All Comments on 'Love Me Tender - Please Pt. 06'

by Kathi

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gatorhermitgatorhermitover 15 years ago
Well Written (and Realistic) Story

I think the portrayal of the pain involved with both Karen and Ray is realistic and well written. "Happy ever after" just ain't gonna happen after what Karen did. For that matter, the fighting that took place in the first few chapters was painfully realistic, and again, well written. Somehow if you re-read the first few chapters, there's still a lingering negative about a reconciliation in spite of the obvious self discipline and good character Karen exhibited on her crawl up and out of the pit that she dug for herself. I can see how Ray could fall back in love with her, but I don't see how Ray could ever trust her. However, it appears that we are on that path (hence 75 not 100).

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
great story

I think this is a well written and very enjoyable story and I've looked forward to each episode..Like others, I've tried to look ahead and predict what would be coming next and I was wrong each time and each time I liked your version better than mine.. I look forward to the final chapters.

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
Not buying it

Sorry but only wimps accept the shit this whore did to her husband. This story is like a backed up toilet, no matter how many times the author tries to force the issue the shit is still there. Karen speaks of what she lost, she has as yet lost nothing. She had a job and lost it only to move to Texas and get a better one. She had a husband but she never valued him so again no loss there. Her children were easily bribed with cars and cash so again all is forgiven. Just what of any value did Karen lose? And again she blames what happened on drugs and alcohol. Will she ever take true responsibility for her actions? The author can write well and that is her problem, she wrote a whore so well that only a wimp would even think to take her back. Stop using the plunger the shit is still there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

All together, a superb story, and it's all yours, regardless of what others say. Thank you. I wish there were more like this. G.Belgium

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I don't know what Tearsofsorrows problem is but...

Or the other so called experts but they need to take a chill pill. This story is taking everyone through the wringer. I am sure even the writer! Every man and woman has had a say about this story. I guess it's 60/40 in the writers favour at the moment. Personally I can not fault Kathi's writing. along side DG and Ohio and a few others I think her writing is great. In real life, which means where there are no judgemental hypocrits a love story like this does play out. Think about someone you knew who has or had a drink or drug problem. Think what they did that so repusled you that you hated them for it. While at the same time still loving them. THAT is what THIS story is about. It isn't about a wimp man who goes back to his slut ex-wife. This about a couple who lost thier way and are gradually getting it back together. But like all real life stories or at least real to the writer and the reader, these stories effect us. That is a mark of how good Kathi is. Some people have question the writers lifestyle, I ask what has that got to with anything. I would jope people sit back and read this story, like hate it or just ignore it. But give credit where credit is due. I don't apporove of what the wife did and if this was my wife I would not be as forgiving as the ex-husband is, however life is not black and white. There are many grey areas this is one of them.

To Kathi, thank you for your effort in writing this story it must have taken a lot of your time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Interesting and involving story.

I look forward to reading more. Maybe its its a mark of how well you write that you get some of these emotional,weird responses. I like how you write with an honesty and human touch.

Know that there are many more admirers than detractors. Many will read and relate to your characters but may never let you know. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
You can't rape the willing.

Good Story, but Kari's line of bullshit is revolting. However, it makes it more real because we lie to ourselves and to the ones we love and in Kari's case, she's a nutjob. Fuck her then forget her. That's the kind of girl she really is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I Love the story

Your story has so many different elemets of truth. In the end your story tells the true story of the heart, because we really can never truly loving the person of our dreams no matter what they do to us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Cynical -Unforgiving -Hard- and Stupid!

Not Me!

You know what --sometimes life is like this story No wife or ex wife is perfect! --Ray has a choice -either live his life as a total hopeless reject -or try to forgive Karen and try to get over it -Yes she was a druggie -drunk and easy mark -but guess what -she knows she was and is now asking for another chance -And I believe she's learned the hard way what is important to her -and until she shows other wise -I think Ray should give her that chance -since it's clear he still loves her!-some of you people must really be bitter about life in general -WOW! There is NO forgiving in you -to tell the truth -When this finally ends -I am goona miss it!! Now on other hand if Ray caught her with Montell again -Then he could forget her for good!!

