Taken by the Wolf Ch. 12

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Alex earns a meal from the Wolf.
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Part 12 of the 27 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 11/27/2013
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"Trish..." Bella whispered. "Trish..."

The petite blonde looked over at her with a worried expression. For once she wasn't glued to Jordan's side and Bella had decided to take the opportunity. Alex was still doing laps in the pool, slowly but steadily, despite the fact that she'd heard his stomach growling like mad this morning. Both she and Trish had been given breakfast, but Alex hadn't and he hadn't been given the chance to earn some. Going by the grim expression on his face, Bella was pretty sure she knew what his answer to the Wolf was going to be at lunch. She couldn't imagine how he was still going... and she didn't know whether it was pride, stupidity or bravery that was driving him.

"What?" Trish whispered back, after an anxious glance over at Jordan. He was talking with two of the guards, about fifty feet away from them.

"Are you allowed to talk to us?"

Another little worried glance over at Jordan. "I don't know... he hasn't told me not to."

Feeling more reassured, Bella scooted over closer to the bench where Trish was sitting. Seated on the side of the pool, with her feet dangling in the water, she didn't think it would look like they were conspiring or anything. Which, they wouldn't be. Bella just wanted to ask Trish some questions.

"Bella... I just wanted to say I'm really sorry..." Trish's big blue eyes filled with tears. "About... you know..."

"No, don't apologize," Bella whispered furiously, making a cutting motion with her hand. "I'm sorry that I had to... but it's not either of our faults, okay?"

Not looking entirely convinced, Trish nodded. Today she was dressed in a pink top and a short white skirt, which she'd been able to put on as soon as she'd finished in the pool. Bella envied her only briefly; she was becoming almost used to being naked on a constant basis, and honestly, she'd rather just be naked than be naked and walking around with the butt plug. Which, fortunately, so far had not been inserted today.

"Have you seen any of the news shows?" Bella whispered.

Trish shook her head and her cheeks turned a bright pink as she glanced over at Jordan again. "He never turns on the television."

"The Wolf let us watch some yesterday... they were reporting on our disappearance but they didn't mention you." She wished she could have phrased it in a way that didn't make Trish sound unimportant, but blunt honesty was the fastest way to communicate. Fortunately Trish didn't seem distressed by the revelation. She just shrugged.

"I'm an orphan. I was on Earth on scholarship."

"I don't understand."

Trish sighed. Not in a mean or derisive way, but just like she was disappointed that Bella needed it spelled out for her. "When was the last time an orphan was taken by the Wolf?"

"Umm..." Bella cast her mind back. Some people who were obsessed with the Wolf on the Moon knew every single name of every person taken and as many facts about their past and current lives as they could collect. "Sorry, I've never been a Wolf follower."

"Five years ago, he was kept for one month."

"Oh!" She did dimly remember that, mostly because it was such an odd amount of time. Most people were kept for either a few days or for months on end. "He was taken with that other guy, Bryce something." That had been news huge news, because Bryce had been kept for much longer. It was the only time something like that had happened. "I don't think I realized he was an orphan."

"Why would you? I only knew because he was from the same orphanage as me," Trish said, a sad kind of little smile on his face. "The news stations aren't as interested in people like me as they are in people like you and Alex."

"But that's wrong!"

"You have families. People they can interview. Important people. Connections. I don't have any of that." The young blonde said it matter of factly, not at all put out by her own description. She looked at Bella curiously, as if surprised that she was at all disturbed by the implications. "I'm sure if you and Alex hadn't been taken at the same time, I would have been bigger news."

Thinking quickly, Bella pushed down her own gut reactions; she found herself feeling defensive, which was stupid. If the news shows weren't talking about Trish, that wasn't her fault and it didn't seem like Trish was blaming her anyway. But she needed to focus, not get upset about the disparity of the situation.

"Have you been around the compound? Seen anything that might help us escape?"

Trish shook her head. "I haven't even been able to figure out which doors lead to the outside. Anytime Jordan's going out, he locks me into the room."

"Do you have any computer access or anything?" That was one thing that would be incredibly helpful.

But Trish was already shaking her head again. "Not really... he leaves me there and I can access games or books or things to entertain me, but it's not connected to anything. I can't access anything that's not saved to the computer itself."

