Life Changer


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She was being careful not to spill his coffee but was finding it difficult to walk in her new shoes. Twice she nearly stumbled as her high heels got caught up in the rich, lush pile of his brand new carpet. It had been custom made at the insistence of Veronica. Having delusions of grandeur she had come up with a special design that included his initials monogrammed into the weave at regular intervals. Veronica loved it. Hugo thought it a trifle pretentious and an unnecessary extravagance.

But right at that moment the merits or otherwise of the carpet wasn't high on his list of priorities. He was more interested in the vision of loveliness coming toward him. He was mesmerised as his eyes feasted on her body. He watched her hips swaying from side to side with each tentative step. And he could clearly make out the rippling swell of her breasts as they jiggled up and down under her tight sweater. He was surprised when he felt a twitch between his legs. Her looks had never had that effect on him before he thought as he smiled to himself. Ellie looked up at that moment and gave Hugo a shy smile back. Her eyes twinkled and he felt the blood rush instantly to swell his cock. That sealed the deal.

She finally reached his desk and handed over his fresh cup of coffee.

"Sorry it took so long Hugo," she said with a slight smile, "but I was being careful not to spill it."

Hugo looked at her enquiringly.

"It's the carpet! It makes walking in these a bit difficult." She glanced down nervously at her footwear. "I think I'd better go back to wearing my old flat shoes again."

"No, no there's no need!" Hugo all but blurted out, "You should stay with your new look." He saw Ellie cock her head and look at him sideways.

"The carpet will have to go! It's impractical anyway. I have no idea why I let Veronica persuade me to have the bloody thing made in the first place! All those initials all over the place. It's hideous!"

He felt it best to bluster this one out. Anything to keep Ellie in her new look clothes and shoes. He'd always thought she was fairly pretty in an old fashioned way, even though she did her best to hide her looks beneath the hideous clothes and her poor hairstyle. But now she had been unveiled as the true beauty she was.

"In fact, get me the phone number of the carpet shop now please. We need a carpet more in keeping with a busy, functional and safe office than one that looks like it belongs in a five star hotel!"

"Okay." Ellie turned and walked away. She puffed out her cheeks as she did so. Hugo must be mad she thought. She'd seen the bill for the monogrammed carpet and it had only been laid two weeks ago.

Hugo watched her ass as she walked away again and felt a surge of excitement rush through his body. He couldn't quite believe it himself. He was attracted to his secretary, his girl Friday; and he already knew that he desperately wanted her!

* * *

Over the coming weeks Hugo started on his charm offensive. Each day he complimented Ellie on her choice of clothes and subtly encouraged her to mix and match her wardrobe more. He gave her money to buy more clothes. She of course refused initially. It wouldn't be right for him to buy clothes for her.

But he patiently explained to Ellie that he wanted to alter their client's perspective of his company. So she either bought herself new clothes to wear in the office for which he would reimburse her or he would buy her an office uniform. Of course he would prefer her not to wear a uniform. She didn't quite understand what he meant by that but in the end reluctantly agreed to let him fund her new clothes.

He also became far more attentive. Usually Ellie made the drinks in the office, so she was astounded the first time Hugo brought her a drink. To avoid suspicion as to this change of character he explained that he had realised they were extremely busy and her workload had increased substantially and it would be remiss of him to expect her to drop everything just to make him a drink every time he wanted one. It just wasn't fair. She was bemused at his explanation but thought nothing more of it.

When working closely together he became much more tactile and took any opportunity that arose to touch her arm or her back, getting in close to her when she needed things explaining or accidentally brushing up against her when passing in the office or kitchen.

And every now and again he would surprise her by presenting her with a gift. One time it was a bottle of perfume, another time a bracelet. She was horrified and at first steadfastly refused these items. But Hugo persuaded her that they were merely gifts from grateful clients who appreciated her hard work in handling all their paperwork. She of course told him it was unnecessary as she was just doing her job but he prevailed explaining it would be churlish for her to refuse gifts from their clients.

He even started to take her out for lunch every now and again. The first time he did he explained that a client had cried off at the last minute and he didn't feel like cancelling the booking. He was hungry and the booking was for two people and he didn't like to eat alone so she just had to accompany him.

