A Time to Sow

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A woman supervises her daughter's wedding night.
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Everyone in town was still in disbelief to hear that the McGill girl was getting married today. For years, people in the small farming town of Lubbell had joked that not even a blind man would marry Judith McGill. She had arms as big as hams, a prodigious bosom, and long, black hair.

However, her Rubenesque figure was not enough to distract from her less-than-attractive face. The young lady had a pair of beady black eyes set inside of a chunky face with two chins. Also, either due to lack of grooming or genetics, she had a thick monobrow, a hairy upper lip, and hairy forearms.

The lucky man to marry her was not blind, but a wiry young man named Donald Gilbert. A lanky young man of 23 who'd lost his parents three years ago in a car accident. He'd been dating Judith since they were in high school, and, now, she would be his wife.

Even though the wedding was a small event, more than half of the town had shown up to witness the union. The humble, yet beautiful ceremony was followed by an equally beautiful and humble reception, held in the reception hall of the church. The young couple had been showered with gifts, cash, and well-wishes from their neighbors.

If there was anyone more excited about the marriage than the bride and groom, it had to be the bride's mother, Bertha McGill.

Even as she was driving home in her beat up 1998 Chevrolet Blazer, which was laden with wedding gifts, she was grinning with anticipation of the happiness that would come from her daughter's marriage: grandchildren. Judith was Bertha's only child, thanks to her late husband's woefully low sperm count and premature ejaculation. Ever since he'd died of a heart attack when Judith was 14, Bertha had prayed that her daughter would find a good man.

Donald was an answer to her prayers. The loss of his parents had left him a small inheritance, along with a house, which he had sold a few months before the wedding; he had decided to move in with Bertha and Judith, and used his money to help with their bills. When the young man wasn't working his job at the local feed store, he spent his spare time helping do chores around their house. Both McGill women were happy to have a man to mow the lawn on their 5 acre property, tend the garden, feed their livestock, and keep their vehicles maintained.

A few minutes after she pulled into her driveway, Judith and Donald pulled up behind her in Donald's pickup truck. Like a gentleman, Donald ran over to help his new wife out of the car. Bertha felt a pang of jealousy; after her own wedding, her husband had taken her to a cheap motel and passed out drunk on the bed.

"Alright, you lovebirds," Bertha called. "Let's get inside the house."

The young couple followed Bertha inside and to Judith's bedroom. Once inside, Bertha closed the door behind them and stared at the young couple. The two newlyweds shifted nervously as Bertha sat down on the navy blue armchair in the corner of the room.

"Well, now that you two are married in the eyes of the Lord, it's time for you to start making me some grandchildren."

"Mama, I'm tired," Judith whined. "Can't I get a nap first?"

"You can nap after, girl," Bertha snapped, getting to her feet. "Looky here, you're a young and fertile gal, so you better get to startin' a family." She looked at Donald and said. "Well, what're you waiting for, Donnie? Go ahead and unwrap your bride."

Nervously, the young man looked at his new wife, who gave him a look before turning her back to him. Donald's heart began to pound as he reached over and pulled down the zipper of his wife's wedding dress. Once the zipper was all the way down, he helped her pull down the dress until it fell to the floor. After the dress was at Judith's feet, he helped her remove her Spanx, bra, and panties. Slowly, Judith turned around to face her husband.

Donald's breath was taken away at the sight of his naked wife. For years, he'd imagined Judith in the nude; even now, he felt as though he was still dreaming. His eyes immediately went to her fat breasts, each of them dangling from her chest with light brown nipples within areolae the size of Oreos. He then gazed at her large belly, which had always been the most noticeable feature on Judith, but he'd never really seen it out in the open. Her stomach hung low past her waist, and conspicuously jutted forward.

Bertha chuckled as she saw a large lump form in the front of Donald's pants. "Looks like your hubby's ready for you, Judy. Why don't you help him get ready?"

Judith started by unbuttoning his shirt buttons, while Don undid his tie and belt. After his shirt was off, he sat on the bed and removed his shoes and socks. Once his feet were bare, he stood up and yanked down both his pants and boxers.

Both Judith and her mother goggled at the erect serpent that protruded from Donald's nethers. In Bertha's mind, she heard the sound of a horse neighing. Since Donald had started dating Judith, he ate as much as she did - and that was a lot, but - unlike Judith, he never seemed to gain any weight. Despite his almost skeletal frame, the young man was very strong, being able to undertake numerous strenuous chores around the house. It was now apparent where most of the meat on his body was.

"Well, take a look at that piece of beef!" Bertha exclaimed.

