Maddy Moo Cow


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"Of course," Peaches said with a pitch perfect Hispanic accent added to her English, "I'm the poor nanny, dragged to this country and forced into servitude to this succubus to raise her demon spawn until he subjugates all of humanity."

Maddy looked at her and stuck her tongue out before she resumed her assault on Drew.

"Anyway," Peaches continued with her accented voice, "dark eyes, dark hair, pale skin, black leathery wings, horns, both of them... and you Drew, close enough to that everyone will have no doubt you put that little devil in her. Me, I'll just be walking with the other Hispanic nannies and we'll all be talking shit, in Spanish, about our families. I'll trade SO much blackmail material, share it around."

"Uh, what? You can't do—," Drew started as Peaches grinned with her hands held on her hips before Maddy spoke in a breathy tone and nudged Drew to stand as her hands stroked his erection.

"Yagh, I don't wanna see that thing AGAIN. Yesterday was enough."

"'Course she can do that, bitch is beyond fluent. Okay, Evangelina, clean up in here and I'm gonna have this," she wagged Drew's cock up and down, "fuck me while we take a shower before the two of us go to our JOBs so we can earn the pittance we pay our charwoman. And, there's a set of sheets that need washing."

"Madre de Dios, una morbosa," Peaches again adopted the accent, "from the smell, the whole room needs to be nuked from orbit. Just to be safe."

"Suit yourself, niñera," Maddy said as she stuck out her tongue, turned and held Drew's cock with her left hand and led him into the hallway.

"Thanks for breakfast," he said over his shoulder, "it was great!"

Miles & More

Drew floated in the netherworld of being neither asleep nor awake after he'd crawled back into bed following a trip to the toilet. June meant that the window already had a soft glow around it, but not so much that letting sleep take him again wouldn't be amiss on a Saturday morning. He slid his feet under the top sheet but left it covering only the lower halves of his shins, his back was sticky, along with the sheet under him, no need to double that...

Whether the bedroom door being opened was real or a regained dream was not of interest.

The lips that met his took a moment before they convinced him they were not a dream. His eyes flicked open, but saw nothing but smooth, pale skin and black hair.

His confused assessment of the angle of the lips that moved slowly with and against his was clarified when he gained control of his arms and found the tops of naked shoulders. He rubbed at them and across lats that'd drawn plenty of hooded and hungry stares at his gym after work on Thursday.

Or had the stares been due to the exercise bra and shorts that covered only enough to both be 'acceptable,' if only just, and to support? Some of the laughter had no doubt been caused by the muttered imprecations and complaints about 'ai, ai, ai, mi familia, que desgracias' in colloquial Spanish offered up by the third member of their party and clearly understood by plenty of others, employees and exercisers both. The fourth member of their party, smaller even than the kvetcher, had laughed and smiled at others like him in the gym's creche in the bliss of their shared ignorance of the happenings on the gym floor. Like this house, the fact this new gym he'd chosen had a creche hadn't been a conscious factor at the time. But he HAD chosen it over another which lacked such a feature for no reason he could state.

No matter. He kneaded lats as the kiss stayed slow. Lips and tongues caressed and avoided the battles for territory that'd been commonplace a few hours earlier. A hand roamed across his chest before it rolled each nipple in turn between finger and thumb, before it followed the thin trail of hair and passed through the pubic hair that'd been trimmed short after they'd all returned home from the gym. Multiple fingers caressed the glans, which maintained its slight squishiness even with the rest of the appendage fully aroused.

"You woke up alone again," the initial kiss broken, the mouth roamed across unshaven cheeks with light kisses between words. The tone was soft, but he thought there was some extra emotion in it.

"I know what waking up alone's like," he said softly as he responded with his own light kisses, "and this ain't it."

"You don't mind?"

"I'm liking gettin' used to this. Whatever this is."

She slid fingers and squeezed his erection. "This likes whatever this is. Slide."

He offered a soft 'huh' that became a 'uh huh' as he rotated slightly to move to a diagonal across the bed. He turned his head each way to quickly nibble at her nipples as she kissed down his chest and the mattress moved as her knees settled on it and her legs straddled him as they kissed passing torsos.

The momentary thought he'd had when she'd appeared had been that he hadn't yet showered. It'd been of diminishing concern as she'd crawled over him and that she'd smoothly swallowed his entire erection had settled it. He inhaled before he swirled his tongue around her large clit, a position that she'd previously denied him.

