All Comments on 'It’s Only Once A Month'

by LynnGKS

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Sid0604Sid0604over 11 years ago
Thank you

Thanks Lynn

Another good story.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

I resent this tale. What you are implying is that all women will cheat on their husbands to save their jobs. Not all women are cheating slut skank cunt whore wives. In fact most women aren't. Also, not all men fuck their secretaries and go to strip clubs. This is a fucked up tale. You have too much talent to stoop this low.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Dangerous game.

In my neck of the woods a man like that could come up against a high speed projectile for that kind of behavior, accidently of course.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I feel that I have read this story or something very much like it previously.

BTTapBTTapover 11 years ago
Very good

Clever, and insightful. Maybe more so than even the author intended?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Fact is, wife is a whore by the very definition of a whore.

Author has a history of putting husbands down. Has low opinion of them. OK for husbands to fuck wife can fuck bosses. Is really a very low person herself.

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanover 11 years ago
Original Yes

The feminist Oprah shit no.

"NO IT'S NOT," Diane shouted at me. "It's not the same thing to spread your legs to save your family as it is to spread 'em to get a wad of cash. It's different! You and Alex were in the same financial situation as George and me. Would you have fucked that bastard to save your house?"

Actually yes it is. Fucking for any kind of financial gain is whoring. Sorry don't buy this line of bullshit.

"But you get married and all of a sudden the guys can go to strip clubs with other guys and grab a stripper's ass and we all laugh about it but let a wife do something like that and it's a scandal."

Lynn obviously you didn't know my ex-wife, if I went to a strip club, let alone touched one of the dancers, my wife would have gone ballistic. This line is the shit you get from Oprah and women's magazines about how oppressed you women are. Well let me tell you, it may make you feel that you are being held down but it has no basis in reality. That shit happened in the fifties but it don't happen commonly today.

I gave this **** for originality and characterization but it is a distorted view of negative stereotypes out of the 1950's.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Interesting perspective. The idea that it is okay to commit adultery to save your husband from the possibility of being fired is bizarre. If it was the case it is also strange that the wife would not consult with her husband first, and then to blame the consequences on the husbands lack of understanding. It sounds more like a female fantasy to justify cheating. This is a very feminine form of logic! Indeed, if a man were to cheat under any circumstances he would recognize that he is destroying his marriage and would expect that if discovered he would be divorced and financially eviscerated. 5 stars for good writing and an honest story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Sandy and the other wives are whores

There is no other way of explaining it, they may believe they are on a high moral ground. Because they failed to communicate this to the husbands right away they are doomed. When Clark dies and somebody goes through his stuff the husbands may find out.

Up north here Clack may have fallen ill from plumbum poising. Of course the best treatment would be some blood letting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
a whore is a whore no matter how you paint her, and diseases know no bounds

surprised they havent gone tothe guys house and stolen all the vids of themselves

be a real benefit to mankind if they went to the hospital offed the guy then themselves

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

Well lyn does what she does and that is trying to give an acceptable excuse for cheating fucking whores. Keep trying but other than rape there is no excuse.

angiquesophieangiquesophieover 11 years ago
ah well, lynn, darling...

...if things aren't black and white the color blinds are lost.

never mind their ranting, i bet you made even them think

(in secret, of course.)

thanks for a lovely story.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

You got it wrong angel - I'm not condemning her, I'm just saying that is what she writes - sluts with unacceptable excuses for being sluts. She designs the characters that way on purpose. MM does cucks, JPB does - well usually wimps but sluts too. Hey Lyn has her style and cheating sluts with unacceptable excuses is it. No judging here, just acknowledgment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Not Very Likely

The whole premise is pretty far fetched. Your telling me this guy Clark fucked all these women for years and it never got out? Less than likely.No chance is more like it. Well written as usual but hardly a story to get twisted about. Almost belongs in Sci Fi

DB71DB71over 11 years ago
But if were reversed

Change the names here, see what the women would say then. It would stll be cheating and no way would any wife would believe that her husband couldn't do something about it. You use a double standard for men and women to excuse this behavior. I would ask all the women readers out there if you think this is acceptable, both if it happened to you then if it happened to your husband. Because if it is alright for one it has to be for the other.

