
Stories by Robert_West1138

45.4k 41 8 81

Ethan accidentally finds himself beholden to a cruel woman.

4.48 33.5k 32 4 64

We meet Ethan five years down the road.

4.22 11.9k 9 4 17

A young bride-to-be discovers something about herself.

4.02 23.4k 13 41

A young man is humiliated by his sisters.

3.7 32.1k 15 1 28

Brady's awful week comes to an end.

3.71 17.8k 8 1 16

The new girl gets an old fashioned HSU welcome.

3.53 43.8k 11 2 26
by Robert_West1138
Fetish& more 06/10/2023
38.1k 31 3 48

HSU freshman suffers the consequences of making varsity.

by Robert_West1138
Fetish 01/06/2021
3.92 18.5k 20 1 34

Brady's torture continues.

3.9 19.5k 11 2 14

A new teacher gets more than he signed up for.

by Robert_West1138
Fetish 01/08/2021
4.19 20.1k 20 3 32

A young man sends an unsolicited dick pic to the wrong woman.

3.7 21.1k 13 1 27

A cocky young professional wrestler gets a wake up call.

by Robert_West1138
Fetish 01/04/2021
4.09 13.8k 11 3 14