
Stories by Anothersideofme

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I find out my hubby is bi.

H 4.6 21.2k 9 3 10

Couple gets kinky after a long drive.

by Anothersideofme
Fetish 07/11/2009
4.04 48.5k 3 1 5

Coworkers become lovers.

4.34 39.8k 12 3 13

Sometimes being late has its advantages.

4.23 81.1k 6 1 9

It was unexpected but now he takes my body as he wishes.

4.35 67.8k 36 6 41

Phone call attempts to interrupt a night of lust.

H 4.5 102k 10 8 15

A quiet night, full of potential.

4.33 98.7k 7 14 14