Snow on the Roof - The Sequel

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Danny continues his liaisons with Kath, and meets Bernice.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 07/21/2013
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It was over a week since Danny had had his first liaison with Kath following his meeting at the bus stop. He had seen her once coming out of the local newsagent but she had just smiled and wished him 'Good Morning' and gone on her way. He had thought about phoning her but couldn't find her name in the phone book, so presumed she must be ex-directory. On the following Saturday afternoon, he decided to have a walk round past her house to see if she was about.

As he turned into the street where she lived, he saw her coming out of a house a few doors away from her own and walk away up the street towards her house. She let herself in the front door and went inside. When he got there he rang the doorbell and waited patiently on the doorstep. She opened the door and seemed surprised to see him.

"Oh, hello," she said. "I wasn't expecting you today."

"I was just passing," said Danny innocently. "I saw you go in and just thought I'd give you a call".

"Oh, I've just been to see my friend next door but one," said Kath. "We've just been to a wedding at the church and she's giving me a lift to the evening reception."

"I thought you looked a bit overdressed for visiting a neighbour," said Danny, eyeing up Kath's smart dress and jacket. "Is it a relative?"

"No," said Kath. "It's one of the neighbours from across the road. I've known her since she was born. Well I suppose you'd better come in," she said standing to one side.

Danny walked into the hallway. He couldn't help but admire Kath's smart outfit, a smart coral princess line dress with a pleated skirt front just resting over the knee, and a matching red jacket and longed for the moment he could relieve her of it. He followed her into the kitchen.

"Would you like a drink?" she asked. "Tea or coffee?"

"I know what I would like." said Danny standing behind her and putting his arms round her waist so that his hands met in front of her groin. He started rubbing her down below through her clothes with his clenched hands, and kissed her gently on the side of her face.

"You can stop that right now," said Kath pushing his hands away. "Sue and the kids are coming tomorrow for half term and I need to do some baking."

"You can't bake in that dress," said Danny, putting his hands back and kissing her once more. "You'll get it all messy. Here, allow me."

He started unfastening the belt on the dress from behind, but Kath pushed his hands away again.

"You won't take no for an answer, will you?" she said sternly. "If you think you can come round here and have your way with me whenever it pleases you, then you can think again."

Danny looked so crestfallen that Kath actually felt sorry for him. Her tone softened.

"Look, I'm sorry if you think I'm being a bit harsh," she said, turning round to face him. "I enjoyed our liaison the other day but it was just a one off. Surely you didn't think it would go any further?"

"I guess not. I don't know." Danny said. "All right, I'll go. I'll see myself out."

He kissed her on the cheek and walked away towards the front door. Kath watched him go, tears welling up. She too had enjoyed being attended to again. Danny had made her feel young. They hadn't had full sex but she had been left wanting more. She wanted to feel like she had all those years ago when Roy first made love to her, a virgin on her wedding night. She had been a widow for nearly five years since Roy's untimely death. There had been nobody else, and if Danny hadn't come along, there probably still wouldn't be. Danny opened the door and was about to go out when she found her voice again.

"Danny, wait a moment. Come here please and close the door."

Danny did as she asked and went back to her in the kitchen. "What's the matter?" he asked.

"Kiss me. Properly. Not just a peck on the cheek, the full works. Make love to me, let me feel complete again. Do it here, now." She implored him.

"What about the baking?" asked Danny putting his arms round her waist once more.

"I'll get up a bit earlier tomorrow. My grandchildren always like freshly baked scones and cakes made on the day. They won't be here until teatime anyway."

Danny swept her up in his arms and kissed her full on the lips. Kath reciprocated, her hands resting on his shoulder blades, pulling her towards him. Soon they were exploring each other's throats with their tongues probing and thrusting deeper.

"Let's go upstairs." Said Danny, but Kath had other ideas.

"No, I meant what I said we'll do it here," she said, still with her arms around his shoulders. "I won't have time to change the bed sheets and get them washed and dried AND bake as well before Suzanne gets here if we do that. Roy and I rarely did it in the bedroom, at least not in the daytime when the kids were at school!"