As far as your writing goes, it is well done. If one were to remove all sense of reality, then it may even be a very good story of how a women reaction to blackmail and fear that comes with it of losing everything.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 11 years ago
Lynn, I gave you a 4 on this one

while I don't agree with anything in this story....this was well written. While I hope not all women think like these 2, can't be any different than everyone calling me a woman hater. But well written story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Interesting story.

And well done. Clark is living proof that the assholes inherit the earth. They're not immortal, but neither are the nice people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
all the wives are whores

you dont fuck around and make up such a stupid excuse you spread your legs for anyone other than your husband you are a WHORE. There is no excuse reason or justifiable excuse for doing it they should each kick their wives out and divorce them. If you allow yourself to be blackmailed or forced without going to the police then you wanted it.

looking4itlooking4itover 11 years ago

I have learned to shy away from your stories but I read this one and lived through the implications because you left the men "intact" this time. Well, sort of anyway. They were weak enough to cheat in their jobs which gave Clark the leverage. I don't believe that any of the spouses made good decisions but don't discount your portrayal of human behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I agree they are just whores

There is no reason to cheat if you do then fuck off and die. If my wife gave me this excuse i would toss her out with nothing and she could work on a fucking street corner. I would never touch her worthless pussy again ever.

FrozenclitFrozenclitover 11 years ago
Lynn's message is: Given a chance, women will take a guilt free fuck anytime

The villain could be smelly, sweaty or disgusting but here is chance for a housewife to put a noble garb on a decision to fuck without remorse. In much the same way as a man facing a similar blackmail about his wife's error that may get her fired unless he fucks her ugly female supervisor. He will fuck the supervisor, a fuck is a fuck. In this case, it is not only free but has a semblance of a noble cause to it.

Why wouldn't any bitch fuck. Quite realistic I think - and dramatic as told. Well crafted by a Master of words and conflict who acknowledges the reality that nearly all married women fuck men other than their husbands at least once in their married life, they are just better at hiding it for years or may be their entire lifetime. Thanks. FZC

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
No safe harbor.

Not a good as some of the other stories written by Lynn, but it is well written and identifies how power corrupts. Living in trouble economic times, unfair trade practices and needing to make quotas; then the supervisor off hand process of informal approval on service contracts. A set up allowing him to take advantadage.

Very interesting.

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
Not all

@Frozenclit Only 55% of the wives.............

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 11 years ago

If my wife cheated on me for any reason, her ass is history. The more of these stories I read, the more I realize that it doesn't pay to trust too much. I think trust but verify is the way to go and pay attention to the little things. If that sounds paranoid so be it. The women in this story could have had the boss arrested. Instead, they chose to whore themselves out. I would hope their husbands eventually found out what kind of sluts they were married to and found a way to kick their ass to the curb in such a way that does not cause them to self destruct. There needs to be a part 2.

FrozenclitFrozenclitover 11 years ago
All statistical percentages about cheating women are imaginary

@Duna Women do not ever tell, even to the most persuasive data collector.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Loved it

Well written, great perspective. I love how you ended it and left the reader with only a vague notion that both wives were also involved. That reflects the idea that their husbands will never know. Some will quibble over the fact that they should have told their husbands instead of going through with it. However, emotions such as fear and humiliation rarely leave us thinking rationally. And who's to say that they are not thinking rationally, albeit not like a man would think in similar circumstances. I think how they reacted is actually more authentic than most men would probably admit.

Sidney43Sidney43over 11 years ago

Like some others have said I usually don't read your stories, but found this one to be pretty good, even if it moralized a bit too much. It seems clear that one or both of the wives discussing the situation were meeting the slime ball once a month just like poor Sandy was doing.