Her pubic hair, trimmed as his was now, also matched with its matting and stickiness, she'd not showered either became instantly clear. Good for the goose, good for the gander.

He let his tongue rest just between the labia majora before he pushed it into her as far as possible. She reacted by dropping her crotch so he had little choice but to bury his face in her snatch.

Not that he wanted it anywhere else, as he swirled his tongue against each side of her slit and she shimmied to invite his tongue to explore as his hips helped pump his prick in and out of her mouth. He mewled when her mouth abandoned its place and his tongue was left exposed. The former was rewarded when it was quickly nestled between her incomparable tits and his tongue forgot its disappointment with the view he had of her ass.

He ran his hands along each of her thighs as she slid further, before she reached between her legs and grabbed his cock. He grunted and shifted as she pulled it, her ass rose slightly and he moaned as his shaft disappeared.

"Ah, my gash needs that," she said in a rasped timbre.

"Maddy, babe, my prick needs that, too, and that is one awesome view," he said as he kneaded her ass cheeks as her gash revealed and his his prick as her legs flexed her body back and forth.

"It's fat," she said, her tone slightly less certain. He squeezed her 'fat' ass and laughed.

"I kinda think my cock reflects what I think of the view," he said as he added small flexes to assist her pumps. It was again as hard as it had been with most any woman he'd been with. Anytime.

"Sick bastard, lucky me," she said with an amused tone, "you find the bottle?"

"Uh," he said but instantly realized what she meant and reached along his right side. Lube.

"Got an idea what you could do with that?" She added an extra shimmy which just tightened the grip her pussy had on his cock.

He released her ass and lubed his right fingers. He slid them through the sweet cleft between her ass cheeks and slid them over her rosebud as she fucked him. He put his index finger at that entrance and pulled his finger to simply rest there as she pushed and his entire prick was buried in her other opening.

She growled. "Teasing bastard," her voice again the deep rasp that he'd never known she had and she pressed harder then let out a yelp when with a deft move he rammed not only the index finger but the middle finger as well past her ring.

"'Bout time," she rasped. He let her lead and pumped his hips and fingers.

"Ooohhh, wow, I've never felt... this... before," he said as the feeling was a sexual bookend to her almost-fisting herself in the park. She let out grunts and he admired the range of muscles that flexed as they fucked.

"I... hope you... realize... what's... about to happen is ALL your fault, you sick mother fucker," she rasped out as she kept moving.

"Uh, what's about to—-," he yelped as his cock and fingers sprang free and droplets flew across her butt and both of their thighs as she jerked forward. She quickly shifted slightly at the same time he heard a buzzing sound.

"Lube it... go... go," she commanded and he realized what she meant. He uncapped the lube and quickly greased his hard prick. He clicked the bottle shut and set it aside and his left hand went to her hip and his right aimed the intruder as he steadied her. When she felt the bulbous head at her rear entrance both moaned as she pushed herself back.

"Ooohhh, aaahhh...," he grunted as she fully absorbed his flesh into hers, "now THAT is a beautiful sight."

"You... getting... ah, yum... obsessed with my fat ass?" She rose and fell in a slow cadence as he watched his prick disappear and reappear as her glutes and back flexed.

"I'm already obsessed... and it's not fat. What's that sound?"

She pushed down and rested on him as he stroked and rubbed her back and butt.

"Like I said, this is all YOUR fault, you sick fuck," she said as she shuffled her legs slightly wider and scrunched over, but kept her ass on him, "that I'm forced to do this."

"What the...," he knew her hand had gone between her legs, he'd at first assumed she'd again finger herself while he was in her ass. He moaned as the buzzing sound was deadened and replaced by a rippling vibration that brushed against his balls before he felt it elsewhere.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck...," she said in an even slower and raspier tone than she'd managed as the vibration ran along the underside of his hidden cock and through a couple of thin layers of flesh. After a moment the only movement was the vibrator that she'd pushed into her pussy. Then she rose slowly and a shiver that started in his hidden cock ran through his body.

"You... gotta... mo...," she said and he responded. He flexed his glutes and lower back and reburied his cock in her ass as the vibrator moved.

He moaned and let out a slight grunt before he shifted his arms for better leverage as she made a slight adjustment and settled into position, only her arm moved as she completed her double penetration. Flesh in back, plastic in front as she repeatedly brushed against his nuts.

