All Comments on 'Mr. Anonymous's Wife'

by ISawYourMommy

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cyzrecyzreabout 16 years ago
WOW! Hot, always great to read true story!

Glad to hear the NSA uses its resources for some really good projects. What better for us as readers and writers than to hear the truth about Mr. Anonymous and his wife! No wonder he has such a bad attitude when commenting on stories, and it is no surprise that he is afraid to even use a handle when making his rude comments!

Thanks for the insight!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 16 years ago

You really should make this technology available to the other writers on this site! We all could use it from time to time. Well written and an interesting plot... and a little revenge. Thanks.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969about 16 years ago

Well hope your happy now! Just one question why do you care if people like Mr Anon writes stupid comments surely you write for your self so what good would getting revenge on someone who you care nothing for I mean why waste your time.

But if it makes you feel better you probably enjoyed writing this story.

orefinnorefinnabout 16 years ago
And they wonder why the Patriot Act is suspect ...

It's fiction ... I hope ... but your story illustrates why Americans are suspect of the Patriot Act, NSA, the FBI and the like. Of course the highly trained and well-paid professionals who inhabit those halls would NEVER use those resources inappropriately nor for their own petty reasons. We can all rest assured that we tax payers are not funding the cuckolding of men whose opinions we dislike or disagree with.

Thank God it's all fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Are you Mr. Anonymous?

Kinda seems like this has happened to you...with your wife!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

that's what i'm talking about! this is great....even if fictitious, the attention to detail is incredible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Thank you for the wakeup call. To all wives of Anonymous and to your own Anonymous persona...

Another Mr. Anonymous!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
First of all.....

writers and their groupies always whine that people who post as 'Anonymous' do so because they are cowards. This is the last time I will point out that not all readers of Literotica are members, and if you're not a member the only way you can post is as 'Anonymous'. For a lot of people it' their time to sign up to a site just so they can occasionally leave a comment. It's somewhat amusing that writers on this site are so sensitive to criticism that they call those point out flaws in their stories or things they dislike 'cowards' and 'spineless'. Just curious - do you consider the people who leave POSITIVE comments anonymously to be cowards also?

Also, it's rather humorous that you consider someone a coward if they don't have a handle - as if a made up name on a website makes you any less anonymous. Tell me, is 'ISawYourMommy' your first name or last name? What? That's not your real name? Oh I see, you made it up, (taking it from a Suicidal Tendencies song?) because you didn't want people on the internet to know who you really are. That makes you kind of....anonymous.

For myself, I WAS a member of Literotica, but quit because of disagreements with the moderators. So, unfortunately, I'll be posting anonymously. I guess that makes me a coward, even though my real name is Doug Farrell, I live on Long Island, and my email is Which is 3 more pieces of information than the brave people with made up names are willing to give out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
So your thin skin response is

To vent in 4 pages, exposing your thin skin that anonymous people get at you, so much so you track and stalk people all to go after "someone's wife" who isn't so great that the original poster was online reading lame stories as the ole wife didn't Peter his O'Toole.

Feedback is for REALITY. If you want groupies put up your email address so panting people who in real life no one will go near can write to you telling you how "wonderful" you are as your agent, publisher and Barbara Walters tell you.

Oh and in addition to some people are not members, some members have had enough egomaniacs contacting them looking for sex that we of the feedback community do not want idiots complaining about feedback.

Your story was juvenile in a plodding "just plain bob" form at his ebbing before he left.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Implied Threat to Negative Posters

I've never read any of your stories, but somehow this caught my eye and I did waste my time and read this shit. I don't give a rats ass what you think of me either. Hey, mr. badass spook guy. I work for the Government too, come get me. Let me make it easy for you, Southeast USA, my first mos was 95 Bravo. That was a few years ago. But you will know that shortly, huh? What time should I expect you for lunch? Oh, my 201 may make me seem a little....."different", but I'm sure that won't put off a big badass like you. Look forward to seeing you..........signed, Your next victim???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

What's offensive to writers is the tone of these insults. They are more like personal attacks that critiques of the writings. Thank god you losers aren't paying for reading at this site, because you gutless punks get mental enough for free. No wonder your wives left you for real men. Keep jerking and we'll keep working.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Well this rattled a few cages

well done, it's about time someone took on these mr anon's, it only takes a few mins for people to register, but no, they'd rather waste that time thinking up some derogetory remark to leave for the writers.

Fiction or not, i still enjoyed it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
negative 25


KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 16 years ago
The funny thing with technology is...

