All Comments on 'Love Me Tender - Please Pt. 05'

by Kathi

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Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
I love forced reconciliation

As a psychologist I love reading drivel like this. Karen is a whore, plain and simple. She had it all and it was not enough for her. Did she try to come to an agreement with her husband about her new job? No! She gave him a fait compli and used sex to mollify him. She belittles everything he does and gives ultimatums. She resists everything he tells her and she fucks anything that moves. In this chapter we learn that she still has not taken responsibility for her actions. Now it is the drugs and alcohol that made her do it. So what does our cheated hero do? He accepts her with open arms. The author could not have written a bigger slut if she tried. But her understanding of what is acceptable in a marriage is faulty and flawed. No real human being, male or female would return to the kind of whore this author has in Karen. Changing your name and blaming drugs and alcohol will not change who you are. And what Karen is, is a whore. She buys the love of her daughter back and the few instances where they have a conversation we can see that like mother like daughter. The old adage Once a whore always a whore, still applies. The author would have us believe that Karen has not fucked anyone since she left. This is completely unbelievable. Karen has used her cunt to great effect in the past and she would not rest such a useful tool. After all that is probably how she made most of her sales. And Ray is a fool to want her in his life. It is criminal that he wants her to have anything to do with their children. After all what role does she pay? What life lessons can she teach her children? If you want something fuck for it. If they won't give it to you, lie on your back to get it. Great role model she has been. A car and tuition made her daughter forget what a whore she was. I wonder what she is going to give her son? Maybe a fuck. And what of Ray what can she give him. She already tried an STD. What do you give the man you have raped? And aside from all this the reconciliation still rolls along. Pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
To: Tearsofsorrow


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Even in fiction there has to be a grain of reality

There is none here. Read any book from a book shop and choose a title from the fiction section and even far fetched stories have some grain of 'real' life in it. In this story you the writer have written about a weak willed man and a selfish, self centered woman niether of which would survive in the real world. The woman would be chewed up and spat out by any number of people as for the man well he too would not survive long, every conman or woman would take him to the cleaners. He is so gulable it's untrue. but I suppose the better the devil you know and all that. But I have to say with a friend or lover like this woman you certainly don't need any enemies. Silly story. Silly people. BUT haveing said that even though I didn't read most of this chapter, I just skimmed to the important bits, the bits I did read are well written and you got the point across. You set out to bring a couple back together again that really should NOT have ever spoken to each other ever again. Love conquers all they say. No it doesn't.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

No man could eat so much crap. The idea that her sexual attraction could make him forget her filthy whoring and disrespecting him to the max is absurd. Pussy is pussy, kathi.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Very good for what it is set out to be

Read two comments and felt I had to give my own. I think the story is great in the field it puts itself. This is not Tolstoy or Hemmingway (depending on which way the tradgedy should develop) but it doesn't set it self out to be either.

If you want that, go some where else and read it.

The story is well crafted and has a number of good scenes and lines. Perhaps the strokes of the brush is vild and the colours brighter than it need to be to be believable but it is a story that holds together.


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Not too surprising

I thought this was where the next chapter would go, but jumping ahead 2 years was a nice touch. As I have commented before I think you painted Karen as too much of a slut and Ray as too much of a wimp and therefore it made this part a little hard to swallow. But overall you are a good writer and this is a good read

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
What The Hell

There is really something wrong in River City --

What does the words Love -Forgivness and regret mean to some of you people --For Christs sake !--This is REALITY!--Revenge and Hatred is not always the best course!!

I admit at first I felt like you ,but as the story unfolds I feel this is the way story should end

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
The longer version of wimp husband/slut wife ...

Writing was good as usual - plot line predictable and the whore returns again to the "forgiving & brain dead former husband". You would have thought the wimp could have found another relationship with a female who understands the concept of fidelity - but no. No revenge - no consequences, a good recipe for a dull story. The husband is a complete idiot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Well Written

This is a well written story about the destruction of a relationship. Should Karen have been strong enough to realize what was happening before it got to far, maybe, but far too many would have reacted as she did. Is Ray a wimp, not sure how you characterize him as that. Ok, he isn't a Navy Seal and didn't sell her to a Mexican brothel, but he tried to hold things together. He was legitimately concerned, but his only choices were to throw her out, or try and believe she was changing. When he knew for sure, he did act.

