Lisa's Dares - The Strip Club


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"I see. You, uh, married?"

"No. I share him with my ex. He's babysitting for me tonight."

I've heard of single mom strippers, but never met one before, Doug thought. He learned more facts about Andrea while they talked. She was thirty and her son was ten. Rick's was at its usual crowd levels tonight, though it got busier on weekends. The dancers moved between the stages and lounge floor on a rotating schedule the DJ maintained.

"We have to be ready to go on stage at a moment's notice," Andrea said. "If we're in the back doing something personal for a customer, we get taken out of rotation. Switch is after each song."

"If you need to get up, just let me know." Doug recalled what his high school buddy Yoshi had told him about his Uncle Goro managing two cabaret clubs in Osaka. "You'll also have to leave if another customer requests you, I suppose."

"Yes. You from overseas?"

"I lived in Taiwan a few years. I picked up the accent there. My stepfather's an Italian diplomat." Doug answered other questions the dancer asked him. Yes, he was studying at UT. He was a liberal arts major and also worked security part time in the club district and at various shopping centers and apartment complexes. "I contract with a company called Protective Services, they're not too bad. They like to rotate me around, I've been with them since July."

"Nice. You look great tonight."

"You as well. Excuse me." He got up and tipped the dancer who had displayed the gymnastic skill by tossing two dollars at her before she went offstage, then returned to the table. "I had to do that."

"It's fine."

He slipped her a twenty also. "I know you'll want this sooner or later. Thanks for sitting with me."

"No problem. I like chatting with smart men."

She complimented him many times during the rest of their conversation. Doug couldn't tell if they were sincere or it was all an act. He was easier to talk with than most customers, or so she claimed. Andrea worked at the club because she craved connections with people. Yes, she felt one with Doug. She showed him various Hispanic phrases displayed on her body and translated them for him. Her ex's name, her son's name, various proverbs and promises of lust. Andrea wasn't sure what she wanted to do after stripping, she didn't want to do it too much longer. She was frustrated with too many customers wanting only one thing- it was obvious what that was. Doug wished her luck making up her mind. She asked if he liked his sandwich. Yes, it was okay. She usually ate salmon or steak. "Maybe I'll order that next time." Doug also complimented her dress. She thanked him and continued to sit at his table for several minutes. Doug found he liked her even if she made him slightly uneasy. Doug finished his food, then pushed the plate aside.

"I suppose I better get a personal dance from you before you get otherwise occupied," he said to Andrea, looking around. "Is there a special area for them?" No one was enjoying such a dance on the floor that he could see.

"In the back," Andrea replied, standing up. "I'll show you. You pay for dances there, it's a bit lopsided."

"Okay." Doug followed her to a kiosk near the restrooms where a middle-aged black man manned a register while a tough-looking gray-bearded bouncer in the same uniform as the doorman looked on. Doug handed the man at the register thirty dollars when prompted, noticing he gave ten to Andrea. She slipped it into a small purse.

Andrea then led him to one of eight padded booths behind the register. The others were unoccupied. "Before we start this," Doug asked, "what are your rules here? Can I touch you?"

"Yes, it's fine." She smiled at him and directed him to sit down. "Only with hands, above the waist or on my ass. Do you like my ass?"

"It's nice," Doug said after she shook it at him. "How long do we do this?"

"One song. I'm keeping time. Wait a few seconds." The song ended and the DJ announced a new pair of ladies on stage. "Now."

Andrea moved near him, slipping out of her camisole with practiced ease. She was naked beneath except for her thong and heels. Doug eyed her body instinctively- her dark nipples were prominent and visibly aroused. She kept her thong on, hiding her pussy. Her legs were visibly shaved and shone in the dim light along with her various tattoos.

Doug relaxed in his seat while Andrea danced close to him facing the other direction. The song was too soft for him to make out the words- he guessed that the louder announcements the DJ made to introduce the dancers were her cue to stop. Her body was a few inches from his, then right on top of him. Doug was overwhelmed by her warmth and the fruity smell of her perfume.

She reached back and probed for his hands, whispering, "Go ahead, touch me."

He moved his hands so she could find them, let her direct them to her breasts. Doug decided to use light roving touches, not linger in any area. He also would not squeeze or pinch- he guessed she would call the bouncer if he did something she didn't like. He rubbed her breasts, then moved to stroke her stomach. Her nipples were soft under his palms. Andrea's skin was moist and warm. His hands slid over it easily.

