The Adventures of Scarlet Warrior Ch. 03


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"How long has it been since you've had a dick inside of you?" Scarlet Warrior taunted.

"Get off of meeeeee!" Futanara moaned, trying to keep the tears from her eyes.

"Oh, no! You wanted me to have a child...well, I'm definitely going to have one!"

Futanara wanted to say something else, but all that came out of her mouth was moaning. She was loath to admit it, but this felt great. Somehow, the unexplained loss of her cock, and the degradation of being raped by her enemy was making her horny. Instead of trying to push Scarlet Warrior off her, she used her hands to play with her wobbling breasts. Her legs ceased flailing, instead wrapping themselves around Scarlet Warrior's waist.

Scarlet Warrior felt her dick enter someplace deeper, and as soon as she did, she knew the end was near. She was surprised that she had lasted this long; she must have been adapting to the new sensations associated with having a penis. Futanara had caught her off guard earlier with the handjob and blowjob, but Scarlet Warrior had eventually hit her mark.

"Ohhh, Futanara, I'm going to cum!"

"Yes! I surrender!" Futanara said, grabbing Scarlet Warrior by the back of her head. "Breed me! Use me to further your species! My eggs are all yours!"

For the first time in their strange rivalry, Scarlet Warrior initiated a kiss with Futanara. The two women lavished each other with affection with the use of their lips and tongues. At last, the Thandian warrior tilted her head back and roared as she let her dick explode within the paradise between Futanara's legs.

Futanara thought she was ready, but she was wrong. A river of cum surged inside of her. Joy and release flooded her entire being as well and she reached upwards to pinch and twist Scarlet Warrior's nipples. She had lost count of how many spurts had she'd been injected with, but she could imagine the armies of sperm rushing towards her eggs.

Scarlet Warrior looked down at Futanara, whose eyes were closed as an expression of bliss was plastered on her face. She pulled her dick out and looked below. It was as if she'd taken the stopper out of a water bottle; a torrent of semen coursed out of Futanara's battered pussy. The dark purple pubes adorning her slit were matted with sweat and cum.

Scarlet Warrior rolled off her and sat on the edge of the bed, her half-limp cock dribbling onto the floor. Though she was far from being tired, Futanara was probably done, having been robbed of her supernatural stamina. Still, the cock wanted more.

"Futanara," Scarlet Warrior said, getting to her feet. "It's over. Release me and my friend."

"Never," Futanara grunted as she sat up in the bed. "I will release your comrade, but I'm going to keep you."

"Are you serious?" Scarlet Warrior asked with incredulity. "You don't have any leverage anymore."

"True," Futanara said as she stood on the bed. "But I will find a way to recover my dick and powers. I am carrying your child, but you WILL bear mine!"

Scarlet Warrior rolled her eyes. Even with cum running down her thighs, Futanara still looked haughty and imperious.

"That's not going to happen. Now, I'm going to get dressed, and you're going to send me and Swift Justice home."

"I don't think so. You both will....OH!"

Scarlet Warrior was about to pick up her clothes, but she stopped when she saw Futanara doubled over in pain. She thought that she was faking but saw her wincing and clutching her stomach. Had she been too rough with her?

Futanara was sweating profusely. Her stomach felt strange as she crossed her arms over it. She then watched with horror and amazement as her belly started to protrude. It soon reached a size where she couldn't conceal it with her arms.

"What the fuck?!" Scarlet Warrior cried.

She was rooted to the spot as she watched Futanara's once toned tummy becoming gravid and convex. It wasn't the only thing that was changing; Futanara's breasts were starting to swell, going from perky mounds to juicy gourds. Her dark pink nipples even darkened to chocolate brown.

In the span of a few minutes, Futanara had gone from a muscular warrior to a fecund woman heavy with child. She looked as though she were in her last trimester. Scarlet Warrior was dumbstruck but was snapped out of her trance as her penis engorged once again.

"This is unbelievable!" Futanara cried.

"I'll say," Scarlet Warrior said, walking towards the bed.