In a cold clinical analysis of the situation you could equate a wife sleeping with the boss to save the job, house, security of the family. It is a bit of a stretch to compare it with other acts as you did in the final paragraph.

"They will risk their lives defending their country or protecting their families. They will rush into a burning building to carry injured people out. They will break their backs working to support what their wives hold dear. But they can't stand the truth about what their wives will do for them under pressure. That's just the way the world works honey. You and I can't change it. All we can do is learn to live with it."

The truth is there are many stories on this forum about wives sleeping with the boss, clients, etc for monetary gain, or financial security, that being more or less the same thing. Sometimes the wife just seals a deal, or keeps a job, sometimes they become the company whore. In reality all sorts of accommodations are made in a marriage between husband and wife, sometimes it works and sometimes not and divorce results. If there is something to be said about the story it is that hiding the truth from hubby is a bad thing. Marriage is all about communication, although some might say that what Sandy did was a better choice and only her decision to stop was the mistake.

Before you get all incensed about my moralistic position, I think Clark was a slime ball and should have had his testicles cut off, but reality is what it is.

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
Time change.............

@ Frozenclit I think these sociological data are enough good. Not everybody cheats in the Western Culture...........I think your aquintance is not a reprezentative sample.

Once more the cheating rate was 25% in the Western World for women before II. World War this time is 55%. When the 25% cheating statistic effect was yet in the air and I was young I liked to read Boccaccio Decameron with smart cheating wives and loverboy and I laughed on the dumb husbands. Now the effect of the 55% of cheating wives that I like to read smart husbands who kicks the cheating wives to curb, destroy with brain work the loverboys, to get the children custody with smart tricks against the cheating Moms, to change cheating wives to new wifes etc....

For me every such story is 5*****. Willing cuck husband stories are without reading 1*.

Lee2012Lee2012over 11 years ago
Here I sit....

waiting for the big scene...and I don't even get a "Stay tuned".

Still another great one, Lynn


m48gunnerm48gunnerover 11 years ago

Thanks Lynn, interesting end, nothing explicit, but lots of innuendos, subtexts. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and Alex or George to end up like Buddy. Not sure we men are totally unable to understand, but maybe even an understanding husband would have a problem with 8 years, once a month=96 meetings......

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Neat idea

Very good and inventive way to blackmail your salesmen's wives - after all 'It's only once a month....' - and you might, just might get away with it!

5 star

DunaDunaover 11 years ago

Hey Lynn, this story is 5*****, but the sequel??

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
One off you best stories

So true for most of us guys. Some husbands can handle it if they get all the facts before they lose it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Eight years...??

First off, this was a well written story! I liked that it was made clear that each wife knew exactly what was going on, but wouldn't openly admit it to one another, nor cast accusations at one another. You did a terrific job in writing that. That being said...

I can't believe any woman would be that stupid, and for that long a time! I tend to agree with some other comments citing "justification" for having a dirty little secret, essentially a self imposed martyrdom. "If he only knew the sacrifices I make on his behalf, we would have lost it all if I didn't suffer through this to keep his job"? To me, that smacks of a materialistic attitude. Sort of an "I'd rather fuck a fat smelly weasel once a month...for the rest of my/his life...than stand up for my marriage and, at worst, tighten the purse strings a bit while he finds another job...or find one myself to help out" outlook. They all had to have enjoyed it, on some level, to have kept at it for such a long time. If any 2 of them had confronted Clark together, they could have stopped it themselves, for all the wives, at any time. They all knew, and chose to let it continue.

It was mentioned that at least 3 of the families were close friends. I have to wonder how close they actually could have been. They were not at all worried for their friend Sandy, were they? They were each worried only about keeping their own (not so little) secrets. They only hoped they wouldn't have to suffer Sandy's fate as a result of their own willingness to betray their marriage. Ultimately, I have to think that either of them would sooner stab the other in the back, before choosing to take the difficult path and work together to end it. This is not what close friends do!

