back," Maddy said and she went to a nearby porta-potty. Drew did a couple of quick stretches of his calves and looked around. Two miles in and the crowd HAD thinned. Each mile offered a turn-around and it seemed a few had taken it. He was happy it was late June, the humidity and thus the misery climbed in July and August. He looked backwards but didn't see 'Evangelina' and her party. But they'd likely keep up a much slower pace and given their 'two for one' deal they'd turn around at this checkpoint anyway.

He watched Maddy return with bright steps before she met him and stood in a close vee.

"Put this in your fanny pack," she handed him a pastel blue g-string that matched her dress for color if offering a bit more coverage. "Got eight miles, don't wanna get 'em all sweaty."

He chuckled and shook his head but hid them.

"Onward," he said and he took her hand and led them back into the flow, "and... about Peaches and..."

"You know what the 'Madonna-Whore Complex' is?" She asked. His stride faltered for a step and they looked at each other. He nodded.

"Yeah. Guys who... can't deal with their wives or whatever uh, having a baby. Because that means they had to have had sex."

"Close enough," she said and squeezed and released his hand, "turns out lesbians can get it too."

"Uh... huh."

"My thoughts exactly. You've seen her react to sucking on my tits?"

"She's not joking?"

"No. She's serious. We haven't fucked since the doctor told me I definitely had a bun in the oven. Just when MY sex drive went through the roof, I mean, it's normally at eleven, but since I got knocked up, it's at least fifteen. And now you and this..."

She slid to close the distance between them and her hand flashed to grope his crotch. Then she slid to leave a slight gap as they continued to walk.

"Has it up to twenty-five. And I want help! Angie better not flame out..."

"Uh, wait. You and Peaches... but she does most of the care..."

"Yup, she started to nest soon as we got the confirmation. Anyway, I got pretty pissed while ago, told her I was going crazy. Horny as fuck... dealing with these," she cupped her tits, "rubbing my twat raw cuz that's all I had. That's when she asked me 'gonna exercise the Drew option?'"

"Drew option?" He looked at her again rubbed her back and slid close when he saw her guilty smile. "Hey, I'm happy you did."

"She's made us move constantly, all the time. Never lived anywhere long... but... something's off this time. She's NEVER told me to go out and actually draw attention like here. And... with you. If you think me being happy is an act... it ain't. But something's up."

"So you're gonna stay a while?"

"'less you kick us out," she rubbed his back, "but, yeah. Part of my argument was Edgar needs a pediatrician... and friends... and school eventually. But... well, it kinda depends on you, too."

"House a bit small to be permanent..."

"Get a bigger one. I've got a good job and not like we actually pay our nanny. Fact, her freelance shit, she does pretty well, too."

"Well, I'm here, your job..."

"Always been remote. Go to Chicago two or three times a year two weeks each. Otherwise, they don't care. But, uh, you know what a polycule is."

He hummed. "Actually, I do. Former coworker wrote a book about polyamory, he used me as a sounding board over lunch 'does this make sense to a normie?'"

"You, a normie. Hah! Well, then. In our case, a triad, specifically... you, me—."

"And Peaches" he said.. But, uh, not like the sister wives back around the Uni."

Maddy shook her head and laughed. "You'd have to share me. Uh... maybe. I... really dunno what's gonna happen with me and Peaches. But her and Edgar are a team. But it'd never be all three of us in one bed. Or even room."

"I understand. I like her, or maybe it's Evangelina I like. I know there'd be, uh, legal tweaks, you two married."

"Uh, we consider ourselves, but, not actually legal," Maddy said and Drew offered a 'huh?' before she continued, "a pagan witch friend of ours did a ceremony. Ya know, full moon, outdoors, all of us naked. Kinda turned into an orgy."

"Cool. How come I never get invited to weddings like that?"

"But we never filed paperwork. Not even sure our witch friend is a real celebrant..."

"Tomorrow's worry," he shrugged, "but, what about Angie... and..."

"Like Brittany? Keep it in your pants, horndog, I want 'em much as you do. Maybe more. I need me to do some pussy licking," she said as they looked at each other and she stuck her tongue out and waggled the tip, "you're fine at it, but I think you'd rather stick your prick up Angie's ass while she and me sixty-nine each other, and then we flip and you do my ass. Much better goal! Need to work out those rules, too, but I consider those two at least 'grandmothered' in."