"I need to get to the medical bay and find out how long until I have until I give birth."

"Sure, after you release me and Swift Justice."

"You'll have to excuse me if I have more pressing issues," Futanara said in a mocking tone.

"Futanara, I'm getting tired of telling you this, but you're in no position to refuse me, and I'm warning're actually looking really tasty right now."

Futanara's face dropped with horror. "You wouldn't."

"I'm tempted to."

Futanara looked fearfully at the throbbing cock between Scarlet Warrior's legs. She knew that no matter how she resisted, it would all end the same way: back in bed with Scarlet Warrior having her way with her. She had no escape, especially with her body saddled with an unborn baby.

"Let's get dressed," Futanara grumbled.

About ten minutes later, Scarlet Warrior was back in her clothes and Futanara back in her robe, which was now struggling to contain her pregnant belly and big breasts. To their mutual surprise, there were large, wet dark spots on the front of the garment. Scarlet Warrior fought to stay flaccid as she caught the scent of breast milk.

As they walked through the halls towards the prisoner hold, they passed a window, and Scarlet Warrior's eyes went wide. It was now apparent why they had such a hard time tracking Futanara's lair. Outside of the window, they could see the Earth; they were on a spaceship.

Futanara opened the door to the prisoner hold, but elected to remain outside, doubtless to keep Swift Justice from seeing her changed body. Swift Justice leapt to her feet as she watched Scarlet Warrior enter the room and deactivate the forcefield around her prison.

"Let's get you home so we can...Oh!"

Scarlet Warrior wasn't prepared for the massive hug that Swift Justice bestowed upon her. She stood awkwardly in her embrace, unsure of what to say or do. She silently prayed that her new penis wouldn't respond to this public display of affection.

"I never thought I'd be so happy to see you," Swift Justice said as she let go.

"I'm really glad that you're okay," Scarlet Warrior said.

"Did know?"

"We had a bit of a tussle, that's all I'm going to say."

"Understood, I won't mention it again. I'm just relieved that you won; I thought I was going to be next."

"Well, let's get out of here," Scarlet Warrior said. "There are some people waiting for you back on Earth."

Swift Justice wasn't sure about what Scarlet Warrior meant until she took her out into the hallway and showed her the view of outer space. The two heroines forced the humbled and powerless Futanara to show them to the bridge of the ship. Scarlet Warrior didn't trust Futanara to pilot the ship back to Earth, so she did it herself. Thankfully, the ship's navigation was very similar to the ship that had brought her to Earth over a century ago. In no time at all they landed safely in a field in rural Iowa.

After getting in contact with the authorities, the FBI and dozens of superheroes were around the spaceship within a few hours. Futanara then found herself being led away in handcuffs. Not surprisingly, the FBI confiscated the spaceship; even Scarlet Warrior knew from experience that the government was definitely going to try and reverse engineer it. Thankfully, she'd used the teleporter on the ship to send the contents of Futanara's armory to Captain Kinetic's secret bunker.

Also, not a surprise, but when they went through debriefing in the mobile command center for the FBI, Swift Justice gave a very biased account of what had actually transpired on the ship. According to her, once on the ship, Scarlet Warrior sprung her loose and the two of them teamed up to take down Futanara. Scarlet Warrior didn't dispute it at all; for once, she preferred this version to the truth.

All the members of the Star Squad were grateful to Scarlet Warrior for helping to save their comrade. She humbly accepted their thanks and made sure to thank the FBI for their help. She politely excused herself, walking out into the open field.

"Oh, Scarlet Warrior, wait up!"

She turned around to see Senior Special Agent Pellis running towards her. Before speaking again, he looked around to make sure they were alone.

"I just wanted to thank you again for helping us out. The United States and the world at large are safer because of your actions."

"You're welcome."

"Just a few things that are bothering me. Can you explain what happened to Futanara's...appendage?"

"Just a prosthetic," Scarlet Warrior said. "She's a very depraved individual."

