All Comments on 'Owning Bella Ch. 05'

by xelliebabex

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Ellienora35Ellienora35about 11 years ago
Doesn't he learn?

He still didn't explain what he was doing and why. Either Bella is a moron, or she will keep feeling worse and worse until he starts telling her why he does what des. If he gets blind obedience from her, she will ruin all of the good things about her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Mel doesn't get it

Mel still doesn't understand. He is going to push Bella too far and she will become just a shell.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Agreed that he just does not learn

time alone in any relationship will help but this time alone will only make them bottom out. I thought the side trip to the house was going to be tearful, begging, and a quickly with full disclosure. Nothing WOW. So what she wear a colar, where are her limits, her respect? Tatoo or no tatoo Rob could and should take her away from mel. He is just over the top, too soon, and without communication skills. She is just getting tossed around. She is the one without experience and yet it is he that has no idea what it takes to be in a safe and loving BDSM relationship.

I LOVE this story and am very glad to read the additional characters develop and continue to be written in the story, esp Kurt. I can't get behind the parents being ok. I understand and you did a great job of using them talking to her instead of yelling but it a bit to much for me. Of course when the parents don't like them they go to them. But hey its a story and a damn fine story at that! To bad Kurt did not get his cookies...

I am very happy that you are enjoying your writing again for this story. A monthly installment is a great way to do it. And a 5-7 pager is not to long after a month wait.


xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 11 years agoAuthor
Thank you

to those of you who have already left comments. I enjoy every comment left good and bad. I am realising from your comments on this chapter that I should spend more time on Mel's thought processes as well as Bella's but i have always tended to write more from her perspective..

His non-disclosure this time was through wanting to protect her rather than his arrogance and having said that he has been up front about wanting that total control of her all through this series. Add to that the fact that she ran away again and the reunion was never going to be hearts and roses and a "quicky" as a commenter suggested.(hehehe)

Thank you for the comments on Kurt he is one of my favorite peripheral characters too I have plans for both him and Rob in the next few chapters.

If anyone wishes to discuss the comments here or have a quick email when I update the story each month please send me feedback through the contact tab on my home page here at lit with your own email attached and i will get back to you as soon as I am able. Like most of the authors here I love comments and feedback, good and bad.


danalearnsdanalearnsabout 11 years ago
Great Chapter

This is one of my favorite chapters so far. I do not think that Bella will have another meltdown or suffer from lack of communication this time because she is so near to Mel. The meltdown and wanting to run away was from lack of contact as well and with this trip and the complete control that he is showing, that will do wonders for her insecurity. Thank you for writing and i cannot wait to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
total ass!

All this crap raining down on her and when she needs to breathe his answer is for two weeks she is going to do only what he says an then she will know her place? More punishment for THEIR fuckups? And she just melts for it. Makes me wish she had taken off the collar and flung it on the floor. Master shmaster. Can't say he broke trust first-he never ESTABLISHED it in the first place. Where is the strong intelligent woman? All these uber doms making a hash right and left, and surrounding her with slaves with their own agendas. This is how they treat precious slaves? Idiots, the lot of them. She is still a person not a blow up doll that can fetch a beer. And her parents-jeeze, might as well have thrown her in his car trunk. I like this story but am so angry right now. The ONLY person I like and respect is Dorthea. I'll probably crack a tooth grinding my teeth in my sleep tonight. If I don't pass out from banging my head on the table first. I need after care........

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 11 years agoAuthor

Wow I think that is the best comment I ever got. That the words I put on a page could evoke quite so much emotion is not only flattering but wow! I was speechless when I read it. Hang in there anonymous, Bella is a strong little girl and I have plans for her *sly grin*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

As soon as I hit send I thought 'way to go psycho on the author.' I'm so glad you took it as the loving freakout it was intended as. Looking forward to what happens next, I think.......... . I just hope I don't fling my smartphone against the wall...:D

pheobecharmedpheobecharmedabout 11 years ago

Wow I love it. I can't wait till next month I crave this story I love mel and bella. And the fact that her parents don't care she's with mel proves that parents would rather there daughters date older men then bad boys. Although in this case is mel both lmao. I have complete faith u know what ur doin with mel and bella. I was really hoping he would tell her the danger she's in though. Something. Could happen and she would have no idea. Thanks again for a great read looking forward to more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The problem is not control, it is communication. Mel, et al, say they value her intelligence then dismiss and denegrade it by their actions. Yes he controls but that doesn't mean he can't explain. How else is she to learn?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Ok, I'm done! Mel is just an asshole! He doesn't really give a crap about her needs. He's completely selfish and only wants power. He has more consideration for people he can't stand than a woman he supposedly loves. I will not continue to read this crap!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

So basically he spat in Dorothea's face and completely ignored all the awesomely sound advice she gave him about communicating with his woman and treating her like a person of intelligence rather than a mindless object? His first reaction is not to take any of that advice but to brutally punish her for running away?