I'm curious, where did you get the idea that its "acceptable" for a husband to go out and play grab-ass with strippers or screw his secretary? I can only guess that you yourself were maybe hurt that way by a past husband/boyfriend? Yes or no to that, it simply is not "ok" for a husband to behave that way, nor a wife for that matter. Frankly, I get tired of hearing the double standard trotted out to justify poor behavior. Many men have been taken to the cleaners, as it were, in a divorce due to a woman standing up for her marital rights because his behavior was NOT acceptable. In such cases, he deserves it. Often though, when a woman misbehaves, out comes the old double standard to justify it, or at least gain acceptance from other women. I guess that's just easier than admitting to having made poor choices? The fact is, there are bad people, of both genders in the world. Some of us suffer at their hands and allow it to warp our perception of all others who share their chromosonal make up. This is a selfdeception, and a costly one, since it prevents a person from seeing the worth of another.

I thank you for your story. The blackmail angle is a bit over done, aand completely unrealistic in a loving marriage, in my opinion. You have the talent to write something a bit more original. I enjoyed the read, I only wish the women had been presented as being. Stronger, not just resigned to their self imposed martyr status. Thank you for sharing your story with us, and I look forward to your net submission.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
One more thought ...

Someone mentioned the need for a sequel. I think that would undermine the point and the power of this little tale. Sharon and Diane's story is complete and leaves us thinking. Sandy's story, however, could be continued. I think a discussion of her actions is overlooked. Was she stupid or noble for putting an end to the blackmail? Even though she does the right thing, as opposed to the others who will continue to go on fucking once a month, she is the only one who pays a price for her action. Where is the justice?

William smythWilliam smythover 11 years ago
An excellent story

A good plot well developed and well written.

A 5 star effort.

Please do not denigrate it simply because you may not approve of the morals of the people involved. It does not seem to be the authors intent to draw any such conclusions but simply to write a good, interesting account of a situation that very well could occur--and that has been accomplished.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Once more ...

While this story plays upon the human need to fight for one's survival (these women are willing to succumb to this slimeball's advances in order to preserve their family), it completely overlooks the human need to eliminate threats. Now that Clark has played his hand, when he inevitably recovers and returns to his scheme, they should fight to reverse the table and blackmail him. Even the fight for survival is sold short. Why simply settle on the sex as the solution? Take it all the way and eliminate Clack from the equation. Start videotaping him. Have a thug thump his ass. Poison the bastard. There are a multitude of varying responses that any of these wives could have chosen. They opted for the easiest - the path of least resistance. Maybe a sequel could emerge where they devise a plan to blackmail Clark and bring his world crashing down. I would like to think that Lynn could take it in that direction, rather than settling on the wives deciding its really not that bad a deal fucking this guy once a month.

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
Modern science

I am a little too optimistic on the science. Yes I knew the Roman Law said the Mother is sure. This was the true for 2 Millenia and the DNA test and the modern Science changed everything.

The father is sure according to the DNA test and the Mother is not in the modern time, because there are biological mother and birth mother.............

Rape test against the blackmailing boss of the husband, DNA test after the bareback sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a revenge story idea, but somebody will write this story instead of me.............

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
Sequel for a revenge story

@ Drbeamer3333 You are right. This story core is a good foundation for a revenge story............This bastard deserves it.

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
Revenge story sequel

Lynn wrote Romantic Revenge stories, so she could write a Modern Figaro type or a Cruel Revenge story sequel for this story.

claud137claud137over 11 years ago
Damn good short story. Original.

Loved it.

josephstevensjosephstevensover 11 years ago

Ah, now this is a bit different! This could go in several directions...but whatever you do is ok by me! Thanks, again, lady for a great first episode in what will be another great story!

BriteaseBriteaseover 11 years ago
5 star

Where oh where has so many people's sense of humor gone? Great tongue in cheek story. A follow up would be good, but not entirely essential.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You really consider that selling your body is a noble thing to protect the family? If so why not tell the Spouse in the first place? Because you know you don't believe it and just want an excuse. Comparing it to running into a burning building to save lives is laughable - which both spouses could actually attempt by the way.

