Life Changer


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He paused. Ellie just sat looking at him, her eyes unblinking. He continued. "I suppose it's what I do. I seduce vulnerable women."

He took a deep breath and was about to speak more when the door to the office opened again. A man and a woman entered.

Hugo spun round at the intrusion. It took him a second to realise it was his next appointment. He quickly gathered himself. "Ah Mr and Mrs Barlow, so pleased to see you. Please come into my office." He led them inside.

"Ellie can you organise coffee for us all if you don't mind."

"Of course," she replied as she stood up from her desk and made her way to the kitchen.

Unfortunately, as the day progressed Hugo and Ellie were unable to discuss the events of earlier. Hugo's appointments diary took care of that with back to back clients all morning followed by an afternoon of home visits.

At five thirty in the afternoon, Ellie tidied up her desk, got her coat and left to go home. Andrew would be there and she was in a way dreading seeing him.

Her evening with Andrew was painful for Ellie. Guilt ridden she had an overwhelming feeling that he would know she had cheated on him. That he would somehow sense that she had been fucked by someone else. That he would see a change in her. So she became very guarded in everything she said or did. She didn't want to give him any inkling of her infidelity.

She needn't have worried. Andrew, as usual was completely self absorbed in his computer work. After dinner, where they barely conversed, he took himself off into the small back room he used as his office to continue doing whatever it was he did. Ellie had no idea exactly what that was.

* * *

"What the fuck have I done?" murmured Hugo to himself as he sat in his car in the town centre car park. It was after seven o'clock and he had returned to the office to drop off some paperwork. It seemed recently that sitting in his car was the place he did all of his best thinking. It was too distracting at home, surrounded as he was by all of Veronica's chintzy décor.

He let out a big sigh. He had to acknowledge that sex with Ellie had been nothing short of amazing. Never had he thought she would be so perfect!

But where did that now leave their working relationship? They'd crossed the line, of that there was no doubt. Would she feel duty bound to leave? He thought about that for a few minutes. He was sure he wouldn't be able to manage without her. She knew him so well. She knew all his strengths and weaknesses when it came to his business and intuitively knew what he wanted sometimes even before he did. And her ability to think outside the box had saved his bacon on more than one occasion. If she left he doubted he'd ever find another assistant as good.

But what about their personal lives now. He ruminated on that for half an hour or more as he came to terms what his sub-conscious already knew.

It was almost a eureka moment. He realised that over the years they had forged a bond of mutual trust and understanding that had developed into a deep friendship. He could tell her everything and usually did; everything that is except about his love life.

He knew he was being shallow but now she had shed her horrible clothes and outdated haircut she had finally revealed to the world the true beauty that she was. It was a Cinderella moment. Now not only was she a caring, compassionate, friendly person who made him feel good about himself but she was an extremely pretty woman, possessing a killer body who was also a really good fuck!

She was everything a man should want. And right now he wanted her. Not just to fuck; oh no it was way deeper than that. She was the one!

She was the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. He wanted them to have a future together. He wanted to become a family man.

He started to laugh. It was too much to take in. Hugo Jordan, family man. How absurd!

But it was true. The problem was did she feel the same way?

His laughter died away as he realised that not only may she not feel the same way about him but he had completely overlooked the fact she was already married.

He sighed again and starting up the car, engaged first gear and drove slowly out of the car park. He had to get away. He needed the time to clear his thoughts.

* * *

The next day at work Ellie took stock of her situation. She needed to see Hugo and talk this ... this thing, whatever it was, through! She looked at her watch. Where the hell was he? Even for him this was really late. She rang his mobile phone. It went straight to voice-mail, so she left him a message.

At eleven o'clock Hugo's first appointment of the day turned up. Ellie apologised profusely for Hugo's unexpected absence explaining that he had been taken ill that morning. After rearranging the appointment, the client left. Ellie rang Hugo's mobile phone again. Again there was no reply. She left him another message telling him he'd missed his appointment but it had been re-booked.

She then took the decision to reschedule all of his morning appointments. Just in case. At twelve noon she locked the office and went out for her lunch. She had still not heard from Hugo.