"Oh, I agree. Also, our people noticed that she appears to be about 7 months pregnant. Anything to say about that?"

"Nope," Scarlet Warrior shrugged. "I think she used her weird alien technology to conceal her pregnancy."

Agent Pellis smiled and said, "That's all I needed to know. We'll tidy up the rest of this mess. I'll try my best to deal with all the paperwork so that the Bureau stays out of your business."


She leapt into the air and soared away. She was ready to go home, get some dinner, and take a shower for an hour. Captain Kinetic had offered earlier to take her back to his place, but she didn't want to tell him about her new addition...yet.

One week later, Scarlet Warrior was waiting outside the gates of a prison, standing next to a Nissan Pathfinder. A female was being ushered towards the gate from the other side. She was a slim female wearing a white tank top and blue jeans. Her blonde hair was styled in an asymmetric bob with a long, side-swept fringe. She was carrying a plastic bag full of her personal effects. She had a smirk upon her face as the guards allowed her to cross the fence.

"Nice of you to come," the woman said.

"Figured you might like a ride," Scarlet Warrior said.


Scarlet Warrior hopped into the driver's seat and the woman rode shotgun. A few minutes after driving away from the prison, Scarlet Warrior handed the woman a McDonald's bag, as well as a beverage in the cupholder. The woman's eyes lit up with glee.

"Yes! Oh, thank you! Ugh, I missed this!" She reached into the bag and pulled out a Big Mac and fries.

"You're welcome," Scarlet Warrior said. "I'm driving you to your new house. It's a three-bedroom, two bathroom in a nice neighborhood. Per our agreement, the mortgage has been paid and the house is in your name."

"Sweet," the woman said with a mouth full of burger.

"The CIA set you up with a bank account with $50,000. Don't blow it all in one place, Ally."

"I won't."

The woman riding with Scarlet Warrior was Ally Kazaam, a villain extremely skilled with magic. Out of all the villains that Scarlet Warrior had encountered, Ally was one of the most benign. She just used her magic to rob banks, seduce men and occasionally punish the odd rapist.

After driving for over an hour, they arrived at Ally's new residence. They parked the vehicle in the garage and headed into the house. There was no furniture whatsoever.

"This place has potential," Ally said, looking around excitedly.

"Oh, yeah," Scarlet Warrior said. "You could definitely hop on Wayfair and grab some nice pieces to jazz this place up."

"Yeah, but for that I would need a phone or a tablet."

"Well, why don't you keep the Nissan so you can go buy one tomorrow? Call it a gift."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome," said Scarlet Warrior. "Now, let's get down to business..."

Unashamedly, Scarlet Warrior removed her tracksuit and pulled own her underwear, baring her soft cock. Ally eyed the exceptional appendage with amusement.

"Well, you certainly weren't kidding," Ally remarked.

"I need you to help me get rid of this thing. A deal is a deal."

Before the ransom exchange with Futanara, Scarlet Warrior had met with member of a secret governmental agency simply known as The Gatekeepers. In desperation, Scarlet Warrior had called in a favor to have Ally released from prison on early parole. In exchange for the early parole, Ally had cast a spell on one of the rings used to rob Futanara of her cock.

"I'm curious," Ally said while crouching in front of Scarlet Warrior with rapt fascination. "What's it like having a dick and balls?"

"It's like having an angry little man attached to your crotch," Scarlet Warrior grumbled. "Peeing with this thing is such a chore, I don't know how guys do it, but I want it gone."

Ally muttered a spell and waved a hand in front of Scarlet Warrior's crotch. Her eyes flashed with a red light and then returned to normal. A few seconds later, she looked up at the heroine with a concerned expression.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?"

"The bad news."

"Okay. These male genitalia aren't just part of Futanara's anatomy, they're the source of her powers."

"So, if we reverse the spell..."

"Then Futanara gets her powers back as well. I can't separate one from the other."

"So...I'm stuck with this thing?"

"Well, the good news is that I can remove them from your body very easily," Ally said. "My advice would be to transfer them to someone that you trust."

