Goodbye Inspector


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"I can't believe how much you love cock," I groaned as Carol swallowed.

"Either can I."


We didn't have sex anymore that night, but we did drink. I don't remember exactly when I went to sleep.

Carol woke first. The sun was up but she didn't know the time. Her watch was in her bag. Naked meant entirely naked; she had been told by her boyfriend to take off all her jewelry and her watch. She sat and grabbed his cock. No response, he was still sleeping deeply.

The walk to the bathroom outside was on wooden slats, so no need for shoes. Carol stopped and felt the warmth on her naked body. It was nice, it would be a hot day.

On the toilet she held her head. She hadn't drunk as much as Bobby, but her head still hurt. She happily sat and rubbed her temples until thirst drove her to finish and get out. Opening the door, she saw an unexpected and familiar sight.

"Jon? What are you doing here?"

"Carol. I'm sorry to jump up like this. We need to talk."

"Jon, you can't be here. How did you get here? What are you doing here?"

"Why are you covering up?" He frowned. "Take your hands away."

"No. I have a boyfriend. I'm not yours anymore."

"Carol, we need to talk."

"Bobby's in there!"

"He's still asleep. I checked."

"Jon, this is crazy. You're being crazy."

"Just hear me out."

"Hear what?" Carol scowled.

"Come," Jon said, reaching for her hand.

"Where?" Carol moaned. Jon led her across the soft grasses downriver from the shack and onto the path toward the swimming hole.

"Jon, stop. He'll wonder where I am!"

It was far enough to be out of sight. Jon turned and held her naked body tightly. They kissed.

"Jon, this is crazy," Carol complained as his kisses went to her neck and ears, his hands gripping her ass tightly as he knew she liked.

"I love you Carol. I need to take you away from here."

"How did you even get here?" she asked, mouth at her breasts. Oh, that guy knew how to suck her.

"You're wet," Jon said, a finger between her legs. "And smooth. Did he shave you again?"

"No! Something is wrong, it's not growing back! And stop. I hurt like hell. What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"Mom's car. Said I'm going fishing. Left before dawn."

"Jon. You can't come here. I'm his girlfriend."

"Carol. Listen to me. I love you."

"Oh god. You know I love you too. But I also love Bobby, and he's my boyfriend."

"I need you more," Jon begged.

Carol sighed.

"Please, don't put more fingers in. It stings."

"You've been fucking that much?"

Carol nodded. "Last night he had to help me to walk."

"He's hurting you," Jon accused.

"Right now you are. Take them out," she complained, pulling at his wrist.

"Come home with me." Jon left his two fingers deep in Carol but stopped moving.

"I can't. But...last night... Bobby kind of implied he'd be willing to share."

"Share what?"

"Just sex. Not the relationship I guess, but he said he doesn't mind if..."

"If what?"

"Nothing. Nothing."

"Tell me."

"If...there's one in here. And one in here. At the same time," Carol explained, pointing at her mouth then her pussy.

Jon shook his head. "Carol you have to leave him. I would never make you do something like that. It's insane."

"I don't mind. If it's going to help."

"You'd fuck two guys? At the same time."

"It's okay. I'll do it. If it solves a problem, if it helps you both be friends, I don't mind."

"You're disgusting."

"Jon. I'm trying to help."

"By acting like a slut?"

"How is that different to now? You could both take a turn together, in the same bed, instead of sneaking around behind each other's back."

"I will never share you."

"You already are."

"Never again."

"Then you need to go, Jon."

He shook his head.

"Not me. Not going home alone."

Jon unbuttoned his shorts and unzipped.

"No," Carol said firmly. "You don't get to do that. Not if you don't share. You said it yourself."

"I will fuck you."

"Then you have to come back and do it with Bobby there. The three of us. Together. I'll let you both fuck me as much as you want."

"I will not."

Jon stepped forward and put his left hand at Carol's throat. His right hand gripped her face, her nose squashed between his thumb and forefinger. Her mouth was mostly blocked by his palm.

"Listen slut. You will fuck me. Right now. Then you and I will go home together. No fucking Bobby."

Carol was amazed. She'd never seen this in Jon. Or anyone. She shook her head, as much to say 'don't do this' as it was a reply to what he had said.

"No? Fucking no?" Jon saw red. He squeezed her face. Carol struggled to breathe. "You think I couldn't do it? You know what that river is like? You fall in the flow, you disappear."

