The Twelve Zenati Pt. 07


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They sat and made small talk about how the girls liked Darwin and the warmer-than-usual weather. Vivienne barely spoke except to agree that the weather wasn't much different for her in the Kimberley region.

"I've always been a summer girl," Marcella said enthusiastically. "So, I am loving being here where you name your seasons by whether they are wet or dry rather than hot or cold." She looked up as her lunch was placed in front of her and smiled at the waitress. "Thank you," she said keeping the cheerful tone in her voice.

"You said you've been shopping this morning?" Sera asked as the waitress moved away. "You should have waited for me. I know all the best places up here, but they are nothing compared to Melbourne. I love Melbourne shopping."

"Val made some suggestions when we saw him this morning." Marcella jumped in once again when Vivienne quickly pushed some food into her mouth so that she wouldn't have to talk. Marcella couldn't work out why Vivienne was so nervous, She was beautiful and accomplished, and it was obvious that Gideon was crazy about her.

"You're not very talkative, Vivienne," Tatianna said, placing her hand over Vivienne's as she went to take another mouthful. "Perhaps more talking and less eating would be a better idea for you," she said, as if giving kindly advice.

"Honestly, I don't know what to say. I wasn't expecting to meet you here today, and I feel a little off balance. Does Gideon know you are here?" Vivienne asked. If he had known that his mother would be at this lunch and hadn't told her, she wouldn't forgive him.

"He knew I was coming to the city. How could I not come when he told me he met his one?" she smiled widely. "I'm here just a little earlier than expected and must say you're not what I anticipated at all. Gideon was always so..."

"He knew you were coming but not to this lunch?" Vivienne asked to clarify before the woman could say anything else to directly insult her. She could feel Marcella stiffen beside her, as if ready to pounce and come to her aide. There was no need for them both to be on the bad side of this woman. Noah was obviously into her, and she didn't want her friend ruining her burgeoning relationship with the woman on her behalf.

"How could he know that I would be hungry when I arrived? I didn't even know I was hungry until I called Sera and she told me she had a lunch date with you," Tatianna laughed. "Luckily, she never minds me tagging along."

"Like I ever have any choice," Sera laughed and looked at her mother indulgently. "You'll find it is just easier to give in where Mama is concerned." Sera advised the two women, hoping they would take her eccentric mother for the meddling mischief maker she was, rather than be insulted by her.

"You came to meet Vivienne, but you made her guarded by the surprise attack. You can't blame her for not wanting to play nice when you didn't," Marcella said as she came to Vivienne's defence.

"You don't seem to have any trouble," Tatianna laughed.

"That's because I don't get intimidated easily," Marcella shrugged. "I'm a bitch, and I have no problem telling you that you just made it infinitely more difficult for your son to get her to accept his proposal, because now Viv is wondering if she can trust either of you to be upfront with her. It's a shame really, because Gideon is head over heels in love with her," Marcella spoke as if she couldn't care less about insulting this family matriarch. She was obviously once a table princess who still expected everyone to do her bidding, and Marcella knew those women well.

"You are delightful," Tatianna laughed merrily. "If a little thing like this lunch can drive a wedge between the lovebirds perhaps it's not fate or destiny or even a love curse that brought them together in the first place."

"Destiny? Fate?" Marcella rolled her eyes. "How about just pure attraction and compatibility? Gideon is in love with her. He won't be thanking you, either of you, any time soon for this little ambush." Marcella was indignant on Vivienne's behalf and included the brothers' sister, Sera, in her accusation, enjoying the younger woman's horrified look.

"Stop, Marcie," Vivienne said gently. "Let's just finish the lunch. It's not worth making a scene over."

"That's true," Tatianna said sympathetically. "It's entirely understandable that you wouldn't want to draw attention to yourself in a place like this, Vivienne. You must feel awkward enough already," Tatianna continued to make a dig about Vivienne's height and curvy figure.

"I've lost my appetite," Marcella said, ignoring the older woman and forcing her voice into a gentler tone as she heard the resignation in Vivienne's voice. She pushed down her anger with the woman sitting across from them down and spoke quietly. "I'm sorry Viv, I never meant to upset you by talking like that."