But at the same time, love, acceptance and growing forward must enter the picture. Ray could do as his counselor suggested, continue to hate, blame and live for revenge, or move on.

If they get back together, it is because it is a new relationship, built both on the good and bad of the past, and because of how they see the future. If they don't, it should not just be because of the past, though it should play a role, but because they can't reconcile their new lives and careers. Mind you, having said that I recognize that failing to reconcile a career started the problems.

So lets see if the author lets it end here or continues to finish the story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Will some please beat & rape the daughter?

even if one accepts the entire premise of this story the daughter Melody deserves a serious beating and rape.


Here the whore wife is trying to re-connect to her kids and husband and every word this teenage out of control cunt is a part of plan by her in some sort of pathetic attempt to get the whore wife and super wimp husband back together.


I think I will go vomit

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 15 years ago

Really there isnt anything more to say. From the get go this chaper sucks Moose cock like everything else this author--a whore in her own right -- writes.


the very 1st paragraphs has the Husband blaming himslf for everything with his own therapist "SHOUTING at me to get on with my life."


why does this Idiot wimp husband blame himself because the son has problem with wife/ mom...


and for the record SEAN did NOT rape the wife at all. weoman that are rapped dont have multple earth shattering orgasms

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
i liked it


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great Story

Excellent. To err is human. All those who have commented poorly on this story need to realize this. Have we respected everyone as we ought to have? Have we always been faithful? And I do not mean physically only! Even if it is in your mind, you have sinned. But so much for being a prude. To err is human and to learn from it is divine.

iakatziakatzover 15 years ago
Great story

You have written a wonderful story...thanks so much! You are an excellent writer.

GRANGERGRANGERover 15 years ago
The Emotion Just Wraps You Up

I'm not as eloquent as some who placed their comments before the audience. Perhaps those who are so critical of this story have no feeling for anyone. When you love someone deeply, the deceit of the other person can be oh so devastating. Because you love that person so much, it can almost destroy you. After twenty years of marriage you don't just stop loving a person. If your love is that shallow you never really loved them in the first place and I question if you could remain married for twenty years.

I think this story is absolutely one of the best I have ever read on Literotica and I think that Kathi is one hell of a writer. My only hope as a reader is that the story has a happy ending (that Ray and Kari remarry).

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
and they....

all lived happily ever after. until the oversexed Kari doesn't need anything (pills, alcohol) anymore to fuck all her sons buddies and is joined by her daughter in a gangbang, as the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. at least that looks that way in this chapter as she is still impressed by generous gifts by her mother and her raunchy talk all the time and her scheming to get the two to have sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
very nice

loved your story

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 15 years ago
Many things have been said about this story

From the down right sick-Rape the mother and daughter- to Harry spouting on about the wimp husband and the fact from the very first chapter he and everybody else knew where the story was going. They read the writers mind. And Harry do you need to call someone a whore just because they don't think the way you do? I personally don't agree with the ending. I would have thought both exhusband and exwife would have moved on and found someone else. And for those people who have read my stories you will know how much I like reconciliations. BUT for the right reason. This wasn't it. Just because the wife was sorry and just because the husband couldn't or wouldn't move on with his life is not an excuse to get back together. One of the commentators questioned whether some of us readers have really loved someone and loved someone for 20 odd years. Well my wife and I have been together for 20 years and married for 15 years. And I would kill for my wife if anything would happen to her part of me would die. BUT if for one moment she evn thought of doing what this wife did I would NEVER see or speak to her again. I would certainly seek vengence on thos ethat harmed her. I would track down the people who didn't stop her from doing what she did. However the contract between us would be null and void. I would look after the kids but as for the mother? my ex-wife? Hell would freeze over before I spoke to her again. Anyway Kathi well written story you are very good at this type of story I don't agree with how the story went but I can't find fault with your writing. Just one last thing when you write another story please make the husband less emotional. I don't know about anyone else but most men are NOT emotional in anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
To Tearsofsorrow2

Thank god we didn't go to you for marriage counseling when my husband and I were having problems. If we had you would have told us to get a divorce and we would not be the happy grandparents that we are. We didn't want to throw 23 years of marriage away because I was a fool.

We are in love as much today as we were back then. I hope you find a new line of work, maybe trapping and killing little animals.

