Howdy Neighbor Ch. 02

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Open your legs, but not your heart?
7.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/13/2021
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Ch. 02

Open your legs, but not your heart.

The Monday after our first and we thought phenomenally successful closed swap with our neighbors Becky and Sam, Becky called Jenny and they had a long phone conversation. "Monday morning quarterbacking" she called it.

First, they were both quite pleased with what had transpired, and very much wanted to see us again. But they reminded us that next time would be an open swing, and we needed to talk about with each other and get comfortable with that, especially the girl-on-girl aspect of it. Jenny said she understood, and we would discuss it and confirm what we were both comfortable with.

Second, they wanted to wait a full month before another time with us, giving us several reasons: time for another set of COVID lab tests, building up tension and anticipation, and to avoid making too many emotional connections too soon. Keeping it fun and 'semi-casual' was the key and doing too much too soon went against that. They were enthusiastic about us, so much so that they thought they needed to be cautious and be sure to keep things in perspective. Jenny said, "It's almost like when someone tells you they just like you as a friend, but in this case, she is saying that they just like us as fuck buddies."

I thought about it. "Isn't that exactly how we feel about them."

She snorted. "You're right, and I guess it works for me!"

Becky also said she and everyone at her lab would soon be vaccinated, and that Sam, as her immediate family, would too. She was unsure about what the protocol and timing would be for other non-medical industry younger people like us but said that we should begin to consider the new "post vaccination" world and how we would want to adapt to it. Food for thought.

We both were preoccupied with our regular jobs during the day, but in the evenings, we found ourselves discussing how we felt about our first experience, and what we wanted for the second one. Just talking about it usually got us hot for each other, which I guess was the point of the whole thing.

But when I was alone with my thoughts, I began to visualize what that second time would be like. It had bothered me just thinking about Sam touching Jenny even when she was in another room behind a closed door, but I had sort of blocked that out while I was touching Becky. But if I were in the same room, I could not block it out because it would be right in my face. I tried to put myself in that place to see how I would react, but I could just not make it seem real to myself now. But if it were happening two feet away, that would be all too real. Would I freak out?

What about me touching Becky with her husband watching? What would that feel like? With Jenny watching too? I really couldn't make that seem real right now either. Could I get it up with Jenny and Sam looking on? I had seen both Sam and Becky naked and quite sexually active in their videos, and it got me hot. Should not seeing the same thing in undeniable reality up close, personal, hot, and smelly get me even more excited?

Then I thought about seeing Becky and Jenny together. That I could visualize, and I had an immediate and very physical reaction. No ambiguity there. Maybe if that happened first, the excitement would carry over for the rest of the evening and that would overcome any other reservations I might have?

While we made dinner that night, I brought up the subject with Jenny. She smiled.

"I have been thinking about that too, babe! I am certain it was better in separate rooms the first time. I am doubly nervous about being with Becky. Sam seems more normal and familiar now."

"I was just thinking that seeing you and Becky would get me so hot that I wouldn't have any trouble performing after that. It's kinda freaky thinking about me doing Becky with you and Sam watching."

"Like breaking the ice, or getting the balls rolling?" She laughed.

"Jen have you ever done anything with another woman before?"

She looked at me with hooded eyes. "Well, one time in the freshman dorm at college, one of the other girls kissed me. I was so shocked I barely reacted at all. These days it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it freaked me out then. Watching Becky in those videos got me hot, though. Seeing Sam naked the first time got me hot too. But seeing two guys touch each other wouldn't do anything for me."

"Me either. I know you want to have Sam and I both touch you at the same time, but I don't want to touch him."

"Won't that be like be what they call 'incidental contact' in a football game?"

"I suppose so."

"But it definitely got me hot to watch another guy doing Becky with her husband watching. That was naughty!"

"Your inner slut coming out?"

"That would make me a very ethical slut, right, given you are to be there too?"

I had to admit she was right. "Better than sneaking around, yes, plus then you get your chance to have two guys at once!"

She smiled. "There is that."

Jenny got a strange look on her face, then smiled. "I have an idea. Summer camp reminded me of it. We could play strip scrabble!"