The restaurant was very expensive. It was one Hugo only ever used to entertain his high net worth clients. But he was prepared for the expense if it helped him achieve his ultimate goal.

The lunch was a spectacular success. Ellie overcame her trepidation of eating in such a prestigious venue and she and Hugo found conversation very easy. They had always got on well together and she had no hesitation in opening up and telling him things that she would not have divulged to anyone else. Not even Caroline, her best friend or for that matter her husband, Andrew.

She told him of her childhood and the apparent meanness of her parents, who still to this day were living a life of frugality. She figured her parents were destined to leave a substantial amount of money when they both eventually passed away, never fully enjoying the fruits of their labour. But she agreed with Hugo when he said surely they could do what they liked with their money, it was their life after all.

Ellie was moved by his feelings and empathy for her past. Already liking him despite his flaws she was drawn to him even more and began to think that he really was a kind and compassionate man and not at all like he was portrayed by some people, most notably his girlfriend.

She carried on to reveal more of herself to Hugo, laying herself bare to him. It was those early formative years that had made her the woman she was now although deep down she had yearned to be different, to be better, to embrace life's possibilities.

She even let slip that she had married Andrew at her mother's insistence. "You don't want to be left on the shelf," her mother had said, "you don't want to be a spinster. You need a husband." And so she had married Andrew. She supposed she loved him but wasn't altogether sure what love was. He was kind and considerate and they did have some good times but he seemed at times passionless and remote. She didn't really understand why.

Hugo was intrigued by her revelations and felt somewhat moved by them. Even though he was a womaniser and liked to screw around he did have a soft spot for Ellie and didn't want to ruin her sweet nature by just callously seducing her for a quick fuck. The thought that perhaps he could keep her as a mistress was quickly dismissed. She deserved much more than that.

* * * * * *

Encouraged by her best friend Caroline, Ellie did start to enjoy shopping for fashionable clothes and shoes and made regular appointments at the hairdressers instead of the four times a year trips that she'd used to make. Caroline also talked her into having her nails manicured regularly and soon it was rare to see her nails without some shade of nail varnish on them. She started to amass a selection of cosmetics and paid more attention to how she applied her make up. In fact she now had to get up half an hour earlier just to get ready for work.

She was also liking the compliments Hugo gave her on a daily basis. She didn't realise that he was slowly trying to seduce her. Hugo for his part loved the new look Ellie but didn't want to rush things. He was prepared to let things develop slowly. He didn't want to spook her.

However events were to unfold that catapulted his plans forward in a way he could never have dreamt of.

* * *

It started the weekend Andrew was away on business. He'd left on the Friday afternoon to fly out to a new client who had a company that needed his expertise. Due to their type of business, which was based in the Netherlands, it suited them to have the work done over the weekend. Andrew was only too happy to go. There was a sizeable fee involved. He didn't expect to be back until Monday.

"So Andrew's away then," said Caroline, "that's great, maybe we should do something this weekend." It was Saturday morning and Caroline had called in to see Ellie. They were enjoying a cup of coffee in Ellie's kitchen.

Ellie sipped at her steaming mug of coffee. "What did you have in mind?" she queried.

"Well ... how about we go out clubbing ..."

"No ... no we can't do that ..." Ellie interrupted Caroline.

"And why not?" Caroline said with faux indignity, "what possible reason have you got to not want to go?"

"I'm a married woman for one and secondly; Andrew's away, so it wouldn't be right." Ellie replied.

"What!" Caroline was dumbfounded by her friends response. "What's being married and Andrew being away got to do with anything pray tell?"

"Well ... erm ..."

"Exactly!" Caroline butted in, "nothing at all. Jeez Ellie, we're only going out to have a dance, a few drinks and a good time, that's all."

Ellie weakened. "So are we going out tonight then?"

"No, I thought we could go out on Sunday night instead. The night club just out of town has a special promotion for Sunday. I think they're struggling for business so it's only a tenner entry and every drink is a pound until eleven o'clock. Should get the crowds in I would think." Caroline paused and looked hopefully at her friend.

