Living Life Vicariously


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"And what did she say to that?" I asked breathlessly, my stomach muscles clenching and unclenching fiercely.

"She said no but I said I needed to check for myself," he grinned.

"And ..."

"She allowed me to have a good grope just to make sure," he said shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, "and she was being honest ... she wasn't."

"And then what ..."

"You interrupted," he replied, "but not before I asked her if she would wear stockings for me one day ... like next Monday for instance."

"You didn't? What did she say?"

"Nothing, she just went bright red and then you came in."

* * *

The following day was Saturday and I bumped into Dawn at the supermarket. She was on her own. Marty hates shopping. As usual she looked sensational, tight jeans and a tee shirt that clung to and highlighted her large chest. We chatted for a while about Marty and the kids before she dropped Neil's name into the conversation.

"This Neil guy at work, you seem to spend quite a bit of time in his company, what do you think about him?" she asked, nervously fiddling with the ends of her long hair as she spoke.

"He's okay," I replied. "Why?"

"Don't you think he's a bit creepy?" she said pulling a face.

"No ... well I suppose he's not the best looking guy the world's ever seen," I snickered.

"I've noticed him looking at me funny," Dawn said as she continued to fiddle about with the ends of her hair. She was now repeatedly twisting it around in her fingers.

"Lots of men look at you funny Dawn. You're a beautiful woman," I replied genuinely.

"Yes I know but everywhere I go he seems to be there trying to touch me. Even in meetings he always sits next to me and never misses an opportunity to push his leg against mine and put his hand on my knee or higher. I'm sure if he got the chance to straddle me he would," she added.

"Well if you feel that his actions have been inappropriate, it could be construed as sexual harassment. Do you want to report him to HR?"

"No ... no ... it's nothing that bad. Not enough to report him anyway. Maybe I'm just being silly. I'm sure he'll eventually settle down and behave himself," she said hurriedly.

I looked at her and could see she was blushing. As well she should be. She had been somewhat economical with the truth but of course she didn't know that I was an integral part of Neil's attempt to seduce her.

* * *

It was a few days later and I'd told Neil that he needed to tone down his actions regarding Dawn or there was a distinct possibility he would get hauled in front of the HR department boss on a sexual harassment charge.

I did some research on the internet and told him that we needed to change our game plan if we wanted him to succeed in his seduction of Dawn. I gave him some ideas and he said he'd give it some thought.

A few nights later and most of our colleagues decamped to a nearby bar for a drink or two after work to celebrate hump day. Dawn came with us, a rarity for her but Neil had specifically asked me to make sure she was going to be there so I had cajoled her into attending.

We'd been there for a couple of hours, all of us drinking steadily when some roughneck guy, who I'd not seen come in, decided to make a play for Dawn as she went to the bathroom. He was clearly drunk and for a moment it looked like things were going to turn nasty.

Dawn was shaking as the roughneck tried to grab hold of her to give her a kiss, groping her breasts as he did so. Before anyone else could react, Neil was there. He grabbed the guy and turned him around. The guy took an almighty swing at him but Neil ducked and he missed.

I got to Dawn and moved her away as Neil started to talk to the man. He was still waving his arms around looking like he wanted to hit someone but eventually Neil calmed him down. He even appeared contrite when he called out his apologies to Dawn as he left the bar.

She was stood next to me when Neil came over to ask if she was okay. She was still shaking but not as badly as she had been a few minutes earlier.

"Thank you so much," she enthused, her voice cracking with emotion, "I didn't know what to do? How did you get him to stop and then leave?"

Neil shrugged his shoulders. "I'd like to say he was scared of me but we both know that would be a lie." He smiled and I noticed Dawn smiled with him.

"Luckily I know him. Not really well but enough to know he's not usually like that. He was drunk. When he finally calmed himself down and recognized me he said he would leave but asked me to apologize to you. He said he was overcome with your beauty and just couldn't resist trying to kiss you." He smiled cheekily. "And who could blame him."

Dawn smiled broadly, even in her state of shock she was obviously pleased with the chivalrous act and then receiving such a nice compliment.

"Well that was lucky for me," she said. "Can I buy you a drink to thank you?" She turned towards the bar, raising her arm to attract the barman's attention.

