The Cursed House of Crow


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This image was a painting of Madeline. It was almost like a family portrait. It had Madeline standing with her husband and her two children. Most of the time, the women in these types of paintings seemed very dour and plain, but Madeline was not. She was strikingly beautiful, especially compared to the paintings of other women from around that time. Some people theorized that her uncommon, mature beauty was part of the reason she was accused of being a witch. No woman could be that beautiful in that day and time. She no doubt inspired jealousy in others, no doubt causing them to make baseless accusations.

Copies of this painting were hung up around town, in various buildings, schools, the town hall, the mayor's office, and even local bars. For some, this picture was a haunting reminder of the town's dark past, and a reminder to not let a mob mentality rule. But some took these reminders as some sort of proof of how witchcraft had permeated throughout the town. A lot of people were freaked out by these paintings. They got a vibe from them. A lot of people walked by them and felt as if they were being watched.

And people of course thought that Madeline's still standing house was haunted. People through the years had tried to sneak into the Crow house, to the point where the city was forced to have a cop present around the house to prevent any reckless youths from breaking in. But apparently, some people had broken in and claimed the house was haunted by Madeline's vengeful spirit.

All of this was hogwash, obviously. People had gotten so interested in the fantastical that they had kind of lost the plot. It was a much more interesting, sexier story if Madeline Crow was actually a witch. There was a lot more meat to that story. But the truth was that what happened was simply a tragedy. Madeline Crow was wrongly persecuted and subjected to a punishment she did not deserve.

No fate sounded worse to Sally.

So Sally took it upon herself to vindicate her. None of the people who had broken into the house were ever there for education reasons. Some historians had tried to get permission from the city a few years ago, but the rumor was that the church had intervened and forced the city's hand in not allowing anyone to enter the house. This pissed Sally off. She was already interested in Madeline's story, but this pushed her over the edge and inspired her new mission. To prove Madeline innocent and show the entire town that she was someone whose fate should not be taken so lightly. She was someone to be honored and respected.

"So Sal..." Tony began from the back seat, "What's your plan exactly?"

"Okay," Sally started. "I spied out the house a few days ago. I know usually around this time, they have a cop car near the house, so we'll have to be careful. But, I noticed that they don't usually end up there until around seven or so, so we have time to get there before the cops would notice. Now, there is a fence there, and it is chained shut, but I did kinda borrow my Dad's bolt cutters."

"Jeez, Sal, this is going to be full on breaking and entering." Dom said.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Sally?" Alex asked responsibly.

"Guys, people have gotten caught there before. They just get sent away with a warning. If they catch us, we can just act like a bunch of rambunctious teens and they won't think twice." Sally replied.

"We are a bunch of rambunctious teens... right?" Dom asked.

"I mean, yeah, this will be fun and kind of a thrill, but this is a mission with a purpose. I want to find something to validate Madeline Crow's innocence. I've asked town historians, city hall, even the church if they have fully investigated this place..." she began.

"Whoa, you went to the church and didn't tell me?" Timmy asked.

"Yeah. So?" Sally asked, confused.

"You should have told me. I would have come with you. I love those nuns there." Timmy joked, holding his hands in front of his chest as if holding a pair of melons.

"Ewww, Timmy. Don't be gross." Sally said. "Anyway, everyone I asked all kinda dodged answering me. So, if no one wants to give me answers, I'll just get them myself." Sally said. Alex smiled. He loved her drive to do what was right. Sally saw him smile, and blushed in response.

Sally was happy. Surrounded by her loving boyfriend and her loyal friends, all working together to allow her to do this research. Warmth filled her heart.

This couldn't be going any better.


Sally placed the car into park and switched off the ignition. They had done it. They had arrived.

They had reached the Cursed House of Crow.

All of her friends piled out of the car and into the cool autumn air. They all took a moment to take in the fabled house in front of them. It was definitely impressively large. And despite how ridiculous Sally found these ghost stories about Madeline, even she had to admit the house was definitely foreboding and a bit spooky. If you imagined a spooky, haunted house, you would imagine the Crow house.

It must have been well designed to be still so well intact after all these years. It was two stories with a raised point in the middle. It was built out of dark wood with black formed steel around the windows and the roof. Nothing could be seen through the dark windows. Even Sally felt a chill go through her while looking at the Crow estate. Sally wrote that off as being from the sharp, biting October wind.