Technology has that nasty habit of sneaking out of its original habitat and wandering into unwanted places such as... say, anonymous readers? Hmmm, think about the implications! I see a 'spy vs.spy' technology theft situation developing here and the end, where would be the end? No one could be safe any more, authors, readers, our wives, even our children, and before you know it we are on the verge of WW 3. Ok, Ok maybe I got swept a bit at the end. But as you can see it got my juices running which the Dr say is good for me... <P>

I thoroughly enjoyed your very funny tale, and the acrimonious feedbacks made me giggle for quite some time. Yea, Literotica has its rare moments.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Hey Mr. Anonymous, next time your wife get's it up the ass, while wearing lingere!


BazzzBazzzabout 16 years ago
Well Done!

Fabulous! Absolutely Fabulous! You even got our boy No Shit Sherlock into the story line. I would have given you a 5 just for the imagination you threw into this story yet on top of that this was very well written. I am going to read more of your contributions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Very Good

Well done. Funny, well thought out and well written.

By the way--Mr. MOS 95 Bravo (Military Police for the uniniated), mine was Squad Long Gun.

Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Didn't like it,not erotic, just mean. So, your a little short fat guy ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Fuck you

So it really pisses you off when people wanna remain anon eh? Fucking softcock loser. It's partially the reason we even have an internet you fucker. Give up writing man. I work in technology, and I know this sort of shit is not only possible, but its not even very difficult anymore. So people come to a site and wanna let loose, read some shit, and comment without having to be afraid of the possibility of losing everything they've worked for and built in their lives, because some softcocked wimpy author cant handle a bit of critisism (and on a fucking porn site no less). Well congratulations fucko. You've proven how small minded some authors can be. Yeah, eh? Lets all incite fear... FUCKER.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Gee You Can Be Affected - 3 years Later - wow

How desperate can a writer be than to try to deflect through inference those who don't agree with his viewpoint.<P>

When you get personal writer it offends more than a few and even more than your callous outlook on life and being a user.<P>

Your idea of Free Speech seems very one sided - yours vs no rights for some or most which doesn't surprise given your inflated sense of self. The lofty position only you have put yourself in will become more lonely as more folks see you for what you really are. <P>

An insecure talented but cynically cruel individual who wants - rather demands regardless of the downside for anyone else.<P>

Threats implied or otherwise are always two or more edged which may have escaped your one track mind. Think bubba and his friends from Pewaukee whose wife was drugged recently and now you have graciously provided a target

for them to vent on. Or now anyone who wishes to deflect to you will use your idiot name when leaving the scene.<P>

Great opportunity you have extended unwittingly or is it dim-wittingly. Oh well maybe a NSA type Government Organization Director once advised, will give serious thought to one of its alleged people raising the specter of abusing their rights of Homeland Protection as those kinds of allegations need to be stopped for the bad PR you can cause.<P>

What Pandora's have you opened here writer. Mr. Lonely at the self assigned top now trying to excite the crazies who value their anonymity like isawyourdimfuture did.<P>

Frustration drives each in a different way writer and you are intelligent enough to know that - by now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
The question is why.

Why did you rub anonymous's face in his wife's adultery? Was it to help him or to hurt him? The tone suggests you want to hurt him, why? Because he didn't like your story or because he offended your sensibilities? I suspect the latter. Why? Are you that thin-skinned that you can't take critisim or do you just hate women? BTW,

NemosFollyNemosFollyabout 16 years ago

I see the Anonymous complainers still don't get it.


We don't oppose your right to complain; it's just annoying. It annoys us. You have a right to do it and we have a right to be annoyed, and to make up stories about fucking your whore wives. And we know you don't like it -- and you'll complain about it -- and that annoys us, and it's a wonderfully vicious circle. We get our jollies out of reading or writing this kind of perversity, and you get your jollies out of reading to it, and then after you're spent, complaining about it. But there should be no Moral indignation on either side. ISawYourMommy never claimed to be morally offended by any of you; just annoyed. Why does he morally offend anyone? Taking moral offense has no place on this site. Of course, you're free to disagree, and you have the right to do so. It's just annoying, that's all.


To the writer: A brilliant instant classic -- should be required reading for anyone browsing this site. Huzzah to you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
My God what a great story, HOT, sexy, and she is..

Ready for a Threesome with Donna Morgan. Ironic these little wars over whores. You write well, I enjoy it, you have talent. The naysayers have an opportunity to vote by not reading, or better yet staying off of literotica.

