
Stories by Arsenique

by Arsenique
47.7k 53 13 85

I am introduced to Auntie's warped household.

by Arsenique
Fetish 11/23/2023
H 4.56 12.9k 20 4 39

Auntie begins our sex ed & anatomy lessons on each other.

by Arsenique
Fetish 11/27/2023
H 4.66 9.6k 13 2 16

Dollie explores my organs and erogenous zones, whoa!

by Arsenique
Fetish 12/07/2023
H 4.63 5.1k 8 2 11

Amazing secrets are revealed in Auntie's cozy bed.

by Arsenique
Fetish 12/08/2023
H 4.52 5.8k 4 2 8

Dr. Ulricke Schloppfarth visits Auntie's mansion clinic.

by Arsenique
Fetish 12/12/2023
4.45 7k 3 1 4

Dr. Ulricke Schloppfarth extends her bizarre procedures.

by Arsenique
Fetish 12/23/2023
H 4.57 7.2k 5 2 7
by Arsenique
265.5k 237 104 412

Mike spends summer with his aunt and gets a big surprise.

by Arsenique
Fetish 03/06/2021
4.42 54.8k 74 15 148

Mike comforts his Aunt Susan and they become close.

by Arsenique
Fetish 03/09/2021
H 4.52 27.9k 30 14 38

Accidents will happen and then there's Meg's lewd Barbecue.

by Arsenique
Fetish 03/11/2021
4.46 24.5k 20 9 28

Mike and his Aunt get dirty, and the Toilet Club is founded.

by Arsenique
Fetish 03/14/2021
H 4.54 26.8k 28 8 39

Meg and Susan have their periods and Mike gets very messy.

by Arsenique
Fetish 03/16/2021
4.48 19.3k 15 11 24

Aunt Susan and her nephew Mike enjoy some menstrual love.

by Arsenique
Fetish 03/28/2021
H 4.64 14.9k 13 7 23

Aunt Susan ushers Mikey into his manhood and her pussy.

by Arsenique
Fetish 03/31/2021
H 4.58 12.1k 11 1 15

Aunt Susan's urgent dump and then backdoor pleasures.

by Arsenique
Fetish 04/03/2021
H 4.62 18.5k 10 4 20

A wholesome interlude of tasty meals.

by Arsenique
Fetish 04/19/2021
H 4.68 14.3k 7 5 18

Sucking Aunt Susan's toes leads to depraved debauchery.

by Arsenique
Fetish 05/01/2021
H 4.61 14.6k 7 8 15

Meg whisks Mikey away to her place and Aunt Susan must cope.

by Arsenique
Fetish 05/10/2021
H 4.56 13.2k 5 7 11

Meg and Mikey explore each other's rears with lewd results.

by Arsenique
Fetish 06/09/2021
H 4.65 16.1k 10 9 20

Aunt Susan discovers Mikey's transformation and reacts.

by Arsenique
Fetish 09/23/2022
H 4.53 7.7k 7 6 13

Jack hosts a private party in his room at the Rectory.

by Arsenique
Fetish 06/10/2022
H 4.6 7.2k 3 6

A sampling of the needs and fetishes of my Bohemian sweeties.

by Arsenique
Fetish 04/17/2022
H 4.79 5.1k 1 1 4

Wetting Mrs. Manasek's Whistle.

by Arsenique
Fetish 04/06/2022
4.11 13.2k 7 11

Jack is stumped until he discovers the key.

by Arsenique
Fetish 03/13/2022
H 4.58 7.7k 5 3 7

Brother Jack and Sister Kitka visit an eccentric couple.

by Arsenique
Fetish 01/01/2022
H 4.67 8.4k 6 16

Jack visits Mother Magdalene and her Flock.

by Arsenique
Fetish 11/05/2021
4.35 9.3k 7 15

And a very good time was had by all.

by Arsenique
Fetish 10/14/2021
H 4.64 7.8k 1 10

Parish's youthful servers and sisters visit Dame Taborova.

by Arsenique
Fetish 09/30/2021
H 4.59 6.4k 3 2 11

Jack has an intense encounter in a Mortification Cell.

by Arsenique
Fetish 09/24/2021
4.43 4.7k 1 7

A high school pal decides to help Jack out.

by Arsenique
Fetish 09/16/2021
H 4.5 10.9k 5 11

Discovering Other Practices of the Old Ways.

by Arsenique
Fetish 09/11/2021
4.29 2.9k 3 4

Jack discovers a hidden ritual chamber in the Church.

by Arsenique
Fetish 08/26/2021
H 4.5 12k 5 1 14

Jack and Sister Katka visit the parish’s Patron Saint.

by Arsenique
Fetish 08/19/2021
H 4.78 5.2k 3 11

We missed each other, it was as simple as that.

by Arsenique
Fetish 08/04/2021
H 4.64 7.4k 6 3 11

Sister Katka seeks help to put her past behind her.

by Arsenique
Fetish 07/29/2021
H 4.6 17.1k 6 24

Jack's willpower and limits are immediately tested.

by Arsenique
Fetish 07/21/2021
H 4.68 8.5k 2 9

There would be no shortage of eager new friends.

by Arsenique
Fetish 07/15/2021
H 4.63 7.2k 4 2 14

Mrs. Gavenda needed some attending to.

by Arsenique
Fetish 07/11/2021
H 4.73 13.3k 7 3 15
by Arsenique
35.9k 35 5 59

The old lady next door was not what she seemed.

by Arsenique
Fetish 06/30/2021
H 4.52 25.5k 27 1 45

Jack takes penance and goes with Mrs. Tupa to the Rectory.

by Arsenique
Fetish 07/05/2021
H 4.75 10.4k 8 4 14