There was a glint in her eye as she said this, and Danny had the impression that she had been quite a prolific love maker in her younger days.

"So just where did you do it then?" He said intrigued.

"The kitchen, the lounge, the stairs, the hallway, the garage, the garden shed, I had a splinter in my arse that time; behind the bus shelter in Church Street. Our Suzanne was conceived in a Swiss Alpine meadow surrounded by cows; Daniel in a train compartment on the way home from Blackpool Lights, Sue was asleep in her pushchair at the time. Train toilets, park shelters, seaside promenade shelters, the cricket pavilion, in the front of Roy's van, in the back of Roy's van, over the bonnet of Roy's van! There are too many places to list!"

"Fuck me, that's some list," said Danny. "I've got some way to go to catch him then!"

Kath laughed. She pulled Danny towards her one more and kissed him on the lips again.

"Undress me," she whispered. "But whatever you do, don't you dare get my dress dirty!"

Danny smiled and slid the red jacket from her shoulders and laid it on the back of a kitchen chair. He finished unfastening the belt he had started on a few minutes before, letting it hang loose in its loops. Kath's dress had a small collar and was open at the neck and Danny noticed a small gold locket adorning it. He fingered it gently.

"Roy brought it for what was our last Christmas together," said Kath, noting his interest. "It has a lock of his hair in it. I have another one upstairs in silver."

Danny laid it back on her neck and started on the buttons on the dress. There were five in all from neck to waist. As each one was undone, Danny could see her white slip coming into view. He slid the dress from her shoulders and carefully lowered it to the floor trying not to crease it. Kath stepped forward out of it and Danny carefully folded it and laid it over the jacket.

He took a step back to admire the view. Her slip was longer and fuller than the one which he had last seen her wearing and had wider shoulder straps but when he touched it, it was pure silk. Two inches of scalloped lace adorned the hem with a similar amount around the bust, enhancing her ample cleavage. He stepped forward again and gently rubbed the material over her body as he had before, her breasts, her thighs, her stocking tops. Then he stooped slightly and took hold of the hem. Slowly he brought it up past her waist, her breasts and over her head. Kath held her arms up for him to lift it clear of her shoulders like an obedient child being undressed for bed by her mother. He carefully folded it and rubbed it to his face before placing it on top of the dress.

Danny could feel his cock now hard and erect straining to break free from his jeans. He stood behind her and unclipped her bra, sliding the straps from her shoulders and freeing her beautiful breasts with their perfect areolas and hard erect nipples. The bra joined the rest of the clothes on the back of the chair before he gave her nipples a rub and gently sucked then. Kath closed her eyes and moaned gently.

She kicked off her shoes before Danny pulled her knickers down and spread her legs. Already her pussy was damp like early morning dew glistening on the grass with anticipation of what was about to happen. Kneeling down, he unclipped each stocking from the suspender belt and rolled them carefully down her legs. He lifted each foot in turn and pulled off them off. These were draped over the chair before he unclipped the belt.

He stood back and admired his handiwork. For a lady of sixty-six, Kath really did have a beautiful body. He kicked off his shoes and quickly stripped off his jeans, t-shirt and boxers before pushing her back onto the kitchen table. His cock was rock hard and waiting as he spread her legs wide and inserted the purple headed tip into her dripping slit. Gently to start with, he started pumping and thrusting, deeper and deeper. Kath was groaning, almost shouting.

"Harder! Faster! Fuck me hard!" That was certainly not the language of a primly dressed lady.

Danny upped the tempo until his cock was fully inside her. Now she was really wet. Her legs gripped round his buttocks, arms on the kitchen table, hands gripping the sides until her knuckles turned white.

"Ahhhh! Oh my God! I'm coming, oh God I'm coming!" Kath could feel her juices erupting before finally she emitted a loud scream and shot her cum out onto the table.

Danny withdrew to admire his handiwork.

"Are you okay? I wasn't too rough was I?" he asked.

"Good god no," said Kath pulling herself upright. "I told you the other day, there may be snow on the roof..."

"But there's still a fire in the grate." laughed Danny completing the sentence. "Come on then, let's try you over the table."

