Oh Teacher, My Teacher Ch. 08

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A life together for Astrid and Rick.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 09/17/2009
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I'd pretty much given up the idea of traveling this summer. The wedding schedule had been moved to early August, and due to the high profile it commanded, there would be no time in July for even a couple of weeks to ourselves. I was in no position to complain, however. I was about to marry a spectacular woman. Not just a beautiful one, but a smart and dynamic one.

So now you can understand my opening comments about just how much my life had changed in a few months. All my plans of a year ago seemed so inconsequential now.

I didn't change anything in the classroom as far my approach went. My students got over the kidnapping episode and then the engagement announcement fairly easily. I think some of the staff were more fascinated with those events than the students. I had even made peace with most of the single males. They were envious, I know, but didn't begrudge me my good fortune.

When the school year ended, I was pleased that all of my students had passed, although a few had just scraped by. More importantly, I had raised the interest in history among the student body, and I already knew there would be more students enrolling for the next semester. The administration was satisfied, the students were satisfied, so I was satisfied with my progress.

Our wedding date had been set for August 2, 2008, at St. Luke's Anglican Church in Vancouver. It was going to be a big affair. The reception would be held at Shaughnessy Golf Club, and more than three hundred people were invited. I'll be the first to admit I was intimidated.

When I saw the guest list, it was loaded with the movers and shakers in our part of the world. I sat down with Crystal and she told me just who all the guests were and why they were invited. I could see why Henrik could trust her to run his company in his absence with the knowledge she possessed. She was one very smart and well-informed lady.

My folks had adjusted to the idea that I would be marrying into a very wealthy and influential family. I know Dad was worried that he would be put in a situation where he was expected to match the lifestyle of the Rasmussens, but that never happened. Henrik and Crystal wouldn't allow it. As an example, Henrik provided the entire wedding party with appropriate clothing; dresses for the women and tuxedos for the men. I think that took more pressure off Dad than any other single thing.

My soon-to-be-in-laws had informed us in May that they wanted to look after the honeymoon. Henrik had held back on details, but he and Crystal had obviously quizzed Astrid about where I might want to go and then where she might want to go. They chose to provide both. We didn't find out until two weeks before the wedding that they had booked us on two river cruises, the Danube and the Rhone.

We would spend almost three weeks in middle Europe and the south of France. Astrid was so excited that she began packing almost before she knew where the rivers went. We would be home just ten days before school started. I would have some new slides to show and Astrid would have some wonderful memories.

After years of doing my travels on a minuscule budget, it was going to be a pleasure to take our honeymoon voyage in the lap of luxury. In typical fashion, Astrid had gone to the travel section of our local book store and bought enough books and maps to keep her busy for some time to come. She had looked up the cruises on the internet and downloaded the itinerary with the optional events, and had already chosen places we just had to see.

Her enthusiasm was contagious. This was one summer I was going to remember for a long, long time to come. There was nothing for me to do but sit back and enjoy it.

I was surprised but delighted when I learned that Mom and Dad were accompanying the Rasmussens to the Oregon coast for a week right after the wedding. They were flying down in Henrik's plane, and while the men played golf at several of the great seaside courses, the women would shop and tour the area. I thought that was a great idea, especially for Mom, after all the excitement of the wedding was finally past.

I thought long and hard about who I should ask to be my best man. I had been out of school for several years now and I had lost track of many of the guys I had known at university. To be truthful, I didn't really have a best friend any more. At least, not one who lived in the area. The two guys I might have asked were living in Cleveland and Los Angeles. I didn't even have an address for them.

I talked it over with Astrid, and together we came up with a candidate. I called Milo Remple, my golfing partner. He had been invited to the wedding of course, but I don't think he was prepared for my request.

"Milo, I know we haven't known each other very long, but ... I wanted to ask you ... if you would be my best man at my wedding."

We had indulged in the usual pleasantries before I popped the question, naturally.

"Wow ... Rick. I don't know what to say. I wasn't expecting this."

"I know. My two best friends live in the U.S. and they won't be here for the wedding. I was hoping that you would stand in for them. I know it's asking a lot ... but ... I can't think of anyone else I'd be comfortable with."

"Well ... I'm flattered. I know Henrik thinks very highly of you, and I can't think of any reason to say no ... so ... I will!"

His voice had ended on an upbeat note and I was enormously relieved.

"Thank you, Milo. Thank you very much. I owe you."

"No ... no you don't. I've known Astrid for some time now and I think she's very lucky to be getting a guy of your quality. I'm proud to be asked ... make no mistake."

We chatted for a few more minutes before I hung up, greatly relieved. I really was happy that Milo had agreed. We had hit it off almost immediately and I could see him as a long-term friend.

