A Jedi's Training Ch. 16


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"I'm a mess," she laughed.

"You look great," he told her. "I think what we felt was Star."


"Yeah. She was having an orgasm. She does that when she has a good one, she projects her pleasure into the Force. I didn't know it could reach out to people she wasn't actually having sex with, though."

Liana pushed herself up, leaning back onto his cock, feeling her body shake and her legs clamp around his waist as her movement drove him deeper into her. She felt him respond too, tightening up, breathing faster. They were both still tense, teetering on the edge. Star's blast of Force energy had interrupted their progression, infusing them with her excess excitement but not actually bringing them to orgasm. She licked her lips, which were puffy and swollen from all the kissing and sucking.

"What do you say we return the favor?" she asked, slowly moving herself up and down his cock. "I'm so close, I think I could explode."

"That makes two of us," he whispered, his voice hoarse.

She leaned back slightly and reached one hand behind her, fingers crawling up his thighs until she found his scrotum. She gently caressed his testicles in her hand while rising and falling slowly on his slick shaft.

"Ooohh, these feel full," she whispered lustily. "Didn't you just come in me earlier today?"

"Your little tricks have been driving me up the wall all day," he replied, closing his eyes and resting his head on the pillow behind him as he enjoyed her touch. "I could fill you up all night long."

He gasped and shuddered as her fingernails gently scraped along the extra-sensitive skin of his scrotum while she sank herself onto his shaft again, at a tantalizingly slow pace. She rubbed her fingertips on her pussy lips, splayed wide around his hard cock, wetting her hand with her own juices. She slowly spread the warm wetness around on his testicles, coating the entire surface of his sack with her secretions. She cupped his testicles in the palm of her hand, massaging them with gentle movements of her fingers. She smiled, feeling his legs tense up as they rested against her soft ass cheeks.

"You like?" she asked, leaning back just slightly and letting her long blonde hair spill over her shoulders.

"Aaahhhhh," he groaned, in delight.

Her leaning back had angled his cock away from him, pointing down toward the foot of the bed. He watched her as she slowly leaned back on her hands, slowly drawing herself up and down the length of his hardness. They both moaned loudly as he pulled out until only the tip of his cock was inside of her, stretching her opening wide. She eagerly slid back down, a slight shiver of excitement wracking her body as she felt the satisfying pop of his thick head re-entering her. As she slowly ground her hips against his, she felt herself overtaken by another ripple in the Force, this one accompanied by loud moans and screams echoing through the apartment. She hissed in pleasure as she felt her pussy flood with renewed wetness while his rigid cock seemed to swell and twitch inside of her. They pressed together fiercely and firmly as her wetness spilled between them, lubricating their bare skin.

"They've got two on us now," she panted when she caught her breath.

"Sorry," he gasped, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "Have I been taking it too slow?"

She smiled down at him, shaking her head as she leaned forward to plant a tender kiss on his lips.

"No, it's so good just to enjoy taking it slow. I didn't exactly get to do that while I was... you know." She paused for a few moments, moaning softly as he shifted his body a bit, causing his penis to slide around a bit inside of her. "And besides, I'm so close... I don't think it'd take much more."

"I could barely hold myself back just now," he admitted.

"Why did you?"

"Well, I kind of wanted to make sure you came too," he said, somewhat sheepishly.

She placed another long, wet kiss on his lips, slipping her tongue softly into his mouth.

"Turn me," she murmured against his lips, as she rubbed her body agains this. "I want you on top."

Her legs clamped tightly around his waist, pinning his hardness inside of her, as he wrapped his arms around her. His hands pressed firmly into her back and she smashed her breasts to his chest, throwing her arms around his neck as she felt herself fall sideways, landing softly amidst pillows and blankets. He paused to kiss her, jerking his hips back and forth and causing her to moan eagerly as his manhood moved inside of her. She growled softly in the back of her throat as she rolled onto her back, pulling him on top of her and in between her outspread legs.

"Finally," she whispered, moaning, as he lifted himself up on his arms and pressed his hips against her thighs, his cock still buried within her wet tunnel. "I've been dying for you to take me like this since we were in the tent on Yavin."