Well, that's one way to create suicidally depressive pet - don't address anything that's actually wrong with her and just punish her for not doing like she was supposed to - which was the whole problem in the first place. Christ, he's becoming as bad as Jim, I just want to kick him in the teeth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
You have got to be kidding me

Bella has been trying so hard and you make Mel out to be trying to help guide her through all of these changes and then he turns back into a complete bastard....a pretender is all he is...doesn't deserve the title of Dom...whatever...I'm done

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 11 years agoAuthor

I truly wasn't expecting the amount of emotional backlash I am receiving on this story, I am both flattered and amazed that everyone is so ready to kill Mel for his reaction to her running away and almost losing her and forgive Bella her insecurities and her running away possibly into danger. Mel has always been an arrogant ass its not like I snuck up and surprised you with the fact, *giggles*.

Ellienora35Ellienora35about 11 years ago

I am fine with Mel being strong, but you can't expect someone's blind trust unless you trust them too. He is not trusting her to be strong enough to want to protect herself. She still thinks the fall is her fault. He REALLY needs to open up to her, or she does need to give him his collar and walk away. She can't turn into an automaton. He wants complete submission but for her to keep her intelligence. If she is to do that, he has to treat her as if she has some. She is not a cat or dog. She's a person. And although she may pretend to be a cat or dog for their games sometimes, he is squashing out what he and she both value most in her. Herself. Willing submission is also educated submission. Without real openness and education trust can't be built. How can she take the risks without the risks being defined. He keeps saying he won't hurt her, but emotional hurt is way worse than physical hurt. And he has hurt her. It is his responsibility to build the trust and take his part of the reaponsibility for her running. If the trust had been a two way street, she wouldn't have run. So I am truly frustrated by the punishment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Not deserving...

I hope Bella just walk away from him. Arrogant as he may be, this is not the way he should be treating his sub. Consider all the turmoil that she's been going through. I hope Rob comes to the rescue an take Bella away until he get his priorities right.

Rob seems like a so much better master!

FinlayAdharFinlayAdharabout 11 years ago
Don't worry

The reactions of your readers show that they have successfully connected with your characters. What more can any writer ask for? I disagree with their criticisms though. Until Bella, it has always been easy for Mel. He could play with any sub and not have the daily relationship issues of being a 24/7 master. He is an expert at domination but an amateur in interpersonal relationships. In many ways, he is learning just like Bella. It's a great story; you tell it your way. I can't wait to read the next chapter!

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 11 years agoAuthor

Well said FinlayAdhar, thank you so much for your support and insight. ^_^

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Awesome as ever

Ever since I read your story, I've constantly checked for new updates, and I must say that this latest release never fails to impress. I'm glad that both leads make mistakes and act human once in awhile. Having relationship problems only makes the story even better. And I'd be disappointed if Bella decided to honestly give her collar away. Call me a fool for romance but I'm just enjoying the story and hoping that dispite trouble after trouble they can finally settle down and live happily as master and slave should. Your writing style is great and I can't wait till next month to see whats in store for Bella and the others. Keep it up and thanks for the awesome read. <3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I think saying Mel is an ass and an idiot is just shorthand for 'he knows domination but not interpersonal relationships.'....:)

Boiling the emotional response down some more-Bella has been set up for failure and then castigated for failing. Probably something we've all experienced in some way and so it isn't just a story issue but a trigger point. IMHO.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Well, Bella didn't know she was running into possible danger, now did she....hmmm?

Mel hasn't established a way for her to come to him with her insecurities. Granted, he's not used to that and has been up to his ass in alligators since this started, but all the more reason to not make what has gone wrong at this point as punishable. This is the teachable (trainable?) moment.