"Even though I don't believe the ghost stories..." Alex started, "I will admit this place is actually pretty creepy." This caused the others to laugh nervously, because they were all feeling the same thing. Even though they all knew better, none of them were exactly excited to go inside. This house could be a haunted house in a movie and it wouldn't feel out of place.

"Do you think this house has wi-fi?" Dom asked, phone in hand, causing the others to laugh, breaking the tension. Nadine laughed a little harder than the rest, causing Dom to smile uncomfortably. She was a cool girl, Dom thought, but it was obvious she liked him, and she wasn't exactly subtle about it. He would put up with her in social gatherings, but he didn't particularly care for her obvious come-ons and unsubtle flirting. He liked girls with a bit more substance. He had never once had a conversation with her that stimulated him in the least. He couldn't imagine ever dating her. Sure, she was good looking, but he was positive the conversations would dry up quickly. He couldn't imagine anything that they had in common, any common interests that could make a relationship with such a shallow, self-centered girl worth it.

He glanced at Nadine and played with his phone. He put it to his ear as the others chatted a bit.

"Hey, Rach, it's me." Dom said to his girlfriend. The others chatted, but Nadine stared bullets at him. "Yeah, I'm just hanging with some friends. I might get a bit delayed, but I should only be a few hours... yeah, definitely, I'll be there. Okay, talk you soon. Bye."

Dom hung up and rejoined the group. He glanced at Nadine, and she looked at him angrily.

"That was mean." Alex whispered as Dom stepped up next to him. Dom just sorta shrugged his shoulders. Alex rolled his eyes and spoke up.

"So, what's the plan?" Alex said as the group walked slowly towards the house.

"Well, uh, we go in and look around. Try to find something, some record of what happened. Maybe like a journal or document. Anything to find out what she was thinking after her incarceration. It shouldn't take too long. Only a couple hours." Sally said.

"So, here's a question." Alex began. "How are we getting in?" he finished, staring at the door as they walked up the front steps and reached the front stoop. The other's looked at the door and realized it was padlocked shut.

"Um, you think those bolt cutters will get the job done?" Tony asked.

"Worth a shot." Sally replied. Tony lumbered back to the car to retrieve the bolt cutters. He returned to the front stoop of house. He put them in place and used his strength to once again use the cutters for nefarious purposes, sending the padlock to the ground as he snipped the lock. He set down the tool and waited. Sally smiled at him and reached to the door handle. She twisted it and pushed at it, but she walked into the door slightly as the door didn't budge. She tried again, shaking at the door, but it wasn't moving.

"Is it locked or something?" Nadine asked.

"If it's locked, what are we gonna do? Break in?" Alex asked.

"I don't want to, like, destroy the place. I just want to get in." Sally replied.

"Timmy..." Dom started. "You're black. You should know the best way to break into a house."

"Fuck you." Timmy replied with a laugh. Being one of the only black students at his high school gave him a good sense of humor about his race.

"You know, I don't see a lock." Sally said, bending over.

"Step back." Tony said. Moving forward, he grabbed the door handle as the others stepped back. He reared back and slammed his shoulder into the door violently. The door budged a bit as Tony flexed his shoulder.

"That must have hurt." Sally said. Tony grimaced a bit, but before anyone could react, he grabbed the handle, reared back, and slammed his shoulder into the door again. The door flew open with a crack and Tony slightly fell into the doorway.

The House of Crow was now open.

Tony nursed his sore shoulder as he stepped aside to allow an unafraid Sally to enter. Even though the others were a bit more nervous than they let on, they slowly followed behind her.

The first thing they all noticed was the smell. The stale, musty air within smelled like wet, rotted wood and dust. All of them covered their noses as they adjusted to the scent.

"Don't worry guys. You'll get used to it." Sally said.

"I hope I never get used to this." Nadine replied.

Sally reached into her bag and grabbed some flashlights. She passed them out among her friends.

"Okay guys, be careful." Sally began, "Watch your step. There might be like, rats, or something."

"Rats?" Nadine replied nervously, trying to act unafraid in front of Dom.

"Don't worry, Nadine. We won't be here too long, hopefully." Sally replied.


