A Jedi's Training Ch. 16


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When she finally got home, he sensed her presence before he heard her calling his name. After being separated by light years for a week, her presence just across the apartment was unmistakable. He hurried out of his room into the hallway, but she had beaten him there. She dropped her bags and literally leapt into his arms, and together they stumbled back in a tangle of arms and legs, amidst sloppy kisses, until his back pressed against the far wall of the hallway. They kissed in silence for several minutes, sucking and nipping at tongues and lips, until their breathing was ragged and their faces flushed. They finally pulled apart, beaming quietly at each other as they caught their breaths.

"Hi," she said finally, her arms still thrown around his neck.

"Hi," he whispered back.

Then he devoured her lips hungrily in his kiss again, eliciting a throaty moan of delight from her. They clumsily fumbled their way into his bedroom, leaving a trail of clothing behind them. By the time he laid her down on his bed, he was completely topless and she had stripped down to just her camisole, which she had been wearing underneath her inner tunic. He scrambled onto the bed and kneeled over her, straddling her waist and shoving his hands eagerly under her top, roughly sliding it up her body as his fingers sought out her breasts.

"Yes, yes!" she hissed, feeling his strong hands squeeze her sides as he worked his way upward. "Touch me!"

She opened her eyes to look up at him, but shock replaced her desire when she saw not his face, but a fiery silhouette of his body looming over her. She blinked and in that moment he seemed to revert back to normal, but the fear that had overtaken her in that single moment, a lingering memory of their meeting through the Force, had frozen the expression on her face.

"Eryn, what's the matter?" he asked, pulling his hands out from under her shirt. "Baby, what's wrong?"

She was silent for several moments, the pounding of her heart echoing loudly in her ears. She instinctively squeezed her legs shut and pulled them up to her chest as he rolled over and sat next to her.

"I... I don't mean to be a tease Jacen, but we need to talk," she said finally.

"What about?" he asked, sensing that she was completely serious and not just playing around.

"What happened last night, Jacen?"

"I... I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

"When we met... in the Force..." she spoke slowly, trying to gather her thoughts as best she could. "You... you weren't yourself. When I saw you, it wasn't you – it was like you were on fire, from the inside. And you just... you attacked me! You didn't even speak to me, you just... forced yourself onto me like I was there for your pleasure!"

This time it was his turn to blink, staring at her. What could he say? Did he even have a choice as to what he could tell her?

"What was that all about Jacen?" she demanded. "Do you really think you can just have sex with me whenever you want?"

"No!" he answered, without a doubt. "No, I don't think I can do that to you. That's just as bad as rape."

"Then why did you do it?"

He took a deep breath, and finally resigned himself to the realization that he couldn't keep the week's events a secret from her. He gathered up his voice, and began to tell her of the things that had transpired while she was gone. He went all the way to the beginning, telling her exactly what had happened while he was training on Yavin with Star. He explained how Liana had disappeared, and Star enlisted his aid to help find her because of their shared experiences on Yavin. He told her how Liana's lust had taken over her behavior, and how he had to enter her mind to bring her back from the edge. Finally he described how Liana had been able to project her desire onto others, controlling them – him – which was why he had been so driven by his urge for sex when the he met Eryn in the Force.

"So baby, I'm sorry," he told her, as his explanation concluded. "I'm sorry for doing what I did to you, but... I needed you. Not just for the sex – I needed you to help me, to give me strength, and you did. You gave me the power I needed to beat the lust and help Liana. Please, Eryn, forgive me for hurting you."

She stared at him in silence, completely overwhelmed. She didn't know where to begin, so finally she picked a place to start.

"It's all right Jacen," she said quietly. "I'm not angry at you for what happened between us."

A smile of relief crept over his face, but then she continued.

"I'm not mad at you for fucking Liana and this Star woman while you were on Yavin, either. After all, we hadn't really gotten intimate back then."

Then her eyes narrowed, and Jacen felt a chill spread through the atmosphere of the room.

"You fucked her last night, didn't you?" Eryn asked, her voice flat and dull. "You fucked Liana, after you freed her from her lust."

A look of sudden realization spread across his face, and he hurried to explain.

"Eryn, you have to understand, she was..."