Keep it up "Mommy Fucker". From the Anonymous Mrs. Pageant suggestion dude. Or better yet, I'll feed you a true story about fucking not one, not two, not three but four Mrs. Pageant contestants over a short period of time........

Don't let this stop you, isaw, you are the best on literotica today.

I also am Mr. Anon, lol and I'm fucking the other Mr. Anon wife next! Up the ass.

Hear hear you are the BEST!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Nicely done...

I assume this was a work of fiction, but to tell you the truth, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. The attention to detail regarding where Mr. and Mrs. Anon. lived worked and what they drove, along with the physical descriptions of them both, would tell the Mr. Anonymous who wrote the comments, that you did indeed know who he was (provided he read this story). Add to that, his recognition of the comment you had her make to him following the liason would certainly shatter his delusion of his own life. As for my own anonymous standing, I haven't registered because I have no (written) stories of my own to submit. My comments about stories I have read generally focus on the characters in the story, the plot developement, or the need for proof readers. I honestly don't remember ever attacking an author personally based on the actions of his or her fictional characters. It seems to me, that those who do are the same people who can't tell the difference between television, and real life.

sherlock40sherlock40about 16 years ago
Wow, I got a mention in a story

I stopped reading your stuff long ago. On a whim, I decided to read this one and surprise, there I was in print. Damn, isn't it great to be a secret agent who can access all information on the net? I see that you still have two groups in your commenters. The rabid anti-cheaters and those that feel that betrayal is somehow sexy. Thanks for putting me in the better part of the story.

ISawYourMommyISawYourMommyabout 16 years agoAuthor
Fact or Fiction?

Of course it's fiction. There's not an element of truth in it. Although there is a town called Sturgeon Bay in Wisconsin.

And no, I am not offended by your exercise of your First Amendment rights, nor do I view the First Amendment as one-sided. First, I've never deleted any of the comments that I view as absurd; they're all there for you to read. Second, I am not the government (nor is Literotica) so there is no interplay involving the First Amendment.

And had the fictitious character's goal been to truly hurt Mr. Anonymous, he probably would have pre-wired the room for video and sent the result to him afterward.

I thank you all for commenting - constructively or otherwise - for you've only proven one thing: there are those that read porn stories for their fantastic values with no expectation that the stories are either true or acceptable, and others who cannot seem to suspend reality. I make no judgment for those in either camp, but only point out the existence of the two camps.

butsbutsabout 16 years ago
An excellent story with wit too!

I just can't believe there are <small minded> people/trolls who surf the site, read the fiction KNOWING its about cheating and then have the gall to criticise and complain. The stereotype of a 'bible bashing' hypocrite preaching celibacy or monogamy yet sexually deviant. OK so I guess they wouldn't identify the humour either. Duh!

By the way trolls, I'm happily married with kids, love my wife very much yet still enjoy reading 'cheating' erotica. I also enjoy reading other genres. Oh, and I also play Grand Theft Auto, watch Tarantino yet have no compulsion to rape, murder and pillage...

All you authors out there keep writing the stories you enjoy writing. For every troll there's a few thousand good guys who read and enjoy (or not for the right literary reasons).


bruce22bruce22about 16 years ago
This was fun..

and erotic too! What more could you ask!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Can we get more please?

Great response to a holier than thou poster.

Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Very good

Really loved this story - very funny and erotic.

walrus1153walrus1153over 15 years ago

Very enjoyable tale. (A little disturbing as well.) I normally don't like stories in the first person, but this one is well written, inventive and quite erotic. Thanks. You have a fan.

sex_Goddess56sex_Goddess56over 15 years ago

Lol. You're a riot. I think Mr.Anonymous will be sure not to mess with you again

clark3001clark3001over 14 years ago
How I wish the real Mr.Anonymus would read this

What an unusual idea for a story so fantastic. Great Work !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
What A idiot

Your a black dick sucker, you scare nobody, so put your panties back on and go home bitch, your dripping on the floor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Loved it and wanting more!

And of course, Anonymous posts a comment right away with an aggressively insulting and racist comment... or rather, attempts to offend. Instead he delivers the final punchline.

Please continue to post more stories!

(AP - couldn't remember my password)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Really Was Good

I enjoyed your story, for several reasons, one - because it wasn,t just another wam/bam/thank you Mrs. and two. because I thought I detected an element of truth in the plot. Perhaps it was just a "could be", which is almost as good. Anyway, thank you for a very interesting read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
What a shitty story,

Full of arrogance (justified?) and inability to develop any kind of plot. Just raw arrogant sex. Mayhaps some readers are happy with it. Most are not!!