GRANGERGRANGERover 15 years ago
Kudos to the author

Personally, this is has to be the best story I have ever read on Literotica. I could write more of a comment, but it would be meaningless to someone who has no understanding of true love.

roadbirdroadbirdover 15 years ago
live with her

fuck her but marry her no fucking way....and fuck other women if she ever fucks other men that would be it but after what she did if she still wanted me in her life orher son she would do as i said and ignore what i did from now on...infidelity no but she lost the ability to tell me anything when she left me for an asshole...ruin her life no her and aaron ruined her life ....i could do it again if i wanted yes fuck her but marriage no way...especially with millions in the bank...i could buy happiness till the day i died...maybe even leave her with a 1000 a month to live on after i died if she was still alive also

iakatziakatzover 15 years ago

leave us with a happy ending. I agree that this is probably the best story on this site, let them live happily ever after...please.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 15 years ago
The TRUE Victim= the husband

what is Truly SCARY is that even if YOU -- anyone who is reading this feedback and wretched story-- accept the wife's laugable and easily provable false story... the husband is Suffering Just as badly as the wife has.


Yet HE gets NO sumpathy. None. why is that?


I still do see any LOST by the whore wife. Can someone please out how SHE has suffered?


the ONLY one who has suffered is the wimp idiot Husband. And HE is the one folks are jumping on... He is the TRUE victim here

tastesgreattastesgreatover 15 years ago
Had to Get My Two Cents Worth in Too

This is one of the most compelling stories I've read on this site. Kathi is as good if not better than some of the best, ie, DG, Ohio, Harddaysknight, etc. as a writer. She has us writing in to reflect our thoughts (good or bad) because this is just too good to be quiet. No matter how Kathi ends this story, we as readers will have been though the wringer with the emotions and actions of her characters. I for one can't wait for the next submittal. Thanks Kathi for all your hard work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Story keeps you comming back

The writing is excellent, it keeps you coming back to read the next chapters. It conveys emotions very well. The story is a bit long and repetitive and can use the touch of an editor to smooth it out. Karen-Kari-The Whore in the first 4 sections was such an unlikable character, that it is hard to believe her turnaround. She suffered, note that we see very little of that and she came out on top while messing up her family. Ray is still to wimpy, and any man no matter how much love is there would hate the whore and have more anger than we have seen. We never got to see Ray go through all the things he should and is mostly alluded to and pushed off to the side. the story would have benefited more from seeing what this kind of destructive behavior does. You don't get the sense of growth or changes just a lot of Dr Phil feel good crap. The last two sections have been better, but it still comes across a bit unrealistic. I enjoy a happy ending but the journey to get there needed to be more fraught with the emotions and behaviors of the destructiveness that happens with addictions, sexual, drugs and alcohol and such wild behavior changes. I will be back to see how the last section plays out in this compelling story.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 15 years ago
Perhaps best chapter so far . . .

I would like to give this a 90% but can't on the scale provided, so I'll round it up this time. Well-written as always. The intensity and emotional content are very good, the sex is very erotic, and I'm hooked despite the slow pace of the story. My one criticism is that Ray is still kind of wimpy. A stronger, more confident male would have better control of his emotions in his encounters with his ex. As a male, I can't imagine suddenly losing my lust because of a remembered bad feeling towards my partner, certainly not while fully caught up in the passion of the moment. But I've seen my woman quickly lose her passion if I utter one wrong word -- sex is definitely different for men vs. women. I've learned not to talk while making love (unless it's to say something nice), because the last thing I want to do is to turn her (and myself) off during sex! I'm not saying men (i.e., Ray) can't be sensitive, warm, caring, or express emotions, but I do feel that Ray is perhaps letting his guard down too much, just because he got some pussy . . . He destroyed the old DVD's -- I would never have done that, or at least not this quickly -- Kari/Karen lied and lied to him over a long time-frame. He did everything he could to save his marriage, to talk to his wife, to try to help her back to reality, but she shat all over him. Just a couple of years later, it's all better? She is a fully-changed, reformed woman? What about the next time she gets annoyed with him or feels he does not "validate" what she is doing? What really is so different that he can just jump right back into re-marrying her (obviously that's where this is headed)? Kari has been released from jail but she should still be on parole. I would like to see more than short-term evidence to be convinced she's truly a different person. How do we really know she does not have a secret life again? She has lots of money and can do anything she wants. Oh, Melody would know? The kids were pretty clueless before the divorce (except to sense that Ray was unhappy). If your best friend goes "postal," attacking you by surprise, and beats you to within an inch of your life, then gets psych treatment for two years (while you slowly recover), and then that person says he/she is sorry and wants to be best friends again, do you shrug and say, "I see you are better, we can let bygones be bygones, let's go bowling and be best friends again?" I don't think so. Even if taken slow, how can one totally forget the hurt and betrayal? Just saying, "The drugs made me do it" won't cut it. I could imagine friends with benefits for an extended period of time but marrying again? The plausibility is lacking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
What Gives!!!