Carol shook her head 'no' again. This time the correct meaning got across - don't toss me in the river.

"Then take my pants off. All of it. Go on."

Jon released his grip enough for Carol to breathe. Never had Jon gone so 'alpha' on her. It was both scary and thrilling.

"But if you scream out, you hit the river."

Hit the river? As in drown her? Surely, he was just angry, just saying that. He couldn't possibly mean to do it. Surely?

"Pants! Take my pants off!"

Carol did it. Jon stepped out of them and let go of Carol long enough to allow her to take his T-shirt off. Naked, he said, "Now we fuck."

Jon took Carol's hand and put it to his erection. She gripped and tugged.

In a rush of sudden defiance, Carol lifted her knee to his balls, as hard as she could manage. Jon doubled over as she ran for the cabin.

The kick hadn't been hard enough though. Her feet hurt as she made her way back along the path. Jon caught her easily.

"Fucking bitch. Come with me," he grimaced, holding her by the hair. Jon pulled her toward the river. "You wanna die? Scream. Go on. I dare you."

The two of them stumbled over the smooth river rocks.

"Jon, you can stop. I'll do it, I'll do it!"

He didn't listen. He stumbled and splashed them out to knee-deep water. They were on the edge of the flow.

"You will fuck or you will go in."

"I said, I'll do it."

Jon pushed Carol forward and kicked open her legs. "Stick your ass back."

Carol did it. Something about the way he wanted her that badly, she couldn't help but get wet. She didn't want him to know how much he had turned her on, but he would find out soon enough. Her pussy was soaked.

"Tell me whose cock you want," he demanded.

"Yours," she said, surprisingly strongly.

"Tell the world!"

"I want your cock!"

"Only my cock!"

Carol was torn between fear and desire. Jon grabbed her hair again and pushed her face down to look at the water. "You wanna go in there? Say it."

"I only want your cock!" Carol yelled out.

"Don't worry, you'll get it. And you can yell all you like now. He won't hear us out here."

"This is...not Bobby. He's my boyfriend," she groaned as Jon's cock struck up her easily.

"Not any more, he's not. My cock is the only one that fucks you from now on. You got that?"

"Yes," Carol groaned. The thwacking of her butt from his pelvis was louder than the tumbling water in front of them. She could feel her back burning in the mid-morning sun. The landscape was too beautiful for such ugly, brutal sex. How could Jon ever think she could be with just him after this? He was insane. Crazy. And so was she for letting him do what he was doing, no matter how good it felt.

John held her hips and fucked madly. He grunted and swore praises of her cunt. He professed love and made threats if she dared give her pussy to any other guy again. Carol prayed he would cum and be done with her. But then what? How does this end? He was obsessed with her. If she hadn't opened her legs for him, he said was going to drown her. There was no way she would break up with Bobby for this type of relationship. There was no way she could go home with him, there was no chance that could end well. For anyone.

Jon pushed her back down, she could touch her toes. I'm really just a cunt for him, she thought. Oh, it began to hurt, why was he taking so long?

"Cum," Carol cried out. "Please. It's starting to hurt!"

"The pain you have is not from my cock, right? It's from last night. We'll keep going until you can't walk from my cock, not his."

Carol grit her teeth. How could this feel good to him? Her back hurt from being pushed down so far. She tried to stand up but he wouldn't let her.

"Down girl," he barked as if talking to a dog.

Just as Carol thought about collapsing forward into the water, he gripped hard and held deep inside. The twitching had become familiar. She knew what she was about to get. Millions of sperm rushed inside her vagina.

"I'm sorry Bobby," she said to herself as the warmth spread inside her.

Jon didn't go soft straight away. He kept her plugged, saying crude things about her cunt and all the things he would do to it.

"And your ass, I'm gonna fuck that 'til you can't walk too," he laughed. "I'll take that virginity at least."

Carol shuddered. She couldn't have that. She couldn't have a life with Jon. He was too much. She couldn't stand him one more minute. Her mind dizzied from being held head-down for so long. As Jon let go of her hips and his cock finally fell from her sore and tired vagina, Carol took grip of the orange-sized rock under her right hand. Blissful in the sun after his conquer, Jon was ill-prepared for the wild spin and roundhouse right from the girl he thought he had fucked into submission. Carol threw every piece of energy, adrenaline and anger into that swing, growling as she did it.