The author should direct his energies to something useful.

BetterEndingBetterEndingover 12 years ago
Now It Is Obvious

You are one sick puppy. Of course admitting that you lust after anons wife is no surprise. I already guessed you lust after most wives.

You write fairly well. Too bad the subject matter sucks.

No more comments from me though. I am giving up on finding something worthwhile in your repertoire.

leathercatsuitgirlleathercatsuitgirlalmost 11 years ago

Thank you for a lovely story - I just wish I was Mrs Anonymous - you could fuck a baby in my tight toned flat married belly - when I comment I always leave my name Delicious !!!!

Sarah Leather, London England (32yo married fit tanned & toned leather wearing blonde mum of two, who loves teasing & getting fucked by athletic well hung young men & teenagers, with my husband's approval !!!!)

luvpsyluvpsyalmost 11 years ago

Great job! The comments that you drew with this story are a good reminder that there are some anonymous commenters out there that offer good honest critique instead of ignorant personal insults to writers who work hard to create stories for the entertainment of those who read them.

I wish more people understood the useful purpose of fiction, which is to provide a fulfillment for issues that are not full filled in real life. It's a look into the side of a choice that we didn't take for whatever our reasons.

I thought your portrayal of NSA's capability was science fiction. Sure they might have the IP in a data base and should be able to tie it to the use of specific URL's or specific email addresses, but I seriously doubt that their data base is strong enough to pull as much data as you showed. The exaggeration was timely but I worry that too many people are gullible enough to be alarmed over NSA's activity as it is. Fiction is fiction however. It made for fine read. I enjoyed your story very much. I really appreciate the work that you had to have put into it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
You in jail yet?

I guess most readers nowadays would realize that the NSA related activity as listed in this story is illegal. At least two individuals would be liable for prosecution. Wonder if Snowden has your real names ready for publishing, especially the one with the anonymous moniker ISawYourMommy?

1* for arrogance and hypocrisy

- Just another Anon, passing through seven proxies. Let's make it worth their while!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Your annoying commenter does have a handle

he let it slip a couple of times. He goes by the handle 'LifeisReality'

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago
Nicely done!

I thought it would have been nice to tape the action in the hotel room. Then mail it to Mr. Anonymous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

rings true for the kinds of you...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Another illiterate WHORE posting cuck shit.

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundover 7 years ago

sexy and disconcerting. Others have commented on the possible validity of the tecky aspects -- oops and potentially ouch. But also a bit peevish, perhaps?

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
Seriously Humourous

This story is so good! It works because it travels from one category to another.

Anatomy of a seduction. LW,. How To,. Sarcasm and Humour,.

Filled with drama, mystery, technology, retribution, sex, tongue in cheek (and every available orifice) and a hint betrayal.

One indication of a well written story is the reaction of the readers. Wow! This writing exercise poking fun at anonymous hypocrites has stirred up the trolls. Haters gonna hate. All while proving the point of the writer. lol. I have to wonder if the level of vitriol is the result of how close the subject comes to the reality of the lives of the anonymous negative posters.

It's Saturday evening, mr anon, do you know where your wife is?

imhaplessimhaplessover 6 years ago
Loved it!

Does that make me a pervert? 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I am left speechless. I bow to you and your clever wordsmanship.

andoverblondeandoverblondeabout 6 years ago
so much fun!

what a wonderful imagination! and your attention to detail was perfect - and funny.

49greg49gregover 4 years ago
Loved it!

Good story and a great premise.

calibammacalibammaover 4 years ago
Am I signed in? 😂

Am I signed in? Lol if this is a true one then you got me Anonymous real good 😂😂😂

leansterleansterabout 4 years ago

Yeah! Take THAT, Anonymous!

Now we know the real motivation for his vacuous, moralizing comments: Anonymous is a humiliated, pencil-dicked cuckold himself.

And, he didn't comment on this story...hmmm.

It's okay, don't have to cry. It's just a story.

soami55soami55over 2 years ago

We (hetero couple) read together. I (husband) was completely captivated by this story. I am still struggling to find the appropriate adjectives to capture my thoughts, my praise for this piece of work. This is by far the best piece I have read on Literotica.

Very well put together, well written, a very captivating piece. Someone should make a short movie of this. Actually it could really be a full length movie.

I am a bit concerned that the rest of the stories may not be as good.

We will press forward.

Debbie & Soami

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


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