"Like strip poker? How does it work with scrabble?

Jenny giggled. She was getting into this. "We take turns playing words. If you can't make a word at all you must draw a tile and lose two articles of clothing. "

I thought about the few times we had played scrabble. It wouldn't take too many turns to lose everything.

"What happens when you are already naked and then you lose?"

High scorer gets to make a demand that you can't refuse!"

I could see how Jenny came up with this. She was a whiz at Scrabble, often coming up with words like "syzygy" and "flapjack". But I might not mind losing this game, either. In the meantime, we talked through some stuff we would like to try when we saw our 'fuck buddies' again.

We devoted ourselves to our day jobs and each other, and we only saw Sam and Becky from a distance a couple of times, and we just waved. But the excitement and anticipation were slowly building.

We had just finished our Zoom meetings for the afternoon when Becky called Jenny. She listened for a minute, then said "I don't see why not", then hung up. "Come on, Tim!" She grabbed her car keys.

"What's up?"

"Becky's lab finished vaccinating all their people and have doses left over that can't be stored again. We can go to the lab right now and get one this afternoon."

"What kind?"

"The Moderna. Does that matter?"

"Not really. They say take what you can get. What about a second dose?"

"Let's worry about that later. We can ask when we get there."

The lab was only about 8 minutes away from our house. We texted Becky when we arrived, and she met us at the door. We got in a socially distanced line with three other people. "You guys need to stay for at least 15 minutes after the shot to make sure there is no adverse reaction. Decide which arm you want it in." We filled out some forms and they looked at our driver's licenses to confirm who we were.

Becky came back in a few minutes with some new forms. "Our lab is part of a vaccine effectiveness study. We are going to take a serology sample from you both today as part of that study. These forms are your permission for that. If you two are in the study, you can get the second vaccine dose in four weeks. Then we do another serology sample 4 weeks after that, and 90 days after that. Do you want to be in the study?"

We both signed up. The whole process didn't take long. We sat in the socially distanced chairs, and Becky came over to us again, and give us little paper CDC cards with the date and type of vaccine. "Most people have some soreness at the injection site, and a few have a rash or feel tired for a day or two."

"What about the second dose?"

"Now that you have the first, we can make an appointment for the second one. It takes several weeks after the last does to reach maximum effect."

"Which is?"

"Greatly reduced chance of infection or transmission, like less than 10% chance, and even if you get it, after vaccination the symptoms are much less severe. Healthy folks like you, once vaccinated, have less chance of dying from COVID than you do of being hit by lighting, especially here in our little north Texas tornado alley."

"What about side effects?"

"Nothing frequent or serious. And regardless of the conspiracy theories, there are no nano-microchips or contraceptives in the vaccine, it doesn't sterilize you, nor can you catch COVID from it. There are no virus particles in this version, not even killed ones, just copies of the spike protein that lets your immune system build up antibodies that react if you get exposed to the real thing. By the time we get together again, you will both be safe from the virus."

She gave Jenny a hot look. "But you, my pretty, will not be safe from my lecherous advances!"

Jenny's jaw dropped, and my dick rose. Then Jenny grinned. "Nor you from mine!" Wow. I guess she was getting comfortable.

When we got home, I felt good about being vaccinated. It told me things were on the way back to normal in the world. But we had a new definition of normal for our marriage, I guess. Would being vaccinated make us more likely to swing more? What would that mean? We were not virgins when we got married, and we had told each other about our past lovers (mostly) but we also pretty much figured on just being with each other from then on. It made me wonder.

Jenny must have been thinking, too. After dinner, she sat down on the couch next to me and gave me that look that I knew meant that I should be incredibly careful about how I answered her next question.

"Tim? Why did you decide to marry me?"

Oh boy. Right to big trouble with no preamble. Make a joke about it? "Well, officially it was because I wanted to have beautiful and intelligent children."

She looked suspicious.

"But really it was your ass. I love your ass!"

That did not get the reaction I was hoping for. She crossed her arms and looked sternly at me.

"I didn't marry you for your body Tim."

Oh boy. Thanks for that.