Both Donald and Judith were burning with a combination of embarrassment from Bertha's comment and desire for each other. Judith had imagined that her wedding night would be a lot more romantic: candles, kissing, and tender lovemaking. Now, when she would look back on this milestone, it would be marred by the presence of her mother.

"Okay, let's get started," Bertha said, kicking off her shoes, walking to the bed and climbing on top of it. After lying on her back, she looked at her daughter and said, "Come over here and lay back on top of me."

Judith obeyed her mother, climbing into bed and reclining atop her. Bertha grabbed her daughter's plump tits and started fondling them. Judith moaned softly as her nipples hardened with arousal.

"Now, Donny," Bertha said. "This is my baby girl's first time, so you gotta get her nice and wet. Put yer head between her legs and start licking."

Donny silently followed her command. Now that Judith was on her back, he could partially see the hairy delta between her chunky thighs. He had to lift her enormous belly a bit so that he could see it fully. Her vagina was adorned with bristly black hairs that even lined her inner thighs. The strange, pungent smell coming from her crotch was so new, but curiously made him more desirous of her.

Judith let out a shrill gasp as she felt Donald's tongue caressing her womanhood. It traveled along the opening of her slit, causing the hairs upon it to become damp. Her eyes fluttered as she gripped the sheets on the bed, silently begging Donald to keep going.

"That's right, Donny," Bertha cooed. "She sure tastes good, doesn't she?"


"Well, keep licking, baby. And don't forget to give some attention to that little nub, because once you do..."

"Ah! Ah! OH DONNY!"

"Oh, looks like he found it!"

Spurred by the pleasure his wife was feeling, he began to start improvising. He kissed and sucked the inside of her thighs, licked her clitoris, and stuck his tongue inside of her. He felt pride from seeing Judith writhing in the bed because of what he was doing to her. He could feel her getting wetter and wetter as time went on.

Judith's body seemed as though it was on fire. She wanted her husband, and she wanted him now. It didn't matter if her mother was in the same bed as the two of them.

"Donny, please!" Judith cried, looking down at her crotch, barely able to see her husband's head over her large stomach. "I want yoooooou!"

"You hear that, Donny?" Bertha said with glee. "She's all ready for you! Come up on here and make her a woman."

Donald sat up in the bed and scooted forward so that he was eye-to-eye with Judith. Her pudgy face was blushing and heaving, causing her large breasts to rise and fall. He stared into her eyes while he reached down to grab his burly manhood and press it against her threshold. After minutes of uncomfortable shifting and adjusting, Donald pushed forward and slid inside of Judith. She gritted her teeth as he entered her.

"Ohhhh, yes!" Donald gasped.

"Donny, I need to...UNNGH!"

Donald wasted no time, steadily thrusting back and forth inside of Judith. He looked down to see her jiggling belly and bouncing breasts moving in rhythm with him. While Judith's eyes were clamped shut and her mouth agape, he glanced over to see Bertha lounging behind her daughter, clearly enjoying the sight.

"Yessss, that's right, Donald. Put that pole of yours to some good use and make me a grandchild. Oh, can't you tell that she's enjoying it?"

"Mama, please," Judith implored. "It's hurts!"

"That's okay, sugar, this is your first time. I expect you'll start to enjoy it more after the two of you have had some more practice. Donny, keep going, baby, but don't go any faster. You wouldn't want to hurt your bride on your first night, would you?"

Donald's only reply was a loud groan as his rod began to become burdened with seed. Though Judith's moans were tinged with pain, they only served to arouse him more. Noticing her stiff nipples, he bent his head down and took one of them into his mouth. The wonderful sensation radiating throughout her entire body made the pain of her first time significantly more bearable. Bertha chuckled as she watched Donald grab Judith's other breast.

"Mmm, that's right, son-in-law. Suck on that titty. Pretty soon, it'll be making milk for your little ones."

Donald desperately wished that Bertha would shut up. The thought of Judith's breasts becoming swelled with milk was driving him wild. With his mouth still full of his wife's breast, his let out a low groan. He stopped suckling and rose so that he could look his bride in the eye. Bertha immediately saw the weary, panting young man and could tell what was about to happen.

"Ohhh, you're gonna cum, aren't you, Donny?"


Bertha laughed as the young man grunted, shooting his hot seed into Judith's womb. When his loins had expended their burdens, he collapsed on top of Judith. The newlyweds were hot, sore, sweaty, and tired.

"Good job, you two!" Bertha commended. "I think we'll be seeing some babies in no time."

"Ah, I need a drink," Donald gasped as he pulled out of Judith and rolled off of the bed.