A cheater is always wrong whether male or female. Males may have been given more leeway in the past but from what I've seen growing up females don't take shit anymore IF they are strong.

magmamanmagmamanover 11 years ago
Interesting take

One of those "just might happen" type stories.



rainbow001rainbow001over 11 years ago
Great Story

Loved it, everything being said without a word spoken...

SirDuctionSirDuctionover 11 years ago

Lynn is a great writer. The thing that always gets me is the number of holier-than-thou men who spend all their time here reading about women getting fucked only to apply standards to those women they do not live up to themselves. I ask one question of those who vent their spleens about what they would do to their wives in similar circumstances. Does your wife know all about you coming here and reading Lynn's stories then? Hypocrites galore. 5 again Lynn.

kharrismakharrismaover 11 years ago
Well-written as always...

I *hate* seeing walking garbage like clark getting away with something so heinous. There's gotta be some payback somewhere for this PoS. Lynn, you gotta do something for poor Sandy... if anyone is entitled to revenge, it's her; at least, she should be first in line.

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
A revenge story fan

@ SirDucton you will not change your mind about us. I think it is not Vulcez's "How Are You?" your favorit story here (I read that more than 50 times (it is in my E-Book and I read several times on the Bus to work)).

In my own category this story is a consequence story, but it wants a revenge sequel...Lynn could write mutuality stories as well, same to MM.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great story so true

Most guys can't deal with a wife spreading her legs for any reason. Even if she was raped they have a head time.

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyover 11 years ago
Good Story, Great Writer

I always enjoy your stories, even if I don't want anyone disrespected (even cuckolded husbands) no matter what side they are on. I'm not sure which commenters give me the chuckles the most, the men who spew venom in defense of fictional husbands or the holier-than-thou critics of those men.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

want a way out? have him meet her at a hotel, with a small digital mike and have a receiver in the car outside with the husband. then have the husband tape the guy saying it is fuck me or i fire your husband - and the problem goes away. or better yet have the police in a van listening in and they arrest him. wife should have asked if this was standardf practice about signing contracts or not. if it was standard, no harm no foul. could even be guy said - "Hey i'm busy jsut sign my name to it, it is approved." these are some stupid women who want to get fucked like sluts. but it was written well.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago
Excellent job of implying the unsavory

It is interesting (at least for one of the testosterone persuasion) to even consider painting guilt without using direct accusation as the brush! It has to be even more difficult to write it into a story which is intriguing (even even if the implicit is NOT recognized!)

The characters have made two poor choices (widely separated in time)! First, of course, each should have informed her spouse about the blackmail in such a way as to trap the malefactor while protecting Hubby's job (and perhaps secure the vacated Boss job!)

The second is that, since the whole game is coming unraveled, cooperating with law enforcement (or perhaps more senior company management) MIGHT get the Asshole's retirement as well as the videos. Waiting and hoping is almost guaranteed to blow up in their faces!


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

What? That has to be hands-down the dumbest attorney I've ever met. They may not be employees, but that's sexual harassment, coercion, blackmail, and quite frankly while it might be hard to get him imprisoned, Clark would be out of his job, his company sued into oblivion and completely unemployable forever.

Pure whore logic, justifying whoredom, and the baffling thing is that no harem of women would go cock-stupid for a fatass loser like that. Poorly devised plot with too much reliance on all women being stupid whores and all men being stupid assholes who cheat.

x_witless_xx_witless_xover 11 years ago
Cold cruel and true. In a LW exaggerated way. I so enjoyed the writing.

I think you led us all sheep to the gate - and kept it closed. No happy ending - no fairy-tale humor. Just a stark and ultimately terse conclusion. 5*

ythebadgerythebadgerover 11 years ago
Original and well-written

but that's what we expect of you. I agree with one poster who said you were just a little bit heavy on the moralising - but I certainly don't agree that there's any need for a second episode. It was complete for those who are capable of thinking - anything more would have been unnecessary.