Great story Kathi. Ignore the bullshit

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
The loving person below

you could have made this personal attack, personal. You could have emailed me directly. You could have put your name to it. You did none of these things. Had your spouse come to me for counseling in the case of your stupidity. I would have pointed out that infidelity is the vestige of the weak. I would have worked with your spouse in whatever direction they wished to take their life. I would have shown them the pitfalls involved in turning to a person that loved them so much as to expose them to disease. Love them so much that they lied and degraded them. Valued their marriage so much that they cheapened and tarnished the beauty of it. And still if they wanted to return I would counsel them on the proper way to regain the dignity they have been robbed of. You raped your marriage and call it love. If that is what you believe to be love then so be it. Had you sent me a private email I would not now have to respond publicly. You didn't and that tells me more than I need to know about you. Did you brow beat your spouse into taking you back? I really don't need to know. And thank you for telling me about your dislike for small animals. Very big of you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Thank you

I liked this story. Not everything, but you had me totally involved with the characters, wondering what would happen.

Thank you for taking the time to share.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 15 years ago
decently well written

terrible characterization. the attempt at character reformation is kinda too late, I believe, at this point. <p>

but it's a good start. everyone can reform. <p>

but Ray's 14-year-old reaction to her "beauty" is just, well, 12-year-old-ish. <p>

a man in his 40's or 50's, at this juncture, would simply say to Karen: <p>

"We had many good years, and I will treasure them for ever. We produced two great kids, and we should both support and nurture them. but we will never grow old together, because that requires faith in each other, trust in one another... and a marriage and we have none of those things... this is not an angry assessment; it's been close to 2 years so the anger is gone; this is just an honest observation of reality... <p>

"I will support you in whatever you do, whatever decision you make, and I hope you do likewise. In the mean time, again, we simply need to love our kids as much as we can." <p>

Karen has found herself, or so she says. And that founding of the self, of herself, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. It has nothing to do with the fuckers who fucked her over and gave her --- and her husband --- diseases... <p>

Ray ALSO needs to find himself and it NEEDS to be outside of Karen, INDEPENDENT from her. In other words, he needs to get the fuck moving on! stop this 13-year-old puppy dog teary eyed nonsense...

shangoshangoover 15 years ago
Lazy writing

When you had "Kari Keener" go back (via her journal) why did you omit so many plot points.

1.Her constant and cosistent lies to pussyboy 2. Her badmouthing pussyboy at each and every opportunity 3. Her being "embarrassed" by pussyboy showing up at her office in dirty clothes 4. Threatening pussyboy "Keep this up and Ill give you something to be paranoid about" (in Pt1, I believe)5.After cheating on pussyboy, then getting attitude.6. Allowing Montrelll to get away and then clearing Montrell AND nearly getting husband arrested.

Oh, and the oldest, and LEAST legitimate, literary crutch of all "The Devil (or booze/drugs) made me do it."

I could go on and on, but you know for yourself that you wrote pussyboy to be pussywhipped (She's the ONLY woman he's ever slept with?) and for reconciliation to be a goal (at least in his mind). You have written some real winners Kathi, but now you're approaching Palles territory. You hate men, we get it. But could you give us a warning at the start of these train-wrecks?

orefinnorefinnover 15 years ago
I gave the story a second chance

After the second or third installment I commented that the story went "on and on and on ..." I found myself drawn back to this story and re-read it. Although I still get slightly frustrated by the length of the story, I am appreciative of the quality of the writing and the story-line.

First of all I would like to compliment Kathi on her mastery of the language and her ability to write well. Once I got past the lengthiness, I was able to appreciate the quality of Kathi's characters. Some have commented that Ray was not strong enough or that other characters lacked this or that. Well, who among us is a complete and perfect person?

I rated the story with a 75 but would probably have given it a 90 if that choice was available as I felt compelled to

to return to the story and keep reading. That says a lot about Kathi's writing ability.

shangoshangoover 15 years ago
One more thing

Is the daughter retarded? Why does she think making jokes about "Kari" picking up a Stud" is funny? Or does she prefer seeing pussyboy walk around in a daze and her brother heartbroken?