"Are you forgetting our tryst in the locker room?" he asked slyly, as he teased her by rubbing his swollen cock head up and down her gaping, wet slit.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten," she whimpered breathily, squeezing his forearms out of sheer pleasure. "I just... ohhhh... I just... wanted it like this, without that hunger driving me so insane I couldn't even enjoy it."

"I'll have to make sure you enjoy this one then," he remarked, letting himself slowly sink back into her.

"Just make me come Jacen!" she gasped, grabbing his face in her hands and kissing him, pecking wildly and messily at his lips as his shaft's gradual penetration into her sex worked her into a frenzy. "Make me come and I'll make you come too!"

"You've got it babe," he whispered, shifting his weight to his arms and pumping his hips firmly, developing a steady rhythm. "You got it."

She began to moan and whimper, her jaw falling slack as his manhood stretched her open again and again. Her hands frantically roamed his body, sliding from his arms up to his shoulders, down his chest and stomach, grabbing onto his buttocks, and all the way back again. Finally she threw her hands up above her head and gripped the edge of the pillow, arching her back and thrusting her breasts to the sky. Her soft mounds jiggled and bounced freely as she squeezed and twisted the pillowcase, feeling her climax mounting within her. Even as she felt the dizzying tingle of release pushing her control and restraint to the limits, she forced her eyes open and looked up at him through the haze of lust that had settled over her. His eyes were closed, his face flushed, and his breathing deep, almost as if he were trying, futilely, to relax himself into a meditative state. She became aware that his movements, too, had become more erratic – his once-deep strokes had become short, and he paused brieftly each time he slipped into the depths of her wet warmth. She blinked and looked at him again, and as she did the world slowly shifted into vibrant, glowing colors. Their surroundings – the walls, the bed, the decorations – all fell into a dull, light grayish blue. His body grew into a burning red, lighter at the edges with a tumultuous, blood red storm raging at his core. Here and there, small wisps of red glanced off of his skin and reached out to the world around them. She looked down in between their naked, sweaty bodies and saw that she too, was aflame; a crimson blaze burned brightly where her sex met his, radiating its glow into the outline of both their forms. She realized that this was what he spoke of earlier – their lust and desire, transcending their physical forms into the very essence of the Force.

Slowly she reached up with one hand, touching his cheek with her fingertips and causing him to open his eyes and look down at her.

"I see it," she whispered, her voice raspy from crying out. "I see it, I feel it."

He continued to move in and out of her in quick jerky movements, hardly able to speak to her as pleasure threatened to overwhelm him at any moment.

"I... I can't..." he stammered, feeling the tingling and fullness in his testicles come to a breaking point.

"Just come," she moaned, as his cock began to quiver and twitch within her. "Come!"

He gave a loud cry as he let himself go, suddenly slamming himself into her as hot liquid began to spurt from the tip of his cock. She screamed as the unexpected force of his orgasm and motions sent waves of pleasure pouring through her body. As if something inside of her suddenly gave way and shattered, the tightness that had built up slowly in her stomach radiated out, causing her vaginal muscles to clamp down tightly around him. Her buttocks clenched, her toes curled, and her fingers twisted the sheets with as much force as they could muster. She pressed her lips closed and stifled a cry when the first wave hit her, but then the second and third rippled through her flesh and she gasped for air, screaming loudly between breaths. As she looked in between them, she saw the red flame burst out of the confinement of their bodies, expanding outward as ripples in the Force, penetrating the walls of the room. At the same time, the brilliant white glow, the life Force of his seed, spilled from within him into her. A few moments after her orgasm began, she felt a second sensation, a feeling of warmth from her lower back. It spread across her skin and shot into her vagina, causing an additional stream of ecstatic pleasure. She clamped her soft thighs, damp with sweat, around his waist as she felt a surge of wetness spill out of her, dribbling her natural lubricant liberally onto his cock and down the cleft of her ass onto the bed. She clutched him to her firmly until the waves of passion and pleasure subsided. He folded his arms beneath him and dropped himself gently on top of her, resting his head on her shoulder. She felt his breathing come fast and hard against her skin as his lips lazily grazed her collarbone.

"Ooohhh," she gasped, feeling her entire body relax as she let her legs fall open, releasing his hips from her grasp. "Oh wow. Ohh that felt so wonderful."

"Mmmmmmm," he groaned sleepily, shifting his head slightly.