"You didn't upset me," Vivienne said and gave a weak smile. "I don't know how I let Gideon convince me to stay this city in the first place. You can't be mad at Tatianna for pointing out the obvious. If you're sure that you're finished, we might go then." She squeezed Marcella's hand. "It was lovely to meet you both," Vivienne said to the other two women, and Marcella could hear the professional tone and see the mask that Vivienne had donned to hide her hurt. "Maybe we'll meet again one day."

"Vivienne, wait," Sera said, seeing too late just what a mess her mother's appearance had made of things. "You've gone too far this time, Mother! This isn't a teenage crush. Gideon is a grown man who knows the difference between lust and love. He won't forgive you for this, and he won't forgive me, none of them will."

"I didn't say anything that her Mama wouldn't have said many times. That friend of hers did all the talking. She was the one who upset Vivienne, not me, and as I said earlier, if my coming to this lunch is enough to drive a wedge between them then I seriously doubt she was his one," Tatianna said dismissively and began to eat her lunch again, as if there was no problem at all with what had just occurred.

Sera stood to hurry after the two women but stalled, having barely moved from her seat as Marcella came back to the table and spoke in a low voice.

"You can act as superior as you like and you don't deserve to know this, but as a mother and daughter, I think you should know. Vivienne's mother never had the chance to say any such things to her, or anything to her at all, as she grew up because she died when Viv was a child. What you said was beyond heartless and cruel, and trust me, Vivienne is a better woman than your son deserves for doing this to her," Marcella hissed. Then she swung around and walked to where Vivienne was paying for their lunch rather than be called a gold digger as an added insult. Then they left.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Interesting how Sera thinks her mother is eccentric and mischievous and in reality she’s just rude, judgmental and uncaring of how she’s effecting others. We all love our mamas I guess. I don’t know how Gideon thought that would be a good idea and hurry along the process of Vivienne choosing to be with him. At this rate he’s gonna die of that heart attack and it’ll be his own fault haha

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Keeps getting better


I admit I was disappointed when Remy was officially written off the scene. I started the series with "The Twelve Zenati" so I can't speak to the prior series but I will say I am enjoying the way things are progressing for all characters. Whether I'm enjoying Genesis more as a character or simply further removed from Remy, I am enjoying the series more the further I progress.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The Old Ways

As ever this is a stunning addition to this story, the characters are fleshed out so well. They’re very very believable and it’s so easy to empathise with them.

Whilst I love the stories to bits the social structure of the previous generations of the Tables is ultimately flawed. They’re misogynistic, authoritarian and very very narrow minded. Overall they do provide an economic support network for their menfolk but they’re also very contradictory with the machismo of the public face of Italian society being focused on a patriarchy and to a lesser extent the women rule the roost at home. The difference between the perception of Italian society is that the wives of The Tables are the baby factories and the daughters pampered to a degree and expected to follow in their mothers footsteps. The Tables seem to maintain the masculine rulership on a public front but it’s only the younger generations that are beginning to mimic the Italian roles of women being in charge at home. Excluding the bedroom of course, every Table in any generation seems to live an extreme of the D/s lifestyle. Going as far as forced training on how to please their husband/ future husband. To me it’s not BDSM when you don’t have a choice.

With the Table families the daughters always get the raw end of the deal, sheltered from reality pampered, treated like princesses and spoiled only to be criticised and dealt with harshly when they continue to act spoiled. Barefoot and pregnant is rarely any woman’s dream, too much value is placed on appearances so when one of the families produce a woman who doesn’t fit the perceived mould they are rejected and ridiculed. That’s not to say that the men have it easy because they’re forced into their roles too, still it’s much easier to stomach when you’re the one with control. It’s good to be king, until it isn’t.

Like others have commented on this chapter the Zenati matriarch has indeed fucked up with Vivienne, no woman is good enough for her sons and definitely not one who doesn’t fit the pretty girl stereotype. This chapter resonated very strongly with me, like Vivienne and Marcella’s experience with education, I was the first in my family to attend university my mother couldn’t understand why I would want to.

Looking forward to reading more, thanks for sharing.

Tess (UK)

duchessbutterflyduchessbutterflyabout 5 years ago

Gives new meaning to the term "monster-in-law."

subnotslavesubnotslaveover 5 years ago

Have only just got to read this Chapter...

And Wow! What an excellent chapter it is! Looking forward to Tatianna gettting her come-uppance. Wonder what Marcella is really up to?

Thank you as always Ellie


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