Sleep Gloriously Lover

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Co-eds Sex Truble.
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I lay on the bed clad just in my mini sexy panties and a t-shirt reading my next day's Psychology lesson. Beth, my roommate came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her superbly sexy body and moved over to her clothes drawers. She let her towel slip off as she picked out her underclothes. Her beautiful body and pert ass got my attention instantly as she bent over and I could see her well-shaped ass and even her bikini trimmed pussy, my mouth drooled. She turned and caught me looking.

"Caught you, didn't I? I knew you couldn't let that vision of loveliness get by without a close inspection. Like what you see, Love? Dazzle your eyes, make your heartbeat faster?" She laughed.

"Guilty!" I laughed as she now stood facing me. What a beauty! She has the body of a beautiful full-bodied woman. Her breasts a full 'C' cup, slim hips, a softly rounded belly and below that her bare pussy mound. nestled between soft white thighs. She has always kept her pussy bare and virginal looking. And what a good-looking sex box.

"Naughty, naughty." She laughed and gave a little hip roll and thrust that made her breasts sway, and bob delightfully, firm and jutting.

My mouth watered looking at them and I felt my lips involuntarily pucker. "Can't help it. You are so damn sexy, and you flaunt it too. You sex tease! Stand over by the window and display that for all the guys outside!

"And you love it, don't you? I see you watching me. You think I don't notice but I do!" She smiled and bowed. "And Hell, I LOVE it! You think I don't think you are a sex Queen too. You could be the center fold in Playboy, you wench.

"And I love you for it too. The best of friends too. I love you!" She moved quickly to the edge of my bed and before I could react hopped onto the bed, caught my shoulders and pulled me to her and gave me a full kiss on the lips. Her tongue slid out and into my mouth. I was so startled I let my lips open for her darting and probing tongue.

Her hand moved to my breast and squeezed it through my filmy shirt. She softened her kiss and let her tongue play inside my mouth, touching sensitive parts i didn't know existed. Her eyes were closed, and her head moved from side to side.

Then she looked into my eyes and pulled back a little and grinned at me, then gave me one more very soft and tender kiss. She rolled off the bed and began slipping on her underwear, looking over her shoulder at me, lying there totally bewildered, My heart throbbing with lust for her naked body.

"Thank you, I needed to do that, My Love. Something about the warm sexy shower lit my libido and about being nude. No, bare ass naked in front of you knowing you were seeing my whole body and your eyes were locked on it also set me off. I could see the pure lust in your eyes and the little pout on your lips as you looked at my nipples. I hope you didn't mind?" She asked with lifted eyebrows.

My mind went blank, I didn't know what happened to me, or her! Yes, I looked at her body with pure lust and her most intimate kiss rocked me to the core. All I wanted to do at that moment was to jump her bones. But she was dressing and just staring at me with a strange look. I had no Idea what she was thinking. My pussy was on fire and my nipples suddenly were hard and erect under my t-shirt. I lay there shell shocked as she finished dressing, turned, came over to the bed and reached out with both hands, her fingers closing around my erect nipples squeezed both firmly and a little painfully, pulled them taut, laughed, turned and was out the door without a word.

My whole body was on fire. I threw my book onto the bed literally ripped my t-shirt and panties off, spread my thighs and my hands went to my pussy and began to masturbate like crazy. My pussy was drenched, and my fingers slid inside, and I thrust three fingers inside, pumping them in and out as my other the hand found my swollen and erect clit and ran my fingers across it hard and fast and climaxed in only moments. I lay gasping for breath then began to masturbate again quickly. I shot off of the bed, went to my lingerie drawer, reached in the back and pulled my vibrating dildo out. Jumped back in bed, spread out and thrust the long firm dildo in and out of my pussy while stroking my clit again till I climaxed a second time, not stopping, a third massive climax ended my sex spree.

I lay there for a long time thinking of what Nan had done to me and how I had reacted to it. I got up finally and had a long hot shower. I toyed with my body in the shower. Letting my slick soapy finders stroke my clit and slide up my ass, something I rarely did.

