All Comments on 'Second Chance, Book 01'

by coaster2

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JakeRiversJakeRiversalmost 16 years ago
Intersting beginning.

I look forward to the rest of it.

It reminds me of a line I read from a Zane Grey book (The Wanderer of the Wasteland) I read recently: "It was only one of those insane spells that so often ruin women.”

Sometimes in the hunt for truth you wind up in Wonderland with Alice.

Regards, Jack

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Great Start

That sister is some piece of work. It sounds as if Jeanette has yet to realize that she is bad news and probably hates the fact that Jeanette has a good husband.<P>

Really though the idea that she would put herself up on the stage where any casual acquaintance could recognize her and start blackmailing her is way out there. She is incredibly dense or has a big hormone imbalance! Then there is the question of how Ron and John knew about it, probably just went there to admire the scenery or perhaps through Joanne?

Lots of fun, though painful fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
BeeJay ?

I like this start very much. Jo may have pushed Jeanette to perform on stage, but she is right : it was Jeanette's decision after all. Nobody or nothing seemed to have forced her to take this "job". And like Brent saw, her eyes were alive and she was enjoying herself. ***** Was it just a dancing "job" or was there more to it like the comment that Ron made, that she was something special with blowjobs, hence her stagename BeeJay. How long has this been going on?

After that X-mas party or before. Maybe that was the reason why Ron came on to her. He knew what she was doing ?? And what about the money she earned with this, her saying, well paying job ? Also, she wasn't that devastated with the possible loss of her marriage that she wasn't thinking clearly enough to make sure not to quit her job, as she may need it later. ***** Of course, Brent doesn't know yet her side of the story or the full extent of what really happened (and not what he will be told ?). I'm not against reconciliation per se, but in my book it wouldn't be likely. Hope the rest of the story follows soon. G.Belgium

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969almost 16 years ago

I once asked a friend if they could live with thier wife working as a stripper and he said "no way, it's okay looking at a porn mag, but having your wife strip in front of you and our friends would be the last straw". It turned out his wife did work in lap dance club in Blackpool, in the UK. They had been married for 9 years and they had two kids. When my friend found out he left his wife and got custody of the kids. His ex wife was considered a 'BAD' mother by the court. Five years later I met the ex wife working for tesco in Oxford, I didn't know who she was untill she spoke to me and asked how my friend was and that she had cleaned her self up and had a boring steady job that paid okay. She said she had given up lapdancing as soon as she had got divorced apparently she had been doing it since she was 18, three years before she met my friend. She did ask about her ex and asked if he was still available. As a matter of fact he had gone through womem like butter trying to find some as good as his ex. So being the match maker I got them together. That was three years ago they have another child now and the now wife of my friend now has a better job working in an office. I don't want to tell the author how to write his story., but let's just say being a stripper in all it's forms is not a good thing. But once out of it things can and do get better. In the story I hope against hope that the wife didn't become a Blow job queen and I hope that she at least didn't do anything to break the vows. But i would say don't give up on the wife just yet. I don't agree with stripping in fact i have never been inside a strip club, but if people both men and women feel they need to do it and nobody gets hurt I say why not?. Well written story as always Coaster, looking forward to your next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Very Good!

Not sure what all wife has done or why, but it would be tough to get over. In the business world a mans wife and how she acts reflects directly on husband, fair or not. You don't get very far with a slut wife despite the stories on this site. Hope the rest is comeing soon, Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
He can't forget

No way could the husband forget seeing his wife on stage. Also, with her nickname of beejay, no way would he be able to believe she did not give out BJ's or turn a trick for cash--after all she stripped naked on stage for money, and could make more by doing tricks. Also, even with just BJ's, she'd be a candidate for STD's, and no husband would want to catch anything.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

very interesting. next chapter, please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Nice beginning

I have loved your stories since you first started submitting and think you are one of the very best new authors to come along.

cageyteecageyteealmost 16 years ago
You certainly have caught my attention . . .

A well crafted and interesting story so far. I'm on the "anxiously waiting" list for the next installment.

roadbirdroadbirdalmost 16 years ago
great start

now what does hubby do wih a wife that strips...first off he needs to know what happened ...then id say id kick her ass for doing that then id kick that other dude who is getting so much pleasure out of this...hbetter yet id let the wife kick his put her on a short leash and shed have to prove she hadnt fucked anyone and also make sure i got every dime she made while stripping...and id buy whatever the hell i wanted to with it ....if she fucked anyone id get to fuck 10 for every one she did

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
Yawn... ANOTHER forced Reconciliation

Lets face it this is all this author does. Looks at the title! SECOND CHANCE. hee wonder whats going to happen.


Hopefully the questions or loose ends raised in the story get answered. Often they are not.


why was his arch enemy invited to the strip club?


how long did Dixon and the others know? were they blackmailing the idiot wife?


where does the nickname BJ come from?