The stone cracked Jon's temple. He dropped like a sack of potatoes face-down in the stream. Blood streamed immediately on a path through Carols legs in the water. There was lots of it. She watched bright red crimson streaks pass beneath her. Sperm leaked from her vagina to fall on the surface of the blood, bright white in stark contrast against the crimson red. Jon's blood and semen danced and spun together toward the deep of the river, both of his precious fluids intertwined as they disappeared downstream.

Carol wanted to help. He was face down. Unconscious. If she didn't turn him over, he would drown. Yet she was terrified to touch him. Disgusted. That naked man had made her be someone she didn't want to be. He threatened to kill her. He was going to fuck her in the ass. If she touched him, if she helped...a shiver went through her despite the warmth of her sun-drenched body.

She needed to turn him over but when she leant down, she couldn't bear to touch his skin. Dropping the stone Carol walked slowly toward the bank, keeping one eye behind her in case Jon suddenly woke and launched at her. At a safe distance she sat on the smooth stones in shallow water. She did what she could to squeeze and wash away the sex, and to rub and soothe her aching vagina in the cool water.

She sat there and watched until it was certain that Jon wasn't getting up. When the water bobbed him enough to reach the main flow, that was the end of it. He disappeared down-river naked. The sperm that were fighting their way inside her on a trek to her womb had outlived their master. For a brief moment Carol felt sorry for Jon that she was on the pill. The last shred of hope he had to continue his line was on a bitter path of disappointment to an infertile womb.

"Goodbye Jon. I'm sorry."


Carol felt sorry, but not guilty. She felt proud of defending herself. Empowered. She had offered Jon more than he deserved. Selfishly, violently, he set the path to his ruin. She shuddered at the threat of him forcing into her ass. It would have been her bleeding to death instead of him.

When Carol walked out of the water, nothing remained of their incident other than Jon's clothes on the path, and the sperm in her vagina. Back at the shack she buried the clothes in the bottom of the outside bin.


"Hey. Wake up. I made you some coffee."

"No you didn't," I said sleepily. "I don't drink coffee. It's yours."

"I know," Carol grinned.

"I'll take some of those breasts though," I negotiated.

Carol smiled, put down her coffee and crawled back into bed.

"You have no idea," I said smiling, "how nice it is to have a beautiful naked girl voluntarily in my bed."

Carol rubbed against me, holding and stroking my erection. It wasn't sexual as much as it was intimate. We were absorbed into each other's nudity.

"Thank you Bobby."

"For what?"

"For being a decent man."

"You think I'm decent?" I asked. I wondered if she was being sarcastic, given I'd being showing her off over the phone. It wasn't very decent behavior.

"Comparatively. Yes."

"We had sex on Jon's floor with those guys watching."

"That wasn't just you. I let you."

"You liked it? Those guys watching you take liked that?"

"I don't know. I can't remember much. I've blocked it."

We kissed and held each other. We caressed and massaged. Carol was still too sore to use her vagina so she practiced with her mouth. It was a lot of fun joking around as we tried different things. We cooked, we ate, we drank late morning beers. We took turns in posing for the camera. We let the sun on the front porch tan us.

"You wanna swim?" I asked after a time.

Carol shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere near that water."

I tipped my head. "I don't think you need to worry. Not much chance of anyone coming back."

Carol shot me a terrifying look. I had stunned her.

"The campers," I said.

Carol looked confused and then relieved.

"Oh, no no no. Not that. It's too cold."

"Might not be today...after a few days of sun."

"The water is still freezing," she assured me.

I looked at her.

"How would you know?" I laughed.

Carol thought for a while before saying, "Look at it. Does that look warm to you?"

"The sun's out."

"I don't want to go in the water today."

"We could go fishing?" I suggested.

Carol shuddered.

"I wanna stay here."

"Just sit around?"

Carol sensed I was getting cabin-fever, that I wanted to go do something.

"You can take pictures of me," she countered.

"We already have!"

" could find somewhere to put them on the internet if you wanted."

A tingle went through me.

"Are you serious? You want me to put them online?"

Carol shrugged, "It's up to you."

"Anyone in the world can see your cunt, and that's okay with you?"

"Not just see it," she grinned, coming in close to tug me, kiss my neck, "See it being fucked."

"Ha! You want me in there too?"

"Of course. I want everyone to know you're the guy that fucks me. You're the one."

"You don't have to put it online for people to know that. You could just tell them."

"Hmmm," Carol purred, "But I want people to see. It's kinda interesting, no? Naughty?"