When she returned just before one o'clock there was still no sign of him but the red LED light on the telephone was blinking. But then it always was. There were always messages.

She sat with pen in hand and pressed the play button. The first four calls were routine business matters. The fifth call was Hugo.

"Hi Ellie, it's me ... erm ... Hugo." To Ellie his voice sounded strained as he stumbled trying to find the right words.

"I ... I've gone on a ... erm ... well actually I'm already here ... on a course. You know the one that I said I didn't want to attend. Well I've been told that I must... erm... I must attend or my accreditation will be ... might be ... compromised." He gave a little nervous laugh.

"Anyway ... I'll be back into the office in two days time, so if you could reschedule my ... erm ... my appointments and give the clients my sincere apologies ... well you know what to do. Erm ... thanks ... I'll see you when I see you." The phone clicked off. Ellie sat there stunned, listening to the white noise hissing from the message machine.

* * *

It was Friday. Four days since Ellie had been fucked by Hugo. Four days since she'd last seen him. The course he had conveniently gone to was only for two days. So where was he. She wondered if he would be back today as she unlocked the door to the office.

She stowed her bag in the drawer of her desk and walked into the kitchen and switched on the kettle. There was nothing like starting the day with a good strong cup of coffee.

Returning to her desk she sorted through the morning mail and dealt with her outstanding paperwork. As it was the end of the week she liked to have everything finished before she went home. A tidy desk is a tidy mind!

Lunchtime came and went. She ate at her desk as she had no time to waste. And still there was no sign of Hugo.

It was nearly closing time when the door to the office opened and in breezed Hugo. She took a sharp intake of breath when she saw him. She felt a knot form immediately in her stomach and she swallowed hard as he came over to her desk.

"Hi Ellie, how's things? Managed to sort out everything without me have you?"

Ellie couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. He was acting as if nothing had happened. It was like re-winding back time. Time before Monday.

She looked up into his face. "Yes everything's fine," she answered. She looked back down. "I've just got this to finish before I go," she added coldly. If he wasn't bothered then neither was she.

She began to type. Hugo came round and stood behind her and looked down over her shoulder.

"So what is it you're typing?" he asked.

"It's the final draft of the financial statement you asked for. You know, the one for Mr Carrington," she answered.

"Ah yes, Mr Carrington." Hugo leaned lower. Ellie could feel his breath on her flesh. She felt her cheeks begin to burn.

Hugo looked down. He groaned inwardly as he gazed into Ellie's impressive cleavage. She was wearing another scoop top tee shirt that showed just enough of her breasts so as not to be inappropriate but enough to give any man carnal thoughts.

Her chest was heaving now due to Hugo's proximity. He could see her breasts rising and falling with every breath and he was excited by it.

He placed his hands on her shoulders. Her flesh tingled at his touch. Her breathing quickened.

"How long is it going to take for you to get it finished." His breath was hot on her neck.

As he spoke his hands massaged her shoulders and ran up and down her neck. Her eyes closed as her shoulders slumped. She sighed and felt her heart begin to pound loudly in her chest.

"I don't ... know ... shouldn't be ... not ... long..." she whispered finding it hard to find the right words.

Hugo dropped his hands lower. They slid down from her shoulders and onto the flesh of her breasts. His fingers slipped into the crack of her cleavage and he pushed. Her breasts moved slightly. She moaned softly as his hands moved gently over and around, squeezing and fondling her wonderful orbs.

She could feel her nipples responding. They began to push out against the lace fabric of her bra. He pushed his hands further inside to cup her breasts, her body rocking back and forth due to his efforts.

"Oooooohhh ... Hugo ..." She let out a long mournful sigh as his fingers touched her nipples for the first time. Her legs opened instinctively as her arousal began.

She leant her head back and Hugo leaned down and kissed her. Softly to begin with but with more intent as her lips opened and their tongues locked. He moved to the side and she coiled her arms around his neck. They kissed hard and with passion as his hands continued to massage her breasts. Her nipples were hard and erect and painful. She could feel the dampness at the top of her thighs.

What is wrong with me, Ellie thought as she realised she was wet down below. The thought went in an instant as Hugo managed to tweak a nipple between finger and thumb and she gasped.