Are the sister's motives simply misguied or is she seething inside of envy and / or jealousy?


<b>Lastly gven the MASSIVE deception she pulled off... why would he believe ANYTHING she said?


Look at the RISK the wife has taken!!! </b>she wasnt even stripping in the next town... SHE placed her self esteem and her hsuband's ideal JOB/ career at serious risk and therefore their entire finacial future!!!

BigFtHunterBigFtHunteralmost 16 years ago
Great start coaster

Coaster, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt on this one and high marks. If this pathetic jerk lets his beejay wife get away with dancing nude I will be forever disappointed in you. Keep writing.

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 16 years ago
Good story in the LW consequences vein

Well, you got my interest peaked! I will agree with “Harryin Va” about some of the questions to come, but not you being an author of reconciliation at all cost. Harry seems to be in the group that sees things in black and white and no room for anything but kicking them out and get revenge. Harry if I am wrong I’m sorry that’s what I see from many of your comments. <P>Like Harry raised, I really wonder how any woman with any sense does nude dancing in her hometown, and doesn’t even need the money. I hate to see so many women portrayed so often on this site as just plain stupid. Maybe there is not a story without someone being a bit over the top?<P> Oh well; I wait with anticipation for the next chapter. You sure do give me great entertainment<P>Thank you <P>PT

Risq_001Risq_001almost 16 years ago
Hmmm, kinda split here.............

<p>First I really thought your initial story was pretty good. It got my attention as the reader, and to be honest I kinda figured that it was going to be his wife at the strip club, so that wasn't really a shock to me</p>

<p>But I'm kinda in the middle of Harry and Peggy here, and they both stole my thoughts. By the title I felt that it possibly could be a <b>forced</b> reconciliation story. You know a story where the author really plays with the readers emotions and gets them all worked up, feeling the main character was really screwed over by the actions of a 2nd party, and the story never really resolves "why" the person who was harmed so badly so ever trust or want to be with the 2nd party again. This story is kinda setting us up with the opening chapter with what the wife did</p>

<p>The story could still work out as a valid reconciliation story, but at least to me a couple of points need to be rectified before I could see reconciliation taking place:</p>

<p>-Brent's extremely <b><i>public humiliation</i></b>. This one problem is the cream of the crop here. What the wife did, with what could only be called an extremely selfish "unilateral decision" decided to bump and grind for and on men, often naked. And as Harry pointed out, she did it in their town, knowing that her husband was a salesman and she could have been, and possibly already had, exposed herself to and given lap dances to current and potential customers. Not to mention other possibly employee's. If her husband got upset that she was "groped" at a Christmas party, how the story resolves his feeling of <i>betrayal</i> of her "dancing naked" and giving lap dances is going to go a long way to making me as a reader feel that they should stay together. And just saying "I couldn't live without you" by Brent doesn't make me like the wife Jeannette for what she's done to Brent</p>

<p>-Loss of employment from a job he worked years to build up too. By Jeanette deciding to do what she did in town for potentially his friends, colleagues, and customers is hard to swallow. Not to mention Rick told everyone he could, and now, like Brent said, if it bothers him this much now, how could he ever as anyones boss, show his face and his wifes face at any company functions when every employee and their spouse knows about what his wife has been up too? Him staying employed at this company would need something more than the GM saying "No one ever think about this again" to make what Jeanette did and what Rick did to Brent right for him to stay there</p>

<p>-Extreme emotional distress and loss of sense of direction. You had Brent "crushed" in this chapter of the story, if Brent suddenly takes her back like nothing happened, then the question I always raise is "Why the heck did he get mad in the first place"? If he's going to act like it's no big deal to get over, then why did he get upset? You spent a lot of time making the reader feel Brent's distress. We need to feel he's not getting screwed over if they stay together. Other than because it makes a happy story that is.</p>

<p>-Wife really didn't consider quiting. She mentioned that because the job paid well (and if Brent left her) that she couldn't even consider giving it up, even though this job in the first place should have cost her husband his career and potentially her marriage. That is one thing that bothered me here. After knowing that she crushed her husband with her job, her first thought was to take a "temporary" break the next day, but not to totally walk away from this stripping job and find something else. She was a headliner for gods sake. Very, very few girls regardless of how good they look get that spot with some very good dancing skills or some back room work with the boss of the club. After seeing this in the story, its going to take a lot for me to believe she's sorry she didn't at least talk to Brent about this instead of doing it to build up her personal ego about getting older. You can bet your last dollar if my wife caught me in a situation where it even "looked" improper there is now way I would have given second thoughts to staying there. This thought process is a major one.</p>