"How... is... this my... fault?" He spared minimal breath, but his brain wanted an answer despite the most exquisite pressure and view he'd ever had with a woman. Any woman. Live or in his craziest fantasies.

"Your... fucking printer... Peaches made this... you let her... testing... gah...," Maddy gasped between pants and moans as the movement of her arm coaxed him to up his own pace.

By unspoken agreement, further communication devolved to pre-verbal methods as all but the deepest, most primitive portions of their brains gave in to the pleasure. Drew's sinuous movement to plumb the depths of his lover's colon, where each stroke found a second, mechanical intruder that fought for its place in Maddy's body, led them both to shake. He felt the oxygen debt grow, knew it intimately from a life of sports, but no runner's high had ever been tripled by the sight of complementary muscles that rippled across hips and butt and back.

"I...," she said in a hoarse, choppy, raspy near-bass, "can't... gotta cu..."

He upped his pace, knew it was a death march, but there was nowhere else this was going to end. It wasn't with the pace and power he'd hit in the park, and in this bed, but with the doubled pressure and the lactic acid, it was pain that morphed to pleasure.

"AAAHHH, FU—-," she chopped off the words as a rippling spasm ran up her body and her legs jerked her to rise.

"Ooops," he snapped as he tried to follow her. Hot liquid gushed from her body as the full buzzing sound was again restored when she withdrew it as he slammed forward. He let out a snapped sound as her ass clamped around his cock as hard as any he'd felt. Another spasm hit as he saw the dildo bounce where she'd tossed it and her fingers apparently went to her clit to coax more orgasms from her tortured gash and she lifted enough for him to resume a rapid and escalating series of strokes into her ass as her flesh quivered and shook.

"AAAHHH, yes," he started, "AAAIII."

His surprise was real as she flew upward and left the bed with an animal grunt and she spun to land.

"Mine," she commanded as she landed on her knees and her right hand grabbed the base of his cock as sweat and lube flew wildly. That was his last sight before he eyes closed with the force of his own climax as her mouth wrapped around his prick and she swallowed it until her mouth met her hand.

"Shi... fu..., aaahhh," his hips flexed as he pumped cum into Maddy's mouth. He grabbed her hair with both hands and pumped her head up and down and her hand left his shaft and both arms wrapped his hips as he added their jerks to the overall movement. She made audible swallowing sounds as her cheeks and tongue coaxed him to a series of orgasms.

"Stop... done...," he held her head steady, his cock fully in her mouth and felt her tongue and throat continue to swallow until there was no more. He released her hair and his hands went to her back as her head rose and he encouraged her to crawl on top of him.

"You kissed me before," she said as her face loomed above his, "but I'm a dirty, nasty girl."

He smiled and pulled her down.

Unlike the kiss that'd started this session, the brutality was unsparing. Tongues and lips neither offered nor asked for quarter. She squirmed and rubbed her breasts against his chest and his cock decided it shouldn't get soft after all as it was squeezed between bodies.

"Ai ai ai, que desgracias. I have never seen such a disgusting thing!"

Two sets of eyes popped open at a slapping sound and the intrusion of some sort of hard smooth round stick shoved between them.

"Like separating boards nailed together," Peaches added a vocal grunt as Maddy's head rose. She twisted her head and Drew looked up.

Peaches added a second grunt as she 'levered' Maddy up. The brunette offered a closed-mouth growl as she slid to lay alongside her lover.

"Yech, there's that thing AGAIN, all hard and gooey," Peaches said as she took two shuffled steps back.

"Your fault," Maddy said in a sing-song tone, "I had it nicely hidden 'fore you got here."

"Hidden. HAH! I saw HOW you had it hidden. You need to wash your mouth out with soap. Both of you," she punctuated that with a hard slap of her stick against her open left palm.

Maddy laughed. "C'mon, gimme a kiss. I was testing YOUR dildo."

"Bleeeeech, I asked YOU to test it," Peaches said and added vomiting sounds, "you two disgusting fuckweasels are late."

She pointed behind her with her stick. "If you haven't forgotten, we have DUTIES today. Many people counting on us. We have a time slot to hit. Get your perverted asses in the shower now. Breakfast in fifteen. Don't be late."

She spun on her heel like a drill sergeant and marched out of the room. For a moment, the only sound was the still buzzing vibrator. Maddy reached and flicked it off.

"Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS," Drew said. Maddy laughed but nodded then kissed him and slid off the bed to an initially shaky start.

"You dunno the half of it," she took Drew's hand and led him toward the bathroom.

"Are these solar cells?" Drew ran his hand along the edge of the target of his question. "On a stroller?"

"Si, jefe," Peaches said as she pushed the stroller and Maddy snorted alongside Drew, "they supplement the batteries in the bottom that run the cooling fan and the little fridge."

"Fan? Fridge"

Drew bent to look under the extended hood and saw Edgar's smiling face. Above and behind him were two small fans, neither spun at the moment. The baby's attention went back to the colorful dinosaurs that covered the underside of the hood.

"Where has this been, you two? I've seen the little one you used for the gym and walks around the block." He looked at Maddy, who shrugged, then at Peaches. No, at Evangelina.

"In the garage you don't use," she said with her accent set to 'mild' as they walked along the sidewalk, "ain't stock. Like the solar panels. And the tires are custom, too. All patent pending and I'm in negotiations with the company to license 'em."

"Don't use the garage 'cuz I haven't bothered to buy a new car, plenty of share cars in the lot you guys have your van. But... custom? This thing could traverse the Sahara."

"That's the intent, nothing but the best for Moo Cow's little hell spawn."

Maddy snorted again. Then she pointed ahead. "Hey, Doris!"

The older woman stopped a half block ahead of them at the corner, having just arrived from behind a building to the right. She turned and after a moment smiled and waved and ignored the changed light as a couple of other pedestrians crossed.

Maddy quickstepped ahead but Drew kept pace with Peaches. He glanced quickly at what he thought was a huffed exhale but when he looked the woman wore a neutral expression. Ahead, Maddy bent slightly and gave Doris a quick hug before they both turned to watch the others arrive.

"Ah, the whole family," Doris said as the Peaches and Drew stopped near her, "and, oh. Isn't he a handsome one."

She bent slightly to get a better view of Edgar.

"Doris, this is Edgar," the baby smiled at her for a moment before his attention again went to the dinosaurs. Doris looked up at Drew, then back at Edgar, whose attention returned to her. She stood straight.

"You two," she glanced at Maddy then at Drew, "need to have at least three or four of these. You two are as lovely as it gets and he's the spit of both of you. Look."

She gestured for Maddy to look at Drew then at Edgar.

"See," Doris said, "both of them. They do that little head tilt to the right when they smile at you."

"Uh... holy shit," Maddy said as her gaze replicated the older woman's, "she's right. That's... freaky."

"What?" Drew looked at the two women in turn, then turned to Peaches, who shrugged before she spoke and put her arm on his shoulder. Maddy had an odd expression.

"We know how that little devil got inside of our Moo Cow then," Evangelina said. Doris looked at her.

"Ah," Maddy said, "Doris, this is Evangelina. She's our new nanny. We just snuck her over the border. After one night with our little demon there, our friend left town squealing rubber."

The crossing signal chimed as the light changed. Evangelina laughed but nodded and shrugged again.

"Fortunately, I arrived just in time. Go, we're on a schedule," Evangelina said. Doris and Maddy turned and led them across the street.

"Big day in the city? All of you all dressed up and that's a beautiful dress, Maddy." Doris asked as they made the far sidewalk and fell in with other pedestrians headed in the same direction.

"'Nother one of my favorites I can finally fit in again, mostly," Maddy spun as she walked and it flared then she put her hands on her stomach before she slid them a bit higher, "but kinda... uh, tight. But I WILL have MY tits back in a bit. Kinda overflowing up top still."

"We were looking into a possible side hustle for Maddy last night, just in case," Drew said, "got the idea from a movie—-."

"Careful what you wish for...," Maddy stuck her tongue out at Drew, "but we're all going across the river, gonna do the cancer walk thing. Got our sun hats and walking feet on."

She did a few goose steps to show off her white trainers before she stopped alongside a large 'T' that jutted above the sidewalk. "Ah, here we are, Grove Square Station."

"Such good citizens, glad you're in my neighborhood," Doris said, "not sure I'm up to that anymore. Ah, still time to add me to sponsor you?"

"Still time, ma'am," Evangelina said, "we're 'Edgar's Explorers.'"

Doris tapped her purse. "Instead of the GDP of Botswana, I'll do that. I'm meeting some friends for coffee, I'll get them all to sign up."