She rubbed her body with her rear, then turned around and danced close to him face to face. Doug continued to rub her torso with her encouragement. He also moved his hands to her back muscles- a bit tense, he noted. He almost wanted to massage them, but didn't know if she'd like that. There also wasn't time to do a proper job. His hands wandered down to stroke her ass- it was nice, and he wanted to touch it. She did not mind when his hands brushed her upper thighs- he couldn't quite keep up with her movements.

Andrea turned around again, rubbing her rear against his crotch. Doug felt himself growing hard. She was warm, smiling, breathing rapidly. She seemed to be enjoying his touches very much- or maybe it was another act, he could not tell.

Suddenly Andrea stopped moving, turned to face him, and smiled. "Did you enjoy that?"

Doug heard the DJ start speaking and realized the song was over. She has a better ear for the music than me, he thought. "Yes," he laughed. "That was over pretty fast."

"Yeah," she agreed. "It was nice, though." She cocked her head and grinned. "I don't give out my number, but I will accept yours."

Doug decided not to give it to her. He didn't want to get involved with a single mother at the moment, let alone explain Lisa to her. He handed her another twenty instead. "That's ok. Thank you."

"Thank you. See you around, Doug." She stepped away from him, picked up her camisole and slipped it on again, then walked out of the booth area.

Doug composed himself, smoothed a few wrinkles in his clothes. His hard-on went down easily with thoughts of bad poetry. The bouncer nodded at him as he exited the booth.

After returning the nod, Doug decided to look around the club a bit more. Lisa said she wanted me to do at least two more dances, he remembered. And I still have money.

He moved past the back bar, noticed a poker table with a black woman in a tan bustier and trousers dealing cards. Two customers were looking at their hands and counting chips. "Twenty bucks for three hands," the dealer said when he asked.

"Any prizes for winning?"

"No, it's only virtual."

"Then I'll pass, thanks. Where's the restroom?"

"Over there, sir."

The men's room was clean as the rest of the club. It featured three urinals, two sinks, and two toilets. Doug noted that the women's room was on the opposite side of the lounge rather than next door.

"Nice place, huh?" said a man in a yellow suit washing his hands. "I'm glad they have toilets in here!"

"Yeah," Doug laughed along. "Probably a good idea when serving food and booze."

"I went to this Bring Your Own Beer place once that only had urinals. Didn't want to stay there long. They were clearly exploiting me! Entice guys with sex, then take advantage of them! The nerve!"

"I can imagine." Doug moved away from the man, who seemed a bit drunk. He used one of the urinals, washed his hands, then returned to the lounge.

The dancers on stage were a busty blonde- not the one he had seen in heavy demand by the customers earlier- and a slim brunette girl with high cheekbones. Both were wearing black lace lingerie. Doug glanced around, then stood and watched them for a while. The brunette displayed similar gymnastics skills to the girl with the red dyed hair earlier. Doug applauded for her. He then spotted Lisa at the bar nearest the entrance talking to two dancers and a middle-aged dark-haired and mustached man in a suit Doug guessed was a manager. Doug moved close carefully to listen in.

"We start at ten dollars an hour, with benefits available if you work thirty-two hours a week or more," the manager was telling Lisa. "Minimum four hour shifts. You can keep all your tips plus a third of the fee for every dance or other private engagement you earn. Someone will split out your cut. Dress like you see the other ladies, keep your thong and shoes on at all times."

Lisa nodded, smiling. "What's your policy on dances for female customers?"

"We allow them, though we get mostly male customers. Individual dancer's decision. Not many of our dancers accept requests from women, actually. You would?"

"Depending on the woman, yes."

The manager smiled. "You can accept or reject service from any customer, your choice. We allow you to set your own touch policy also, although there is a universal rule against penetration or visible marks. Let security know if you don't like a customer. We gladly eject them, no refunds, if they do something staff doesn't like."

"Good to know. What about medical exams?"

"We'll cover one every three months if you work full time. No coverage for part-timers. If I may say, you look great and we'd love to have you here."

"Thanks. I'll spend a while longer here taking things in, then let you know." Lisa sipped her soda and turned away.

Doug wondered when she'd come inside. He approached each stage and laid down two one dollar bills, exchanged smiles with the dancers, then sat at a table near the back. It wasn't long before a dark-skinned Hispanic girl in a red lace dress approached him. She was quite beautiful, taller and younger than Andrea with more curves and fewer tattoos. "Hello, sir," she said in a Caribbean accent. "My name is Luna. May I sit with you?"