He slid his hand down over her ass and goosed it quickly as she shimmied her hips. He removed his hand and she took it in hers.

"I've mentioned all this to Peaches," Maddy said, "'cuz well, we need to stick here and see if it all..."

"Works," Drew said, "whether we can all live together."

"And that's still open," Maddy said, "but she DID agree us coming here. In fact, she's the one found you, gave me your number, all that. Hey, how come no wife? No girlfriend?"

"No one ever stuck," he said, "after SueAnn and me didn't work out and I graduated and moved, I think there was a tall brunette 'near miss' that no one quite matched up to."

She squeezed his hand. "I didn't leave back then because I didn't like... more than like you. I was young... and scared I might lose myself. Or... we were too young. I love what I've had, but I'm older and know more now. I want my cake and to eat it too. But... remember what I told you that first night? Maintenance..."

He held up his free hand and clicked his outstretched index and middle fingers together.

"Yeah. There's Edgar."

"Who looks like me... and, apparently, well..."

"He's six months and a bit, he had control of his neck. That was... wild. It wasn't like his head just flopped. But he wasn't doing that before."

"Check-in," Drew pointed and they veered as he pulled Maddy's phone from his pack, "I like it. Don't even have to queue up to do this now."

"Two more miles and we turn," Maddy said, "think we'll be alone?"

"All but," Drew laughed and they took repeated turns at the water stations, "c'mon, Explorer."

"How does a cub scout become a boy scout?" Maddy asked as she walked alongside but twisted slightly.

"How?" Drew said, deciding to play along.

"He eats a brownie," she flicked up the front of her dress and he laughed at the flashed view of her dark triangle, "OOPS!"

She looked around and offered an apologetic smile. "There's one bitch past you and her husband both definitely saw that. Ah well. I'll cross her off our list, since she just punched him out for drooling."

They regained their pace to outstrip most others and spent the first half mile in silence, his right hand in her left.

"Back to...," Maddy said in a halting tone, "you don't mind Edgar, and you... not having..."

"I think that Edgar's either going to be an amazing soccer player," Drew said, "given the two coaches he's gonna have, or he's going to absolutely hate the sport, given the two coaches he's gonna have."

Maddy laughed, but she slid her hand up his arm and pulled him close. "I'll handle teaching vital how to 'put someone on their ass and step on them' skills. You can teach those useless skills like kicking and passing and trapping."

"But I guess I have to ask," he said and she said 'uh huh,' "the real father. Any relationship?"

"May as well be now," Maddy pulled him close then released him so there was a bit of space, "he has, uh, three 'uncles.' You'll probably meet them someday, they're not like, uh, close. But they were, are, friends."

"Three? Okay. Didn't expect that."

"They're all, oh, gay. Well, mostly. Just bi enough they didn't mind fucking a brunette with a quim. Peaches found, uh, like a few. I whittled the list down and... hell. Didn't realize it, but as soon as I saw you again when we got here, they all resemble you. Not like twins or brothers, but..."

She trailed off and shrugged.

"Ah, my demonic will at work," he said. She laughed.

"I'm the one 'posed to be satanic," she said, "but, yeah. Anyway, when Peaches figured I was peak fertile, I just pulled a train over a long weekend with them. They each creampied me as many times as they could all weekend. So, THEY don't know which one, WE don't know which one. That was the idea."

"Well," he drawled, "that's one way. Wonder if SueAnn did that..."

"Nah, they did the sperm donor thing, turkey baster. Yeah, I asked," Maddy shrugged, "that was the last time I had sex with a guy before getting here! Ah, fuck, it was the last time I had sex with ANYONE other than my HAND! Until you and your satanic member prevented me from murdering someone."

She wrapped her arms around him and there were a few faltering steps before they kissed, despite the interference of two sun hats. She released him and they regained their strides.

"Glad to be of service," he said.

"Only thing I was disappointed about that weekend," she said, "was bitch Peaches wouldn't let all three get me airtight all at once! I mean, c'mon. Last day, just one round, not like any more cum'd've fit in my gash anyway by then! But, no. She said mouth and ass were off limits. So... yeah... been even longer for certain things. You, uh, don't mind?"

"Not like I have room to grump, I've had a couple of threesomes..."

They veered and easily scanned the mile markers in the thinned crowd.

They walked in silence for a few minutes into their last mile before the turnaround. Maddy slid close and spoke softly.