Scarlet Warrior's brow furrowed as she tried to rack her brain for such a person. Who did she know that would be fine with a penis, testicles, super speed, superhuman strength, and flight?

As she pondered her dilemma, she felt her penis enter a tight, wet, and warm place. She looked down to see Ally on her knees, sucking her soft dick and moaning softly.

"Ally!" Scarlet Warrior exclaimed.

Ally didn't respond, only looking up at Scarlet Warrior with a dreamy expression that caused her cock to swiftly inflate. Ally squealed with surprise as the limp sausage between her lips went turgid. She bobbed her head back and forth along its length.

"I'm sorry," Ally said. "It's just that I've been in jail for so long...been a while since I've seen a dick."

Before Scarlet Warrior could protest, Ally consumed her again. Her face burned as she watched the felon expertly fellate her.

"You shouldn't...I...unhhhh."

Her hand found the top of Ally's head, trying to steady herself as she received this amazing blowjob. She gasped shrilly as Ally's gentle fingers reached up and started to fondle her testicles. Why was she such a slave to these male parts?

Ally detached from Scarlet Warrior with an audible smack. She stood to her feet, reached forward, and softly fondled the heroine's bra-clad bosom.

"How about another deal?" Ally asked.

"What kind of deal?" Scarlet Warrior asked in a husky voice.

"I'll cast a spell to transfer your child to my body, that way it doesn't stay in the womb of your hated enemy."

"And what do you want in return?"

Ally smiled and said, "Take me into that bedroom and fuck the shit out of me with that monster of yours."

Scarlet Warrior should have at least pretended to consider the offer, but, thanks to the demon on her crotch, she swiftly agreed.

Ally then raised her arms and chanted loudly in some unknown tongue. Her body began levitating into the air and glowing with red light. The air in the room began moving violently, as if a tornado were about to form in the house.

Scarlet Warrior s eyes widened as she watched Ally's stomach swell. Her jeans and top strained as they failed to contain the growing mound of pregnancy. Ally stopped speaking, and her body returned to the ground and stopped glowing. She looked down her belly and yelped in shock.

"Jesus!" Ally cried. "I thought you knocked her up a week ago!"

"I did, but according to the FBI doctors she's 7 months pregnant. Could it have been a side-effect of the spell?"

"Hell if I know! Ugh, I think that I need a doctor!"

Scarlet Warrior unhooked her bra and removed her boots and socks. She then grabbed the collar of Ally's shirt and savagely ripped it apart. Next came the bra, baring Ally's larger breasts.

"You're not going anywhere!" Scarlet Warrior snarled. "At least not until you've helped me calm this dick down!"

Ally was too stunned to resist as Scarlet Warrior roughly grabbed her by the upper arm and dragged her towards the bedroom. Fear and arousal welled up within her as the heroine threw her to the floor and pounced upon her. There was no bed, so she was in for some serious rug burn.

Thousands of miles away, in a special undersea maximum-security prison, Futanara was raging in her cell. A few minutes ago, she had been sitting on the bed of her sterile cell, peacefully singing a lullaby to the unborn baby in her womb. Then, for some reason, her stomach had deflated like a balloon.

She had to fight back tears of fury and frustration. Her trip to this horrible planet had robbed her of her powers, her freedom, her baby, and her mighty dick. Still, her pride only allowed a single tear to fall from her eye.

"Mark my words, Scarlet Warrior...I will escape this accursed prison...and I...will...BREED YOOOOOU!"

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SirDigbyChickenCaesarSirDigbyChickenCaesar4 months ago

Having used "counter-rape" in a story of my own, I don't condone the -principle-, but this read unexpectedly hilarious, such that I could -almost- forget Futanara is also a vicious murderer. It's a decidedly bittersweet ending: the fade-out with Ally hints the breeding imperative may be part and parcel of the equipment too, and Futanara actually being a doting mother was a gut-punch. You've set up some heady themes, and I would be interested in a sequel.

mage050mage0504 months ago

Felt very bad for the villain at the end there

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