All of them jumped as the door slammed shut.

"Sorry guys." Tony said. "I don't know my strength sometimes."

The room was dark now that the door was shut. They all lit up their flashlights and looked around, studying their surroundings for the first time.

The house looked unlived in, obviously. Weeds and mushrooms were growing through the floorboards. Dust covered everything. The room itself was rather plain. They were in a large living area. The room had a few small tables and chairs. The walls were only lightly decorated. Everything was made out of darkened wood. There were shelves with plates along the walls. The main feature in the room was a large fireplace, made of rock. And above it, hanging on the stone, was the famous painting of Madeline Crow.

Looking up at it, the painting of Madeline standing behind her family, adorned with her pilgrim-like clothing and a Mona Lisa smile, it captured each one of their visions. It was one of those paintings that when you looked at it made you feel as if the eyes were watching you. All of them looked away, eager to look away from the creepy painting.

"So, uh, what's the plan?" Alex asked.

"Well, we either go around as a group, go through each room one by one, or we split up and tackle everything quicker." Sally suggested.

"Split up? That never ends well." Timmy replied.

"Timmy, this isn't a horror movie." Sally stated.

"Good, cause if this becomes one, we all know who goes out first." Timmy said, causing them all to laugh nervously.

"Let's split up." Alex said firmly. "Three groups of two. I don't believe the horror stories, but I don't want to stick around too long."

"Sounds good." Dom said.

"I'll go with Dom." Nadine jumped in, excited to take advantage of the situation.

"Uhhhhhhh... ohhhh-kay. I guess." Dom said slowly, unable to find a reason to say no. Nadine noticed his hesitation and winced a bit.

"I'm guessing you two aren't splitting anytime soon?" Timmy asked Alex and Sally.

"Uh, we'll probably stick together, yeah." Alex replied.

"That's fine. Cause when all the ghosts appear, you're gonna want to be with us." Timmy replied, standing next to Tony.

"Okay, Tony and Timmy, you guys take the first floor, me and Alex and Dom and Nadine will split the upstairs." Sally planned out quickly.

"Okay, let's get going." Alex stated. Everyone nodded in assent. "Dom, let me talk to you a sec."

"Don't keep me waiting." Nadine purred to Dom. Dom rolled his eyes and stepped aside with his best friend.

"Hey," Alex began. "I know you're not into Nadine, but she's a good person, so try not to, like, hurt her feelings."

"Alex, she is such, a..." Dom began, not knowing how to describe.

"Listen, I know she's a bit much. But please be... polite." Alex said. Dom rolled his eyes.

"Fine." Dom conceded, stifling his inner smart-ass in effort to appease his friend.

"Good." Alex said, patting Dom on the shoulder and heading back over to Sally, Dom close behind. Once they reached the group, Sally spoke up.

"Okay, guys, let's get to it." she said perkily. And just as she finished that sentence, a long, whining creak came from the floor above them. Once the creak ended, Sally looked around and noticed the apprehension in their eyes.

"Oh, c'mon, it was just the wind." Sally said fearlessly. They all kinda laughed off the noise, but all of them were still a bit nervous. Unafraid, Sally marched up the stairs. Shrugging, Alex followed behind her, Dom and Nadine close behind.

As they reached the second floor, Sally used the flashlight to light their way through the dark hallway. She swept away the cobwebs and led the way towards the first door. Approaching it, she grabbed the handle and pushed it. It was stuck, like the front door had been. She shook at it a bit, but before she could do any more, Alex stepped in front of her and used his shoulder to force the door open.

Sally shined the flashlight inside the room, eager to appraise its contents. Her light shone on walls of heavy bookshelves, each loaded to the brim with books.

"Ha Ha!" Sally laughed out. "Okay... I think we just found the motherload."

Sally stepped inside, admiring the room filled with books and texts. There was a thick table and a sitting desk, with an inkwell and a feather.

"Okay, I think I will spend, like, all of my time here." Sally said excitedly. She walked towards one of the bookshelves and ran her fingers over the heavy books. "This is awesome." she whispered to herself.

"Okay, Dom, Nadine, you guys take the rest of the floor. I think Sal is gonna hunker down here for awhile." Alex suggested. Dom nodded and Nadine smiled at this. They walked away, leaving the two lovebirds alone.