There were a million more questions that Bella wanted to ask, but out of the corner of her eye she saw movement and when she looked over, Jordan was turning around. She snapped her head around back towards the pool. Alex was on the far side, holding onto the edge and watching them. He looked exhausted and curious; she wondered how long he'd been over there watching them. Obviously not wanting to interrupt.

As Jordan's footsteps came closer, she could only hope that she hadn't gotten Trish into trouble with the big man.

"Time to go back in," he said. Bella peeked up at him where he was taking Trish's hand and pulling her up from the bench. His expression was stoically blank so she had no idea if he was upset with them or not. But he didn't say anything.


Food. All he could think about was food. Bella had tried to talk to him about her conversation with Trish but he couldn't focus on it. His body was aching. Working out with the anticipation of food, rather than the reality, had been stupid. But what else was he supposed to do? Sit around and think about his upcoming surrender?

Even though he tried to tell himself that it wasn't really a surrender, that was still what he felt like it was.

But his desire to eat, the gnawing emptiness in his stomach and the hazy way his brain was working made eating a priority. He knew he wouldn't be able to go another day. Hell, he didn't know if he'd make it to dinner at this rate; even after his slow, lazy laps in the pool his muscles felt so weak that for one awful moment he'd thought the soldiers might actually need to help support him.

The only thing saving him was the fact that no one was denying him water. But that had stopped helping the emptiness yesterday.

As they came into the main room, Alex looked up at the dais, and his gaze crossed that of the Wolf's almost immediately. He could practically feel the hate burning out of him. The collar around his neck felt like it was choking him and for one savage moment he wished that it actually would. But then Bella would be unprotected and alone with the Wolf and these twisted bastards.

To his surprise, the Wolf kept his face blank as Alex and Bella approached the dais. Coming around to the front of the dais, he stood at the edge. There were only a few people in the room, sitting at the mostly empty tables, but Alex didn't focus on them. He just kept reminding himself why he was doing this. And the girl to his left, beautiful Bella with her soft pink lips and nipples, her nervous trembling and bouncing brown curls, filled his vision.

Yeah. That's why.

"Sit over here, Pet," the Wolf said, his lips curling up in an anticipatory smile. He pointed to the left of him, right at the edge of the dais, and Bella obediently trotted forward.

Some incredible smell wafted up from the back of the room and Alex felt his mouth water as his knees nearly buckled. God he was so hungry. His stomach growled loudly enough that he was pretty sure everyone within ten feet of him heard it.

"Do you want to eat today, Toy?" the Wolf asked, softly. Almost coaxingly.

The way a man might do so to an animal he wanted to tame. And Alex had never felt more like growling. He nodded his head, one short nod, barely perceptible. But apparently that was all the Wolf needed. That one small gesture. He didn't force another answer from Alex. Instead, he just pointed to the spot right in front of him.

"Come here and kneel, Toy."

Aware of the men who stayed on either side of him as he approached the Wolf, Alex felt a small spurt of pride that they still considered him worth guarding. Unfortunately, he knew that he was too weak to be of any threat right now. He practically fell to his knees in front of the Wolf, cursing himself for his lack of control over his muscles. They hit the ground with a thud that seemed to echo throughout the room.

Behind him, he could hear a few people calling out, but the words in their sentences seemed to blur together. He didn't look up. He just looked straight ahead at the bulging front of dark green pants.

"Undo my pants, Toy."

The Wolf's voice was practically a low purr, echoing in Alex's ears. Gritting his teeth, he reached up and undid the heavy buckle on the brown belt, pulling it open, and then undid the snaps holding the Wolf's pants closed. He wished it was a zipper so that he could try and catch the Wolf's obvious erection in the metal.

The heavy, thick cock sprang out, nearly hitting him in the face. The Wolf hadn't worn any kind of underwear. He was already completely hard, the masculine musk of his body filling Alex's nose.

Alex jerked as a large hand caressed the top of his head, winding around to grip the back of his hair and pull it back. He was forced to look up at the Wolf's glowing green eyes, see the hungry anticipation in them. With his other hand, the Wolf gripped his dick and rubbed it over Alex's lips, smearing pre-cum across them.