"I married you because you were the best one to ever ask me. You made me feel good, I trusted you, I thought you would make a good living, and I thought you would give me intelligent children too. When you asked, it just felt right. I never asked myself if sex with you would be good enough for me. I had never had it better."

I noted she did not say anything about beautiful children. I cringed a little about what she might say next. I hope she was not about to say that now she had had much better sex, with Sam.

"We are supposed to be honest about all this right? Sex with Sam was not better, it was simply different. It was exciting because it was different. I felt a little guilty right after. Becky told me most women feel that way after their first time, even when their husbands knew all about it. It made me realize something, too. Having sex with Sam does not mean I don't love you. I love you, and I am always going to love you, and I always want to be married you. It just means that sex and love are not identically equal for me now. I suppose they never really were. I just didn't realize it. I don't want to live with anyone else but you, but I might occasionally want to have sex with someone else. Like you said, it feels balanced and fair somehow if we both agree to it."

I couldn't think of anything to say. I reached out and took her hand. She continued.

"I know you still love me, despite how exciting Becky's skin was for you." She made a funny face. "Watching you and Becky together shouldn't threaten me. It should make me happy that you are enjoying it. Like the video we saw where Sam was holding Becky's face and enjoying her enjoying that other guy. He was happy along with her. But, having sex with Becky will certainly be different for me, especially with you and Sam watching!"

We got an email from Becky later that evening with our appointments, four weeks hence, for the second jab. We started to feel even more like normal life was back. I wondered how much we would both travel in the future. Jenny used to say that sales and sales management were inherently face to face activities. I was not so sure about my IT projects. Would remote consulting be the new normal? What would happen to all the corporate real estate around us? Amazon was expanding those warehouses just west of us again. Meantime we kept up our morning runs and had more sex together than ever.

Soon it was time for our second session with Becky and Sam. This time at their place on Lakeside Hollow, and in the evening. Their house was even larger than ours, and beautifully decorated. Becky had a light supper laid out. The small talk seemed just a placeholder for the agenda that everyone was thinking about, but we did learn that Sam worked at the Texas Motor Speedway nearby as a press relations guy and part time announcer and did voiceovers for radio spots on the side. I thought he had that kind of voice.

As we cleared the dishes, Jenny brought out the Scrabble set she had tucked in her giant purse. "I thought we might play Scrabble?"

Sam and Becky were surprised and speechless, their faces unbelieving. This was the last thing they were expecting.

"With a twist!" She smiled and explained her strip scrabble idea.

Sam smiled, but Becky looked almost predatory. "I must warn you that I am the world's best at Scrabble", Becky said. "You two won't stand a chance! But I might have changed my wardrobe for the evening a bit if I knew about this."

Jenny is an extremely competitive person, and she thought she was the Scrabble queen. I could see the fire in her eyes. Sam grinned. "I think I want to see this."

We set up the board on their kitchen table, turned the tiles over and shuffled them around, and everyone drew their initial hand. Becky insisted that we go first, as their guests. I looked at my tiles. What a lousy draw. The first word I thought of making was "CUNT". I decided that was not a good idea. "NUT" was all I could manage. I least I didn't have to draw a tile and lose two pieces of clothing right away.

Jenny of course did even better. She tied into the "U" I had put down horizontally and made "VIRUS" vertically, a super word score and somehow an appropriate comment on the evening.

Becky looked worried, but then tied into Jenny's vertical to make "VENT" and smiled, but Jenny was still the high scorer.

Sam smiled, waited a few seconds, and then said, "Gee, guys, I just can't make a word at all!" He drew a tile and took off his shoes and socks. I guess he had already decided he could win by losing, a strategy I also had considered.

Jenny looked thoughtful, and then said, "We should clarify the rules. The high scorer is computed by the total score for the game, cumulatively, not the top score in each turn."

Becky got an angry look. "Oh, sure, little miss got lucky on the first turn and wants to stay in the lead!"

Wow. Two rabid competitors. Sam was right. This could be worth watching.

Jenny smiled. "I'll be the top scorer in each turn either way, Becky, so get ready to strip for me! Why don't you keep score on a sheet of paper so we can all see it's on the up and up?"