When I told Astrid that Milo had consented, she was all smiles and hugs.

"You've made a wonderful choice, Rick. I love Milo and I know Daddy will be pleased too."

We agreed to eschew the usual bachelor party scene in favour of a quiet night of men-friends at the Rasmussen's. We barbequed some steaks, played pool, drank quite a bit of beer, scotch, and brandy, and generally told lies about our exploits.

I found myself telling tales of my occasional conquests on my world travels, happy that Astrid was nowhere near to overhear them. I gather my father was somewhat surprised at my exploits and perhaps a bit jealous. He was already ga-ga over Astrid, so this wasn't doing his ego any good. I don't think he ever had the opportunities that I did when he was young.

Milo told some very funny stories about his misspent youth as well as his travails through law school. He had come from a relatively poor family and had to work his way through school and university. I could detect a note of scorn over the "rich boys" who skated through college without a care about tomorrow. I think he enjoyed his role now when he encountered them as adversaries. They were grist for the mill in his view.

The wedding day dawned cloudy and I worried about rain, but as noon approached, the clouds broke and the sun came through. It was an omen in my view. I don't have any strong recollections of that day except that everyone in the wedding party made sure I was ready and dressed on time, delivered to the appropriate place, and had learned my lines.

The one thing I do remember was turning back to see Astrid and Henrik walking slowly toward me down the aisle. It was surrealistic. She was a vision and somehow seemed taller than her father. Her lovely gown and veil masked her beauty, but I knew it was only temporary.

An unexpected calm came over me as she joined me for the formal ceremony. I had been extremely nervous until that moment. Perhaps it was the realization that my fervent wish was about to come true. I was to be married to Astrid Rasmussen, the most beautiful woman in existence. I couldn't think of anything else that would make my life more perfect.

I don't recall all the ceremony, although I did remember the words and the vows. Milo presented the ring, smiling as I took it from him with an unexpectedly steady hand. As I slipped it on Astrid's finger, I looked up at her and could see tears and a very big smile through the veil. I carefully lifted the veil at the appropriate time, kissed the tracks of her tears, and then her soft lips. I had won my prize.

We weren't leaving for our honeymoon until the next afternoon, Sunday. We didn't go crazy at the reception, and our lovemaking that night was particularly poignant. None of it was new to us, but somehow it was far more important this time. I took my time and savored my new bride in every possible way. She responded just as I knew she would. We fell asleep in each other's arms, blissfully sated.

Our honeymoon was wonderful, as you would expect. The weather in Germany and Austria was cool and damp, but we didn't care. As we slowly moved toward the Czech Republic and Prague, we were becoming more and more enchanted with this form of travel. It was luxurious in accommodation and the guides and land tours were well thought out and informative. Astrid was enthusiastic and fascinated by everything.

We ended the first cruise in Budapest and stayed for two days before leaving for Paris and the train to Beaune. Our eight day Rhone cruise was just as delightful, but in a very different way. It was almost a "Wines of France" tour, southward toward the Mediterranean, ending in Avignon. Again, Astrid was fascinated with the whole thing, fatigued at the end of each day as she tried to absorb everything she saw and learned.

We alternated being the camera-person for the trip. Thank goodness for digital cameras. We could review what we took at the end of the day, store them on my laptop, deleting any misfires and pointless shots. Astrid would studiously caption each picture that evening before we went to bed, fearful that she would forget what the subject was or where we were.

When the cruise ended, we decided to take a couple of days, rent a car, and visit Monte Carlo and Nice. I'm glad we did. It was really just a way to say we had been there, but the fabulous yachts in the harbors were something to see all by themselves. We drove through St. Tropez, stopping for lunch at a seaside bistro. It was fascinating to see how the rich and famous spent their time.

We returned the car to Avignon and caught the TGV to Paris, and then Air Canada to Toronto and home. It had been a delightful, but somewhat hectic three weeks. Astrid enjoyed every single moment of it and couldn't wait to tell her fellow teachers and students about it. Her pleasure was the only measurement I cared about. It made the honeymoon perfect in my view.

In our quiet moments, we had some decisions to make. I had always wanted to continue teaching history and Astrid was completely supportive of my decision. She seemed less certain of her own future, however. We talked about starting a family, but that was going to be dependent upon her decision. Did she want to continue her career as a teacher or change to something else?

Then there was the matter of the house. Our new house. We had agreed on a floor plan Astrid had found in a magazine, but we needed a piece of property that suited the large, rambling ranch-style home. What I liked about the house was the separation of the bedrooms for guests and the ease with which the design could be modified and expanded in future. Astrid had a real estate woman on the lookout for property, but so far, nothing had materialized.

