
Stories by D_K_Moon

Valentine's Day aboard a ship.

by D_K_Moon
Romance 02/06/2014
22.8k 2 5

A couple on a lake on a June afternoon.

26.1k 3 3

The third story in the series about Danielle.

15.1k 4 5

A woman is accosted in an elevator.

79.9k 20 23

The sequel to Danielle's Discovery.

19.7k 4 5

Repressed housewife discovers the joys of masturbation.

34.1k 5 14

How to camp.

by D_K_Moon
How To 05/19/2008
52.1k 11 15

Childhood friends come full circle with the past.

by D_K_Moon
Romance 02/08/2008
38.6k 41 43

A young man meets a magical creature.

by D_K_Moon
Romance 02/08/2008
16.4k 17 19

A girl and a car.

26.6k 5 6

The tale of Lucky and Rose.

by D_K_Moon
Romance 02/01/2008
16.5k 5 5

Is she a dream, or is she real?

by D_K_Moon
Romance 02/01/2008
13.7k 8 18

A tale of the gold rush in the Klondike.

by D_K_Moon
Non-Erotic 01/31/2008
10.9k 1 1