"She was what?" she hissed. "You saw those nice big tits of hers, and just had to get yourself some of that? Or maybe you just wanted some more action from a hot blonde? Oh wait, let me guess – her pussy just looked so hot and tempting, you couldn't help but get your dick wet."


"Fuck you, Jacen! You tell me to meditate every time I feel horny, and then you go and fuck my friend behind my back when you get the craving for a little pussy?"

She grabbed her outer tunic from the floor stormed out of his room, walking toward the front door.

"Eryn, wait!" he called, chasing after her. "Where are you going?"

"Away from you!" she screamed back, as she angrily slammed her hand into the control pad for the door.

The door slid open with an automated whir, a little too slowly for her tastes, and she ran out of the apartment, pulling her tunic on as she went. She kept running, barely aware of her surroundings, until her hurt caught up to her and her eyes started to tear up, blurring her vision. She finally stopped, wiping away her tears, and looked around. In her frustration and anger, she had run from the Jedi Temple complex out into the streets of Coruscant. She could still see the shadow of the temple looming behind her, but she didn't feel particularly inclined to go back. She kept walking, taking turns and side streets at random, until finally she saw a familiar structure in the distance – the local Ithorian-run arboretum. She had been there a time or two for botany research, and had found the entire place to be very relaxing. Given the circumstances, she figured that a little relaxation was in order.

She entered the large building, and immediately the noise of the city streets were drowned out by the solid, clear walls. She took the lift up to the highest levels of the building, where she had previously seen visitors sunbathing and swimming in the natural landscapes high above the prying eyes of people on the street and speeder levels. At the top of the lift, she was greeted by an Ithorian, who spoke to her in his native tongue.

<> he said with a courteous bow of his head.

"Good evening," Eryn told him, speaking in Basic, which most alien species on Coruscant understood even if they preferred not to speak it.

<> he asked, noting her garments.

"Oh, no," she replied. "Just here for a personal visit."

<> the Ithorian said, walking with her as she entered the main area, a landscaped forest clearing with a large pool and waterfall. <>

"Thank you very much," she told him, nodding as he turned to leave. "Do you mind if I dip my feet in the pool?"

<< Not at all,>> he said. << Our patrons often enjoy swimming and exploring in the pool – you are free to do anything you would do if you had discovered this in a natural formation somewhere. Enjoy your visit!>>

She walked up to the water's edge and sat down in the soft grass, sliding out of her boots and removing her socks. She then rolled up her pants legs and slipped her feet into the water, which was a very comfortable temperature – not too cold, but cool enough to calm her tumultuous emotions just a bit. She leaned forward and dipped her hands in, cupping them together and splashing some water onto her face, letting the stray drops run down her neck into her clothes. She looked out the completely transparent walls, into the bright lights of the city. The sun had set, but solar lamps within the arboretum stayed on to maintain the natural daylight cycle of plants within. Looking out of the tall building, she could see clear across the Coruscant cityscape – the dome of the Galactic Senate shone brightly on the horizon, and the towering Jedi Temple stood in all of its simple elegance in the foreground. She turned her attention to the plants growing along the banks of the pool, a vast palette of colors, sizes, and shapes. Eryn looked over her shoulder back at the entrance of the area, and saw that the Ithorian who had greeted her had indeed left for the night. Smiling a little to herself, she stood up on the banks and let her pants fall. The Ithorian had, after all, encouraged her to act as she would if she had discovered the place in the wild. She was still wearing the pair of thin, light blue panties she had put on that morning on Dantooine, having taken not even an opportunity to change clothes before storming out on Jacen. She shrugged off her outer tunic and stood for a moment at the water's edge, wearing only her undergarments. Lastly she loosened her hair, letting it fall around her shoulders, and then stepped into the water. The bottom consisted mostly of soft white sand, leaving the water with almost crystal clarity. Her feet sank comfortably into the sand as she walked in until the water was just above her waist. Then she took a deep breath and dove forward, letting the coolness of the water wash over her as her body splashed into the pool. She swam a few strokes through the refreshing liquid before surfaced with a toss of her hair that sent sparkling droplets of water flying through the air. She rubbed the water from her eyes and swam at a leisurely pace to the far bank, where she stopped to admire a particularly exotic-looking flower.

"It's quite lovely, isn't it?" a voice asked.