Kath stood up and spread herself prostrate across the table, her head to one side, breasts squashed against its hard wooden surface, firmly gripping the sides once more. Danny couldn't resist giving her right buttock a light slap.

"Hey!" said Kath. "I don't go in for kinky stuff or punishment thank you very much. Less of that!"

Danny laughed and smacked a left one harder. Ignoring Kath's protestations he inserted his cock once more into her dripping hole. Off he went again, thrusting and delving touching all the right areas. Once more, Kath was giving him the verbal treatment.

"Come on you Bastard! Give it to me. Fuck me harder! Fill me up with your cum!"

"Quiet you!" said Danny slowing down. "Any more of that and you get another smack!"

He speeded up again, but not for long as Kath once more screamed that she was coming as Danny once more filled her with his own cum and she erupted onto the kitchen floor. Danny withdrew and she stood up, red in the face, a strand of hair hanging over her forehead.

"Sit down on that chair!" she commanded, pointing to a kitchen chair. Danny did as he was told. She knelt before him and took hold of his aching and softening cock. She started stroking it, and licking the tip until it was once more hard again, then she stood up and sat astride him, her breasts rubbing against his nipples. She lowered herself down onto his cock and started riding him, gripping the back of his shoulders hard. Her tits were bouncing up and down in unison. The locket round her neck was shaking this way and that, left and right, up and down, until it eventually vibrated round the back of her neck and stayed there. She moved up and down with effortless ease like a piston entering and leaving a cylinder. They were both so engrossed with each other that nobody heard the knock on the back door or the door open. A lady walked in.

"Hi Kath, it's only me!" She stopped open mouthed when she saw Danny and Kath. "Oh heavens, sorry...I didn't....I mean...oh heck."

Kath stopped humping and looked up at the visitor.

"Oh, hi Bernice," she said still sitting astride Danny. "This is a friend of mine, Danny. Danny, this is Bernice, she lives next door but one. She's taking me to the reception tonight."

"Hi," said Danny nonchalantly, turning his head round with difficultly, to see a very red faced lady in a green flowery dress standing behind him. "Nice to meet you." It was certainly an unusual introduction.

"Is everything all right?" said Kath.

"I've had a text from Fran," said Bernice. "Apparently there's been a cock up with the late drinks licence and they've only got the place until 11pm so can we go for 7'o clock instead."

"Fine," said Kath. "What time will you be leaving?"

"About half six," said Bernice, still clearly embarrassed. "I'll see you then."

"Okay, love, see you later," said Kath. Bernice scuttled to the door.

"Bye," said Danny waving cheekily.

"Er...yeah, bye!" said Bernice pulling the door behind her.

"You rotter!" said Kath bursting out laughing. "I just hope she doesn't let on what she just saw."

"Why, you're not ashamed are you?" said Danny.

"Heavens, no," said Kath. "You're the best thing that's happened to me in ages." With that, she started humping him again, bouncing up and down and screaming, until with one almighty yell she cascaded her juices all over him once more. Breathless, she rested her head on his shoulders.

"Thank you," she said, "For making me feel like a woman again."

Danny said nothing and held her gently in his arms, hers around his shoulders. He stroked her hair and she closed her eyes and drifted off into a light sleep for a few minutes. The clock striking on the mantelpiece in the next room woke her.

"What time is it?" she said, yawning.

"Five o'clock," said Danny, looking at his watch.

"I'd better get cleaned up," said Kath, lifting herself off Danny. The results of their liaisons and the fact that they had been sitting immobile for over half an hour had made their combined juices dry and sticky. Danny quickly dressed.

"You go upstairs and have a shower," he said. "You'll feel better. I'll tidy up here."

Kath disappeared upstairs leaving her clothes on the kitchen chair. The sound of water splashing could soon be heard. He found some cloths and a bucket under the sink and quickly wiped up the cum stained floor and table. When he had done that, he picked up one of Kath's stockings from the chair and rubbed it gently against his face. Then he picked up the slip. He could smell her perfume on it, not lavender water like most ladies of a certain age, but something a little more sophisticated. He rubbed that to his face as well. He felt his cock stiffen, but resisted the urge to relieve himself into it as he figured Kath would not take too kindly to wearing a stained slip.