I had two more very explosive climaxes before I turned the water to cool and let my passion slowly die. I dressed in a t-shirt with no bra under it and a pair of shorts, sneakers and went off for a walk, now in the evening twilight. I stopped at my favorite Mexican restaurant for a nice meal and a big, iced tea. I walked for about thirty minutes or more then went back to the room and picked up my textbook and was engrossed in it when Beth finally came back in, smiling and just said "Hi!" Noncommittally.

I just waved at her as she went by to the bathroom and a few minutes later I heard the toilet flush. She came out turned the TV on and sat watching some game show for a spell while as I studied and just let her sit and didn't ask her for any explanation for her previous behavior. I was studying so intently that I never knew when she got up, turned the TV off and went to bed.

Next morning, I had a late class and slept in and when I finally got up Beth was gone. I ate breakfast and went to my class. It was with my favorite Psych teacher, Ms. Rhone who I'd talked to after classes, before, and when class was over, I asked her if she had a few moments. I told her a quick version of my problem with Beth, who she knew was my roommate, though they had never met. Campus gossip!

When I had quickly finished, she asked. "Is she an intimate friend, if I, my ask?".

I shook my head. "It was her sudden intimate kiss and then grabbing my nipples and then firmly pulling and squeezing them that startled me. One moment a sensual kiss then an almost painful hurt to my breasts. Then she immediately left and came back much later with no explanation, no talk between us at all. Not normal between us!" I said looking into her soft caring eyes.

"Do you think she might be troubled by something. Perhaps a conflict in her mind? She asked softly as she reached out and stroked my arm.

"Not that I know of. Our relationship has been normal though I do find her sexually attractive but have not knowingly shown that to her."

"But Amy, you just told me that she said she loves you and finds you very attractive, and sexy as you think of her also. Remember that?" She frowned then smiled at me.

I blushed and hung my head for a moment then looked into her eyes. "Yes, I did. I'd forgotten that! How could I forget that?"

"I can see a moment of tension between the two of you. Perhaps part of the problem is you have some doubt about your love for her or her love for you. It does happen between friends, intimate or not, perhaps you both wish or want to be more intimate friends. Try to resolve that moment in your thinking. There might be a slight doubt in both of your minds. Maybe not! Think on that and perhaps bring that subtly out in conversation between the two of you.

"I hope that helps with your problem. That's what I'm here for. You are one of my best and most astute students. I'm always here for you." She said with a warm smile!

We stood and she pulled me into her arms and gave me a warm hug and a soft kiss on my cheek. I got a nice scent of her perfume, and it gave me a wonderful feeling. I floated out of the room, relieved by her advice.

I got home before Beth and cleaned the apartment up a little, put on a nice dress and a little makeup. Something I seldom do. I pulled back my hair and tied a ribbon in it as Beth came in with a nice smile on her face.

She looked at me and laughed. "Going out, Love. Spruced up a bit. Have a date?" She asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Well yes, if you'd like to be my 'date' and have a nice thick juicy steak at Guido's Steak House. On me! Sky's the limit!

"I can't say 'No' to Guido's or to my favorite roommate. Let me freshen up a moment and off we go! She came out a minute later, hair neatly combed and in a fresh low cut summer dress that showed off her cleavage nicely. We walked hand in hand down the four blocks to Guido's in a nice breeze smiling at each other. Yes!

Guido's has the best steaks in town, and we were lucky to find a good table when we arrived and were seated immediately.

"How about some wine with our steaks?" I asked as we ordered. Beth looked at me a moment and I nodded, and she grinned and nodded too.

"I don't remember you ever ordering wine before. Any special reason?" She looked a little puzzled.

"Well, the last time we went out for a nice dinner I was underage and now I'm 18 and legal. Besides, we need to have a little 'Girl Talk' and be a little mellow too!"

She grinned, laughed, then leaned over and kissed my cheek and stroked my arm lightly." A very good idea, Love. We do need that. I'm sorry about last night. Don't know why I hurt you, I did want the kiss though! But the pinch was just not me, and I came home later in a tiff and ignored you. I had a lot on my mind. Mia Culpa."