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
I would like to make it clear:

I really like this story – that’s why I voted 100%. However I feel it could be improved and could become even better so I’ll make a few remarks. Here are some story lines (not in particular order), which I’ve found somehow “shaky” so they can use some “polishing”: A) I don’t think it is very likely somebody without any professional experience (Karen/Kari) who is coming out from rehab after a heavy emotional and physical breakdown and being in a new, unknown place to be able to brake into the real estate business (or in any other business) in a way to “amass fortune”, let alone to become a partner in less than two years and took over the big deals …. while keeping strictly businesslike manners:-) B) Kari has played her sex-appeal card in front of Ray way too early. This is the way she used to act 2 years ago. If she has changed for good and really wants to win him back she has to show him she deserves that for other reasons before anything else. C) As a person who has been “very familiar” with all major alcoholic beverages for almost 20 years: it is impossible for somebody (who hasn’t been a drinker before) to become such a compulsive alcoholic just in a few months. To be more precise in 4 months or even less – she drank her 1st whole bottle of wine by the end of January (her 2nd week at the job) and by the end of May her alcoholic dependency was already completed. I do not know anything about “pills”, pot and other drugs (with those I assume it might be possible) but for “pure” alcohol only - no way whatsoever. D) Donna and Mike F are invited at Brian’s party. Ray is doing business with Mike and all that provided he (Ray) knows how/where his problems started and is aware about Mike’s role (don’t forget Mike was the 1st man who Ray caught his wife fooling with). How come? Ray’s story character doesn’t imply he would be able to meet on a regular basis with a person who at least witnessed his humiliation (if nothing else). E) I’m sure a lot of people have been expecting Donna to jump on Ray at her earliest convenience. She used to stalk him making hints about sex, she set up Karen with Trey and taped them but once she got the green light (Karen is out of site, Ray is doing business with her husband i.e. he’s readily available) all of sudden she lost interest and hasn’t done anything for almost 2 years. Strange. Anyway I think this story line is simply a dead end.

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
In addition to my previous post:

This remark is about a calendar discrepancy. The story should have started back in 2001, so the last part 5 took place in 2003. Do you remember on her way to Savannah, Kari stopped at Baton Rouge and met a young businessman (an ex-marine) who was working on rebuilding New Orleans and other hurricane devastated areas. I can’t recall any major disasters in New Orleans area in this period of time other than Katrina (however Katrina hit in 2005). Here is my reasoning: GMS introduced their Escalade to the market back in 1999 (correct me if I’m wrong). Since Karen bought one of those, apparently the story took place after that year. In part 2 we got a sequence of important dates for the Royals, all of them were in May: Friday 18th, Saturday 19th, Wednesday 23rd and Friday 25th (the trip to LV). Since 1999 we have had only 2 years that match the above sequence and they are 2001 and 2007 (see the calendar). We have to scratch 2007 right away though – 2 years from

May 2007 are in May 2009 but it is still January 2009 …….plus I really doubt somebody would have been able to make a fortune on the real state market for the last 2 years. So it is definitely 2001/2003 but again Katrina struck in 2005???

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 15 years ago
Writing was quite good, credibility so-so

It's a nice story and the writing is very good. But I have a problem with the idea that Ray would be such a sucker for his ex simply because she's good-looking and has a "v-string" under her slacks that shows when she bends over. Most men would in fact be annoyed at the obvious ploy; Karen (Kari) used her good looks and terrific body to move up in the business world, and that's what got her into trouble. Now she is obviously trying to win Ray back and even though she thinks to herself that she should not dress "too slutty," it's clear that she does just that. Two years might be enough for the pain to dull, maybe even enough for someone to forgive another their trespasses, but I don't believe for a second Ray would suddenly be in love with Karen again -- it has really happened too fast and it's not believable. Kari has made a lot of money and been to rehab so now she's respectable, she's different? All is forgiven? I agree with others who've commented that we are seeing the usual cop-out -- the pills and booze made me misbehave! Just look at the movie stars who act out like Kari, do their "de-tox" sessions (trying to avoid jail), and now everyone is supposed to forget what transpired? While it's very romantic, what really would any reader suspect might happen if Ray had drugged and fucked around and finally got caught by Karen -- does anyone really think she would just forgive him? Maybe she'd forgive after amputating his genitalia . . . We also must not forget that Latin lover only served 8 months, and Sean never served any jail time; I bed one or both would like to get even with the one(s) who told the cops about their activities. We already know Ray is a wimp and can't fight very well, so a home invasion would not surprise me -- Montrell already knows Ray is no match for him. There are lots of ways for this story to go, many of these are predictable, but I'm hoping the author will surprise us somewhere along the way. Thanks for writing.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 15 years ago
Interesting Story, But...