The voice seemed to echo about, as if it were in her own head.

"Hello?" Eryn asked, looking around the room. "Is somebody here?"

"I'm here," the voice said, again echoing in her mind.

She looked back to where her clothes lay, and in the water just in front of them, she saw a twist of plant stems, leaves, and vines come together, molding themselves into a human form. She found herself less startled than curious, watching with great interest as the various plants melded together, smoothing out into muscle contours and facial features. After the entire figure came together, the green hue from the plants faded out, settling into a slightly tan skin tone.

"Hello there," the young man said, without moving his mouth.

"Are you... speaking in my mind?" Eryn asked aloud, treading water in the middle of the pool.

"I was," the man said, speaking out loud now. "I can talk to you vocally too, if you prefer. I apologize for my sudden appearance – I had been previously tending to plants in the other rooms and had come in here to make my rounds."

"Oh, it's all right," she replied, still keeping a bit of a distance from him as he walked around the banks, checking on the plants growing at the water's edge. "You work here?"

"Yes, my name is Aden. I assist the Ithorians with their work here."

"I didn't know any non-Ithorians tended to the plants here," she said, scrutinizing his backside for any indication that he had just been constructed from plant growth.

"I am the only one, actually," he said, swimming out in her direction with a comfortable sidestroke. "The Ithorians found me while working on one of their planetary restoration projects. I was badly injured at the time, but they discovered that my species is more appropriately described as a sentient plant, and that I am able to replicate new bodies for myself when I am in close proximity to thriving plant life."

"What exactly is your species?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, even I don't know the answer. I'm the only one of my kind that I know of, and as far as I've been able to find out, I'm the first of my kind the Republic has encountered. I'm not even sure if my species is native to this galaxy. I've lived and traveled with this Ithorian herd for most of my life."

"Doesn't that get lonely?"

"Sometimes," he told her, swimming toward the waterfall. "But most days there are people here at the arboretum. Even in the evening hours."

He gave her a wink, then beckoned for her to follow his lead.

"Come this way," he said. "I want to show you some things in this room that most people don't find."

Then he disappeared, diving underneath the whitewater at the bottom of the waterfall. Her curiosity piqued, Eryn swam after him, diving beneath the surface. She saw an opening in the rocks near the bottom of the pool, and swam into it, surfacing on the other side. The rock cavern arched overhead, revealing a complex network of vines and a few purple flowers clinging to the ceiling.

"Oh, wow," she said quietly, looking at the intricate web of plantlife sprawling out above her. "This is amazing."

"It is, but many people don't even know it's here," Aden said, surfacing next to her. "They're usually content to just sit in the sunlight or splash around in the pool."

They spent a good length of time swimming through the cave, admiring the plant life and occasionally doing a little splashing around of their own. Aden also showed her the unique properties of the other plants in the room, from leaves that could emit harmonic tones to flowers that bloomed only when touched just right. Finally, as time passed on, Eryn decided it might be time to head home.

"I'm sorry to leave you here by yourself, Aden, but I think it's time for me to head back," she said, swimming toward her clothes.

"Wait, Eryn," he said, grasping her wrist gently. "One more thing. It should only take a few seconds..."

She waited in silence, as he reassured her with his eyes and smile that it would be worthwhile. As they stood in silence in the shoulder-deep water, the sun lamps in the room faded to darkness. A few moments later, the water came aglow with bright orange and magenta lights, as bioluminescent underwater blooms appeared out of the white sand.

"This is so amazing!" Eryn exclaimed, as the entire room began to radiate with color. "Oh, Aden, it's so beautiful!"

"I thought it would be fitting, to show something this beautiful to a woman as lovely as you," he said, sitting in the shallows near the banks.

Eryn turned to him and felt herself blush, as a rush of warmth spread through her skin. She momentarily thought of Jacen, but quickly pushed the thought aside. She wasn't going to let guilt over him stop her from enjoying herself. She slowly walked toward Aden, feeling the water recede down her body as she approached him.

"You know, Aden," she said, coming to a stop with the water at mid-thigh. "I might be able to stay a little bit longer, if that's all right with you."