I hope you see that most of the comments aren't 'you and your story suck.' They are the personal analysis/emotional response of readers who are invested in the story. Most stories don't move people enough to care in any manner. We love your story enough to have our hackles up. It is your story. Write it as YOU want. And if we occasionally want to march on your antihero with pitchforks then I think you did something awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Now that escalated quickly! What a complete 180 dehree turn around. Like a switch on Mel!Still struggling with his interpersonal.skills vis a vis his Dominant/Master side.

Please continue.

I always check.

From a the Philippines

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Total and complete asshole

Don't understand why he is so disrespectful of Dorothea and her advise. She has no skin in the game other than her husband was Mel's mentor and wanting the best for them both. He takes the get away comment as a way to literally brainwash everything he supposedly loves about Bella. So let me understand....someone tells you they need time to think-they provide you with a date which they will return to you. Your response is to suck up to your close friends who happen to be the parents of the women you " love" , take her on a supposed getaway to connect - then tattoo her body that I sure someone in her family will see and then dress her up like an animal and place her in a cage. Any plans on putting her down?

Please bring back the confident Bella back that we all an earlier chapter you highlighted a conversation between Bella and Mel regarding Diane and Kurt and her dream to achieve that type of balance and Mel saying they could be like that one day....Really?

While I originally loved this story and constantly looked for updates....I am beginning to tired of his selfishness, lack of communication, and lack of trying to understand her needs and limits. Per Dorothea he is a wannabe Dom.

She should come to her senses and leave his ass...I am tired of seeing her turn into a simpering fool. The only positive would be Bella's dad killing Mel....but then Bella would have to suffer through the trail.

nadaliwnadaliwabout 11 years ago
tough love.....

I thought Mel would've approached Bella differently because he almost lost her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Love it but

I couldn't believe when Bella started that I'm not good enough stuff again. Thought it might lead to a dangerous encounter. A little dissapointed Mel just shows up and off they go. Thought Bella should have at least thought through her commitment to Mel before they went tutti fruity again. How did Bella feel about everything happening? Ending seemed rushed. And the cum shot was a cheap shot.

joodlejoodleabout 11 years ago
Agree and disagree

I admit to being surprised at the switch with Mel, stopping at his older residence as a pitstop for preliminary punishment, harsh and crass. His tenderness with the parents seemed to set a new approach for him, and then he pulls a "180". Not that this is necessarily bad or good. In my opinion it was so hot to have him turn dark again. Bella wanted it. I am getting tired of the "I'm disappointing everyone" bullshit. Enough already. If she doesn't get it yet she is stupid, and I know that is not how you wish to portray Bella. Don't make her seem unable to absorb the situation. I agree that Mel needs to explain about the dangerous situation regarding the murders and the chaos linked with those, and hence with her. If he explains anything, it needs to be that. It is great that you decided to expose their relationship to the parents. If the pretense carried on much longer it would have been non-believable. All in all though, I am excited to see what happens next. I hope he marks her nicely, or maybe not so nicely.

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 11 years agoAuthor
Thank you

I cant tell you all how overwhelmed by the emotions expressed over this chapter, thank you all so much for taking the time to write comments and feedback to me.

If anyone wishes to discuss the comments here or have a quick email when I update the story each month please send me feedback through the contact tab on my home page here at lit with your own email attached and i will get back to you as soon as I am able. Like most of the authors here I love comments and feedback, good and bad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Im sorry but

This is getting ridiculous, Balla always is is a great girl but she can't keep running back-and-forth between no I don't want to be a slave no wait yes I do. Her being collared by Mel is a huge thing for her to keep when you get those away it's getting annoying. Is it doesn't change I don't know where the story goes

delightdawndelightdawnabout 11 years ago

It would appear that this chapter has really opened a can of worms. Such diverse thoughts. That I would say it is a sign of a good piece of writing, it moves people to have an opinion and to want to participate by voicing that opinion. Well done. I am just looking forward to seeing where this will go. Can't wait to see where it takes us next.

spearishspearishabout 11 years ago

So he promises her time to adapt to this very new lifestyle and just get to know each other and build trust .....and then promptly makes no explanation drops her in a cage on a plane and yet again involves other people ????

I actually loved the first part of this chapter because I thought ...finally ...he's realised she's not the clubs latest toy be passed around ect because he just loves everyone wanting his little sub regardless of her emotional state .

spearishspearishabout 11 years ago
*storms back in*

Oh yes and after his long speech about not caring what others think he thinks this?