I don't understand Ray's character - once he got the letter from the Health Department, he should have exercised full disclosure with the kids and given her substance abuse problems kept them away from her. No responsible adult would allow his teenagers to not understand exactly what Karen did. In fact, I would have played the DVD's for them. <p>After the two years of basically rehab, I could understand Ray treating her as a friend with benefits, but a full reconcile? No way. Too many lies, too much betrayal. This author, however, has enough talent to write soap operas.

tastesgreattastesgreatover 15 years ago
Much Better!

I'm sure that Kathi has probably had her fill of people second guessing her story. As much as we as readers try not to, we always try and make these tales a real-life story. And doing so we want the characters to act as real people, but that just can't happen. Kathi, this section of the tale was really good! You are an excellent writer and keep things interesting. I hope there will be a conclusion to this tale so we can put to rest our guessing of what is or isn't going to happen. Thanks again....

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Please keep them coming you are a great athur....

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Romantic but disappointing

It was romantic, which I liked ; but it was disappointing because she blames drugs and booze for her descent into adultery. She badmouthed and insulted her husband at every opportunity, never once does she address her anger towards him when he called her on her behaviour. Neither does she answer how it can be proper to kiss another man and/or practically fuck him in their garage, in the living room, in the car. She blames drugs for the weekend in Vegas; but the truth was, she never made any attempt to escape it. The drugs and alcohol are simply an excuse for her to do what she wanted which was to cheat on her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Jumped the Shark

<p>This part is poorly written. Remember the framing device in part 1 (K is back in Savannah after 2.5 years and is meeting a woman for lunch); well the author forgot it. Here we have the lunch with her daughter and no tie in to the frame. </p><p> The one framing device that the author brings up in this part frames a bad story. K began her descent by buying a Cadillac Escalade without consulting her husband. So here we have her on the rebound. 1st she buys a small used car (Good move), but once she has money she makes the same mistakes. She buys fancy cars for son and daughter without consulting Ray. She buys another Escalade. Rather than flying to Savannah she drives the Escalade (even though it is uncomfortable for long trips). Perhaps the author is trying to show us how stupid K is (rubbing Ray's face via the Escalade, Spending extra money when she should have flown or rented a car with unlimited mileage), but it reads more like a product placement. </p> <p>Ray's role is no better. Just before sending the kids off to college he quits his job as a college professor. Many colleges have reciprocity agreements to cover tuition at other private schools so this would be a bad financial move. Then we find out he is designing McMansions for his wife's former real estate firm. Why would he consider any dealings other than a law suit against the firm where the principals knew drugs and extramarital sex were condoned? And he finds this work so fulfilling that he thinks he should thank K for getting him out of his rut??!</p> <p>This part prominently features the son and daughter, but not in a good way. The son is mercilessly picked on by the daughter yet the author calls it normal banter. The father is so worried about the role of his ex that he has no protective instincts? They know that K lied to all of them in the past; what is the basis for any trust? Instead all sides don't let the truth get in the way of their own stories. [There are no secret college athletic scholarships announced in May. The son who distrusts his mother deliberately picks a college close to her and far from Dad.]</p> <p>The author writes well, but in this part the incoherent storyline, and dumb, unlikeable characters kills the narrative.</p>

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
I’m curious

why some people tend to focus only on the story's flaws and cracks. Can you mention a book or a movie that doesn’t have any? Why don’t you focus on the good first?

Since somebody mentioned Tolstoy. For those who don’t know he re-wrote his "War and Peace" several times (some sources say 4 times, some other – 5). Anybody who has had a chance just to take this book in his/her hand will know what it should take. We got 5 extremely long parts of this story in 3 weeks. How do you expect everything to be perfect?

There are some exaggerations in every book or movie but this is what attracts people attention. Most of times our daily life is dull and boring and nobody writes about it

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
Ref to Jumped the Shark post:

A couple of clarifications:

Part 1 does say Karen/Kari was waiting to meet with her daughter. Here is a quote: "She could visualize that early morning so long ago and she let her mind wander as she recalled the events that led up to her waiting for her daughter in this restaurant on this important day". Karen's son doesn't have his own car yet - Karen bought a car just for her daughter and Brian took it for a ride a few times.

andy1hardyandy1hardyover 15 years ago
That does it!!!