"Yes," Doug welcomed her. "I'm Doug Ramsay." He chatted with Luna a bit. She had a bubbly extroverted personality, though it was obvious she didn't speak English that well. I would love it if this girl was my second dance, he mused. She reminds me of some girls I met back when I was overseas. "Where are you from?"

"I am from Cuba."

"Ah, did your family leave because of Castro?"

"I was young, I do not remember. Is this your first time here?" She was leaning close to him and smiling. Doug wondered if Andrea had told her about him.

"Yes," he said. The dress was revealing enough for him to make out large brown nipples and a pearl belly stud, he noticed with quick glances before returning his attention to her face. "Luna, that's a nice name. Do you know the origin of this place's name? It also came from a person in a foreign land, a movie about such a man actually."


"Yeah. Early 1940s award-winning film called Casablanca. Rick was the main character played by Humphrey Bogart. He owns a similar club in Morocco and his former girlfriend visits with her husband fleeing the Nazis. They rekindle their flame a bit, but she stays with her husband. He encourages it, seeing she loves him more. He helps them escape some bad guys. 'You're getting on that plane, Ilsa.' I think he'd like this place."

"Have you seen this movie?"

"I have, it's great." Doug decided to go straight to business. The girl would hang out with him as long as she could, but he felt eager to enjoy closer company with her. "Would you give me a private dance?"

"Yes, sir." Luna took his hand and led him to the booth area. The cashier did not visibly react to seeing him again so soon.

"What are your rules?" Doug asked Luna as she guided him to a seat. "Can I touch you?"

"Yes, please." She shrugged her dress off, displaying an expanse of tanned skin and a pink thong.

Doug relaxed as Luna timed herself with the song, then moved in on him. As Andrea had, she started with her back facing him, then turned around twice. She accepted his hands on her breasts, back, and rear. Doug moved them without prompting this time. She constantly asked if he was enjoying himself and if he liked her warm body. He said yes to both. Luna seemed more into the dancing than Andrea, and her body felt firmer too. Her nipples were aroused against his palms but not completely hard. She moved close to his lips several times during the dance, but never let them touch her. Doug concentrated on taking in the sight of her and breathing in her heady scent. At the same time, he admired her dancing skill which exceeded her command of English.

Luna felt his crotch near the end and smiled at his hardness. Doug could feel himself more aroused by his second dance. Luna was also more his type than Andrea had been. He appreciated her youth, bubbly personality, and exotic feel.

Before he knew it, the dance was over. Doug sighed heavily as he watched Luna step away from him and pull her dress back up. "Thank you," he said, and handed her a twenty. "It's not as much as I tipped my first dance, she was with me longer. Sorry."

"It is fine, thank you." She tucked the money away in a purse, then returned to the lounge.

Doug followed after composing himself. The manager was talking with the booth area cashier. "Enjoying yourself, sir?" he asked.

"I am," Doug confirmed, "thank you." He moved out of the dance area back towards the lounge. Two dancers he didn't recognize were on stage, both Hispanic. Lisa was talking to the poker dealer. She smiled in his direction and cocked her head. Doug waved back, holding up two fingers. Lisa nodded and looked away. A slim brunette Caucasian girl in a blue cotton bikini approached him before he could do anything else.

"Hello, sir," she said in a haughty tone. "What's your name?"

"Doug," he said, feeling a bit disturbed by her expression and how close she was standing to him. She had not even waited for him to sit at a table. Her golden eyes made him think of a predatory animal. She was eyeing him like one too. "What's yours?"

"Camellia. Would you like a dance?"

"Uh, sure, I appreciate initiative." Doug found Camellia alluring, though her personality bothered him. Dancing with her as she demanded seemed the best way to get rid of her fast.

He reviewed his cash stock mentally. There was enough for one more private dance, possibly two if he didn't tip Camellia as much as he had the other girls. He decided to do that at once, and he would pick the last dancer if possible.

"What are your rules on touching?" he asked as Camellia directed him to sit down and removed her bikini top.

"You can't touch me," she hissed, pointing a finger for emphasis. "Though if you want a private room, I might allow it."

Okay, Doug thought, this girl is definitely not someone I'd normally date. Too selfish, not a giver of pleasure. I'll accept a dance from her since I already paid for it, but I'm glad I decided to skimp on the tip.