" Kai was a man of particular taste and Mel did not want to offend him"

He so better hadn't be about to hand her over to some slave trainer or other master !!

I think he may possibly be the worst Dom ever and clearly he's an extreme sadist but all he's doing is creating a basket case of a sub ! I Love Kurt and Rob ...just have Mel parachute off the plane without the chute ,problem solved ! LOL

MGU67MGU67about 11 years ago

so nice to have another installment, it is well worth the wait. Thank you for sharing

CassiopeiaMuseCassiopeiaMuseabout 11 years ago

First comment on this website. I have very much enjoyed reading about Mel and Bella, from the start to now. From the very first chapter I've found the story gripping and interesting.

I also think you've made great leaps with your writing, from the very first story to now. It's truly brilliant work and I cannot wait to read the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I'm So Disappointed With Mel

but I'm not disappointed with your writing in this story. I'm not into the pain/humiliation style of BDSM but I realize that's the nature of this relationship and Mel is a sadist who has found his dream masochist in Bella. I liked the way Mel was inching forward for a few moments in the storyline to realizing he needed to develop some much needed relationship skills if he truly wanted to make Bella his complete partner and not just an on call fucktoy. Unfortunately, despite his trusted friends spelling it out slowly and repeatedly for him, he seems to have decided that if he fucks and degrades 'his Ellie' harshly enough he will solve their relationship issues instead of simply having a basic conversation with her.

I don't have an issue with her parents NOT having an issue with Bella and Mel having a relationship - they have no idea about the BDSM aspect and have seen how much he cares for and the extent he will go to for Bella. Next to the old boyfriend he probably looks like a prince to them.

I can't wait to see how you follow this up!

shyvirginsubshyvirginsubabout 11 years ago

Can't wait for the next one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I stumbled across this line of stories and was hooked from the very start. I've been waiting for the next chapter very anxiously since I finished the last chapter over a month ago. I have been and will keep checking back everyday to see if you've uploaded the next chapter. I cannot wait!!! Seriously! :)

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 11 years agoAuthor

The next chapter has been finished and is going through the editing process at the moment which is why it is taking longer to get out to you all. (New editor) Trust me there will be another chapter this month :)

Thank you all for your comments and feedback, I appreciate all of it more than words can say!

pheobecharmedpheobecharmedabout 11 years ago

WOOHOOO can't wait love this story :-) ur an awesome author

taniqndstaniqndsabout 11 years ago

cant wait for the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
storyline deteriorating

1st 4 chapters were very good but now turning Bella into a human pet is spoiling the storyline for me

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Magic dick - Magic whip

Now I have seen it all. Instead of the abused female falling for her abusers "Magic Dick" she's falling for his Magic Whip! Unfortunately in this situation his whip represents a level of domination that is so obviously abuse that it sickens me. No matter what Mel has said in the past and just recently to get Bella away from her parents protection he has never allowed her any choices. There have been NO negotiations or established safe words just a conversation about him not tolerating their over use! All those club slaves should be counting their lucky stars he didn't find themselves the focus of his obsession. At least they have a say in their treatment. Where is that partner of his so devoted to saving sex slaves from fucked up masters. Code fucking Red Uncle Bobby!!! I thank God these assholes don't represent any BDSM community I'm a part of.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Mel is an abusive piece of shit.

i hope there is some character growth in the remaining story but Mel doesn't deserve what he has.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Now he tells her again that she made a mistake and she needs to be punished. She didn’t make a mistake but was insecure and afraid. He is no master but an abuser. It is never about her welfare. He tattooed her without consent. She has become a real slave because he took away all freedom she has got. She needs to dump this guy. He is a dangerous psychopath.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 3 years ago

5stars is headed up "love it" but it appears love is missing from this story at the moment but one can't fault the plot or the dialogue even though there are quite a lot of misplaced words and emphasis there does seem to be some elements of "50 shades" at times. Take care of some of these problems and let the story run its course. Basically it is good.

jra13jra13almost 2 years ago

What happened to SSC? Safe. Sane. Consensual. And he's a Dom?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wow wow

Am into BDSM identify as a slave and believe me the chat between Bella and Rosie was something else often times my mom wants to discuss my relationship life with her and well my Master is way older than me about twice my age so I talk about him as a caring friend.

JohnJayChapmanJohnJayChapman18 days ago

Mel had better wake up and die right.

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