I leaned over, patted her arm and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, and we laughed together. The meal was splendid, as always, and we each consumed three glasses of wine with the delicious steaks grilled to perfection with all the wonderful trimmings. We left the restaurant in good spirits. Pun intended!

We walked slowly back to our apartment arms around our lover's waist and indulged in a kiss when the street was empty. Back in the apartment we changed into our summer light Pj's and sat on the sofa and relaxed. I moved close to Beth, and she laid her head on my shoulder and we just cuddled.

Finally, I got my courage up and pulled my head back and looked at Beth. "You said you came back last night in a "tiff". Is something bothering you? I'm here for you and is it something you can tell me, or want to tell me? That's why I wanted us to talk tonight with a little wine to loosen our tongues, or egos, whatever!"

She lowered her head and then looked up at me with tears in her eyes." Yes, I should have told you last night, but I couldn't, not after the way I hurt you physically. I was so upset with myself. You are so precious to me and I'm glad you took us out to help loosen us both up so I can tell you what happened.

"I went out with Arlene last night for a few drinks and she came on to me really heavily. I told her to 'stop' but she went on and on about you and how you didn't deserve or really love me She told me that her mom left her the house when she died and she had an empty bedroom that she would let me have till we graduate, for free, no rent, meals and everything free! But we had to be lovers. I have never really liked her and told her so.

"She got abusive and told me that you were not good enough for me and I needed to move in with her. All I had to do was be her lover. Period! I had to fight her off and she just would not take 'No' for an answer. Finally, I stormed out of her house and got in the car and came home. I was still shaking when I came in, really totally pissed. I couldn't tell you then." She managed a smile then and we kissed gently.

"I'm glad you told me. I was really hurt and talked to Ms. Rhone, my Psych teacher, after class and she told me to talk it out with you that something was wrong, and I needed to help you find a solution to it. Our dinner and the wine helped us both get to the crux of the matter. I'm so glad. Now we both know we love each other and can go on from here.

"I'd like to try something, Beth," I got up, held out my hand and took her down to the end of the hall where there was a full-length mirror on the end wall. "Stand here and close your eyes, don't move, just do what I ask, please." I went over to her and began to unfasten the buttons of her Pj's and had her top off in seconds then slipped the pants down and had her step out of them leaving her beautifully nude.

"Now, open your eyes while I close mine, and undress me." She moved behind me and slowly undressed me till we stood naked together in front of the mirror. The light was good, and I moved beside her, so we stood facing the mirror side by side.

"Love, we make a fantastic couple, don't we? You are a thing of beauty." I moved behind her and reached around her and slid against her and my hands came around and cupped a full beautiful breast in my hand, then cupped and softly stroked her breasts. She moaned a soft 'Yes', I slid my hands down to her stomach then lower and cupped her soft pussy mound and my hips pressed against her firm ass against me. She reached back, stroked my butt as I moved my fingers down to her pussy and slid my hands over her Venus mound then ran a finger along her pussy slit, moving it just a little inward and spreading her pussy and felt her hot juices on my finger. I pulled back and moved in front of her and pressed backward against her so my image in the mirror was in front of her.

'Now it's your turn, My Love. Make me happy! Her soft hands moved to my breasts, and she stroked them, cupping my breasts and fingering my now erect nipples. Slowly she moved her hands down to my stomach then to my pussy and slid a finger along my slit and then effortlessly along my slit and slid a finger inside me. I moaned in pleasure and then told her to look at us in the mirror. It was an erotic scene, her hands stroking and slipping inside my body and her head by my neck kissing my skin.

I turned and moved into her arms, and we embraced each other, fully. Nude body to nude body, our hips thrust forward, our breasts pressing together erotically.

"Like this Love?" I asked softly kissing her.

"Oh Yes, yes, yes. It's heaven, I've wanted this for so long. Why have we waited for so long?"

"Now is the time! Your bed or mine, My Love." I quipped.

"Yours, you have a Queen size bed, so if we roll off the bed in the throes of passion onto the floor, your soft rug will catch us!" She laughed.

