Central High Blues Ch. 04


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"Mind if I help you with dinner?" I asked.

She welcomed my help, and we fell into a comfortable routine of cooking together. At one point, though, I did ask her a question that had been bothering me.

"When you invited me to come back over here, after I dropped Trina at her place, were you planning to seduce me?"

She chuckled at that.

"Oh, sweetheart," she replied, "I didn't seduce you. You just needed that to get relaxed. Don't get me wrong—I have really enjoyed this a lot more than I expected to—but if you had been able to just open up and tell me what was bothering you, we would not have had sex at all."

That left me in a thoughtful daze.

"Am I some kind of sex addict?" I wondered aloud.

"Oh! Sweetheart, no!" she set down her spatula and hugged me tightly. "Don't be silly. You are an eighteen-year-old young man. For the most part, you have shown remarkable restraint."

She went back to the stir-fry on the skillet, mixing it a bit before looking back at me.

"Maybe it isn't obvious to you, but I understand a lot of what you're going through right now. My tits got really big by the time I started high school. They drew all kinds of attention, and I was a horny young woman. That meant that there were always guys available whenever I wanted to have sex, and I wanted it all the time. I reached a point that I really worried there might be something wrong with me. After nursing school, I was still single. Most of my friends had settled down and gotten married. I was having a lot of affairs, but still hadn't found the guy who was right for me. I met my husband, and everything changed."

She flashed a beautiful smile at me, clearly thinking about her husband. It made me think of my parents. They looked so happy and in love that morning. I realized that I was looking for that relationship in my own life.

"You can't force it," she said, "When it is time for that one love of your life, it will just happen. In the meantime, you should enjoy all that your life has to offer you. You and Trina are lovely, you know. If you get all bent out of shape thinking about Leanne, you will ruin what you have right now."

"I think my mother said something very similar a few weeks ago," I said, smiling at this infinitely wise woman.

We sat and enjoyed dinner together. She regaled me with stories about Heather in nursing school that I am sure Heather would have preferred for me not to hear. It made me wonder, though, why Heather was the only nurse of the group who was still single. When I asked, she shrugged at me and smiled.

"My granddaughter has just had some unfortunate luck with the guys she has fallen for," she said. She shook her head. "Three times, she has dated a guy for months before finding out he was married and lying about it. She dated an accountant for a year who went to prison for embezzlement." She looked at me. "She fell hopelessly in love with a guy half her age. That sort of thing, you know?"

I stopped cold with my chopsticks halfway to my mouth. Wait, was she saying...? Nurse Hamilton just grinned at me and took another bite.

"Don't worry about her, sweetheart. Heather is going to be just fine."

We finished our dinner and washed the dishes quickly. Back in her bedroom, Nurse Hamilton shrugged off her bathrobe and slid into the bed again. She smiled at me as she watched me drop my boxers, cooing at my renewed erection. She spread her arms and welcomed me back into her embrace.

"So, you were going to swim with your sister and Leanne," she prompted.

Her eyes widened a bit when I told her about seeing my sister in her tiny bikini that first time. Not because she was shocked that I found my sister attractive, but because my hard cock was sliding back into her welcoming pussy. She did chuckle when I talked about the fierce sunburn and the shopping excursion with my sister and Leanne. Her legs wrapped around me again, urging me to fuck her slowly when I told her about that first time with Leanne and the following night with my mother. For the first time, she commented on my story.

"That sounds amazing," she said softly, "I haven't had a cock in my ass in almost thirty years. I can't even imagine how your massive dick would feel in there."

The way her drenched pussy clamped down on my shaft, I knew she was coming just thinking about it. I held still with my cock buried to the hilt inside her until I felt her muscles relax around me. I kissed her again while looking into her eyes.

"Sorry about that," she said after the kiss, "Please, go on."

"Did you want me to...you know?" I asked hesitantly.

"Not now," she replied, "It would be too distracting. If we have time after you're done, we could try it. Don't rush, though. You can always come back tomorrow night and fuck me in the ass if you want."

She smiled warmly up at me again when she felt me pulsing inside her at that thought.