In real life, of course, it would have only needed one of the victims to discuss Clark's proposition with her husband before acting for his whole house of cards to come tumbling down - but then that would have been a very different story, wouldn't it?

Kate12345675Kate12345675over 11 years ago

Can you for once have a woman in your stories that has a brain !

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
This must be a good story. It enraged all the virgin trolls!

If they had a woman in their momma's basement, they'd feel guilty for cheating on their right hand!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good Story, but...

I think you missed the opportunity to write erotic literature and actually end the story. You left me hanging with a non-ending.

I didn't mind the moralization. It was a honest point you were making. The person who said that this (Harris' action against Sandy) was sexual harassment was correct.

And, the protag and her buddy coulda/shoulda begun an investigation on their own. They merely had to get a list of the wives of the salespeople (following through on your supposition that this was not just a Sandy issue) and talk candidly with each of their wives. Or, for that matter, intercede on behalf of Sandy with Sandy's husband so that he will at least know her side (and the protag's rationalization) of why she "sacrificed" her fidelity for her family.

Moralistically I don't agree with what Harris did, but as a writer you need to have a conflict to overcome/defeat. His would have been a perfect vehicle for you to have the same thing happen to the protag's friend, or through investigation, to another salesman's wife. You dropped that ball. At least then, we could have had more of a erotic tale, but maybe you are not into writing erotica as much as introducing a thesis disguised as a complete story.

I gave you 3 out of 5.

LynnGKSLynnGKSover 11 years agoAuthor
Dear Kate12345675

For a woman with a brain please read "Bedroom Conversations" and "A Very Special Guy" and read about those women with brains. I write about dumb broads and dumb studs and it's more fun to mix them up.


LynnGKSLynnGKSover 11 years agoAuthor
A woman with a brain?

PLease read "Bedroom Conversations"and "A very Special Guy" to read about a woman with a brain.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Kate was right. Few of your Loving Wives stories have intelligent women. They seem to think with what is between their legs. Almost a parody of themselves

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
This is a story?

Short, but meaningless.

juanwildonejuanwildoneover 11 years ago
and if once is not enough?

Great story! with a just right ending (for those who think otherwise - its all there. Read it again.)

Just the right length, never giving up too much, no getting emotionally overwrought...generally speaking a story well told.

Well done.

stinger82stinger82over 11 years ago
Well Written

As always, you do a great job!

krazykilroykrazykilroyover 11 years ago
Good story

I was hoping to get off from this story, but I KEPT reading even after recognizing that it wasn't like that. This story is GOOD!

And as a man, I have to admit that it's the truth, and I apologize ahead of time....

LJafoLJafoover 11 years ago

it seems that the wives tried to justify cheating on husbands, "to save thier family"! what total bullshit

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Liked it !!!

I thought it was original. Blackmail isn't, but still the error was the husband's.

Other tapes exist ! Who will be promoted ? Will the once a month club continue?

Thanks Don

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Just another exuse for a cheating whore

What a load of shit! "Men can't stand the truth about what their wives will go to save them." Wow, what a pathetic excuse for a cheating whore. And the husbands have to be the stupidest wimps ever.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 11 years ago
Justify it any way you want -

- she's still a whore! Yeah, yeah, I read all that twaddle about doing what she has to do for her family. Baloney! She took the easy way out. She CHOSE to ignore her marriage vows rather than face financial hardships. Men, in this author's view, "can't stand the truth about what their wives will do for them under pressure" when the truth (at least in this story) is that the women can't stand the truth about what they are willing to do under pressure. Most wedding vows contain something along the lines of, "...richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others." Apparently it's the man's fault for believing their wedding vows are more important than their income level. Thankfully, I know enough Kansans to know that Lynn G is a minority there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Loved it

Another very good story

rider66rider66over 11 years ago
Very good story - well written and certainly got people talking!