"Lick me," he said throatily.

Almost as if in response, as if warning Alex not to follow his instincts, his stomach rumbled again. Because he'd wanted to do nothing more than dart forward and bite the bastard.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a hint of movement and glanced over to see Bella. She was watching. Worried.

I'm doing this for her, he reminded himself.

And he stuck out his tongue and licked. The Wolf hummed his approval. Alex closed his eyes and tried to pretend that he was somewhere else. With someone else. Back when he'd been experimenting with friends, young men he actually cared about. Not some twisted, older asshole.

He went by feel, so that he didn't have to look, sliding his tongue up to the tip and away again. Back down the shaft. The skin was soft, the cock hard as rock underneath.

"Open up."

Alex opened his mouth, his muscles tensing even as he tried to force them to relax. The Wolf's grip on his hair tightened, tipping his head back very slightly. Then something hard whacked him in the cheek. It didn't hurt, but Alex knew that he'd just been cock slapped.

Growling, his eyes flew open to glare up at the Wolf.

"Good. That's what I wanted to see," the Wolf said, lips curving up. He was holding his dick in his free hand and he tapped it against Alex's cheek again. Alex tried to jerk away, but he was held in place by the Wolf's hand on his hair, which tugged painfully. "Bite me and you'll regret it."

He shoved his cock into Alex's mouth.

For a moment, Alex seriously considered biting down on the thick shaft of meat that pressed in, heavy and salty on his tongue. But looking up into the Wolf's eyes, he saw a cold flatness; it wasn't a threat, it was a void, an emptiness. And Alex suddenly wondered if the reason that people were allowed to go free, unharmed, was because no one ever went against the Wolf's orders. That maybe no one before had ever fought against him.

But Alex didn't want to get killed. He didn't want to be the first discrepancy in the Wolf's record. And he sure as hell didn't want to put Bella in real danger.

The Wolf was staring down at him, waiting, as if he knew that Alex was weighing the consequences. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed to relax his jaw and Alex closed his eyes again. Submitting.

Animals attacked when threatened, out of fear or instinct. The difference between animals and humans was that humans could stifle their instincts, they could think and reason... they could wait.

Besides. Perhaps he'd been going about this the wrong way. The constant guards, the Wolf's vigilance... it all stoked Alex's pride to know that he was considered a threat. But how were they ever going to get a chance to explore the compound, to find routes to escape, when they were being constantly watched? He could bend. Let the Wolf and his men think that he was beaten, that he'd be compliant. The entire time he'd be watching and waiting for the right moment.

He wouldn't risk Bella, or even risk being separated from her if he could help it.

So he sucked. Hard. And heard the Wolf's groan, felt the man's fingers tightening in his hair. This time the older man allowed him to keep his eyes closed as his cock began to move back and forth in Alex's mouth. It was a rhythmic, almost hypnotic rhythm, and he found it easier and easier to just let his mind drift as he focused on breathing whenever he could get air and sucking and licking the underside of the cock that was fucking his face.

His throat easily accepted the thick length, without gagging or choking, and he just let the Wolf take over, moving Alex's head back and forth. Letting go completely was almost a relief, one -- he realized -- that he would have to be wary of. It was easier to bend, to submit, but it was also dangerous. And he wasn't going to let his own guard down while he was waiting for the Wolf's to fall.


Watching the Wolf shoving his slick cock back and forth in Alex's mouth, Bella was almost shocked at how riveting she found the sight to be. She knew that eventually Alex would have to eat, that eventually he would have to give into the Wolf, but somehow she just hadn't been able to picture it. Now she was watching it.

The look that the Wolf had given Alex when he'd first pushed between Alex's lips had made all the hairs stand up on the back of her neck as she shivered uncontrollably. As cruel or toying as he'd been with them, she'd never seen that look before. Then again, the Wolf obviously hadn't considered her a problem the way he did Alex.

His domination over Alex obviously meant more, and he was enjoying it, fucking Alex's mouth with long, hard strokes, his hands caressing the back of Alex's head. There was something intoxicating about seeing a strong, alpha male like Alex being forced to his knees before another alpha-male. Going by the guards that were still standing close, no one truly believed Alex to be beaten either.