"You want your teachers online seeing you like this? With a cock in you? Face and all?"

"Oh Bobby. I'm wet. Put it in. Please."

"I thought you were sore."

"You can be gentle. Please. I'm so wet. Feel it."

I felt it.

"Jeez. You really are turned on. You seriously want people to see you?"

"Not just see me, see us. Get the video. Please. Fuck me."


We filmed our sex but, in the end, I couldn't do it, I couldn't bring myself to put the videos online. But wow, what a day. While we were making the movies, it was thrilling to think it would happen. There was one that turned out amazing; Carol riding wickedly on top. You could see the whole cock appearing and disappearing. Carol was squealing before she leaned back and her waters broke. The spray went everywhere.

"I told you I squirt," Carol puffed, laughing as I zoomed in to her face. "Now it's your turn. Cum in my cunt, baby."

As sensible as it was to avoid putting those videos on a porn site, we did allow ourselves one transgression. There was a math teacher Carol had when she was fifteen that she liked. He was at another school now and his personal email was on Linked-in. We made up an email address and sent it to him anonymously. Undoubtedly any authorities could trace it to us, it wasn't espionage-anonymous, but we hadn't done anything illegal. He was no longer a teacher at her school and Carol was no longer underage.

"He'll think it's an invitation to fuck you," I suggested.

"That would be nice," Carol teased. "Or maybe you two could do me together."

"Are you really okay with doing something like that?"

"Of course. If you're there, it's not cheating right?"

"You'd seriously like two cocks together?"

"Would be nice to try once. As long as you are in one end."

"So you and I could fuck with another girl as well, then? That would only be fair."

Carol lay on me and thought for a time. We kissed gently and intimately.

"I love you Bobby," she said quietly, her hair falling over my face, her nipples pressed into my chest.

"I love you too."

"I'll fuck whoever you want me to."

"Have you ever...?"

"Ever what? Slept with a girl?"

"Well, not slept with...just...anything. Kissed. Touched."

"Of course not!"

"But you think you could?"

"Could what? Kiss a girl?"


"I don't know. If you asked me to, I guess."


"Touch where?"


"I guess. I could try."

I was achingly hard at the conversation.

"Would you suck cunt? Put your hand inside a girl?"

"Oh god, you want me to go that far?"

"I'd love to see you lick out a girl."

"You're going to suck that guy's cock first?"

"What guy?"

"The one fucking me with you. If you don't suck him, why I need to suck some girl's pussy."

"I didn't say I wouldn't."

"Okay, so will you?"


"See! I don't need to do that either."

I was backed against the wall. All I could do was concede and move the conversation elsewhere.

"A reply came back," I told her as she sat on the stairs of the deck in the sun later.


"He says, Everything I ever imagined."

"That's it?"

"That's it. You want I ask him if he wants a turn?"

"No! Don't! It's embarrassing enough he's seen me do that."

"I thought you wanted two cocks?"

"Yeah, but not if it's planned. It just has to happen. By itself. Can't schedule it. That would be too weird."

I put that insight away in my mental note-book. I would need to plan something spontaneous.

I walked out to sit next to her, putting an arm around that beautiful naked body. Carol lay her head in my nape.

"It's a beautiful day," I sighed happily.

"I wish we didn't have to go home tomorrow."

"You like it here?"

"I like it here with you," she said sweetly.

"You're being really affectionate today," I said. "Hey, don't get me wrong, it's nice. I like it. Just a bit different."

"You're nice. You'd never hurt me, would you?"

"Emotionally or physically?"


"Not on purpose," I replied, trying to keep it light. Carol was being far clingier and more emotional since that morning. I guessed it was only natural for her to be anxious after letting a guy have his fill of her sexually. She probably worried I was eyeing off my next conquer. I pondered what I could say to make her feel safe about our relationship.

"Can we come here every year for our anniversary?" I suggested.

"Huh? Is that a proposal?" she smiled up at me.

"No! Ummm, not that type of anniversary, yet, but, no, I meant dating... anniversary."

"When is that? What date?"

"I don't know. That day we first fucked?"

"So we were only officially dating after you put your cock in me?"

I shrugged. "I guess. You have a better idea?"

Carol did, but she dared not say it. The day she stopped taking other cocks. The day from which she absorbed the sperm of Bobby exclusively. That would make today the official start date. At least that temptation was gone, she could no longer cheat with Jon even if she had wanted.