Becky whipped out a sheet of paper and made four columns with a fine point Sharpie in a bold hand and filled in the first row. "Your turn again, Tim!"

I only had one play -- on the end of the horizontal "VENT" I added "AG" to form "TAG" vertically.

Jenny smiled and added "RIN" to form "GRIN" horizontally. "See my big grin, Becky?"

We may have created a monster. You could almost see the smoke coming out of Becky's ears as she frantically examined her remaining tiles. Jenny made a very annoying sigh, then another. "Shouldn't there be some sort of time limit?"

Becky finally made a face like she was being tortured and put an "S" on "VENTS". They argued about how to score it.

Jenny giggled. "That just barely counts neighbor, and my lead increases dramatically!"

Sam was predictable. "I got nothing! I am terrible at this game." He drew a tile and then took off his shirt and belt. He was down to slacks and underwear now. He had a plan, and he was sticking to it. I suppose I would too if my chest were chiseled like his.

Jenny said teasingly, "If you can't make a word next turn, Sam, it's nakey nakey time!" He didn't look too worried.

I was stuck, I drew a tile and took off my shoes and socks.

Now Jenny looked sick. Apparently, Becky's added "S" had thwarted her planned play, and I had given her nothing to work with either. She turned red, drew a tile, and took off her shoes and belt.

Becky snickered. Then she looked incredibly happy and played on my "GRIN" to make "NAKED" vertically. "Which soon you all shall be and serving me!" She did her version of an evil laugh. Jenny was furious.

Sam looked crafty, and from his growing hand of tiles trotted out "ZAXE" to make "ZAXES" vertically on the end of "VENTS". If that score held, Sam was even with Jenny for the lead!

Without really thinking, I said "That's not a real word!"

Sam said in his announcer voice, "Do you challenge? If it is a word in the dictionary, you lose two turns." He pointed confidently to the bookshelf above their little kitchen desk. They probably had an OED.

I didn't know that rule, but two turns would be 4 articles of clothing, and I would be naked and afraid.

I looked at Jenny, my Scrabble lifeline, and she didn't move a muscle. "No challenge," I said.

Becky smiled. "Good call. It's a mason's tool!"

Jenny glanced over at Becky's scoresheet and was not happy with the new totals. "You're a tool Sam! Building up a stock of tiles and then springing a word like that one on us."

He smiled. "I've got a tool, Jenny, that you will soon have to polish!"

Jenny turned white. She had gone from crowing confident player to a very worried wife.

Becky stopped looking at Jenny and studied the tiles in her little holder. She cut her eyes at us, and then drew a tile. She took off her shoes and reached under her skirt for second, then took off one stocking and put it on the table. It had those little dimples in it that told me it had been held up by a garter belt.

Jenny almost shouted. "That only counts as one half, Becky dear. Off with the other one, two!"

Becky brushed back her long brown hair and looked hot. "I need a special ruling on this!"


Becky looked even hotter. "Because I only have on a garter belt. No panties."

That got my attention. Becky looked right at me and reached under her skirt again, then took off the other stocking. She laid it on the table between Jenny and me. It smelled good.

Jenny smiled. "Just count the garter belt as panties. No special deal. Your turn Sam."

Sam looked at his tiles and smiled. "I just love it when she wears that garter belt with no panties. But I got nothing." He drew a tile, and then stood and took off his shirt and Tommy John underwear. His obvious erection stuck out over the table, pointed right at Jenny. She stared at it for a moment, then looked at me and smiled, then looked back at Sam. I thought I would be mad, or freaked out, but I was instead turned on.

Everyone then looked at me. I realized it was my turn. I had no play. I drew a tile and took off my slacks and shirt. I was now sitting in my Duluth Trading "Buck Naked" red boxers. At least they weren't tighty whiteys. I was hard as rock underneath them. Becky looked right at them and smiled.

Jenny was searching through her tiles again and looked very worried.

Sam grinned. "I call time, Jenny."

Jenny drew a tile and slowly took off her skirt and blouse, and she had no bra, revealing two amazingly erect nipples. She had only her tiny black panties on, which she once told me were "coco somethings". They looked hot as hell, and her dark pubic hair was clearly visible through them.