@ angiquesophie - LOL!! @Duna - EXCELLENT idea! @everyone who's raving about WHORES - chill, it's a story. Unfortunately I'm sure it's happened irl to more than a few, and I'm sure there was a wide range of outcomes. Before going off on a rant, consider how materialistic you are and how important that may be to your spouse. Do they KNOW you'd chance losing your job for them and NOT hate them for it? Hmmm, if you have doubts, maybe you need to make clear what is REALLY most important, to yourself, and your partner!

njlaurennjlaurenover 11 years ago
I liked this story

It is a true short story, one that it says what it needs to in a short time..I initially was confused at the end, but then realized what was going on (when her friend says "who else has been on the sales team that long, which is their husbands). If Lynne wanted to take this another way, the women very well would realize the others were involved, talk, and find a way to get the scumbag, and there are plenty of ways. Even if it was consensual fucking, the lawyer in question is an idiot, because a boss having sex with the wife of a direct report is automatically guilty of harassment if someone files a complaint, it would take a miracle to prove it was otherwise, because he had power over the woman in question (same with having sex with a direct report, you have to be a first class moron to do that).

But taking it as Sandy wrote it, it is interesting to read the reactions. What the women were doing is stupid in many ways, they weren't powerless, but you can at least understand the reasoning. If the boss was some hot young stud, instead of some slob, you might be able to say they were simply sluts fucking around, but the description is they tolerated it (btw, having an orgasm doesn't prove a woman like it, despite what Faux News nation believes..women who are abused or raped will orgasm, their body can do it whether they enjoy it or not, and it causes the victim shame). At best,they were mistake

What is also interesting is that the raving anons and such castigate the women for doing this, while totally overlooking what the husband's did, they put their wives into that position, they gave that slimeball power of their wife and their job by doing something unethical and quite frankly illegal (forgery with intent to deceive is a criminal act, and the fact that that act of forgery cost the company money on a service contract is also theft of services). To maintain their jobs, the men did exactly what the wives did, they broke the law, they violated ethical principles, cheated, to try and get ahead. But I am sure the Faux News watchers on here will say that is different, that they were trying to preserve their jobs, etc. Buddy didn't even give Sandy a chance to explain, he decided to let a long marriage break up without even hearing the facts, or that he himself was partially to blame. The ironic part is if the wife had said no to buddy, their husband would have lost their job, the same fate if they hadn't have cheated in the first place..but it is okay for the man to commit an ethical and legal violation to save his job, but because it was sex, it is burn the bitch..hypocritical isn't even the word. But oh, wait, they were 'providing for their family' when the wife does it, it is crass materialism, richer or poorer, etc, but when the husband breaks more then a few commandments and law, he is forgiven, right.

The other thing that is sorely missing with the kill the slut crowd is the supervisor, Clark, they are universally silent. So blackmailing a wife into have sex with him is perfectly okay, and if it happens, it is the 'slut's' fault? The guy broke numerous laws, put his company in jeopardy of being financially hurt, but the women are the evil ones? I know you middle america, GOP base, tea bagger types see things in a perverted way, but holy shit, whatever happened to 'morality is morality'....or are you going to give me what the religious droolers have decided, that if a person is put in a position of authority, God put them there, so to hell with that?

I wonder if someone wrote a story where the wife was working, had done something on the edge legally, and boss blackmailed husband into having sex, to keep wife's job, and the wife finds out and divorces H, what the righteous types would say? I seem to recall stories like that, and more then a few posters put the blame on the wife for not listening to him, or for cheating in the first place.

Lynne, nice job....I could see a follow on (just me) where Buddy the oh so blind gets wind of what happened, and Sandy wises up and goes after the company for what happened, and maybe they reconcile, but that is me..but as it stands, really well written.

Scorpio44Scorpio44about 11 years ago
As If...