"Adorable," she sighed.

I reached the point in my story when things began to get uncomfortable with my sister and my mother, and her eyebrows creased a bit. She seemed unsurprised when the rest of the summer with Beth and Leanne unfolded, and she held me comfortingly when I shakily told her about Leanne breaking up with me. She nodded when I told her about 'The Talk' with my dad, and the subsequent first 'date night' with my mom. I think she was genuinely surprised for the first time when I told her about my experience with Brenda Cahill following that first English class.

Then again, maybe she was just coming on my hard cock. She was a tough woman to read, even with so much intimate feedback. The one constant from her, though, was that patient and loving look in her eyes. Nurse Hamilton radiated unconditional love. I felt warm and safe with her wrapped around me. It took me a couple of days to realize that I had felt the same way whenever I was with Heather.

Nurse Hamilton began to massage my shoulders and upper back as I continued through the first days of school and the crazy weekend that had just passed. Until she did that, I was unaware of the tension that had been building up there. Finally, I reached the end of that school day. She had been sensitive enough not to laugh at my predicament with my jeans showing off my package all day, and she smiled warmly when I thickened and bucked inside her while detailing the close call with Trina just before I had called her.

She gently stroked my cheek and kissed me once again, releasing me from the comforting grip of her legs and arms. She pushed my right shoulder, rolling me onto the bed next to her.

"Thank you for sharing all of that with me," she said.

Her nipples dragged across the sheets as she slid over and licked her copious juices off of my shaft. She gave me a quick suck and then looked over at her bedroom clock. I looked as well. It was nine thirty. I thought we had time if she still wanted me in her ass, but she lay on her side facing me and rested her head on her right hand.

"Now that you have gotten all of that out in the open, how do you feel?" she asked.

I thought about it. I still felt a little tense, from talking about the threesome with my parents and my mom's out-of-control behavior of late. Overall, I felt relieved just to have those secrets off my chest for once. However...

"It was...therapeutic, I guess, to be able to talk about all of this with you. I still have to keep all of those secrets to myself, though," I said, "It's not like I figured out the one thing I need to do to make my life all better."

"Of course not," she smiled at me again, "It's far more complicated than that, obviously."

She slid to the edge of the bed and reached down for her bathrobe. Seeing the disappointed look on my face caused her to chuckle. She wrapped her robe around her and tied it, then picked up my boxers and motioned me to follow her. She walked to her linen closet and handed me a bathrobe. While I put it on she scooped up the rest of my clothes and tossed them into her washing machine. I followed her back to the kitchen, where she started a pot of coffee. She also filled a mug with water and put it into her microwave, and got a packet of instant cocoa for me.

She turned and patted my cheek again. Rising up on tiptoe, she kissed me and slipped her tongue into my mouth again. The kiss was hot but unhurried. She broke it off when the microwave beeped, and stirred my hot cocoa for me.

"Have a seat," she said, indicating the dining room table.

Her coffee took a few more minutes, which allowed my cocoa to cool to a reasonable temperature. We sipped our warm beverages for a couple of minutes before she spoke again.

"As I see it, you have seven different things that are all bothering you," she said. "First, there is the issue of Leanne breaking up with you and refusing to talk. Next, there is your mother. Her behavior lately makes you feel like you can't trust her anymore—because she can't trust herself these days. Third, you and your father are uncomfortable with each other now, mostly because of your mom. I think we can nip that one in the bud right now."

"I feel like I should be taking notes on all this," I said.

That earned me a sharp look, until she realized that I was not joking.

"The problem with taking notes is that you just can't," she shook her head. "The stuff we are discussing is far too sensitive. If anyone saw your notes, it could cause all kinds of problems."

That made sense. I nodded, and she went on.

"Josh, your father loves you and your mother unconditionally. That is incredibly rare. He has shared her before, and the only reason he has been uncomfortable sharing her with you is that you are his son. It sounds like he has gotten over that, but now your relationship has changed. You two don't know from one moment to the next how to relate to each other. Are you talking to your dad, or are you talking to your mother's other man? It is always difficult for parents to see their children grow up, but your situation is different.

