The Cursed House of Crow


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Again, his view of her glowing eyes was broken as his eyes were drawn to her deep cleavage. So deep, deep enough to make him wish he could fall into it face first and never escape.

"Nadine!" Dom called out. "Wake up!" Dom knew she was a slut, but he knew that this wasn't her. She wouldn't be this brazen. This was something else. A new force entirely.

"Dom, don't you realize this is what we both want?" Nadine asked, getting closer. She stopped, unzipped her jeans, and slowly pulled them off. She stepped out of them and continued slowly approaching, now clad only in her underwear.

Her panties matched her bra, black lace and tiny. Dom had to guess she was wearing a thong, knowing her like he did.

"You want me, Dom. You want my body." Nadine whispered huskily, her lust-filled voice like a serpent, weaving around his mind. "You've wanted me all along. I know it. You've run from it for so long, but I know the truth. You love me. You have been in love with me for years. And deep down, you want to make our love official. You want to ditch the girlfriend, that pathetic excuse for a girl, and be with me, a real woman. A slut who will take care of you like you need. Who will give you everything you ever needed. Who will do anything you want."

"Nadine. I love her. I can't do this. This is wrong! Even you know that, deep down. This isn't you. This is her work, isn't it?" he asked, nodding at the woman in the corner.

"Don't worry about her. She just wants to watch us have our fun." Nadine purred. Dom backed against the door. Nadine approached her prey, knowing she had him trapped. She stepped in close, pressing her large rack into his chest.

"Mmm, that's nice. Here's what's gonna happen. Here's what you want to happen. Here's what you've always wanted to happen. You are gonna make me yours. You are going to be betray your little girlfriend and choose me. Forever. After tonight, you will know which girl you belong to. Who owns your heart. Your soul. It has to happen this way. Cause betrayal is just so yummy. You have to know what I'm capable of. Just imagine, seeing what I'm capable of, combined with the vicious betrayal against your girlfriend, that will make the sex so much better. We were destined to do this. Destined to become lovers. We were made for each other." Nadine whispered.

She pressed herself in tight, pressing her large breasts against him. She pressed her belly against him, feeling his desire for her. Without a fight, Nadine took his hands and placed them against her ass-cheeks, exposed by the teeny tiny thong she had tucked snugly between her cheeks of her hot Latina ass. Nadine felt him reflexively squeeze her ass-cheeks.

"Just look into my eyes, Dom. I will make all your troubles go away." she whispered. She looked up, and his eyes locked onto hers. Her glowing eyes held his stare, as her lips slowly approached his.


As soon as Alex and Sally hit the ground floor, they went searching for their two friends.

"Hey guys!" Alex called out urgently. They looked around, but saw no sign of their two friends.

"They better not have wussed out." Sally said to Alex. "Timmy! Tony!" she called out.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard from the kitchen. Down the hallway in the kitchen emerged the two young men.

"There you are." Sally said, relieved. Neither of them reacted as they approached the couple.

"Guys, the door is jammed upstairs and Nadine is stuck inside!" Alex explained quickly. Again, neither of them reacted as they confidently approached. Alex noticed small smiles on both of their faces.

"Guys, what's wrong?" he asked. As he looked at them, something seemed off. Then he saw their eyes.

They glowed red.

"Hey..." he began. Before he could finish, Tony reared back and took a swing at Alex.

"Aaaah!" Sally squealed out. Alex ducked, dodging Tony's fist.

"Hey!" Alex called out. Timmy jumped forward, trying to grab Alex.

"Timmy!" Alex grunted out as Timmy grabbed the collar of his shirt. Alex grabbed his forearms to pull them away, but as he did, Tony jumped forward, drilling Alex with a punch to the gut.

"What are you doing?" Sally squealed out, jumping away. Alex fell to the ground, gasping for air. Timmy tried to grab his wrists, but Alex reacted, swinging back, hitting the side of Timmy's head with his elbow. The force knocked Timmy back, but he didn't react at all to the pain. Alex tried to get to his feet. Tony ran forward to punch him again. Alex was able to duck, rear back, and punch back at him, cracking Tony in the jaw. That punch should have had him down for the count, but he merely recoiled before going on the attack again.

"Sally, get out of here!" Alex called out, trying to protect her.

"No!" Sally said. She grabbed a vase from near the chimney, and moved to hit Tony on the head with it. As if seeing behind himself, Tony turned and shoved Sally into the wall roughly, knocking her into a daze as her head drilled into the wall.