Aden looked Eryn over, enjoying the vision of loveliness that stood before him. Her skin, bathed in the glow of the nocturnal plants, seemed to radiate with beauty. The very thin material of her panties and camisole clung to her body, sheer with wetness, leaving very little to his imagination. Her nipples stood firmly against the wet, form-fitting material of her top. Through her light blue panties, he could see a dark rectangle of pubic hair pointing the way to further pleasures. Slowly he stood, and he could feel her eyes giving him a similar appraisal as he walked toward her.

"Oh, you're completely ... naked ..." she trailed off, glancing at the hard member protruding from between his legs. "And you have a..."

"Yes, I do," he said, as he waded into the water toward her. "It's the one part that I always knew how to make, so I'm guessing it's a natural part of my species' reproductive function as well. I haven't met any others like me to confirm it, but I have been told that my... mechanics are extremely compatible with human women."

"Oh," she moaned, reaching out to touch his erection. "That's just what I wanted to know."

She curled her hand around his penis and pulled him toward her, feeling his hands on her waist. She closed her eyes and kisses his lips as she began to work her hand up and down his shaft, getting to know the contours and ridges of his member.

"No foreskin," she murmured, in between one kiss and the next.

"You could say I'm... naturally circumcised," he replied, working her damp camisole up to expose her navel.

She sighed into his kiss as his hands rubbed over her exposed skin, softly caressing her belly and the small of her back. The cool fabric of her top continued to slide up, rubbing gently against her skin, as he lifted the camisole over her head and tossed it into the water with a wet plop. Her nipples were already hard, the skin of her breasts drawn tightly over her pert mounds. His lips slid down her neck, leaving a trail of damp, soft kisses in their wake. He kissed over her shoulders as she continued to work his erection. She moaned out softly as he kissed across her collarbone and further downward, just barely grazing the tops of her breasts.

"I... I may need to sit down," she panted, her legs already trembling with excitement.

"This way," he whispered, leading her toward the banks. He guided her to a spot where the bank dropped off sharply into the pool, lying her down with her ass on the edge. He knelt beside her, leaning forward and continuing his kisses where he left off. She arched her shoulders, lifting her back from the grass, offering her breasts to his lips in encouragement. She gasped as he sucked a nipple into his mouth, tugging on it with his lips and slowly swirling it with his tongue. His breath was different than that of a human – it was cooler, and it sent chills up her back and goosebumps along her arms and legs. He quickly switched to her other nipple, kissing between her breasts as he went. She reached up and grasped the back of his head, pressing his face to her breast as he sucked and bit at her hardened peak. She sucked in a sharp breath as he trapped her nub between his teeth, tugging and pulling it from side to side. She moaned over and over again behind her closed lips, trying not to make too much noise. She didn't want to make Aden too uncomfortable in the event that he did not expect her to be loud.

"You don't have to hold back," he said, as if reading her mind. "I would love to hear the sounds of your pleasure."

Even before she had a chance to respond his lips were again locked around her nipple, sucking her soft flesh into his mouth. She took him for his word and let her lips fall open, moaning out loud as he opened his lips to take more of her into his mouth, encompassing her aching areola in his grasp. Her fingers curled around handfuls of grass, which proved unexpectedly resistant to breaking, as he continued downward, flicking the tip of his tongue across the soft undersides of her breasts before he maneuevered his way down her belly, kissing her stomach and navel. She felt his touch slip away from her and heard the water splash slightly as he slid in, and then his hands were on her thighs. He gently kneaded and touched her soft skin, working his way up her inner thighs. He heard her breathing quiver as she breathed in and out in long, deep breaths, apparently trying to steady herself even as her legs trembled under his touch. Finally his wandering fingers reached the crotch of her panties and he traced the outline of the garment with his fingertips, teasingly dancing along the sensitive skin where her legs met. He smiled to himself as she arched her lower back, pushing her hips upward in an effort to make him touch her more forcefully. He leaned his face down between her legs, breathing in her scent as he softly traced the shape of her slit through the damp fabric. She gasped as she spread her legs wider and wider in response to the pleasure that his touch sent through her body. Finally she felt him reaching up toward her hips to grasp the waistband of her panties. She brought her legs together quickly as he slid off her last piece of clothing, pulling it from her ankles as she kicked fervently. She began touching herself the moment she was free of her underwear, and she heard him laughing as he took her hands in his.