"Just a minute." Hugo left her. She watched as he locked the office door and killed the lights. Returning, he took her hand and led her into his office. He closed the door behind them.

Without another word he reached down and took hold of her tee shirt and pulled it off over her head. He quickly removed her skirt and stood back.

His eyes roamed greedily over her body. He started at her feet. She was wearing a 4" heel shoe and her shapely legs were sheathed in a pair of thigh high stockings. He loved how she looked as her thighs nearly closed together at the top of her legs. Her thong was merely a triangle of black lace.

He felt his cock pulse as his eyes moved higher.

Her body was perfect. She wasn't skinny but she certainly wasn't fat. Her hips flared out and her waist curved in. He reached her breasts. He let out a big sigh as he worshipped her breasts. They were a lovely shape and size. Full, round and heavy but with no hint of sag, he could clearly see her nipples pushing out through the black lace fabric of her bra.

He came to her exquisite face. She oozed sex appeal although she didn't know it. Her hair hung in a soft wave, framing her face. Her lips were soft and red and inviting. And her eyes. Her stunning eyes. Her new found skill of applying makeup was no better demonstrated than with her eyes.

She looked at him appraising her and smiled. Hugo nearly came on the spot.

He unfastened his trousers and lowered them together with his briefs. His shirt quickly joined them on the floor.

Ellie looked down to see Hugo's monster cock swaying from side to side as he moved closer. She gave a sharp intake of breath as he took her in his arms and she felt his erect throbbing cock touch her.

"What?" she asked as Hugo stared into her eyes, holding the gaze for what seemed like an eternity.

"Nothing," he replied. He kissed her, both hands returning to her magnificent breasts. She melted into his embrace and began to moan uncontrollably as she inexplicably grew more and more excited.

Hugo unclipped her bra and it fell to the floor. His hands were back on her breasts in an instant. Ellie barely had time to realise they had left before they were back.

He pulled down her thong and that slid down her legs as he urgently moved her backwards to his desk.

She hitched herself on top, opening her legs in anticipation. She was shocked at how brazenly she was behaving. She knew she was ready to be fucked and she wanted it now.

Hugo didn't waste time. He brought his cock up to her pussy and carefully inserted the head inside. He pushed forward.

"Oh my god ... oh my ..." Ellie groaned as his head split her wide again. She had forgotten how painful this part was.

"Oh my ... oh ... oh ... oh my ..." Ellie panted as Hugo shoved more inside.

She threw her arms round his neck and with teeth gritted, glared into his face.

Hugo smiled as he thrust forward.

"Oh my god ..." Ellie shrieked as he slid fully in, balls deep. He paused then withdrew. He pushed forward again and began to thrust in and out.

Ellie was gasping as her tight pussy sucked on his fat cock. "Oh my ... oh my ..." she grunted each time he ploughed into her.

Hugo grabbed her legs and spread them wide as he pummelled into her pussy. Ellie screamed when she came for the first time.

Hugo pushed her legs back towards her face as he continued to pound into her. She came again from this slightly different angle. Hugo continued to fondle her breasts.

"Hugo ... Hugo ..." Ellie spoke breathlessly, "I can't sit like this any longer, it's uncomfortable."

"Okay." Hugo pulled his cock free. He took her hand and she clambered off the desk.

"Turn round and bend over," Hugo commanded.

Ellie did as she was told and bent over at the waist.

Hugo came up behind her. His cock slid straight in, her pussy gaping now it had opened up to his size.

Hugo pounded into her causing her breasts to flop backwards and forwards. She was leaning with her forearms spread eagled, her hands tightly gripping the edge of the desk and her mouth wide open. She grimaced every time he thrust inside her, forcing her to grunt loudly as she thrust back to meet him.

She came again and later when his free hand found her clit, she came once more.

Hugo had just about had it. He could feel his balls starting to boil. He stopped momentarily before pushing as deep as he could. As he yelled out, his cock exploded inside her.

Ellie felt his eruption as pulse after pulse of cum flooded her pussy.

He collapsed on top of her, his sweat mingling with hers.

Ellie was moving gently underneath him as if miking the last final drops from his shattered cock. She was still moaning softly, her pussy continuing to throb as it gently squeezed his cock.