She was seeing double, and in her daze, she saw Tony and Timmy overwhelm Alex, grabbing his legs and arms, dragging him towards the kitchen.

"Sallly!" Alex called out, but by the time Sally's head cleared, Alex was gone and his voice had disappeared. Sally got to her feet and chased after Tony and Timmy.

She had no time to think about what had happened. She just had to find Alex. She ran to the kitchen, and saw no signs of life. She checked the side rooms, the pantry, out the windows, but saw nothing. She heard a bang from upstairs. Fuck, she forgot! Nadine! And Dom! They could help! They just have to get that door open. Sally sprinted upstairs.

She reached the landing, and as soon as she did she saw the door was open. Relieved, she ran towards it, pushing it open. She came to a stop when she saw what was inside.

"OOOHHHHH! FUCK YES! FUCK YES! FUCK ME!" Nadine screamed out.

Sally was frozen. In front of her was Dom and Nadine, both completely naked, and they were fucking. Hard. Dom was standing in the middle of the room and was holding up Nadine, the backs of her knees in the crooks of his arms, her arms around his neck as she furiously rode him. Both were covered with sweat, which appeared to be literally dripping onto the floor. Sally couldn't help but notice Nadine's huge breasts against Dom's rock hard chest. Her perfect ass flexing as she bounced. Dom's muscles straining as he held the slut in his arms. And what appeared to be a very large cock driving into Nadine.

"What are you doing?" Sally asked, not understanding what she was seeing. But of course, they ignored her.


"FUCK I LOVE IT!" Dom grunted out.

"I knew it! I FUCKING knew it! I knew you loved me!" Nadine squealed out. "Forget about your stupid, ugly fucking girlfriend! You belong to me now!"

"YES! FUCK YES!" Dom grunted, more beast than man.

"What the fuck is going on?" Sally screamed out. Both Dom and Nadine turned to look at Sally. Both smirked, and their eyes blazed red.

"What's wrong Sally?" Dom asked, smiling wide.

"What's wrong, hun?" Nadine asked, kissing Dom on the cheek over and over again.

"What the fuck? What the fuck?" Sally asked herself, backing away as the two lovers laughed and resumed their vicious copulation. Sally turned and ran back downstairs.

"Is this what you wanted to see?" Dom asked, turning to face the corner, where the woman in black was still seated, watching the action. Dom could practically feel her smile.

Sally stumbled away from the action. What the fuck was happening? Something had happened to everyone! But what? What happened? It couldn't be the so-called witch? No, that wasn't possible! That whole thing was a myth. But what could be happening? Were they poisoned or drugged or something? But their eyes? What could explain that?

Sally ran downstairs and hit the ground floor. The room was still and silent, which sent a cold chill through her bones. Sally looked behind her, at the front door. It was cracked open, some light spilling in.

She could just leave. Leave and go get some help, because something was happening here that was more than she could understand. She should go. Alex told her to. Alex... no, she had to stay. She had to find Alex. She wasn't leaving without him.

But where could he be? She looked through all the rooms in the first floor. She racked her brain, trying to think of anything she had learned in her research. The living room. The bedroom. The study. There was the kitchen, the pantry, the basement... wait, the basement! The room where Madeline was found. Where she was captured. Of course! The basement! She hadn't found the basement. That's where they were. They had to be.

Sally ran away from the front door, towards the kitchen. She looked around, looking for any secret door. She ripped open the pantry door. She was about to look inside when...

"Aaah!" she squealed out. Tony and Timmy emerged from the darkness in front of her. She turned to run away. She ran back towards the front when...

"Shit!" Sally called out. In front of her where Dom and Nadine, both nude. Both were still sweaty. Dom's large dick was hanging between his legs, and cum was leaking from Sally's best friend's pussy.

"Don't worry, Sally." Nadine purred. "We won't hurt you."

Before she could move, Tony grabbed her arms roughly from behind. Timmy slipped a black hood over her head.

"No! No!" Sally called out as the cloth covered her vision. She tried to fight back from the strong arms holding her, but it was of no use. She tried to keep fighting, but something on the cloth was making her woozy. Within moments, she was being dragged along the floor, her heels dragging on the floor as Tony dragged her in his arms to the basement.

Where the woman in black awaited.


The smell was the thing that woke up Sally. It smelled hot, like a source of heat was nearby. There was also a burning smell, which led her to think something was cooking nearby.