I give Kathi an "A' for effort. There was a lot of thought given towards organizing and preparing a fictional story of such length. The quantity was there, however the quality is suspect. This world is a better place for NOT having people like this....thank God it was all imagined. But one day Kathi will create characters that will enamour us and provide a reality that truly exists. She's good but not for this tripe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Another Twist

I'd be surprised if there isn't anymore twists--2 more chapters to go

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
I tend to agree with the previous poster

Everything in part 5 went way too smooth and easy towards eventual reconciliation (a lot of people didn’t like it) so I feel it was a set up to prepare us for the next 2 parts.

clark3001clark3001over 14 years ago
Amazing !

I got very caught up with this part when the DVDs were watched, the pain and humiliation felt by Ray were too much to absorb and I had to stop reading further for sometime. And now the prospect of discovery of new love between Keri and Ray are making me look forward to the next 2 parts. You really deserve an 'A' for this story.

bigguy323bigguy323over 14 years ago
Reconciliation is BULLSHIT

NO WAY, NO HOW, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER. She should have died in the bathtub.

bigguy323bigguy323over 14 years ago
Reconciliation is BULLSHIT

NO WAY, NO HOW, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER. She should have died in the bathtub.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 12 years ago
Amazing . . .

. . . how well this tale of recovery is written. I fits with the stories in the last section of the big book. I read this one again this morning almost two years after first read. The impact is still as vivid, as soul reaching. Reading about Karen-Kari's dealing with her program, working with her sponsor, reliving her past and fulfilling her ninth step hits home. This may be a case of takes one to know one.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Loving it

five stars. Good to see you slowly rebuilding their love. It's like they are starting all over again.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
One more thought...

love how you started this chapter off, with it fast forwarding two years ahead.

loveoverlustloveoverlustabout 9 years ago

At least I hope so. I agree with the comments,things went too fast for comfort. I was hoping for a lot more emotional intensity. Anger & remorse with love/hate lurking behind.

Besides, Karen still doesn't seem to fully realize all the pain she has caused.

Oh well, 2 chapters to follow.

The trail of 5's continues.

dyonysosdyonysosabout 9 years ago
@ loveoverlust

The time in all of it happend was barely 4 months,of those four months the first she was a receptionist and nothing happend,two weeks in school so in fact she became addicted and changed her ways in barely two months,the coke addiction was just after two days in vegas,the timelapse is a bit short for all that happend and tells a lot of karens very weak and self destructing caracter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
This is obviously heading in the direction of a RAAC

And I already want to blow my brains out

“Wimpy Cuck Shit” indeed

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Argh. This is just some dribble to sell wives being selfish and horrible sluts

It is like the Chinese water torture. All of these are awful. Hubby is a weak and spineless fool. Wifey is just a slut wanting to have it all and have everything even after the horrible things she’s done. Stupid and ridiculous

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm sorry you only good 4 stars for this one from me and in the bit disappointed.

The sheriff mauer the emotional trauma he experienced but literally if hes around but who literally if hes a rational sin he remained not allow him to behave the way hes depicted in the story.

His daughter's behavior is absolutely deplorable and insensitive.

If both the children have seen one of those videotapes I can assure everyone here that this story would not be taking the direction that it is. Furthermore the daughter's absolutely ridiculous she keeps shoving them together and rubbing their affair in their face by calling them love birds it's really terrible and I felt like slapping her silly.

I give her points for Her addiction rehabilitation efforts that took a lot of strength and is admirable. That she shall briefly tossed off her unknowing a knowing disbelief of the turmoil he went through and that she was surprised he went through counseling is incredible. How could you be a sensitive human being and not realized that sure destructive force of what she had leashed upon him?

You did a superb job of unfolding the emotional issues of this kind of disastrous relationship relationships however you've really crumpled your story in this last chapter and rather disappointed in you.

There might be a reconciliation down-the-line but a brief after gone 2 years return to home and everything is starting to be forgotten and forgiven is just not possible.

Please give your reader little more credit Than that. We're willing to flow with a little disbelief for a bit but you're really stretching it it beyond his limits. If you will read the section you'll see I think we're all talking about.

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 1 year ago
Really well done.

You write dialogue really well, both interior and exterior dialogue. You’re also really good with emotions, and understanding recovery.

Your plot is absolutely not out of bounds, and I can really imagine it truly happening with the right people.

You, of course, understand that a lot of the readers who denigrate your work are reacting negatively to the possibility of happiness. Many of them are miserable, and don’t want anyone else to be to feel better.

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