"You're not allowed to be tired!" she joked, curling a lock of his hair around her finger idly. "You said you could fill me up all night."

She smiled, even then feeling a small rivulet of his sticky come trickle out of her and onto her thigh.

"You... you want more?" he panted, completely exhausted.

"Maaaaybe," she said, teasingly. She slid her hands down to his buttocks, giving them a squeeze and pushing his hips up against her. "C'mon."

He slowly raised himself up on his hands, looking at her face with consternation in his eyes. After a few moments of just staring at her, he rolled himself off of her, pulling his semi-flaccid penis from within her with a wet plop. She gave a loud gasp, both from pleasure and from the odd sensation of their mixed fluids suddenly dripping from her pussy.

"How do you feel?" he asked, as he rolled onto his back beside her.

"Honestly, exhausted," she confessed. "I don't think I could handle any more even if you could get it up again. And I feel... a little empty."

There was a tense moment of silence before she continued.

"But a good empty. Like a, 'I just had some amazing sex but now he needs to pull out' kind of empty. Not the empty where I'll go crazy if I don't get another cock into me." She turned to him, as he watched her with half-open eyes, and kissed him tenderly on the lips. "It's gone now, Jacen, thanks to you."

"I'm glad I could..." he began, interrupted by a large yawn. "I'm glad I was able to help you."

"Thank you," she whispered, edging up closer to him and resting her damp hair on his shoulder. "Thank you..."

It only took a few moments for both tired students to drift away into peaceful sleep, just as the Coruscant skyline outside began to glow a gentle blue, heralding the approaching day. As day broke on Dantooine, however, the scene was quite different. Alone in her tent, stripped down to just a thin cotton camisole that had risen up to just below her nipples, Eryn tossed and turned in a restless sleep. Her sleeping bag had long been discarded into a tangle between her legs. Her entire body was soaked with sweat, and her nipples showed clearly through the almost sheer fabric of her top. Her dreams throughout the night had been an odd mosaic of sex scenes, from images of her last love-making session with Jacen to recurring flashes of the almost rape-like encounter she had experienced with him through the Force. Her emotions ran the gamut from intense passion to uncertainty and fear. Every so often her mind's eye would catch a glimpse of other imagery, things she couldn't quite explain – blonde hair, breasts, a girl hungrily performing oral sex on several men at the same time. She finally awoke when she heard Mira's voice calling to her from somewhere outside. Eryn hurriedly sat up, rustling through the mess that was the interior of her tent. She finally dug up a fresh pair of panties from within her gear bag and pulled them on in a hurry. She made a quick effort to bring some semblance of order to her hair, and then popped her head out of the tent.

"Mira?" she called back. "I'm here. Where are you?"

"South hillside!" Mira answered, her voice echoing through the rolling hills.

Eryn slipped her bare feet into her boots and stepped out of the tent, feeling the morning sun warm her sweat-dampened skin as she turned to the south. She saw Mira approaching, wearing clothes that were distinctly not Jedi garb. Eryn could see Mira carrying her belt slung over one shoulder, while her jacket was unzipped down the front, revealing Mira's upper body. Her breasts were concealed only by a faded green bra, which Eryn realized as Mira came closer was actually just a piece of cloth tied into some form of makeshift support.

"Nice outfit," Eryn commented, as Mira arrived and headed for her tent.

"Why thank you," Mira replied with a lopsided grin, looking back at Eryn. "I could say the same to you."

Eryn smiled sheepishly, remembering that she was standing in a white camisole, a blue pair of panties that didn't match her top, and her unbuckled boots.

"Rough night?" Mira asked, pulling off her jacket and tossing it inside her tent.

"Ummm... I guess you could say that," Eryn replied, her eyes growing wide as her Asirian instincts took over and she unabashedly examined Mira's body, something she had been a little too tired and distracted to do when they were bathing in the stream the previous evening. "What about you? Find anything at the enclave ruins?"

"No, everything's fine!" Mira said brightly, paying no heed to Eryn's eyes crawling up her body as she peeled her tight pants from her legs, kicking them aside before whipping off her panties and bra, standing naked in the morning sun.

"Are you sure everything's okay?" Eryn asked again, trying not to stare too much at her completely naked – and gorgeous – instructor.

"Yeah," Mira said, turning to face her student. "I... oh, you've got a bit of a twist..."