"Okay okay," Ellie replied, "I suppose so but you know I don't drink much and I've got work on Monday; as have you."

"Ugh, yeah I know, don't remind me." Caroline hated her job. "That's settled then, I'll come round here tomorrow night and we'll get a taxi to the club. I think it promises to be a fantastic night. I can't wait."

Ellie smiled. She couldn't believe how she let Caroline talk her into things like this. Come to think of it she didn't know how they'd ended up as best friends. They were as different as chalk and cheese. Caroline was the life and soul of any party. Brash, flirty and often outrageous, she was wildly promiscuous and the complete opposite of Ellie who by comparison was shy, reserved and extremely nervous when she met people for the first time; especially men.

* * *

Ellie stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. It was the biggest mirror they had in the house. If she stood in the right place she could just about see her whole body.

She had agonised over her choice of clothes but prompted by Caroline who had urged her to dress up a bit she had put on the little black cocktail dress. It was shorter than she remembered and only just covered the lacy top of her thigh high stockings. These were something else she'd never worn before but she already liked the feel of them and had decided she would never wear tights again.

The dress was made from a stretchy fabric which clung to her body revealing her pretty impressive shape especially her arse and of course her full 32DD breasts.

She moved closer to the mirror to do a final check of her make up and to apply her lipstick. Her shorter dark brown hair shone and her blue grey eyes sparkled. She was satisfied with how she looked.

The door bell rang. She rushed down stairs to let her friend in.

"Wow, you look great Ellie." Caroline couldn't believe how good her friend actually looked. "You'll be beating them off with a stick."

She instantly regretted that remark when she saw the horrified look on Ellie's face. All of her insecurities came bubbling up to the surface.

"I ... I don't think I should go," Ellie said, trembling slightly.

Caroline knew she needed to take charge or the evening would be over before it had started. "Nonsense, you'll be fine. Besides I'll be there to look after you."

Ellie wasn't a hundred per cent sure of that but put the disquietening thoughts to the back of her mind. Her makeover had given her a fresh resolve to try and enjoy life at bit more.

As soon as they got inside the nightclub Caroline was off to the bar whilst Ellie went to lay claim to a table if she could. Caroline was a while but finally made it back to her armed with two large drinks.

"Here you go," she said as she thrust the glass into Ellie's hand, "get that down you!"

"What is it?" Ellie asked as she took a tentative sip. She found she quite liked it. It tasted of fruit.

"It's a cocktail called Sex on the Beach," smirked Caroline. "Good isn't it."

Ellie nodded her approval.

"Apart from when you get sand in it. It's a bit gritty then!" she added with a mischievous grin on her face.

It took Ellie a few moments before she realised what Caroline was implying. She shook her head sadly but smiled at her friends crude joke.

It was only a matter of minutes later and Caroline wiggled her empty glass in front of Ellie.

"Come on slow coach. Get it down you. The reduced price drinks only last until eleven o'clock."

Ellie looked at her friend in dismay. She didn't drink very often and this seemed a trifle excessive. But Caroline ignored her look and was gone before Ellie could say anything.

Five minutes went by and she was back. She thrust another big glass into Ellie's hand.

"What's this?" Ellie asked as she took a sniff.

"A long slow comfortable screw up against a wall!" Caroline smirked again. She saw the look of horror etched on her friends face and couldn't resist adding to her comment.

"Don't knock it until you've tried it!"

Ellie rolled her eyes in mock disgust. With jokes like this it was going to be a long night, especially as it seemed that Caroline was in a drinking mood.

As the night progressed, Ellie became more relaxed. This was probably due to the fact that Caroline had continued to fetch her a number of exotically named cocktail drinks in between frequent trips onto the dance floor. She was still nervous though at the level of attention she seemed to be getting although she did think that the reason she felt so many people touching her bum was because the club was extremely busy.

If only she'd known that this was only partly true. One man in particular had rubbed himself up against Ellie on more than one occasion on the dance floor although she hadn't realised it. He had picked her out as someone worthy of his interest and had been watching her for quite a while. She certainly had the type of body he liked and he was sure with just the right amount of persuasion he could get some action tonight. But it was time to make his move before someone else beat him to it.