"No ... that's okay," Neil replied, "it was no big deal. I have to go now. No doubt I'll see you at work tomorrow."

And with that he left. It was a fantastic acting performance by all involved. Of course I was in on it from the start. And it got the desired result. As an open mouthed Dawn watched Neil leave the bar I could see her curiosity had been aroused because she was now faced with the thought that maybe she had misjudged Neil and perhaps he wasn't the cocky, total pussy-hound she'd taken him to be.

This was going to get interesting.

Neil did see Dawn at work the next day. She made a point of searching him out and sitting with him at the morning coffee break. And then she sat with him at lunch as well.

When I finally managed to speak to him he informed me that they chatted mainly about work although they had discussed other things as well. He had not made any attempt to be suggestive or rude and had kept his hands to himself although he admitted he badly wanted to kiss her when she leaned closer to him to tell him something in confidence.

As the days went by I saw Dawn begin to become more comfortable around Neil. I even noticed him put his hand on her backside on the odd occasion, which would normally earn the culprit a strong rebuke but Dawn didn't seem to notice or react to the inappropriate touching. In fact it was more the opposite. She seemed to welcome it.

* * *

It was slow and steady progress but I was eager to speed things up a bit. I'd asked Neil how he'd managed to seduce some of his previous victims, especially the married ones. He told me that he dabbled in photography and had a small studio set up in his apartment where from time to time he took on some commissioned work. He hadn't wanted this as a full time job as he found the daily routine to be a drag. He found taking family portraits and wedding photographs to be boring and was not his idea of a worthwhile career.

Some time later I was talking to Dawn privately in her office. It was coming up to Marty's forty sixth birthday and she didn't know what to get him as a present. He had most toys a man of his age would want apart from a motorbike. And despite his pleas that he would be careful, Dawn steadfastly refused to let him have one.

I'd jacked off that morning to the picture of her in her lingerie and in a flash my fertile mind became alive to a possibility of how to move her seduction along.

I knew they'd had a family portrait done some years previously as it was hanging on the wall in their living room. But that had been taken years ago when the kids were little.

"How about a family portrait of you , Josh and Jessie to give to Marty?" I suggested. "It's been a while since you had one done."

She looked at me a little pensively. "Well I'm not sure," she said, "It doesn't seem much of a present to give to him."

I thought about it for a moment or two and then it came to me. "You could always make it more interesting."

She looked at me curiously.

"What's Marty's favorite thing in the whole wide world, apart from you and the kids obviously?" I said smiling.

"The Green ... Bay ... Packers?" she answered slowly, almost reluctant to utter the words. Yeah, it was true. He loved the Packers. We live in Florida. He was born in Tampa. Go figure.

"Correct," I said gleefully. "So think about this. The picture would be of you, Josh and Jessie wearing Packer shirts stood outside Lambeau Field. Marty would love it."

"I am not going all the way to Wisconsin to have my photograph taken," Dawn stated firmly.

"You don't have to Dawn," I laughed, "the photographer can use Lambeau Field as a background and photoshop your picture onto it. Or vice versa. The process is so good these days people would have a hard time proving you weren't actually there."

"But it won't be possible to get us all together in time. Josh isn't due to come home for weeks," Dawn said.

"No problem," I said feeling anything but confident now, "you've got a recent photo of Josh, haven't you?" ... she nodded her affirmation ... "then I'm sure the photographer will be able to use that and photoshop a picture of Packer's shirts onto all of you."

"But have we got the time?" she asked, "where are we going to find a photographer at such short notice and one that can do all those things quickly. It's not going to be possible Carl. We'll have to think of something else."

I paused briefly and pursed my lips. "There may be a way to get it done in time," I said.

"How?" Dawn leaned forward, still clearly interested in the idea of the photograph.

"We could find someone who is a keen amateur photographer, one who has all the right gear and knows how to use it. He's a professional in every way except that he doesn't want to make it his career."

"So do you know of anyone like that?" Dawn asked.

"As a matter of fact I do," I replied with a faint smile, "and you know him too. It's Neil ... Neil Madison."