"Maybe yes, maybe no, but it will be a whole lot of fun either way. Come!", I said as we ran to my bedroom and leaped onto the bed and our bodies came together, thighs spread and our pussies thrusting together. We explored our lover's bodies, with fingers, lips and tongue, delighting in the taste and feel we had waited so long to culminate.

I moved over her and turned in the bed. "Eat me! Eat me, Lover! Now, finally! Eat me! Oh, God yes, I have wanted this for so long, a 69 while I worship your pussy, tongue you, and lick your pussy till you and I explode together."

I kissed her spread pussy, slid my tongue up and down her pussy, tongued and sucked her clit till it was swollen and firm. She moaned out loud as my lips sucked, my tongue flicking her clit. Her lips and tongue were busy against my dripping pussy and our pussies, soared as we exploded together.

Her pussy clinched in orgasm and to my amazement spurted one or two shots of her pussy juices out into my waiting mouth. My body spasmed with hers and she told me afterward that I had also shot my juices into her mouth, not urine, but a sightly thicker, delicious, salty body fluid. We both cried out as we climaxed, my mouth against her delicious pussy, tongue thrusting, lips sucking till we were both spent and lay exhausted, our faces buried against our lovers spread very wet pussies.

Minutes later we had regained our breaths, and at the same moment slid our tongues out and gently liked the wet flesh of our lovers swollen and red pussy lips. It was a gesture so as to not arouse each other, but a motion of love.

Morning came all too soon, but we did manage to get some sleep. Breakfast then a little lovemaking, a shower together and off to school.

Today wasn't my Psych class but I happened to run into Ms. Rhone, in the hall and she held out her hand to stop me. "Good morning, Amy, you are looking particularly ebullient this morning. I take it that you and your friend found a solution to your problem? " She said as she broke into an engaging grin.

' Ebullient?' Absolutely'. "Why thank you! Ms. Rhone, I took your sage advice, and it worked delightfully well. For both of us!" I said, a huge smile on my face.

"I am delighted! May I invite you and Beth over to my apartment on Friday night for dinner and drinks, around seven?" She said as her hand softly touched my arm and squeezed it lightly. "Just the three of us then. I shall look forward to it and meeting your good friend Beth also. "She smiled and once again squeezed my arm gently as she turned and walked away.

I could hardly wait till I got back to the apartment and Beth came in. I told her about the invitation, and she was delighted as she knew I held Ms. Rhone in high esteem, as a teacher and also as a friend.

"Do you think there is more to the invitation than just dinner?" Beth asked with a naughty look on her beautiful face.

"Love, only time will tell, but it is possible from her gentle touches on my arm while talking to her. Also, several very subtle innuendos she has thrown my way when we were in private together. She is one very subtle, and brilliant woman and does not flaunt her beautiful or face. In a word -- 'Yes!'

"But come, let's go it the bedroom and try to think of ways to tease her gently Friday night, and what to do if we three do find our way together in bed. Fantasy is good for your soul, and spirits, right, Love?"

"I've never met your lovely teacher, but I can hardly wait. Do you think she/we might -------------????"

She sighed as we moved down the hall to my bedroom with the Queen-sized bed as naughty thoughts raced through our minds.

Friday Night!!!!

The End

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toesucker1toesucker1about 1 year ago

Greek islands are nice too!

Yes, please, I think these two would appreciate a hot teacher!

Tawny TTawny Tabout 1 year agoAuthor

Including - Raiatea and BoraBora (my favorite).

Tawny TTawny Tabout 1 year agoAuthor

These stories are actually based on a five-island trip we took to the Society Islands in the South Pacific. Paradise it was! Lovely Island ladies danced for us. The volcanic mountains were outstanding. Lush green. Clear atoll water with unbelievably vivid fish. Halfway between Australia and South America. Visit it someday!

namidaboshinamidaboshiover 1 year ago

Brilliant! What happened on Friday?


Tawny TTawny Tover 1 year agoAuthor

I think it needs another chapter! What can that touchy/feely teacher teach these two?

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