When it was finally over he eased his cock free. He watched as a dribble of his cum seeped from her pussy to slide down onto her leg before it finally dripped onto the floor.

She stood and turned to face him. "What now Hugo; what do we do now?" she asked, staring hard into his eyes.

He looked embarrassed as he pulled his trousers back on.

He took a deep breath. "Ellie I know I'd never given you a second glance before you had the makeover and let's be honest, you'd kept yourself hidden away for so long behind your old fashioned clothes and general appearance. But since winning that prize and changing your looks, I saw a new you and it excited me so much seeing you reveal yourself that way that I just wanted you. I desired you and if that offends, then I'm sorry."

He paused. Ellie said nothing. He continued.

"I suppose I've always liked you as a person and I like our working relationship. But most of all I value our friendship. So if you feel that you can no longer work with me and want to leave, then I will respect your decision but I will also deeply regret the hurt I may have caused you for the rest of my life if you do leave." Hugo sat down heavily in his chair.

There was a long period of silence in the room as Ellie pondered on Hugo's words. She finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, she was close to tears.

"I don't want to leave. I thought that you would want me to though. I also thought you would think me a tramp for letting Darius do what he did to me that Sunday."

"Oh no ... no," Hugo interrupted, "I would never think that."

Ellie continued. "But when you touched me like that on Monday, when you did the things you did to me ... I ... I couldn't help myself. I threw myself at you. It's me that should be apologising, not you."

Hugo looked at her incredulously. That's not what I recall he thought.

She carried on. "I've always liked you, always loved working with you and I suppose part of me always fancied you as well. But I knew I was too plain for you to be interested in me. But since the makeover, I'd noticed that you looked at me differently. Well for that matter a lot of men have looked at me differently. I wasn't comfortable with that, but with you it was okay. I didn't mind ... I don't mind! So I guess in a way, I've dreamt about this happening and now that it has, I'm glad." It was her turn to sit down.

She watched as Hugo stood up and walked round his desk to stand before her. He turned her chair to face him and offered her his hand. She stood as they looked into each other's eyes.

"You're not plain. I just never saw what you were until now that's all. Men are incredibly stupid sometimes ..." Ellie looked at him quizzically.

"Okay, okay; men are incredibly stupid all the time," Hugo continued with a smile, "sometimes we don't realise what is there even when it's right in front of our eyes."

He slipped his arm slowly round her waist. He drew her close and leaned forward. They kissed, softly to begin with then with an increasing passion.

They were both late home that night.

* * *

From then on, Hugo would arrive for work at nine o'clock rather than his usual eleven o'clock. The first item of business for the day was sex. It varied as to where in the office they did fuck each other and over time they did become quite creative. There were many times that Ellie sat taking details from potential new clients with Hugo's cum oozing out of her pussy.

For Hugo it brought him great happiness. His girl Friday turned out to be the woman of his dreams. A princess not a frog.

It was then revealed that Hugo's wife wasn't actually his wife. They had never married and as everything Hugo owned was in his name only she had no right to any of his property when he asked her to move out.


Hugo was a contented man. He'd finally quit his philandering ways and now was happy to devote himself wholeheartedly to Ellie. At last he felt he had achieved what he'd always wanted, that something that he felt would always elude him.

Finally he'd found the key to his happiness. He'd found a woman to cherish; a woman with whom he could build a future; a future that was built on fundamental trust and devotion; a future that would result in marriage and at some point, raising a family. At last he had what his parent's had and he felt it was only a matter of time before he and Ellie would wed.

For her part, Ellie came to the realisation that she didn't love Andrew; probably never had; and asked for a divorce. It surprised her that he didn't seem unduly bothered by her request until he confessed that he'd only married her due to continued pressure from his parents to find a wife.

It was a few months later and Ellie had been coerced by her best friend Caroline to again go out clubbing. It was to be her first time out on the town since her cataclysmic meeting with Darius.

Ellie was dressed to impress. It hadn't been a conscious decision to wear that little black, cleavage revealing dress together with the stockings and suspenders and the high heels but neither had she worried too much about how she looked.