-Lack of respect by family members (primarily sister in-law) <i><b>ex:</b>Besides, he's likely just gone off to <b>sulk</b> for a while. He'll be back. He too domesticated to be on his own for long.</i> If he doesn't even have their respect, just having her say "I guess your a real he-man after all" isn't going to cut it. I'm just curious if anyone else will respect him after this. So far everyone acts like her doing this, even though they were outraged about Ricks actions at the Christmas party, when she does something far worse, it is really no big deal and Brent is blowing it out of proportion because it really isn't a big deal. See next point</p>

<p>-"Everyone" who knows what happened keeps downplaying the "importance" of what Jeanette actions did and how they affected her husband. No one seems to take what happened serious. They all keep worrying about Jeanette and the kids, but no one seems to really be worried about Brent. That's always one major flaw in the story. I've heard of people committing suicide over things like this. But after the wife put her self esteem over his well being and now everyone keeps talking about how he couldn't leave her and the kids to fend for themselves, I gotta wonder "Who's looking out for 'Brent's' best interest?</p>

<p>-I too wonder about the name "BJ" that everyone was calling her about. You created a major plot point here</p>

<p>Worst thing I could see here is them talking and the wife going "I did it because I was having a mid life crisis and it made me feel better to be wanted by other men" and Brent going "Ok well long as you know it upsets me and I don't want you doing it" then everyone lives happy ever after. That would make all the hard work you put in to part one of the story, making the reader empathize with the main character, moot. And the natives get restless when you play with their emotion's like that. (^_^)</p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
like it

I like it and will save my comments on the whole story. So far as an author you have not let me down yet with your stories.

Thanks for entertaing us. Mike from Texas

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
To many unbelievable things

First I would kill my sister. Second I would kill myself. What idiot would believe that they could become a stripper and their spouse would not find out about it. To contrived to make a good story line. Third the deception of the husband is too much to believe that he would ever forgive her. So the story is a non-starter. So anything good that flows from this beginning is bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Not buying this premise.....

Too impossible to accept as a story line. Wife is too stupid to be believed, not painting a story or emotional string that can be justified in any way. This is one of your weaker starting points, not up to your usual standards. anon jerry

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I know this was written a while back but

The story starts off not very promisingly. This is one weak man, he can not even look up and stare at his wife to let her know he knows she's a stripper. Can't even get off one "Fuck you bitch don't come home".

He can't even get angry, won't confront his wife, won't try to find out. Needs time because he's confused. He's confused? I thought it was his wife who is the stripper, not him.

Why does he need some time, hasn't he been embarassed and angered enough? Or does he need for the story to circulate through the whole city first?

Sorry, but I'm afraid this little wimp deserves what he gets.

SELSTIMSELSTIMabout 13 years ago
Poor Poor little Anon

Life must be so easy for you. Everthing must be so black and white for which makes it so easy for you to make decisions void of any emotions except maybe anger that you use as a defense mechanism because you don't know how to handle sadness. Enough sarcasm, Excellent story so far Coaster. As always, your writing is excellent and your characters are complex. As you've described, the problem has many varibles that need to be considered before Brent knows how to respond appropriately. GREAT START

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
No confrontation?

I guess I would have to wonder why he never really asks her about what all she did and how she got the nickname BeeJay. I really like the writing style but I guess I have trouble with his seeming acceptance of her actions. Thanks for writing and I'll keep reading. Tim

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago
Grow Up

Frankly, her sister is right!

Yes, she gave her some bad advice, but it was still her own decision.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Sister may be right but sister still is a dumb bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

why do we have to go back to the main menu and scroll down for every chapter!!! these are good stories and this factor is an unnecessary annoyance. This is Literotica's fault and I feel sorry for the author.

jackh1962jackh1962over 6 years ago

Anon 9/07/17.This is how they are submitted to Literotica. Coaster's choice.Maybe he does this because of how many people bitch about longer submissions,I don't know.Personally I wish that they were longer than 1-2 pages,but that's me.Some on here have the attention span of a 2 yr.old it seems like sometimes so they bitch the writers out about the stories being too long.

BoomerbillBoomerbillabout 6 years ago

How did she feel when she was showing off her lady parts? Was she a closet exhibitionist? Did she get a kick out of comments made by the losers in the audience? Did it turn her on? Why did they call her “BJ”; was she really selling lap dances and blow jobs? Lots left hanging.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is another incomplete by this author

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

What made me laugh other than the total incongruity of his 40 year old wife working in a Strip Club was him resigning due to moral turpitude? I mean he's a fucking salesman for a Paper Company not a fucking CEO or CFO does he have a morals clause in his contract (bloody unlikely). And how the hell does a wife hide the fact she's out dancing naked on stage till 4am in the fucking morning?

So thus far this Guy is a total and complete Wimp who happens to be a fucking Dumbass to boot. His wife is equally the dumbest bitch in the world who thought being a STRIPPER because her husband didn't go to such places? Like talk about CIRCULAR LOGIC 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Hiram325Hiram325over 1 year ago

What a fucking cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago



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