"Really, Neil's a photographer?" Dawn exclaimed, slightly taken aback. "He doesn't look the type. Have you seen any of his work? Is he any good?"

"Yes I have and yes he is," I replied. "He's shown me a number of his books. He takes all sorts of photos. Still life, action shots, portraits, landscapes, glamour models."

I'd hesitated briefly before throwing that last one out. I was hoping to see a reaction. And there it was. A sudden and soft intake of breath, so subtle you had to be listening for it to hear it. She swallowed and shifted her position in her chair as if she was uncomfortable.

"So what do you think? Should I ask him if he'd be interested?"

"I ... I suppose so," Dawn stammered, "Although it is short notice."

I decided to play with her mind a bit before I left. I was hoping to get her thinking.

"Dawn, have you thought what you're going to get Marty for his birthday? I ask this because presumably the family portrait will be a gift from Josh and Jessie. Had you something else in mind ... something more personal?"

She returned my look with a blank stare.

"I take it that's a no then." I paused briefly. "I was thinking; and you can tell me to go to hell if you like; but have you ever considered doing some, shall we say, risqué photographs for Marty? You know, shots of you in lingerie and varying degrees of undress? Something tasteful but erotic. I'm sure Marty would love it. I only ask because Neil showed me some of the stuff he's taken in the past. They were really good and very artistic."

I relaxed back into my chair, my heart was pounding away in my chest as I waited for the explosion I was sure was about to come.

Dawn looked at me as if I had two heads but I noticed her neck was flushed. And she was fidgeting about in her seat.

"I ... I ... I hadn't ... thought ... in ... in the past ... maybe ..." she stammered away, lying through her pretty white teeth to me.

"Well how about now? You've hinted that Marty needs a bomb up his ass these days. Maybe seeing erotic but tasteful shots of you, might get his motor revving again."

"I ... I ... couldn't. Who'd want to see this flabby forty two year old body anyway?"

I smiled benignly. "Who are you kidding Dawn? You look sensational - and you know it. And your body is far from flabby. Besides - I thought you were only twenty eight."

She gave me that deep throaty laugh that I love to hear and my cock got hard instantly. I crossed my legs to hide my embarrassment.

"Look, why don't I get hold of Neil and set something up. For the family portrait," I added, seeing her look of instant panic.

* * *

The following evening saw all three of us at Neil's apartment. Dawn had decided not to bring Jessie or indeed tell her about the photograph. She mumbled that she couldn't trust Jessie not to blurt out what the present was going to be or some such excuse.

Dawn was dressed really nice for a simple torso shoot. High heels, a skirt and a form fitting top that showed her breasts off to their optimum best. And she smelled really good too.

Neil put her at ease immediately and started clicking away with his top of the range digital camera. It looked really expensive. In fact all his gear did. I think Dawn noticed that as well and it seemed to put to bed any misgivings she may have had about whether Neil was more than just an average amateur.

It didn't take long and soon Neil was playing around with his photo-shopping software creating the perfect picture. He cracked open a bottle of wine. I'd had a glass and then made my excuses and left.

Except that I hadn't. I made a big show of leaving but then crept back inside and went into a small room that Neil had created by making his bedroom slightly smaller. It was crammed with large screens and video recording equipment.

Unknown to Dawn the living room and bedroom had a number of small camera's secreted away that gave coverage of every square inch. The definition was spectacular.

I'd already had a mini run through previously but played around for a minute or two familiarizing myself again with the controls. I zoomed in on Dawn. The definition was that good as I could clearly see the thin line of moisture above her top lip.

She and Neil were standing quite close together as he was flipping through his books of photographs. I noticed that he'd cleverly positioned himself so that Dawn had to lean into him to look. Her breasts were pushed firmly against his arm. He must have been loving that.

I flicked up a switch and turned the control knob until I could hear them speaking.

Neil had paused and was refilling Dawn's wine glass. She had now picked up the book and was flicking through the pages.

He handed the glass to her and leaned in to see what she was now looking at. She took a sip of her wine and then a second. "This is really nice wine," she said.

"So those are just some of the family portraits I've done in the past," Neil said as he closed the book. He reached for another and opened it for her. "This is one of landscapes."