Alex looked over at his girlfriend, who already had her nose buried in a book. Alex was admittedly not as obsessed with this adventure as Sally was, but he was always up for anything. Even though the house was pretty creepy, Alex didn't think this house could have anything inside that could truly surprise him. Alex was very even-keeled, and it took a lot to make him truly uncomfortable. It would take a lot more than a creepy old house to freak him out.

He kept his eyes on Sally and admired her for a few moments. A lot of people would kinda be overwhelmed by the fervor Sally got into when she was on the case in one of her missions. But Alex, well, he kinda liked it. He liked seeing her so worked up... so passionate. It kinda turned him on.

Even though Alex and Sally were both kinda straight arrows, they actually had a pretty active sex life. Both of them had healthy sexual appetites and they enjoyed indulging those appetites with each other. People looked at them as being the type of couple who spent their time studying or talking about intellectual things, but they knew how to get down. Some of Alex's friends were surprised to hear that Sally was willing to put out, but she definitely did. Alex and Sally were definitely very active and very attracted to each other, and sometimes, Alex had trouble maintaining his cool demeanor around her.

And when she got like this, almost in a fanatic fervor over new knowledge, he liked it. He couldn't explain it. Maybe it had to do with the fact that whenever she got like this, it always made her extra playful and passionate in the bedroom. But Sally just did something to Alex. He was always cool and in control, however there was something about Sally that just drove him nuts.

She was everything he ever wanted in a girl. She was pretty. She was fit and thin but she still had good curves in the right places. A nice pair of B-cups and a cute, petite butt. Even though he was not the type of guy to be so shallow, he did still have his preferences, and luckily Sally met them. And fortunately, she was a blonde. Alex always had a soft spot for blondes. Blondes always seemed so bright and perky and full of life.

Alex watched as she bent over to grab a book, pointing her cute, jean clad butt at him. And, despite his spooky surroundings, Alex realized that Sally's passion and body had left him painfully erect. So he couldn't stop himself from approaching his girlfriend's bent over form and pressing his crotch against her jean clad butt, putting his hands on her hips.

"What are you doing?" Sally purred, feeling her boyfriend's sizable meat pressed between her butt cheeks. Alex had many qualities that attracted her to him. His great body. His scruffy, wild hair. His piercing eyes. His cute smile. His soft spoken personality. His fierce intelligence. Any of those things could get him a girlfriend, and that was what attracted Sally to him. So, later finding out that this seemingly perfect guy also happened to have a wrist-thick, nine inch dick was just icing on the cake.

"I love you, hon." Alex whispered.

"Well, I love you too, babe. But what are you doing?" she asked with a laugh.

"I like seeing you so worked up." Alex whispered as Sally straightened up and pressed herself against him.

"You seem to always be worked up." Sally countered with a sly smile. Despite his cool appearance, Sally's boyfriend always seemed to be ready for some action. Sally was shocked by how ready he was to get down all the time, and how surprisingly intimate and affectionate he was ready to be at all times, even in public. Sally didn't anticipate this wild side to him, but instead of turning herself away from him, it really turned her on and made her feel good. She loved how attracted he was to her, and plus, she loved seeing a bit of his darker, naughtier side.

"I think I have good reason to be worked up." Alex whispered, kissing her neck.

"Hey, this isn't the time." Sally said, reluctantly pulling away from his soft lips.

"What, you don't know about my haunted house fetish?" Alex joked.

"Oh, yeah, this place is so hot." Sally laughed out. She finally pulled away and turned to face him. Stepping close to him, she gave him a soft kiss and firmly grabbed his jean-clad shaft in her palm.

"Save it for later, babe." Sally said, squeezing his dick softly, causing him to groan, "Don't worry, for helping me out, for bringing me here, I've got something extra special ready for you tonight."

"Mmm, I can't wait." Alex purred, kissing his girlfriend.

"Well..." she began, kissing him back, "You'll have to." she finished, stepping back, all business again as she went back to searching the books, leaving him high and dry. He had no expectations that she would want to get it on in the haunted house, but it was worth a shot. Unfortunately, that left his dick uncomfortably swollen in his pants.

He didn't need to worry about it, though. He wouldn't have to wait that long. By the time he would leave this house, his balls would be completely drained. He just didn't know it yet.