"Donny, could you please get me some water?" Judith asked, her voice low and weary.

"You two stay here, and I'll get you some drinks," Bertha said, extricating herself from underneath her daughter. She went to the kitchen and got the two of them some bottled waters from the kitchen. Both her daughter and son-in-law sat on the edge of the bed gulped the cool water down in one draught.

"How do you feel, baby girl?" Bertha said, walking to her daughter and gently patting her on the back.

"Sore. And I gotta pee."

"Okay. Donald and I will help you go to the bathroom."

Bertha and Donald assisted the sore bride in getting up from the bed and walking to the bathroom. Once she had tinkled, they helped her back into bed. Judith immediately climbed under the covers with a yawn.

"Baby?" Donald asked.

"I'm going to bed, Donny," Judith slurred dreamily.

Bertha eyed her son-in-law with interest. The young man was gazing at his tired wife with an expression of longing. She could see his flaccid penis already regaining its vigor. He clearly wanted more, but his wife was tired, and understandably so. She'd been up since 6:30 AM getting primped and dressed for the wedding.

"Let her be, Donny," Bertha urged. "She's plum tuckered out. C'mon, follow me."

"But, I..."

Donald couldn't even get a word in before Bertha grabbed him by the hand and led him out of the room. After closing the door, she pulled him through the house and towards her bedroom. Her heart was beating like a drum as she closed and locked the door to the master bedroom.

Donald's eyes wandered all over the bedroom. He'd been in this house countless times, but this had to be the second or third time he'd been in here. The master bedroom had a large dresser with a vanity mirror, a large walk-in closet, and even a wooden cabinet with hunting three rifles inside.

"Since you and Bertha are married, that makes you the man of the house. Starting tomorrow, you and Judith are gonna be staying in here. Got it?"

"Yes, Mrs. McGill."

"No more of that 'Mrs. McGill', it's 'Momma' now," Bertha scolded.


Having this handsome, naked, young man call her momma was making her hot. Bertha chuckled as she strutted towards Donald and wrapped her arms around his waist. Donald's eyes grew large as she pulled him close to her, his bare skin rubbing against her dress.

"Uh, what are you doing, Momma?"

"Nothin', baby. Just relax. I just wanna spend some quality time with you. We're family now."

Donald gave a start as he felt Bertha's hands clench his butt. Bertha giggled as she felt her son-in-law's erection poking her in the belly. Donald tried to gently escape her embrace, but she held on to him tightly.

"Oh, no. You're not going anywhere. It's time for me to give you your wedding present."

Though Donald clearly knew what she meant, he still asked, "I don't understand."

"You made my daughter a woman." She then roughly shoved him onto the bed. "Now, I'm gonna make you a man."

Donald watched in shock as she pulled her dress over her head. She stared at him with unbridled lust as she reached behind herself and undid her bra, causing her large breasts to flop into view. Donald noticed that, just like her daughter, her pubic hair was unshaved. Her massive paunch of a belly was fraught with stretch marks, as were her breasts. He wanted her badly, and though Donald hated to admit it, his stiff cock made all the confession that was needed.

Bertha walked over and knelt before Donald, who was seated on the edge of the bed. She stared him right in the eyes, not speaking as she caressed his bare lap. With her right hand, she gently grabbed his rod and softly began to jerk him off. Donald's toes curled as he let out a moan. There was no way he could turn back now.

"Yeah, that feels good."

"Try not to blow, sonny. I'm going to teach what it's like to be with a real woman."

Without warning, she dove head-first and mouth-open down onto Donald's cock. Donald roared as the older woman sucked lovingly on his penis. His eyes fluttered as he gripped the sheets in an attempt to keep from drowning in the overwhelming sensations he was feeling as he received his first blowjob.

His face burned as Bertha looked up to lock eyes with him as she continued to fellate him. Bertha had the same eye color as Judith, but her eyes were much wider than Judith's, and had bags under them that told of her age. Right now, these eyes were batted at him, and never left his.

Bertha was unprepared when Donald grabbed her face suddenly and pulled it off of his crotch. He replaced his dick in her mouth with his tongue. His mother-in-law squealed and moaned as he kissed her. Gently, she pulled him off of the bed and on top of her on the floor.

"Yeah, that's the spirit," she gasped as he kissed her neck. "Show momma how much you love her for giving you her daughter."