Dawn flicked through the pages. "They're really very good. Carl was right. You're very talented." She closed it up as he opened another one.

"These are my still life photos. Boring really, I much prefer real life, if you know what I mean." He closed the book and made to move away.

"What's this one?" Dawn asked, reaching over to pick up another much thicker book. Quick as a flash Neil moved back and put his hand down over it, holding it in place.

"I don't think you need to look in that one," he said. Cunning bastard. He was good. And he got the reaction he wanted.

"Really ... got something to hide have we Mr Madison?" Dawn said with a gleeful smile. She took another deep sip of her wine. She'd nearly finished it.

"Not at all," he replied with a faint smile as he topped her glass up, "It's just that I don't think you'll like what you see if you open it."

"I think I should be the judge of that," Dawn replied playfully. She took another long sip of her wine and opened the book. I zoomed in closer and could see they were the glamour photographs. I'd already seen them so knew what she was looking at. The early ones were relatively tame. It all depended on how far she went through the book.

"Ohhh ..." she exclaimed as she looked at the first few photos. "You took these?" Neil nodded his head.

"They're very ... tasteful," she added as she carried on flicking through the pages. I noticed she wasn't turning them as quickly as she had the previous books.

I zoomed in on her face. Her eyes were wide open and her lips were visibly twitching as each page she turned became more and more revealing. And she still hadn't reached the explicit stuff yet. She took another healthy sip of her wine and then another, this time emptying her glass. Neil took it from her.

"So ... do you think you could let yourself be photographed like that?" Neil said as his arm closed around her waist. He pulled her into his hip.

"I ... I don't know," Dawn gasped. Neil's hand had slipped lower and was now moving in small circles around her curvy ass.

"I think you could ... and what's more I think you want to. Just think Dawn, your husband would go wild if you gave him some boudoir shots like these."

Dawn hesitated but then jolted as Neil squeezed her ass.

"Or maybe it's not your thing." He let go of her and took a step away. "Not every woman who thinks they can do it actually goes through with it. It overwhelms their sense of propriety."

"I've had pictures taken in the past," she blurted out, "so ..."

"... so you know what it entails," Neil interrupted her, grinning inanely as she finally admitted what he already knew because I'd shown him the picture I'd found.

"Shall we say we'll meet here tomorrow night? We can do some shots. See how they turn out. I promise they'll be good and I'm sure your husband will love them."

"I ... I ..."

"Bring an assortment of your best clothes and shoes. We can start it off slow but also don't forget your best lingerie, just in case you want to reveal a little bit more," Neil said in a matter-of-fact way. "Shall we say seven o'clock?"

Later that night when I got home I jacked off to the image of Dawn on the big screen. My stomach was in knots as I came like a geyser, spraying my sperm everywhere and coating my bedding with copious amounts of it. It was that bad I had to change my sheets. I couldn't wait for tomorrow night.

* * *

I was at Neil's apartment by six thirty. I'd parked my car a couple of blocks away out of sight. Dawn was not to know I was there. I was to be hidden away in the little room watching and filming Neil hopefully fucking my best friend's wife. I could barely control my excitement.

I asked him how he was going to play this and he just smiled and said he always played it by ear. There was no great master plan, he just reacted to each situation as it unfolded.

He asked me if she really was that dissatisfied with her married life and I answered truthfully that I didn't know. All I could say was that she'd had these items hidden away in her lingerie drawer. I then showed him the pictures I'd taken of the rabbit and vibrating egg. He smiled broadly when I showed him the egg.

By seven I was a nervous wreck. By seven thirty I figured she wasn't coming. I was about to come out of the room when I heard the buzzer. She was here. I scurried back inside, barely getting the door closed before she walked by. I caught a whiff of her perfume. She smelled divine.

Neil was immensely professional as he took her bag of clothes and placed them in his bedroom. He offered her a glass of wine, which she accepted and took a deep sip from. And then another. And another until the glass was empty.

"I'm nervous," she said as she handed Neil her glass. He smiled and filled it back up. "Sorry for being late."

"No problem," Neil replied, "take your time. There's no rush. It's better if you're relaxed. That's why I have the wine on hand. The trick is not to drink too much."