As if the women would continue fucking him when the could get him caught pretty easily, caught by the law! He communicated with his whores about where to meet him. A call to the authorities could have him caught.....Recording phone calls from him might add to their credbility as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Well written story

I guess the moral of the story is "watch your back Jack or Jane". Especially in this day and age where everyone seems to be recording everything. You never know when what you do or say is bring recorded. Just remember - revenge can be a harsh mistress.

rixelsrixelsover 9 years ago
Intense Story

I does not surprise me that a wife would do anything to save her husband and family. Women can also be cunning and vicious in protecting their families. It is just a shame that the women in this story, knowing how men are, would not either fight back, or inform their husbands and fight back together. Well written story. Thanks

tennesseeredtennesseeredabout 9 years ago
Very good, a cut above the usual on Lit.

Your storytelling skills and writing are very good, Lynn, on another level altogether compared to the usual on Lit. I hope you keep writing. I always enjoy your work.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars and still a favorite. Not sure if there are many stories that have made me think as much as this one.

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago

These wives clearly valued money more than their husbands emotional well being. They were willing to risk it to keep their money. They also had no faith in their husbands ability to provide for them in a minor adverse circumstance. All they'd have to do is tell the bastard to go ahead and fire their husband. Then she'd tell her husband what he tried to do and her husband would kill him. Sure her husband might go to jail but it wouldn't matter because their finances were already ruined. So go ahead, fire him and die.

extemporeextemporeabout 8 years ago
Oh My, Oh My!

All of this outrage and indignation, It's been a long time since I read this story and it's as good as it was before. I get it. It's an uncomfortable thought about what a person could or would do when his/her home is in jeopardy. You've got kids and times are tough; your whole life could fall into chaos and homelessness is right around the corner.

As a guy, I wonder about this: Let's say you're the husband and you find out about your boss's predatory habit. Could you arrange an accident for him? Could you make sure he'd NEVER come back to work? Would it be wrong? Of course.

But I could understand it.

Remember -- Adultery is only ONE of the ten commandments. Even in homicides there can be mitigating circumstances.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Sick a private investigator on him

It'd be pretty easy to get him followed and get incriminating photos identifying all of his victims. At that point, the matter could be turned over to the police or the employer sued. His position would be awkward enough that he could be forced to leave town for fear of litigation, unemployability or outright lynching in the public square at high noon. Once the secret is out, no reason to remain silent any more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Very Good Story

I am not demanding a continuation. But you have so many interesting characters in this one. I would love to read more stories involving these characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

And then there'd be hell to pay for the stupid wives who didn't sue the shit out of this asshole when he first tried to blackmail them. Marriage; over, no way a real man stays with a tramp who'd fall into that kind of shit so easily.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
This is a litle precious Gem. What a a wounderful writer.

Thanks Goo a I found it in the site.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

She sat down and took a big sip of her drink and said, "We can talk philosophy all we want but there's no way that your husband or my husband or Sandy's husband is gonna believe it's okay for their wife to fuck some guy once a month for eight years. They can fuck their secretary but YOU can't fuck their boss. Not even to save their job or your house. Not for ANY reason!"

Not sure why you hate men so much but that^ is pure horse sh*t.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

What a clever well-written story. So much unsaid but the reader knows all that happened. By the way, isn't it clear that every husband probably suspects his wife is being victimized by Clark but is afraid to find out or perhaps realizes that his wife may have been forced by circumstances to fuck Clark once a month.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Not much quest about who the other wives were. Interesting story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well a whore writer writing to justify her whoring!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why didn't any of the whores say something before they fucked the slug. The husband might have got him for blackmail.

skruff101skruff10110 months ago

The poor dears, sacrificing their honour to save their families. Such noble actions, to demean themselves so they can stay in their nice house. But hey it’s only once a month, where’s the harm? Well just ask Sandy.

imhaplessimhapless9 months ago

A sad story but original -- I like original.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The act of proposing an affair quid pro quo is more previous a crime then the alleged forgeries. One whistleblower and the slugs whole house of cards collapses but no these sank wives would rather spread their legs for a guy they don't even like.

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