Camellia moved her body as close to his as Luna had, smiling suggestively but always with an air of superiority. She mumbled a strange chant that Doug could not decipher, as if she were hearing a voice she alone could perceive. Doug felt himself aroused by her, but kept his hands on the booth wall. She never quite touched him, only moved close and then quickly away. Camellia's nipples were pink and visibly hard in response to her constantly tweaking them. She had a spider tattoo on her left thigh and a twisted spool of barbed wire on her lower back.

"You'll really like a private room with me," she told him while moving. "Not being able to touch me, I can tell it causes you pain. Is it... excruciating?"

"Not really," Doug said, shaking his head. "And I'm on a budget tonight. I'm almost out of cash too."

"We have an ATM. The fee is low."

"That's okay, thanks."

She was jiggling her breasts and ass close to him, really demanding his attention. Doug felt unsettled even though she was easy on the eyes. "Come on, sir," Camellia purred. "You want more, yes? I am helpful, am I not?"

Doug nodded to be polite, but remained still. He wanted to get away from this woman as quickly as he could. He could sense something dark behind her obvious facade.

The song ended, and he sighed in relief when Camellia frowned and stood still.

"Here," he said, handing her three of his ones. "You probably heard I tipped the last two girls more, but like I said, I'm short on cash. Sorry."

"I have more to show you if you want a private room," she purred.

"No thanks. You're a bit overly aggressive. I feel like you're taking advantage of me."

"That's the point of places like this."

"Not for everyone. Excuse me." He stood up, walked around her, and exited the booth area, trying to relax. He could hear Camellia's loud pout from behind him.

It was easier to regain his composure once he got back to the bar. Doug ordered a cold soda, paid for it, and sipped it while looking around. He did not see Lisa anywhere. The manager was assisting the front bartender- a few more customers had drifted in. Andrea and Luna were on stage dancing around the poles.

The same waitress who had served his food earlier walked by. Doug eyed her up and down, appreciating her voluptuous figure and visible rouged nipples. "Hi," he called out to her, "what's your name?"

"Nicole," she said in a soft voice.

"Hi, I'm Doug. Would you like to dance with me?" He felt like getting the last dance he could afford soon to make up for Camellia.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm a waitress. I'm not allowed to accept dances."

"Ah, I didn't know, thanks. Have a good night." He tried not to look too disappointed as she walked away.

He finished his soda, then walked back into the main lounge area. Most of the dancers were occupied with other customers and Doug decided not to risk trouble by approaching them. A few others were checking their phones or not looking his way. He spotted the slim brunette dancer with the cheekbones he'd noticed earlier at one table. She was alone, wearing a sleek purple evening gown with a plunging neckline, and smiling at him.

I like the looks of this girl, Doug thought, then walked over to her. "Hi, my name is Doug. What's your name?"

"I'm Carly. Thanks for the tip earlier."

"No problem, Glad you noticed."

"Are you looking for another dance?"

His heart pounded at her words. It was an easy decision. "Yeah. I'll make you a deal. You're my last dance for tonight's visit here. I'll give you the rest of my cash afterwards. Okay?"

"Sure, honey. Come on."

She seems nicer than Camellia, Doug thought as they moved to the booth area. She's prettier too. "What are your rules on touching?"

"You're fine to touch me if you want." She smiled wider and his heart leapt. "Above the waist and on the ass only, no kissing, pinching, or penetration."

"Got it. Thanks."

As before, he handed money to the cashier and sat down where directed. Carly's dress hit the floor and she moved close to him in her thong and shoes. Doug relaxed and readied himself for the by-now familiar routine.

His final dance in the club was the most memorable. Carly danced as close to him as Luna had, and even more energetically. Her breasts fit perfectly in his hands, the hard pink nipples twitching as he felt them. Doug found himself reluctant to caress the rest of her body, but willed himself to do so. Her muscles were well-sculpted, her flesh warmer than either of the previous two dancers he'd felt up. Carly ground her ass on his thigh, briefly ran her fingers over his crotch. She did not speak with words, only a bright smile. Nevertheless Doug felt his senses overwhelmed by the scent and feel of her. The song carried a catchy bass beat and he could hear it better than before. He melded the sight of Carly into his mind, caressed her body as she moved close to him. He kept looking her up and down- her heaving breasts, shaking curves, and smiling face. Her face seemed as happy as his throughout the dance.