We know Kari is trying to write her journal as best as possible. She convinces herself that it was drugs, booze and the attraction of seduction that ruined her life. She conveniently remembers very well, yet tells Ray she doesn't recall what she's done. If I was Ray, I would have given her copies of all the video tapes and all the audios on hand. I would further ask Donna's assistance to help Kari remember by providing copies of the all the tapes that had Karen in them regarding the parties [and just maybe she might throw in the copy with Trey]. I would keep a copy for myself as well. I would never destroy them. I would also give copies to Melody and Brian. If Ray should suffer, why suffer alone. Kari, once filling in the gaps she supposedly forgotten because of the booze and drugs, now can think very clearly and see how much damage she has done to Ray and the kids...and now she can fully understand what Ray is going through. This way, she can make her decision. She should turn down Ray’s proposal to remarry but agree to be his permanent whore and slut…reliving the videos, over and over…because so far the only truth she told Ray was when she said she truly enjoyed herself with Trey, Montrell and Sean. …………….buts here’s .my take on the direction of the story Ray will work in a business arrangement with Kari in the same capacity as he is currently doing with Mike and Donna…except in Kari’s new location. And in their daze, they’ll pretend that their remarriage is more of “equals” uniting….in an empty nester environment…and keep pretending until they are old and gray that all was well…and that the journey was worth it. Such is the outlook of a writer’s lack of imagination and in her attempts to reconcile at all costs...but so much for second guessing…it’s her story and she do as she likes.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 15 years ago
This was a good set of observations

2Not buying it <p>

01/09/09 by Tearsofsorrow2 <p>

Sorry but only wimps accept the shit this whore did to her husband. This story is like a backed up toilet, no matter how many times the author tries to force the issue the shit is still there. Karen speaks of what she lost, she has as yet lost nothing. She had a job and lost it only to move to Texas and get a better one. She had a husband but she never valued him so again no loss there. Her children were easily bribed with cars and cash so again all is forgiven. Just what of any value did Karen lose? And again she blames what happened on drugs and alcohol. Will she ever take true responsibility for her actions? The author can write well and that is her problem, she wrote a whore so well that only a wimp would even think to take her back. Stop using the plunger the shit is still there. <p>

++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <p>

We, as readers, have different reasons for reading fiction: Some for masturbation purposes; some to see how twisted authors' minds can be and how aligned they are with each other [author-reader]; some to see how silly characterization and plots can get [and still be considered believable]; some simply to find good, heart-worming stories filled with characters of different sorts as in real life but with good triumphing over evil, even if complex and multi-layered, with often time gray areas both in plots and in characterization. <p>

I am of the latter kind. I have no fascination with or tolerance for characters --- in the author's mind --- who tortured little chickens, dogs, cats but strangling them, burning them, poking out their eyes and see how they react, etc. To me, that's Dr. Mengele to a lesser degree. <p>

In fictional plotting and characterization, I have little or no tolerance for authors plotting and chracterization in which one or the other, in a FAMILY UNIT, conspired with outsiders, wittingly or unwittingly, willingly or through coersion [they say], to shit and spit in the innocent's daily cereal bowls, lunch and diner plates, and laugh in drunkenness, engage in group sex, fly to Las Vegas to have more sex, give you STD's and possibly HIV, and towards the end of the story, when they're caught or exposed, cried: <p>

"It's not me. The Devil made me do it, dear beloved. My doctor, the all-knowing Dr. Know-IT-All --- through palm reading, astrology, tongue-talking techniques with clever spirits of other dimensions, through hypnosis --- told me that that was the case, I swear by my parents graves! Please, forgive me, for I have sinned against you!" <p>

As a decent, reflective reader, I just have no patience for such plotting and characterization in stories. About simple-mindedness (OF MICE AND MEN), I can deal with; about someone being truly out-clevered and seduced away and who suffered real heart-ache and tragedy (Lit's own BACK TO BRISTOL story), I can deal with... About traveling to fantastical worlds of the future and/or past, I can deal with... But not about my own spouse shitting and spitting in my food and drink, daily --- when she comes home from exchanging bodily fluids with strangers --- and then expect me to have compassion and/or warm feelings for her. <p>

I can deal with it, if some gang kid or professional criminal hit me over the head, or stab me, as I happen to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and take my wallet or my car... I don't have to live with them! But a spouse who shit and spit in my food, sometimes by themselves and sometimes with their lovers, laughed about it,,,, because they think I am not aware of it?, and later, when exposed, say some OTHER FORCES outside of their control made them do it???.... <p>

I just can't tolerate that... Not for those fictional characters, no. They are not real. But for the REAL AUTHORS, writers, through whose minds such plotting and characterization came to be... no, I just can't "reward" such creation acts with "praises" and meriting points...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
re genghis khan reflections,