"It sounds like your father accepts you as an adult already, which is quite something. You two just need the chance to reconnect as friends. You and your dad don't have to talk through every little thing and work it out, you just need to get comfortable with each other again."

I thought about our workouts together in the home gym. There, we had been comfortable—for the most part. Some of what we discussed made us uncomfortable, but that was all about the uncomfortable subject matter. I just needed to make sure I spent more time doing that sort of thing with my dad. We would be fine.

"That is a load off," I said, "Dad and I are going to be alright."

Nurse Hamilton nodded and went on.

"The fourth issue is that you really love more than one woman," she ticked off on her fingers, "There's Leanne, your mother, Trina, Miss Green...your sister?"

"Well, my mom and sister aren't really in the same category," I said.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

I nodded firmly. "I have no illusions that I would want to marry either one of them or anything like that. The sex has muddied our relationships, but it's still my mom and my sister firmly in my mind." I cocked my head and looked at her, "Why did you leave Heather off of your list? You know I love her."

"I know she loves you, Josh," she replied, "But she accepts that she is far too old for you. Don't get me wrong, she is crazy about you—talks about you all the time. Maybe in a few years that age difference wouldn't be that big a deal, but right now there is no way you two could have a stable, healthy relationship."

I had to close my eyes at that, so that I wouldn't give her a suspicious look. Was she manipulating me? The way she laid out her argument almost forced me to protest and make the counter argument. Heather was so beautiful, so loving and caring. Being with her felt...I needed to let this drop, I realized. I could think about it later. I opened my eyes.

"Okay, so there are these women that I love," I said, "It's really tough for me to balance it. I don't want to hurt Trina. I don't want to lose Leanne."

"And you feel like you have betrayed Miss Green," she finished for me. "That's really a fifth thing. You love her, you feel compelled to protect her, and now that you have had sex with her you feel obligated to keep doing it. Oh, I get that it isn't some horrible obligation, she is a lovely girl. Still, you feel guilty about how all of that has played out."

"Yes ma'am," I said, "How do I get past that?"

"The same way you get past your guilt with Trina," she said, "Instead of beating yourself up over what has happened, you need to just be careful not to hurt them again. That doesn't mean you can't have sex with both of them—well, you know what I mean. After it's safe, you and Trina should have as much sex as you can. Whenever you can arrange it, you and Miss Green should make each other happy."

"Isn't that awfully irresponsible, though?" I asked.

"Not the way you do it," she replied. "You have always been thoughtful and considerate, right? Just continue to be your self, and you will be fine."

"Okay," I said, but I didn't know if I would be able to do it. Don't get me wrong, I could not wait to be with Trina, but I could not see how that would work if I reconciled with Leanne.

Nurse Hamilton looked at me and gave me another reassuring smile.

"You worry too much, Josh," she said, "Trust me on this one. All of that will work itself out. If you try too hard to do the right thing—as you see it—and break up with any of these girls, that is when you will hurt them. You could be a real heartbreaker if you wanted to, and you know it. Just love them and let them love you back. Don't force anything, and it should work out just fine."

She could see that I was still dubious.

"Josh, you already did this once," she said, "When you were with the nurses. You just loved them all, and didn't put any pressure on them. They all loved you and enjoyed you while you were with them. In the end, they have moved on and are happy. You can do that again."

"Okay," I said, "What's the sixth thing?"

"Brenda Cahill," she replied, looking a little grim. "I was worried about that girl when she was a student. When she came back as a teacher, I was happy for her. I thought she had gotten help, or at least worked through her issues. It sounds like she hasn't, though. I'm worried that her condition will make it impossible for her to be a successful teacher."

"She did make it through last year," I pointed out. "Also, it has been a couple of days since she and I were together. Maybe if she just has that outlet once in a while she can settle into a stable relationship with some lucky, horny guy."

"You love her too," Nurse Hamilton breathed.

I started to protest, but realized she was right. That she and my sister had such a horrible history was unfortunate, but it didn't make her less desirable.

"I just feel like that relationship is really, really unhealthy," I said finally. "It isn't that she is some awful person or anything. In fact, she is a really excellent teacher. I just feel...dirty after I have been with her."