She started to stir a bit, and it was only then that the black hood was ripped off her head, revealing to her where she was.

The room she was in, no doubt the basement of the house of Crow, looked to be made of dark stone. This room looked alien in relation to the house above. Torches hung from the wall, casting an orange hue throughout the room. Strange artifacts and decorations filled the room, as if tools for some mystic or something.

In front of her was a large, cast iron cauldron, gurgling due to the fire beneath it. Behind the cauldron stood Timmy, looking back at her. Behind them, on a bed on the other side of the room, were Nadine and Dom, fucking roughly, doggy-style, dripping with sweat. Sally turned away from them, and it was then that she noticed, lying on a bed to the left of the cauldron, was Alex, a black hood over his face as well. He wasn't awake, but his chest rose with his breathing.

"Alex?" Sally called out, moving to stand from the wooden chair she was in. Before she could, Tony's large hands reached down from behind her and forced her to stay seated. Breathing deeply in fear and confusion, she looked around some more, only to notice that to the right of the cauldron, bathed in shadow, was the woman in black.

Her upper half was bathed in shadow, but her lower half was visible, wearing a dusty black cloak. She sat in her chair, facing Sally, as if watching her... appraising her.

"Who are you?" Sally gasped, having an idea of who she might be, but afraid to admit it, and what that might mean.

For a few seconds, the only sound heard was the gurgling of the cauldron. Finally, the woman moved, her hands grabbing the armrests on the chair, her ghostly pale hands visible. The woman rose from the seat, and something about this motion frightened Sally, as if this was final proof that this mystery woman was indeed real.

She stepped forward, approaching Sally. Her shoes clicked menacingly on the wooden floor. As she walked forward, more of her emerged from the darkness. She slowly approached, walking almost menacingly slow, like a hunter approaching wounded prey. More of her cloaked body emerged into the light, until only her head was still hidden from Sally.

"So nice to finally meet you, Sally." the mystery woman said, her calm, British accent reaching Sally's ears. The woman stepped forward, emerging from the shadows. Sally moved back in her seat and gasped in fear and shock, her chin quivering. She was seeing what could only be a ghost. She couldn't explain what she was seeing. Because standing in front of her was a person who couldn't be there. A person who supposedly died 300 years ago.

Madeline Crow.

Her face looked the same as it did in the paintings. She looked like a 40-something woman, and she had maintained the good looks she appeared to have in all the art of her. Her skin was pale, but a nice, creamy pale. Her face looked to be very elegant and classy, not like a crazed woman like most visualized witches being. Her eyes were a cool grey, and she had very thin eyebrows. Her mouth seemed very tightly drawn, but her lips were plump. She had very few wrinkles, as someone should if they were born over 300 years ago. Her hair was long and black past her shoulders, shiny in the firelight. A streak of light blonde, almost grey hair interrupted her liquid black hair, providing the only interruption in the waves of black falling from her head.

"I've been keeping an eye on you for some time now, Miss Samson." Madeline said, her voice cool and unaffected by the fear she was causing.

"How... how are you here? Are you a gh... a ghost?" Sally said, not believing what she was asking.

"Sally, you know there is no such thing as ghosts." Sally said with a small smile, removing her black cloak. Underneath, she was wearing colonial clothing, clothing fit for a pilgrim from her day. She wore a gray vest over a black shirt and a long black dress down to her ankles. She handed her dusty cloak to Timmy, and he moved to hang it up. Once he did, he ran back and moved Madeline's chair forward, out of the darkness, closer to Sally.

Madeline was quite tall, so it felt like she towered over the seated girl. Once her chair was in place, she sat back down, straightening her dress as she did so.

"My journey here was a long and winding one." Madeline began. "The product of a corrupt church and how that corruption can spread among even the best of people. How they attacked and persecuted people without evidence. How they persecute and condemn the innocent to protect their own agenda. Me and my friends fell victim to this... betrayal. A culture of fear created by a corrupt church to trick people into accepting their attempts for power. My peers and I were persecuted unjustly. My life destroyed. My husband killed. My children ripped from my breast. All to further the church's grip on society."

"But... how are you still alive?" Sally asked. Even in her fear, she was ever inquisitive.

"The church, in their infinite wisdom, decided to place a curse on me." Madeline replied.

"A curse?" Sally asked.