There was still the problem, if you could call it that, of what to do about Astrid's wealth. "Our wealth" as she so often reminded me. She had some ideas about a women's shelter and a children's refuge, but nothing concrete had formed yet. She wanted to contribute to helping people who genuinely needed help. But the more she looked into it, the more she found bureaucratic obstacles. She was being frustrated, but not defeated.

As far as our personal lives were concerned, it was a decision I felt she had to make for herself without my influencing it. To continue to work, to start a family, or whatever, I wanted her to be satisfied with whichever choice she made, even though I had an idea what that choice might be. At last however, shortly after school resumed in early September, she broached the subject.

"Rick, I wanted to talk to you about my thinking on my future career. I've come to a decision, but I won't do anything unless you agree and are happy with it."

I nodded my understanding.

"I want this to be my last year of teaching high school. I want to take time to have at least two children, and then I want to home school our children. Is that OK with you?"

I laughed out loud in glee, wrapping my arms around her tightly. If she could have read my mind, she would have been amazed at how much we think alike. She looked startled at my response, but I quickly put her mind at rest.

"I don't know how you did it, Astrid, but you have somehow decided you want exactly what I was hoping you would. Can you really read my mind?" I'm sure my enthusiasm confirmed how sincere I was.

"I don't know. Perhaps I can, but it's not like I wanted to do it because you wanted me to. I thought about it for long time ... before we were married. Besides, it's not like we didn't talk about it. No matter what other possibilities there were, this was the one that I was the most happy with. I was even thinking of starting a day-care. Would that bother you?"

"Not in the slightest," I said, again smiling at how alike we thought. "Of course, you'd want to have our children at least weaned before you took on others as well, but you'd be well trained and ready then, wouldn't you?"

She hugged me tightly, kissing me passionately for some time.

"Thank you, lover. You make me feel so good about finding you. I'm so lucky."

"I think I'm the lucky one, Astrid. If someone had asked me a year ago if I would be with you and where I am today, I wouldn't have believed it. When do you want to start making babies?" I grinned.

"Why not now? I can go off the pill and in a couple of weeks or so, I should be ready. If our timing's right, I could give birth just after the school year ends and we'll have the whole summer together to enjoy our new son."

"So ... you think it will be a boy, eh?"

"Yes. We have to give Daddy a grandson first, then a granddaughter."

"I think my Dad would be pretty happy with that too. The Campbell name would continue on."

"I don't think our mothers will care which ... a boy or a girl. They'll be happy whichever it is."

She was right, of course. "One thing though, Astrid. I don't want to know beforehand. I want it to be a surprise."

"Well, OK, but I might sneak a peek at the ultrasound. I just won't tell you what I see," she laughed.

"Fair enough. I suppose I'll figure it out anyway when I see the clothes you buy and how you decorate the nursery."

It was the student Christmas dance at the high school when she told me. We were chaperones, enjoying the music and watching the kids having a good time. She waited until we were on our way home to the apartment.

"Rick, I have some news for you," she began, smiling.

"If it's what I think it is ... halleluiah!"

"Yes, finally, I'm pregnant. The doctor confirmed it this morning. It sounds like you're happy about it."

"You know I am. I was beginning to worry when it didn't happen right away. So when's the due date?"

"Mid-July ... almost exactly what we were hoping for."

I was going to be a father and I couldn't wait for it to begin. Astrid was happy too, so I was confident that this was going to be a great year for both of us. This would be the first of what I hoped were two or three children. Children we could teach, and who could accompany us on our summer travels. I was in seventh heaven.

You never know how life is going to turn out. A year ago, I didn't even know Astrid Rasmussen. Oh, I had seen her in the staff room and I knew her name, but we had barely said hello to each other. Now, we were married, expecting our first child, and planning our tomorrows. I wondered how it could get any better than this.


My thanks to ErikThread for his editing skills and helpful suggestions. Any errors are mine.

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Ravey19Ravey193 months ago

Ended a little too soon but a good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Missing one last chapter.

flareb2343flareb2343almost 3 years ago

I agree with tinfoilhat this 1 needs another chapter . nothing new with COASTER leave a story hanging !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

Wow, what a great dynamic love story. The story seems to reach out and firmly grab your heart. The intensity of the love story of how she chose him and then how the story progressed through the binding of their love, then the drama of the kidnapping, then the final chapter of their love story where they attained that higher plain of love that would last through eternity. I wished only the story would have continued as it seems that this love story could go on forever and never end telling of their future, children and family. This story would make a wonderful movie. Well done Coaster2, this was a 10 star story if I have ever read one.

tinfoilhattinfoilhatalmost 4 years ago

The only problem I have with coaster's stories is that they end WAY too soon.

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