The entire room was silent, watching the scene... no one cheering or calling suggestions the way they had with her. They were just savoring the sight.

The Wolf groaned and thrust harder, faster. The wet slurping sounds increased and she could hear Alex growling low in his throat. Bella found her own breathing increasing as she watched, completely wrapped up in the strangely erotic, horribly fascinating scene in front of her. She shuddered as the Wolf threw back his head, the long line of his body surging forward, and he buried himself completely in Alex's mouth.

She could see Alex's throat working as he swallowed, the flex of the Wolf's fingers and buttocks as he poured his cum down Alex's throat.

When he pulled away, Alex's eyes opened again and he glared up at the Wolf before looking down at the ground. It was oddly submissive and seemed completely wrong.

"Good Toy," the Wolf said, patting Alex on the head almost absent-mindedly. As if now that Alex had given in, the Wolf had lost interest in him. Looking over at one of the guards still hovering behind Alex -- strangely Bella noticed that the soldier was grinning from ear to ear -- the Wolf waved his hand. "Take Toy back to the room and feed him."

Alex's head swung upwards again, looking over at her. "Bella..."

"Ah yes... Pet will stay with me for the afternoon."

"Bella!" Alex lunged, but the guards caught him immediately.

"Alex, just go!" Bella said, loudly enough for him to hear her. The Wolf was back to ignoring them as he walked back around the table. He didn't even look up at Bella's insistence that Alex leave her or watch Alex struggle against the guards. Bella glared at Alex, seeing his stubborn reluctance written clearly across his face. "Go."

Her voice had dropped to a whisper, but she couldn't stand to see him be tormented further just because he thought she would be unsafe unless he was there. What could he really do to protect her anyway? Sure, she felt better when he was there, but practically, he couldn't help her at all.

The guards dragged Alex away and Bella felt her heart sinking as she watched him go. When the Wolf spoke again, she shivered as goose bumps covered her body.

"Come here, Pet."


The guards were joking and laughing as they dragged Alex back to the room.

"Thanks," one of them said, patting his back as they pushed him into the room. "We won a hundred bucks each after you held out till today!"

"Longest any of these whining Moon boys has ever gone," the other said, laughing.

That was when Alex recognized them as the same guards that had pricked his pride the evening before, taunting him. Even though his brain felt fogged with shame and hunger, he realized that they had done it on purpose. They'd been part of a bet about when he would eat. What kind of people did that?

And he wasn't the first either... others had been subjected to the same treatment. He supposed he should at least feel glad that he'd lasted longer than any of them.

"You'd probably be whining too if you had to go without food for that long," Alex snapped at them.

They just laughed.

"If you were from Earth you'd know that most of us have gone that long without eating, and not by choice, like you. Now stop whining and be thankful you get to eat at all," the first one said, smirking at him. He pointed at the table. "They'll bring more solid food in a couple of hours."

Looking over, Alex could see a clear broth and some bread waiting for him, along with something that looked like some kind of fruit juice. The door closed while he was looking at the food. His reflexes were all messed up.

He needed to eat. Prepare. Get himself back together, because right he needed to be as strong as possible. Not a whiny Moon Boy.

And hope that nothing awful was happening to Bella while he wasn't there.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What happens next

I am eagerly waiting to find out what happens. I keep waiting for Wolf to push Bella past her limits and crack. Alex's vulnerability is riveting.

inspector123inspector123over 10 years ago
I am enjoying

all the mind games between Alex and the Wolf. Keep up the good work. I think this series is appealing to more people then you think it would.

FA_JFFA_JFover 10 years ago
That which does not kill me

but royally pisses me off and gets me dinner, makes me stronger. :D

Even removing Alex's part of the storyline, I am having difficulty finding interest in Bella's part of the story. She seems a character type more than a character. IDK. She's just missing something. :-/

The story as a whole is building well with the slow drip of insight into the world around them.

aisielynnaisielynnover 10 years ago


Another great chapter. Can't wait to see what the Wolf has planned for Bella now that she is without Alex close by.

Redbeard1952Redbeard1952over 10 years ago
Chapter 12

Sometimes you have to accept a loss in the little picture in order to be able to finally get a win in the bigger picture. Hopefully this is the path that Alex has chosen.

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