He watched as Caroline again led Ellie onto the dance floor. Caroline soon got dragged slightly away from Ellie who didn't realise she was now on her own. The man pushed through the crowded dance floor until he was behind Ellie. He managed to dance his way around until he was facing her.

Ellie looked up in surprise as the man appeared in front of her. He was fairly tall and very good looking. She was surprised at herself for thinking that. It wasn't like her at all.

He leaned forward and shouted something in her ear. She couldn't hear a thing, the unrelenting thumping beat of the music drowned out everything else. So she just smiled at him.

They danced for about ten minutes before he leaned forward again. This time she just heard him. "Do you fancy a break?" he shouted into her ear.

She nodded yes and was slightly taken aback as he took her hand and led her off the dance floor and over to the bar.

"That's better," he said. "Hi, my names Darius. I must say you're a great dancer. Can I get you a drink?"

Ellie was flushed. "No, I don't think so ..."

"What no, you're not a great dancer or no you don't want a drink?" Darius grinned.

"No, I'm not a great dancer and yes I would like a drink thank you." Ellie smiled nervously back at him. "My name's Ellie," she added shyly.

"Pleased to meet you Ellie," Darius replied, "Can I just say I think you look sensational."

"Oh ... erm ... thank you." Ellie blushed, she wasn't used to compliments. She then realised he was still holding her hand. She managed to free herself from his grip as she coloured up again.

"What would you like?"

"Can I have a slow, long screw up against a wall please," Ellie said as she stumbled over the name of the drink.

"It would be my pleasure but don't you think we should get to know each other a little bit better first?" Darius smiled broadly.

"Oh sorry," Ellie giggled as she realised what she'd said, "I didn't mean it like that. I don't think I got that right. It's the name of a drink."

"That's okay. But I did mean it," Darius added softly but forcefully. Ellie saw his white teeth gleaming as his lips parted in a sly smile.

Giving her no time to react negatively Darius turned on his charm offensive. They chatted whilst drinking. He seemed genuinely interested in what she did for a living and then told her a little about himself. Ellie was enthralled. His life seemed so exciting compared to her husband's career as a computer technician. But sadly it was all lies.

His profession changed every time he met a woman depending on what he thought might impress them the most. Sometimes he was an airline pilot, other times a lawyer. Tonight he was in the armed forces but was in a special operations, covert type of force. He told her she may have heard about this force from time to time on the news but details were never fully revealed as their operations were hush hush. That one was a tried and tested winner.

Ellie was impressed and he seemed like a nice guy so she went back willingly onto the dance floor when he asked her to.

As they danced Darius, unnoticed by Ellie, manoeuvred her to a quieter, more secluded spot on the dance floor. It was somewhat darker here as the strobe lighting failed to reach it properly. Ellie didn't realise he wasn't a nice guy until it was too late.

As they moved closely together he grabbed her into his arms and kissed her forcefully. She struggled to free her lips from his but he was insistent.

She tried to push him away but he held her tightly and as he continued to kiss her he brought a hand up and placed it on her full breast. He liked the feel of that very much.

Ellie gasped in horror. She renewed her efforts to free herself. Tears formed in her eyes as Darius continued his assault of her body. He groped her breast roughly, squeezing hard, running his fingers round and round, feeling the size and shape and heaviness of it in his hand. His breathing became harder as his arousal grew.

"No ..." Ellie's cry was stifled as Darius closed his mouth over hers once more.

She thrashed around trying to free herself. The tears were falling as Darius pushed his hand up under her dress and found her mound. He smiled to himself as he found her panties were wet.

"Relax Ellie," he said, "you're obviously up for this ... you're very wet!"

He pushed his fingers into her pussy and kissed her again.

"No ... no ..." Ellie sobbed into his mouth, as her body twitched and her pussy accepted his fingers inside.

She tried to fight back but he was much too strong for her. She was now panting for breath as he persistently thrust his fingers in and out of her snatch with increasing force. From out of nowhere, she came. She gasped in shock not fully aware of what had just happened to her and felt her legs buckle beneath her.