He was so engrossed in the slip and the smell that he hadn't noticed that the shower was no longer running, or that Kath had come downstairs, now clad only in a large red bath towel and a pair of pink slippers.

"Enjoying yourself, are you," she said, leaning against the doorway.

"Oh, sorry," said Danny. "I just wondered what that lovely scent was that I could smell."

"L'Air du Temps, by Nina Ricci," said Kath. "My Daniel brought it me for Christmas. I've always liked it. Roy used to buy it for me from the duty free shop when we went abroad. It is nice, isn't it? I've just dabbed another splash."

Danny could tell. The glorious aroma emanated from within the towel.

"I better get dressed," said Kath. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Danny nodded and she put the kettle on. He watched as she removed the towel and took one last glimpse of her naked form. She stepped into her knickers and pulled them swiftly up over her thighs. Her bra followed and he marvelled as, arms behind her shoulders, she deftly fastened it. Next her suspender belt was clipped into place, the suspenders hanging down, waiting. She rolled a stocking up, kicked off her slippers and with one foot on the kitchen chair, rolled it out up her legs, rerolling to smooth out any creases before clipping it in place and repeating the process for the next one. Then she folded up the slip and placed it over her head, then put each arm through the sleeve before letting it ripple down over her body.

The kettle was now boiling so she poured the water into a teapot, adding a teabag to it. She was about to reach for her dress when Danny stopped her.

"No, wait until you've had your tea," he said cunningly, wanting to savour the slip as much as possible. "After all, you don't want to spill anything down that lovely dress, do you?"

Kath smiled, but did as he requested. They sat at the kitchen table, drinking tea and chatting, their company broken only by the clock striking once more, this time six o'clock. Kath stood up. She rinsed the two cups and swilled out the teapot before stepping into her dress once more. She fastened the buttons and the belt and reached for her bag which was nearby. A touch of powder and a dab of lipstick and she was ready. She slipped on her shoes, and then brushed her hair.

"Well, I'd better be off," said Danny, standing up. "Enjoy tonight, won't you, and don't drink too much, otherwise you'll sleep in and not be able to do any baking. I could always call round and give you a hand if you like!"

"No chance," said Kath, ushering him to the door. "You'd be more hindrance than help. It wouldn't be cakes on the table, it would be me, if I know you."

"Mmmm," said Danny, licking his lips, "With cream on top. Yummy!"

"Typical!" said Kath. "Look, it's been great today, but phone me next time and make sure I'm free. I'll give you my number."

Danny tapped it in his mobile and she scribbled his down on her phone pad. She gave him a kiss on the lips and he reciprocated. She stood on the doorstep and watched him leave, giving him a little wave as he did so. Danny waved back and walked out onto the street. Two doors down, Bernice Hastings was sweeping her garden path. Danny wondered how long she had been out there waiting for him to leave.

"Hi," he said as he walked by. "She's nearly ready. Have a good evening!"

"Oh, er..yes, er Hi!" said Bernice, blushing as he walked by. "Er...thanks, er..Bye!"

Little did she know that she would be seeing a lot more of him and he of her.

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horneyfox69horneyfox69almost 11 years ago

Very nice and bringing Bernice into it will make for another great story


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Wonderfully comfortable story telling

You're storytelling is lusciously comfortable and smoothly evocative. There's not one harsh note or grating misstep that detracts. It's fun to see life taken in stride. Keep it up. I'm keen to learn what comes next.

Paxo1944Paxo1944almost 11 years ago
Awsome Sequal

Just had to say what a great sequal to your first story. The surprise for Kath and then Bernice catching them was brilliant. I am really looking forward to the next chapter.

w8ingnoww8ingnowalmost 11 years ago
Great story

This is really getting good. I hope you continue it soon.

Formbdy2k2011Formbdy2k2011almost 11 years ago
Can't wait for the Bernice Installment

Wow!! What an installment!! Can't wait for the next installment with Bernice. Great job!!

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