Donald's cock throbbed painfully as he stopped to gaze down at Bertha. He wasn't entirely sure that he was going to show her love, but what he would be showing her sure would feel good for the both of them. He boldly pushed her meaty thighs apart and rubbed the tip of his manhood against her wet pussy. Bertha had a nice bush, just like her daughter, but she was nowhere as hairy as Judith. It didn't matter; Bertha was his now....they both were.

He used his thumb and forefinger to spread her hairy lips apart, and happily pushed his manmeat inside of her. Bertha groaned with pleasure as she felt his burly appendage entering her. It had been years since she'd had a man inside of her. Once he was buried up to the hilt, he rested on top of her and began to pump into her loins. Bertha moaned and kneaded her large breasts.

"Oh, Momma! MOMMAAAA!"

"Oooooooh, Donny! You're gonna split me in half! Oh, JEEZ!!"

Bertha had to admit that she was wholly unprepared for her son-in-law's girth. Right, now, she was feeling as though it was her first time. She definitely should have let him lick her pussy to get her warmed-up and wet. Still, it felt so good to have a man inside of her after all of these years. Overcome with desire, she pried Donald's face away from her breasts and pulled him in for another kiss.

At last, she could feel her pussy getting moist. Bertha wailed as she wrapped her arms around Donald, whose thrusts had gotten even faster. All her years of marital sex told her that the young man inside of her was nearing his end.

"I...I think I..."

"I know, darlin'. Cum inside of me! CUM!"

"AAAAAAAAAURRRRGH! Oh, yeah! Oh, Momma."

"Awwww, good job honey."

****2 Years Later

Donald had just finished mowing the lawn. After parking the riding mower in the garage, he wiped the sweat off his brow and headed into the house. Inside, Judith served him his dinner and a frosty beer to wash it down.

"Did the babies go down okay?" He asked her.

"Yeah, and they both had a bath," she told him.

"I need to get one, too."

"After," Judith insisted as she wrapped her thick arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek.

Donald turned to his head to kiss her, glad that he was far from exhausted. His dick stirred happily at his wife's advances. The chances for them to make love had been few and far between since the baby came around. Almost fifteen months ago, he and Judith welcomed a healthy baby boy named Dermott Wayne Gilbert. Maybe tonight was the night to start making their second child.

"What time's your momma getting home from work?" Donald asked, quickly rising from the dinner table and undoing his pants.

"Around ten. Wait until we get into the bedroom, honey!"

"I can't help it," he said, stepping out of his pants and picking them up. "I want to put another young'un in you."

"Good, well we better get started quick, because Momma's gonna want a go after she gets home."

Donald gave her a confused look after taking off his shirt and tossing it over his shoulder. "Are you telling me...?"

"Looks like she wants to give me another brother or sister," Judith said with a smile.

A few months after Judith had given birth to their first child, her mother had delivered a boy, who she named Edgar John McGill. The townspeople were also surprised to hear the news, but, to be honest, a 46 year old woman having a baby wasn't the strangest thing seen in Lubbell. Fewer people suspected the identity of the father.

Donald was about to protest, his oppositions died when his chunky wife took off her dress and walked towards the bedroom wearing only her panties. He took one last swig of beer and trotted after her. He hoped that he'd have enough strength to be with her mother later.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

You hit the Trifecta there - stupid, ugly, and pathetic. What a waste....

SenhorMastoSenhorMasto10 months ago

I loved the elements Female Authority , Sex Under Supervision and the Language used.

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77almost 2 years ago

Enjoyable, thank you! 5 ⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I like the story, reminds me of when I got married. My wife then girlfriend was fucking other men at my request. We both enjoyed our lifestyle, fast forward to our wedding, the day went off as planned, everyone was enjoying themselves, there was one old man that was looking at my new wife trying to get a good look at her tits, all evening every chance he got he was looking, I asked her to dance with him and if she would fuck him, she said I will go to our room and you bring him up in a few minutes. After about 10 minutes I asked the old man if he would come with me, that I had a surprise for him. He said ok, but looked a little worried.

When we got to the room I asked him if he would like to be the first to fuck my new wife, he said if ye really want me to fuck her, take out her tits and bring her over to me so she can suck my cock all that happened and then he said to me, put her on the bed and hold her legs open for me so I can fuck her.

As he fucked her he looked at me and said she is my slut from now on, she is my married slut then he stuck his 7ins cock into her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Kinda raunchy and even gross, with the fat and homliness. Not like the other sleek, beautiful and wealthy stories on Literotica. But for that very reason I give you 5 stars. The "lesser" people (it's prejudiced to call them that. Ugly people can not help being born that way any more than we choose our race) -- anyway, lesser people have lives and sex also. Thanks for reminding us.

Paul in Oklahoma

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