"I'm not sure what you can do about that one," Nurse Hamilton shook her head, "I'm not a psychologist, and it sounds like she needs one—just not one that she can seduce. I will ask around, discreetly."

"And what is the last thing?" I asked.

"You are worried and feel guilty about having so much sex with so many women," she said, "Given your medical history and your heart condition, that could be a legitimate concern. As far as the guilt, though, I cannot help you. I've spent a lifetime as a school nurse. Guilt has only gotten in the way of doing my job, and I've never had a use for it. You feel guilty about having sex with other women while you're dating Trina, right?"

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

"I would suggest that you need to talk to her before you feel guilty. Did she ask you to stop seeing other women? Did you ask her to stop seeing other guys?"

"No, we haven't talked about that at all," I replied, "But I am a little concerned about the other half of that. You said my heart condition is an issue." I looked into her eyes and nervously asked, "You're a nurse. Should I stop having sex for health reasons?"

"I don't think that your heart is an issue, and that's my professional opinion," she replied thoughtfully, "It would be an issue if you were into really rough sex for prolonged periods. You basically spent the entire evening having sex with me, and I didn't feel your pulse doing anything unusual. The concern with your heart is putting too much stress on it. Healthy exercise that doesn't exceed that threshold actually makes your heart stronger, and that would include regular, healthy sex.

"I'm a nurse, though, not a cardiologist. I know they performed stress testing on your heart back in June. Your heart has shown improvement ever since, but they haven't stress-tested you recently." She shrugged. "We could try something...but we still have a couple of issues we haven't discussed: Leanne and your mother. It's too late for me to call Leanne tonight, so I will have to do that tomorrow.

"When I talk to her, I have to tell her that I talked to you. I only mention it because it violates the 'what happens here stays here' policy. I won't tell her anything about anybody else, but I think it would be helpful if Leanne and I can discuss your relationship with Trina."

"How so?" I asked.

"Leanne told you that she wants for you to be able to date while you are in high school, but you are hamstrung in that relationship because you don't know what will happen with Leanne. You don't know if she is dating someone else. You are limited in just how much you can commit to Trina because of your prior commitment to Leanne. From what you have told me, Leanne didn't mind sharing you with Beth or Heather. She probably wouldn't mind sharing you with Trina. But if you aren't talking about it, you can't know that for sure. Does that sound about right?"

Whoa. That is a lot to process.

I thought it over carefully, nodding as I did so.

"I hadn't thought it all through like that," I replied, "But I had thought about those things quite a bit. I told Trina that I had dated Leanne over the summer, I'm pretty sure, but I don't think I was straightforward about how I feel about Leanne now. I didn't want to say that if Leanne suddenly came back and wanted me, I would probably dump Trina in a heartbeat." I shook my head. "I mean, I knew I felt that way, but I couldn't very well start off a new relationship by being that brutally honest. Also, like you said, I don't know what my relationship with Leanne is now."

"Just keep all of that in mind, sweetheart," Nurse Hamilton said, "Hopefully she will talk to you soon and the two of you can sort that out. Once you two figure out what your relationship is going to be, you can decide what your relationship with Trina will be."

Damn, she is unbelievable, I thought as I looked at her in awe.

"That just leaves your mother," she went on. "I could talk to her as well, if you would like."

She was quiet for a while, thinking through something in her head for a while. After a minute or two of that, she brightened.

"I know," she said, "I could go with you to your house tomorrow. When you and Trina have finished your homework, we'll drop her off, and I will go with you to your place. As long as your parents don't mind me visiting, and are expecting me, the three of us can have a nice long talk and try to work this out. What do you think?"

"To be honest, it makes me nervous," I shrugged after getting that out quickly, "I trust you, of course. It's just that I don't want my parents freaking out when we talk about such personal issues. How well do you know them, anyway?"

"I've talked with your mother several times over the years, and seen her around the school quite a bit as well. I feel like I know her pretty well," she replied, "I don't know your father at all, but he's not really the problem. What we need to do is repair the trust between you and your mother."