Given that this was part 6 why are you still reading something that you clearly find morally unacceptable? Why are you further lecturing to the author as to what she writes as a fictional story? Your views could have been posted as an essay instead. I have 7 or 8 categories, this being one of them, where I rarely or never read the stories because I know I am not interested. I will comment/object on essay or opinions if I disagree, but not where the content of a story meets its description simply becbuse I dont approve. -- UK CYNIC

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 15 years ago
husband's character - non existing

In this chapter the husband is nothing more than an echo chamber to the wife’s hopeful projections or self serving fantasies. But as an independent character his contribution is zero. In a story like this, the author should be able to build at least two independent characters and for me it counts as a fundamental flaw.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
This story is funny!!!

Amazing how many people think there should be another chapter...not me..should end right here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

This was an amazingly epic story. I felt the pain and confusion with your characters. Please continue to write.

PearDrop3PearDrop3over 10 years ago
Wonderful Story

5 Stars was just not enough for this story. It was truly wonderful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
1 star

None of the people in this story are likable. They ate all pathetic.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Loving it

i like this drawn out reconciliation that has them dealing with each of their issues.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago

Five stars. Superb. Not sure what the previous commentator is referring to - I'm rooting for these two.

loveoverlustloveoverlustabout 9 years ago

Of course, we are nearing the end of the journey,yet,the intensity of the first few chapters seems to be lost during the reconciliation.

There's more struggle in 'making' than in 'breaking', they say.

It's a 5 , nonetheless.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

A great read. You have talent and ability. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Excellent 5*

I think you dug a very big hole for yourself to get out of to achieve reconciliation. She was a mean, manipulative slut and he was a clueless wimp of the first degree.

However, you have not made the reconciliation easy as many other authors do. His triggers and her guilt are very realistic. She's had IC for two years and has kicked drinking, drugs and sex as a means of self validation, which is also good.

I think where you do fail is her talking responsibility for her heinous treatment of him. Ok she had her reasons, her advancement and his lack of support but it was immeasurably disrespectful and cruel and it went on for months with little or no respite. I think it would take much longer for him to get over that. She may have continued to love him throughout but she never once showed him respect during that time.

Many cheat on loved ones, few if any cheat on people who they respect.

johnadpjohnadpover 6 years ago
One Thing He Will Never Know

The story is beautifully laid out and the characters truly come alive. The story is laid out slowly; however, it the intrigue is there because you it shows in detail everything that the characters went through and you can see a great deal of love derailed.

However, I feel there is one area the author took a short cut, especially in such a long story. She was never truly tested and he will never know if she chose him. Trey, while he was nice otherwise, all of a sudden he rapes her and then disappears. We will never know how long that relationship would have lasted.

Mountain Man could have been a much better true test, but again there there is a short cut. After all Trey was just a trainer, after a while she couldn't respect that, so it would have been only physical. However, with MM if he wasn't a drug dealer, but ran a successful brokerage and he didn't have her raped, but he actually was nice to her even a bit, and even if he fucked other girls. She would have respected what he did, how much he made (she had developed more respect for her husband already), she was attracted to his size and he represented wildness on top of that and illicit fun. Also, a man that confirmed her new ambition and her new professional goals. Would she have moved out of the house, worked out of that brokerage, been his girlfriend and when confronted by her husband would she have left him. I believe she would have. Even after being caught by MM and knowing her husband had made an appointment with an attorney for divorce she was willing to go to Vegas even if her husband had drawn that as the line in the sand.

So she wasn't really tested. She was forced to "bottom out" quickly. First, by Trey raping her and disappearing (she may have gone back to him eventually even after the "rape". And if MM was halfway decent to her in Vegas, and even if she promised herself to not cheat again (after all she had promised that several times before already that she broke) once she went and started to work under him, she would have been literally been under him very regularly. So she gets raped again up her ass, she finds out MM doesn't give a shit about her and he treats her badly, and she finds out he was a drug dealer using her as a mule. Then later divorce is forced on her and she bottoms out again by waking up next to a disgusting man. Again, a true test would have been if MM was halfway decent, and she went to live near her new work and been under his influence then. Then I think she would have never come back to her husband.

rootcauserootcauseover 4 years ago

I stayed up all night. Couldn't stop until I read the whole story. It's great. I am so envious of your talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Powerful and compelling. I like this story specifically because it is so detailed and specific. Many stories on Lit cover similar ground but this one is satisfying because it does dive into the depths of the characters. Wonderful job Kathi! One of my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Y lo de trey cuando se lo cuenta al final... Me dejas helado

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