"Yes, despite of their attitude on witchcraft, the church had more knowledge of the dark arts than any of their accused witches. They cursed me, bound me to this house, waiting for me to die, so they could, in their words, 'protect the innocent'." Madeline explained.

"But, how is that possible? There is no such thing as witchcraft, or magic." Sally said. Madeline smiled as she looked at the girl as if she were simple.

"Dear, I thought much higher of you. I think all the proof of magic is the person staring you in the face. A woman who was born more than 300 years ago is standing in front of you, and you wonder if magic is possible." Madeline said. Sally didn't know how to reply, so Madeline continued. "They cursed me to this house, so I could not escape. Trapped from the outside world, so they were protected from me."

"Why couldn't you escape?" Sally asked.

"Because I COULDN'T!" Madeline said, a crazed look in her eyes. "Because the house wouldn't let me! I would approach the door, stare out at the outside world, but a force greater than me blocked me from taking that step outside. It was hell. It was torture to see the world moving and be stuck in here, in this prison. I'm afraid I went slightly mad." Madeline said with a crazed giggle.

"But how are you still alive?" Sally asked.

"Can you really be considered alive if you can't die?" Madeline proposed, confusing Sally. "I outsmarted them. Out-thought their plan. But it cost me my soul. I sold my soul to maintain my life. To outlive those who placed the curse on me, so that one day I would get my freedom. And my revenge."

"What do you mean, you sold your soul? Sold to who?" Sally wondered. Madeline smiled.

"It's not about who, dear." Madeline said mysteriously. "You'll realize that selling your soul is not a simple transaction. It means sacrificing any purity in a desperate maneuver to preserve life." she added vaguely.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Sally asked.

"Dear, do you truly not understand yet?" Madeline asked, looking at the teenager like she was simple, again. "Do you not know yet...?"

"Sally..." Madeline began, "I am a witch."

"Ha!" Sally barked, "No way."

"I am a witch." Madeline reaffirmed. "I have been all my life. From my youth, I felt... different. I had this power I couldn't explain. I could do things I wasn't able to do. I tried to hide it. Tried to suppress it. But the more I did, the more it came out in unexpected ways. It wasn't until I came to this country and we settled here that I came across a book. A book which explained how to harness my power. I couldn't resist the temptation."

"No. This isn't right. You weren't a witch. You were just providing protection, a safe haven to the accused. Protecting them from the church's witch hunt." Sally said.

"I was protecting them. Cause they were my students. My apprentices. I taught them everything they knew. Before me, they were just whores. But with me, they were something more." Madeline explained. Sally looked on, in disbelief. Madeline slightly rolled her eyes, before holding out her palm. Sally watched in shock as a goblet flew from across the room, landing in her palm. Sally sat wide-eyed at this seeming proof of Madeline's talents.

"But then, it's your fault. Your housing these apprentices put your family in danger. Put them at risk." Sally questioned.

"NO!" Madeline said angrily, setting down the goblet. "I did not put my family in danger. The church did that. The church made this a war. My family was taken from me because of their fear of what they don't understand. The church attacked me out of fear of what I could do. Fear that I would threaten their grip on society. The church operates on fear! They cursed me and believed they had me defeated. But alas, they did not. I found a spell on my own, a spell no sane witch would normally even touch. I had to make terrible sacrifices, terrible sacrifices..." she repeated, staring off in silence, "I made these sacrifices, and it bought me time. Bought me time to watch from here, and figure out how to escape from this prison. I paid for immortality with my very soul, and I intend not only to escape, but to get my humanity back as well." she said.

"I have watched for years from here. Watched society get more and more corrupted, watched darkness overtake this society. In my time, they saw me as evil. Now, I would fit right in." Madeline added.

"How did you watch society from here?" Sally asked.

"Oh, I have my eyes all over this city." Madeline replied coyly. Sally suddenly recalled the paintings of Madeline all over town, and the way their eyes seemed to follow you. "That was how I kept myself sane. Focused. I was able to learn, to adapt my language to match yours. I watched from afar as every facet of society was corrupted. The church. The government. The schools. All of them are now corrupt bodies, destroying society, infecting it from the inside. That's how I saw you. Asking around, pleading for my case to be heard. I admire your integrity and your drive. You would have been a perfect student for someone like me. Too bad it was not meant to be. The influence of the coven has been snuffed out, buried in their corruptions, yearning to be free. My influence must be made, my words must be heard, my talents must be taught. And I will thank you, because you have bought me my ticket out of here."