Without warning Mira started walking toward Eryn, the grass crunching slightly beneath her bare feet. Eryn watched as Mira walked up to her, eyes drawn to the sexy sway of her hips and the way her pert breasts bounced just right with each step. Eryn jumped just slightly when she felt Mira's fingers pull at the waistband of her panties, sliding from her right buttock around to the front of her body.

"Your waistband was a bit twisted," Mira said, as she pulled her fingers back up. "It's all fixed now. Now why would you think everything wasn't okay?"

"I, ummm, that is," Eryn stammered, still recovering from what Mira had just done, and the tingles her touch had sent through her skin. "You're acting kind of different. Really cheery. And it's almost like you're glowing."

In fact, Eryn thought that Mira was absolutely giddy – almost like a little girl experiencing her first crush.

Mira laughed, the bubbling sound of her laughter echoing over the plains.

"Maybe I'm just glad that we get to go home today," she said, as she pulled an athletic bra over her breasts, still a bit sensitive and tingly from her encounter with Atton. "Even a Jedi Master needs a good hot shower every once in awhile."

"I like my hot showers as much as any girl," Eryn replied, rummaging for a pair of pants. "But this goes beyond just a shower. If you weren't a Jedi, and I had run into you on the street, I'd think that you'd just had galaxy-shattering sex."

Now it was Mira's eyes that grew wide, as she blushed slightly and stifled a giggle.

"You didn't!" Eryn exclaimed, shocked that her own Master, once a sitting member of the Council, had flagrantly breached the rules of the Jedi Order.

"I'll tell you," Mira said, smiling as she pulled on her inner tunic, "but if you breathe a word of this to anyone, other than that boyfriend I know you have, I'll make sure the Council finds out about you and him too."

"How did you know??" Eryn asked, too shocked to even try to deny her relationship with Jacen, though the thought occurred to her immediately afterward and she kicked herself for not being more careful.

"Eryn, I'm a Jedi Master, remember? You can probably hide it pretty easily from your fellow students, but I could feel the lust exuding from your tent as if it were a fire right next to me. You lucked out with me, but you really should be a little bit more careful."

"I know," Eryn said, looking down at the ground, slightly ashamed, as she pulled on her robes. "So what happened last night? You didn't just meet up with a random guy, did you?"

"Oh no, no, nothing like that," Mira said, shaking her head. "Atton and I have known each other for a long time."

"Atton... as in Atton Rand? One of the people who rebuilt the Jedi Order after the civil war?"

"Yes, Atton Rand. He and I, and all the other rebuilders, actually, we met toward the end of the Jedi Civil War, when the Sith were hunting down the last of the Jedi. The first time was just a slip, a moment of passion that got the better of us. We'd been trained in somewhat of a hurry, far less time than is typical for Jedi – because of the turmoil in the Order, we'd been discovered as Force-sensitive only after we were adults."

"The first time?" Eryn asked, intrigued. "You mean there were more?"

"Oh there were many more," Mira replied. "We encountered a lot of the death and destruction that the Sith had left in their wake in those days, and when things got too stressful or difficult we would turn to each other, using our physical pleasure to drown out the weight of emotional strains that otherwise threatened to tear us away from the path of the light. But after awhile it became more, we became attached... we fell in love. We hid it from the Council as best we could, but all the hiding started to strain things. What once was an escape became a burden, and one day he just left, without telling me. The Council voted to keep his assignment a secret, and I was left... alone to wonder what had happened."

"How could he do that to you?" Eryn protested. "If he really loved you, why did he abandon you?"

"I didn't know. For years I thought the Council had found out about us, that maybe he had agreed to some sort of exile in return for their word not to punish me. At least that's what I told myself, to help myself through those nights when I ached to have him with me. And then last night, I found him here, in the ruins of the enclave. He told me that he had requested to be sent away, and I was so angry with him! All these years I spent missing him, and he had walked away of his own free will."

Mira paused, and smiled, remembering what had become of her anger.

"Something tells me he made you forget you were angry," Eryn said, the inflection of her voice prodding Mira for more of the story.

"Yeah, he did," Mira confessed. "He was just as amazing as I remembered. And the orgasms... I tried to leave after, told him that I had to come back to you, but he wouldn't have it. And being my typical self, I gave in after he made my legs shake and tremble for him."